39 resultados para 99m
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
OBJECTIVE: To assess the prognostic value of Technetium-99m-labeled single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) in the follow-up of patients who had undergone their first myocardial revascularization. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective study of 280 revascularized patients undergoing myocardial scintigraphy under stress (exercise or pharmacological stress with dipyridamole) and at rest according to a 2-day protocol. A set of clinical, stress electrocardiographic and scintigraphic variables was assessed. Cardiac events were classified as "major" (death, infarction, unstable angina) and "any" (major event or coronary angioplasty or new myocardial revascularization surgery). RESULTS: Thirty-six major events occurred as follows: 3 deaths, 11 infarctions, and 22 unstable anginas. In regard to any event, 22 angioplasties and 7 new surgeries occurred in addition to major events, resulting a total of 65 events. The sensitivity of scintigraphy in prognosticating a major event or any event was, respectively, 55% and 58%, showing a negative predictive value of 90% and 83%, respectively. Diabetes mellitus, inconclusive stress electrocardiography, and a scintigraphic visualization of left ventricular enlargement were significant variables for the occurrence of a major event. On multivariate analysis, abnormal myocardial scintigraphy was a predictor of any event. CONCLUSION: Myocardial perfusion tomography with Technetium-99m may be used to identify high-risk patients after their first myocardial revascularization surgery.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical significance of transient ischemic dilation of the left ventricle during myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with stress/rest sestamibi. METHODS: The study retrospectively analyzed 378 patients who underwent myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with stress/rest sestamibi, 340 of whom had a low probability of having ischemia and 38 had significant transient defects. Transient ischemic dilation was automatically calculated using Autoquant software. Sensitivity, specificity, and the positive and negative predictive values were established for each value of transient ischemic dilation. RESULTS: The values of transient ischemic dilation for the groups of low probability and significant transient defects were, respectively, 1.01 ± 0.13 and 1.18 ± 0.17. The values of transient ischemic dilation for the group with significant transient defects were significantly greater than those obtained for the group with a low probability (P<0.001). The greatest positive predictive values, around 50%, were obtained for the values of transient ischemic dilation above 1.25. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that transient ischemic dilation assessed using the stress/rest sestamibi protocol may be useful to separate patients with extensive myocardial ischemia from those without ischemia.
OBJETIVO: Estabelecer a correlação da cintilografia de perfusão do miocárdio (CPM) com Tecnécio 99m-MIBI (MIBI) e injeção de adenosina, empregando a angiografia coronária quantitativa (ACQ) e o ultra-som intracoronário (UIC) como comparação. MÉTODOS: Estudo de 70 pacientes com doença arterial coronária (DAC), encaminhados à CPM com MIBI e adenosina. As manifestações clínicas, do eletrocardiograma (ECG) e os resultados das imagens foram correlacionadas às variáveis da análise visual e quantitativa da angiografia, bem como ao UIC. RESULTADOS: A média de idades foi de 60,6 anos, com 39 pacientes do sexo masculino. A angiografia coronária evidenciou estenose do diâmetro da luz (E%) de 49,94% em 105 artérias, com reavaliação à ACQ em 83 artérias (79%) e média de 44,20%, p<0,05. Infradesnível de ST durante adenosina associou-se a maiores graus de E% (55,0% vs 47,8%), p<0,05). A isquemia cintilográfica correlacionou-se a maior área porcentual de obstrução da luz pelo UIC (AO%). Os achados clínicos, do ECG e das imagens foram considerados em conjunto e expressos como respostas globais isquêmicas versus não-isquêmicas . A isquemia associou-se a menores valores do diâmetro mínimo da luz (DML) e da área mínima da luz (AML), obtidos à ACQ e ao UIC. CONCLUSÃO: A cintilografia do miocárdio com 99mTc-MIBI e adenosina correlaciona-se à AO% ao UIC, considerando-se as imagens de perfusão. Na avaliação dos resultados globais da prova observa-se associação com os diâmetros e as áreas da luz nos locais de obstrução, obtidos à ACQ e ao UIC.
FUNDAMENTO: A doença cardiovascular é a principal causa de morte em diabéticos, tornando-se primordial a identificação dos indivíduos sob maior risco de eventos cardiovasculares. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o valor prognóstico da cintilografia miocárdica de perfusão com " gated SPECT" em pacientes com diabete melito (DM) e suspeita clínica de doença arterial coronariana. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo envolvendo 232 pacientes diabéticos submetidos à cintilografia miocárdica com " gated SPECT" . Foram avaliados os parâmetros da cintilografia de perfusão (escores e número de segmentos alterados) e da função ventricular (fração de ejeção, volumes e contratilidade do ventrículo esquerdo). Foram considerados eventos cardiovasculares futuros ocorrência de óbito cardíaco, síndrome coronariana isquêmica aguda, procedimentos de revascularização ou acidente vascular encefálico. Foi realizada a análise uni e multivariada pelo modelo de regressão logística múltipla (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: Estiveram associados com desfechos futuros na análise univariada: idade (p=0,02); angina de peito (p=0,01); tratamento com insulina (p=0,02); anormalidades na perfusão miocárdica (p<0,0001); número de segmentos envolvidos (p=0,0001); escores de perfusão (p=0,0001); fração de ejeção (p=0,004); volume sistólico final (p=0,03) e achado de alteração segmentar na contratilidade do VE (p<0,0001). Na análise multivariada, o sexo masculino (p=0,007), a idade (p=0,03), a angina (p=0,001), o uso de insulina (p=0,007) e o SDS > 3 (p=0,0001) e o número de segmentos alterados > 3 (p=0,0001) foram preditores de eventos. CONCLUSÃO: A cintilografia miocárdica com " gated SPECT" adiciona informações independentes para a estratificação do risco de eventos cardiovasculares futuros em pacientes com diabete melito e suspeita de doença arterial coronariana.
FUNDAMENTO: O infarto do miocárdio perioperatório (IMPO) é uma complicação da cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM) com potencial impacto prognóstico. A cintilografia miocárdica (CM) com pirofosfato marcado com tecnécio-99m é utilizada no diagnóstico de IMPO, mas demonstra limitada sensibilidade para lesões subendocárdicas. A ressonância magnética cardiovascular (RMC), por sua vez, detém alta acurácia para a detecção de necrose miocárdica. OBJETIVO: Comparar a RMC e a CM para a detecção de IMPO após CRM. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 24 pacientes portadores de doença arterial coronária crônica, com a técnica de realce tardio pela RMC e com a CM, antes e depois da CRM, analisando-se o surgimento de áreas de necrose miocárdica perioperatória (IMPO). Mensuraram-se também marcadores bioquímicos de lesão miocárdica (CKMB e troponina I), antes e depois da cirurgia. RESULTADOS: Dezenove pacientes completaram o estudo. Desses, 6 (32%) apresentaram IMPO à RMC, e 4 (21%) à CM (p = NS). Dos 323 segmentos do ventrículo esquerdo avaliados, 17 (5,3%) exibiram necrose perioperatória à RMC, e 7 (2,2%) à CM (p = 0,013). Observou-se moderada concordância entre os métodos (kappa = 0,46), havendo divergência, quanto ao diagnóstico de IMPO, em 4 (21%) casos, a maioria com pequenas áreas de necrose perioperatória à RMC, não visualizadas à CM. Em todos os casos com IMPO à RMC, houve elevação significativa de CKMB e troponina I. CONCLUSÃO: Houve moderada concordância diagnóstica entre os métodos para a detecção de IMPO, mas a RMC permitiu a visualização de pequenas áreas de necrose miocárdica perioperatória, não identificadas pela CM e associadas à elevação de marcadores bioquímicos de lesão miocárdica.
FUNDAMENTO: A seleção de pacientes com doença coronariana crônica para recanalização baseia-se na detecção do miocárdio comprometido, potencialmente viável. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o miocárdio isquêmico, potencialmente viável pelo SPECT com MIBI sensibilizado por nitroglicerina em dose máxima tolerada. MÉTODOS: Investigamos de forma prospectiva, de abril de 2004 a novembro de 2005, pela tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único SPECT com Tc-99m (MIBI), 40 pacientes (média etária 62 ± 8,9 anos, 30 homens) com obstrtução coronariana demonstrada angiograficamente, e a cintilografia miocárdica foi realizada em repouso e com nitroglicerina endovenosa (EV), iniciando com a dose (1 µg/kg/min) e incremento a cada minuto, até a queda da pressão arterial sistólica em 20 mmHg. A redução da perfusão dos segmentos foi classificada em moderada e severa, e comparada depois da nitroglicerina. Analisamos as variáveis angiográficas, hemodinâmicas e de perfusão miocárdica. RESULTADOS: Analisamos 680 segmentos miocárdicos em repouso: 538 com distribuição homogênea e 142 com hipoperfusão (54 com redução moderada e 88 severa). Depois da nitroglicerina, ocorreu aumento da perfusão em 19 (47,5%) de 40 pacientes. Tornaram-se viáveis 55 de 142 segmentos: 33 (61,1%) com redução moderada e 22 (25%) com redução severa, ambos apresentaram aumento significativo da distribuição do radiofármaco (p < 0,001, qui-quadrado). CONCULSÃO: Dos componentes com Tc-99m, está incluído o Tc-99m-2-methoxy-isobutil-isonitrila (MIBI) que, utilizado com dose otimizada de nitroglicerina EV, pode aumentar a captação do radiofármaco em áreas com hipoperfusão moderada e severa. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem aumento da sensibilidade do Tc-99m (MIBI) pela nitroglicerina para detecção de miocárdio viável.
Technetium-99m (99mTc) is a radionuclide that has negligible enviromnental impact, is easily available, inexpensive and can be used as a radioactive tracer in biological experiences. In order to know the mode of action of sodium phenobarbital in moving adult Schistosoma mansoni worms from mesenteric veins to the liver, we labelled sodium phenobarbital (PBBT) with 99mTc and a biodistribution study in infected and non-infected Swiss mice was performed. The PBBT was incubated with stannous chloride used as reducing agent and with 99mTc, as sodium pertechnetate. The radioactivity labelling (%) was determined by paper ascending chromatography perfomed with acetone (solvent). The 99mTc-PBBT was administered by intraperitoneal route to Swiss mice infected eight weeks before. The animals were perfused after diferent periods of time (0,1,2,3,4 hr) when blood, spleen, liver, portal vein, mesenteric veins, stomach, kidneys and adult worms were isolated. The radioactivity present in these samples was counted in a well counter and the percentage was determined. The radioactivity was mainly taken up by the blood, kidney, liver and spleen. No radioactivity was found on the adult worms. We concluded that the worm shift was due to an action on the host of the sodium phenobarbital
Radiofármacos marcados com tecnécio-99m são os principais agentes para diagnósticos utilizados nas clínicas de medicina nuclear, em função de uma série de características físicas do radionuclídeo e pela praticidade dos radiofármacos serem preparados no local de uso, por meio de uma reação de complexação entre um agente complexante (fármaco) e o tecnécio-99m. Entretanto, durante esta reação podem ser geradas algumas impurezas que proporcionam a formação de produtos com baixa qualidade ou com características diferentes das desejadas. No presente trabalho serão apresentados alguns dos fatores que podem interferir na qualidade dos radiofármacos e os controles que podem ser utilizados para garantir sua qualidade.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar processos inflamatórios na articulação temporomandibular empregando leucócitos autólogos marcados com tecnécio-99m hexametilpropilenoaminooxima (99mTc-HMPAO). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi utilizado um modelo experimental de indução de artrite na articulação temporomandibular de dez coelhos machos da raça Nova Zelândia, por meio da injeção intra-articular de ovalbumina na articulação temporomandibular esquerda de cada animal. Para controle, na articulação contralateral foi injetada solução salina. Após a marcação dos leucócitos com 99mTc-HMPAO e injeção endovenosa deste complexo nos coelhos, imagens cintilográficas foram obtidas. RESULTADOS: Observou-se captação aumentada dos 99mTc-HMPAO-leucócitos na articulação temporomandibular esquerda quando comparada à direita. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando-se o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa dos valores das contagens por minuto de radioatividade, relativos à articulação inflamada quando comparados aos valores obtidos na articulação contralateral (p = 0,0073). CONCLUSÃO: O método empregando leucócitos autólogos marcados com 99mTc-HMPAO é capaz de identificar focos inflamatórios de forma precoce e precisa, o que poderá contribuir na conduta terapêutica dos pacientes, antes que alterações estruturais sejam instaladas.
Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb) is a phytotherapeutic agent used for the treatment of ischemic and neurological disorders. Because the action of this important extract is not fully known, assays using different biological systems need to be performed. Red blood cells (RBC) are labeled with technetium-99m (Tc-99m) and used in nuclear medicine. The labeling depends on a reducing agent, usually stannous chloride (SnCl2). We assessed the effect of different concentrations of EGb on the labeling of blood constituents with Tc-99m, as sodium pertechnetate (3.7 MBq), and on the mobility of a plasmid DNA treated with SnCl2 (1.2 µg/ml) at room temperature. Blood was incubated with EGb before the addition of SnCl2 and Tc-99m. Plasma (P) and RBC were separated and precipitated with trichloroacetic acid, and soluble (SF-P and SF-RBC) and insoluble (IF-P and IF-RBC) fractions were isolated. The plasmid was incubated with Egb, SnCl2 or EGb plus SnCl2 and agarose gel electrophoresis was performed. The gel was stained with ethidium bromide and the DNA bands were visualized by fluorescence in an ultraviolet transilluminator system. EGb decreased the labeling of RBC, IF-P and IF-RBC. The supercoiled form of the plasmid was modified by treatment with SnCl2 and protected by 40 mg/ml EGb. The effect of EGb on the tested systems may be due to its chelating action with the stannous ions and/or pertechnetate or to the capability to generate reactive oxygen species that could oxidize the stannous ion.
The distribution of creatinine, one of the toxic guanidine compounds, in various tissues has not been studied in detail by using radiolabeled creatinine. Our objective was to investigate the biodistribution of creatinine labeled with 99m technetium (99mTc) by the stannous (II) chloride method in healthy male Wistar rats. Quality controls were carried out by radio thin layer chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, and paper electrophoresis. The labeling yield was 85 ± 2% under optimum conditions (pH 7 and 100 µg stannous chloride). Rats (N = 12) were injected intravenously with 99mTc-creatinine and their blood and visceral organs were evaluated for 99mTc-creatinine uptake as percent of the injected dose per gram wet weight of each tissue (%ID/g). The lowest amount of uptake was detected in the brain and testis. When the rate of uptake was evaluated, only the kidney showed increasing rates of uptake of 99mTc-creatinine throughout the study. Kidneys showed the highest amount of uptake throughout the study (P < 0.001 compared to all other organs), followed by liver, spleen and lung tissue.
Knowledge of the radiochemical purity of radiopharmaceuticals is mandatory and can be evaluated by several methods and techniques. Planar chromatography is the technique normally employed in nuclear medicine since it is simple, rapid and usually of low cost. There is no standard system for the chromatographic technique, but price, separation efficiency and short time for execution must be considered. We have studied an alternative system using common chromatographic stationary phase and alcohol or alcohol:chloroform mixtures as the mobile phase, using the lipophilic radiopharmaceutical [99mTc(MIBI)6]+ as a model. Whatman 1 modified phase paper and absolute ethanol, Whatman 1 paper and methanol:chloroform (25:75), Whatman 3MM paper and ethanol:chloroform (25:75), and the more expensive ITLC-SG and 1-propanol:chloroform (10:90) were suitable systems for the direct determination of radiochemical purity of [99mTc(MIBI)6]+ since impurities such as99mTc-reduced-hydrolyzed (RH),99mTcO4- and [99mTc(cysteine)2]-complex were completely separated from the radiopharmaceutical, which moved toward the front of chromatographic systems while impurities were retained at the origin. The time required for analysis was 4 to 15 min, which is appropriate for nuclear medicine routines.
PURPOSE: Preservation of the anal sphincter in surgery for cancer of the distal rectum in an attempt to avoid colostomy has been a main concern of colorectal surgeons. Various proposed procedures contradict oncological principles, especially with respect to pelvic lymphadenectomy. Therefore, prior knowledge of pelvic lymph node involvement is an important factor in choosing the operative technique, i.e., radical or conservative resection. Introduction of ultrasound, computerized tomography, and magnetic resonance have made preoperative study of the area possible. Nevertheless, these resources offer information of an anatomical nature only. Lymphoscintigraphy enables the morphological and functional evaluation of the pelvic area and contributes toward complementing the data obtained with the other imaging techniques. The objective of this prospective study is twofold: to standardize the lymphoscintigraphy technique and to use it to differentiate patients with rectal cancer from those with other coloproctologic diseases. CASUISTIC AND METHODS: Sixty patients with various coloproctologic diseases were studied prospectively. Ages ranged from 21 to 96 years (average, 51 and median, 55 years). Twenty-six patients were male and 34 were female. Thirty patients had carcinoma of the distal rectum as diagnosed by proctologic and anatomic-pathologic examinations, 20 patients had hemorrhoids, 5 had chagasic megacolon, 2 had diverticular disease, 2 had neoplasm of the right colon, and 1 had ulcerative colitis as diagnosed by proctologic exam and/or enema. The lymphoscintigraphy method consisted of injecting 0.25 mL of a dextran solution marked with radioactive technetium-99m into the right and left sides of the perianal region and obtaining images with a gamma camera. The results were analyzed statistically with a confidence level of 95% (P < .05) using the following statistical techniques: arithmetic and medium average, Fisher exact test, chi-square test corrected for continuity according to Yates, and distribution tables for the number of patients. RESULTS: In rectal cancer, the tracer progresses unilaterally or is absent; in other patients, the progress of the tracer is bilateral and symmetrical, although its progress may be slow. Statistical tests showed with high significance that the agreement index between the clinical diagnosis and the result of the lymphoscintigraphic exam was 93%. CONCLUSIONS: Lymphoscintigraphy is a standardized, painless, and harmless test that can be performed in all cases; it differentiates patients with rectal cancer from those with other coloproctological diseases.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and compare the usefulness of cineventriculographies, before and after nitrate use, to technetium-99m sestamibi scintigraphy for the identification of myocardial ischemia. METHODS: Twenty-six patients were studied at basal conditions and 5 minutes after intravenous administration of isosorbide mononitrate (0.3mg/kg), to evaluate the performance and regional wall motion of the left ventricle (LV). The results were compared to those obtained with technetium-99m sestamibi scintigraphy. RESULTS: Before nitrate, contrast ventriculography identified 30 normal segments, 62 hypokinetic segments, 28 dyskinetic segments, and 14 akinetic segments. After drug administration, 99 segments were normal, 11 hypokinetic, 11 dyskinetic, and 13 akinetic. Myocardial scintigraphy revealed 110 ischemic segments and 18 fibrotic segments (p<0.005). After drug administration, the ventriculography showed increase in the velocity of circumferential fiber shortening (p=0.0142), the ejection fraction (p=0.0462), decrease in the end-systolic volume (p=0.0031) and no change in end-diastolic volume. CONCLUSION: Contrast ventriculography using nitrate proved to be similar to perfusional myocardial scintigraphy in the identification of myocardial ischemia.