39 resultados para 790 RECREATIONAL
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
In the city of Rio de Janeiro, the management agencies of environmental conservation units of the park type have been attempting to meet five primary objectives set by the National System for Conservation Units (NSCU), using participatory management guidelines for these units. Two of these objectives relate to the development of recreation activities that involve contact with nature and ecological tourism. This article presents the analyses and conclusions regarding the implementation of collaborative strategies with businesses to achieve such objectives; it is part of a series of research studies having a broader scope. Case studies were conducted in eight parks by means of dozens of interviews with managers and other interested social actors, as well as by documentary research and direct observation. The results suggest that the ecotourism objective is still far from being reached, and that the collaborative strategies used are not sufficient to compensate for the organizational, material and human limitations that encumber these agencies. It was also concluded for the sample that there lacks a strategic vision on the part of the three branches of government involved in the management of these parks in the sense of viewing ecotourism in the city's conservation units as a powerful means to foster local sustainable development.
The aim of this study was to determine the occurrences of the group A rotavirus (RVA), norovirus (NoV) and human adenovirus (HAdV) in the surface waters of an urban lagoon (Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon) in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During one year of surveillance, water samples were obtained from the lagoon and other interconnected ecosystems (river and beach). The samples were concentrated using an adsorption-elution method with a negatively charged membrane and tested by qualitative and quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays. RVA was the most prevalent virus detected (24.3%) with a viral load ranging from 3.0 x 10¹-5.6 x 10(4) genome copies/L, followed by NoV (18.8%) and HAdV (16.7%). Considering water samples suitable for bathing, according to Escherichia coli criterion (< 2,000 most probable number/100 mL), viruses were detected in 50% (57/114) of them. Physicochemical parameters were also measured and showed possible correlations between turbidity and RVA presence and between pH and NoV presence. These data demonstrate the importance of considering viral parameters to ensure water quality and the utilisation of these parameters as additional tools for the characterisation of environmental contamination.
São relatados os resultados da pesquisa da hipersensibilidade tuberculÃnica pelo PPD, Rt-23,2UT, em crianças menores de um ano de idade, vacinadas anteriormente com BCG oral, pertencentes a uma área do municÃpio de São Paulo. Os resultados mostram que para 790 crianças houve 13,0% de reatores fracos e 16,3% de reatores fortes, com um total de 29,3% de reatores. São feitos comentários sobre a vacinação oral e o baixo percentual de reatores encontrados, no controle tuberculÃnico pós-vacinal, relativamente aos obtidos com o BCG intradérmico.
Foram analisados os resultados de teste tuberculÃnico, efetuado três meses após vacinação com BCG (amostra Moreau-Rio de Janeiro), pela via intradérmica. A casuÃstica correspondeu a 7.790 pessoas, incluindo as de grupo pertinente ao primeiro trimestre de vida e merecedor, atualmente, de especial atenção. Ficou constatada, globalmente, a percentagem de positividade de 69%. Houve apreciação, especifica e detalhada, referente a indivÃduos de idades diversas, e a abordagem do tema tornou-se oportuna em face ao interesse que esse tipo de imunização vem despertando no Brasil e, também, em virtude da necessidade de coletar informes aptos a apoiar trabalhos profiláticos.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre a exposição à violência por parceiro Ãntimo (VPI) contra a mulher com desajustes comportamentais e problemas escolares entre os filhos. MÉTODOS: Inquérito populacional participante do WHO Multicountry Study on Violence Against Women, com 790 mulheres que coabitam com filhos de cinco a 12 anos, residentes no MunicÃpio de São Paulo, SP, e na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco. Foram realizados três modelos múltiplos para estimar a força da associação entre variáveis explanatórias de apoio social e comunitário, eventos de vida estressantes, fatores sociodemográficos e gravidade da VPI, entre outras. Os modelos incluÃram três respectivos desfechos: número de problemas de comportamento; agressividade; e interrupção abandono ou repetência escolar. RESULTADOS: A exposição à VPI fÃsica e/ou sexual grave esteve associada à ocorrência de problemas escolares, de problemas de comportamento em geral e de comportamentos agressivos na análise de regressão logÃstica univariada. A exposição à VPI grave manteve-se associada à ocorrência de três ou mais problemas de comportamento entre seus filhos, independentemente do transtorno mental comum, da baixa escolaridade, de a mãe (avó) ter sido vÃtima de VPI fÃsica e do apoio social e comunitário nos modelos de regressão logÃstica múltiplos. A VPI grave esteve associada ao comportamento agressivo e aos problemas escolares, depois do ajuste por outras variáveis sociodemográficas, entre outras. O estado de saúde mental materna constituiu-se em fator mediador da relação entre a exposição à VPI e os problemas de comportamento, sobretudo agressividade. CONCLUSÕES: A VPI grave afeta o comportamento dos filhos e deve ser incluÃda na assistência à saúde das crianças em idade escolar, por meio de intervenções conjuntas entre crianças e mães.
OBJECTIVE To analyze if the nutritional status of children aged less than five years is related to the biological conditions of their mothers, environmental and socioeconomic factors, and access to health services and social programs.METHODS This cross-sectional population-based study analyzed 664 mothers and 790 children using canonical correlation analysis. Dependent variables were characteristics of the children (weight/age, height/age, BMI/age, hemoglobin, and retinol serum levels). Independent variables were those related to the mothers’ nutritional status (BMI, hemoglobin, and retinol serum levels), age, environmental and socioeconomic factors and access to health service and social programs. A < 0.05 significance level was adopted to select the interpreted canonical functions (CF) and ± 0.40 as canonical load value of the analyzed variables.RESULTS Three canonical functions were selected, concentrating 89.9% of the variability of the relationship among the groups. In the first canonical function, weight/age (-0.73) and height/age (-0.99) of the children were directly related to the mother’s height (-0.82), prenatal appointments (-0.43), geographical area of the residence (-0.41), and household incomeper capita (-0.42). Inverse relationship between the variables related to the children and people/room (0.44) showed that the larger the number of people/room, the poorer their nutritional status. Rural residents were found to have the worse nutritional conditions. In the second canonical function, the BMI of the mother (-0.48) was related to BMI/age and retinol of the children, indicating that as women gained weight so did their children. Underweight women tended to have children with vitamin A deficiency. In the third canonical function, hemoglobin (-0.72) and retinol serum levels (-0.40) of the children were directly related to the mother’s hemoglobin levels (-0.43).CONCLUSIONS Mothers and children were associated concerning anemia, vitamin A deficiency and anthropometric markers. Living in rural areas is a determining factor for the families health status.
The authors compare the serologic efficacy and the clinical protection afforded by three different measles vaccination schemes in adequately nourished children in São Paulo city, Brazil. Two hundred forty two children were divided into three groups. Group A, comprising 117 children who had received the vaccine before 12 months of age and a second dose at 12 months of age or more. Group B, comprising 46 children who had received only one dose, before 12 months of age. Group C, comprising 79 children who had received only one dose, at 12 months of age or more. The geometric mean titer of antibodies in Group A was 790.1; in Group B, 251.1; and in Group C, 550.3. There was no statistically significant difference between Groups A and C. The exposure to the measles virus was probably similar in all groups, and the children in Groups A and C had similar chances of acquiring the disease after vaccination whereas in Group B the chances were higher when compared to the other two groups. The results obtained in this study favor the use, in developing countries, of a vaccination program against measles that includes an early first dose at eight months of age and revaccination after 12 months of age.
Risk factors for Schistosoma mansoni infection were identified using a 1:1 matched case-control design. The work was conducted in the municipality of Pedro de Toledo, São Paulo State, Brazil, an area where the snail host is Biomphalaria tenagophila. Information on water contact patterns, knowledge, attitudes and pratices (kap), socioeconomic and sanitary conditions were obtained by mean of questionnaires. The crude odds ratio estimates and the adjusted odds ratio estimates using the logistic regression model are presented. Most of the examined individuals admitted recent water contacts (90.6% of the cases). The most frequent reason for contact was swimming, playing and fishing and the preferential site of contact was the river. According to the logistic regression technique, the main risk factors for infection were: a) water contact through swimming, playing and fishing; b) fording; c) bad hygiene. We concluded that recreational activities are the main reasons for schistosomiasis transmission in Pedro de Toledo and leisure alternatives should be offered to the local population.
Between 1992 and 1997, 790 blood donors with anti-HCV EIA-2 strongly reagent (relationship between the sample optical density/cut-off > 3) detected at the blood bank serological screening, were evaluated in ambulatory environment. They were all negative for Chagas disease, syphilis, hepatitis B (HBsAg) and AIDS. Blood samples were collected at the first ambulatorial evaluation, for hemogram, biochemical tests and new serological tests for HCV (anti-HCV EIA-2). In blood samples of 226 repeatedly reagent anti-HCV EIA-2 blood donors, supplementary "immunoblot" test for HCV (RIBA-2) was used. In 209 donors, the presence of HCV-RNA was investigated by the PCR test. The abdominal ultrasonography was realized in 366 donors. In 269 patients liver biopsy was performed for the histopathological study. The follow-up of blood donors showed that 95.6% were repeatedly EIA-2 reagent, 94% were symptomless and denied any hepatitis history, with only 2% mentioning previous jaundice. In 47% of this population at least one risk factor has been detected for the HCV transmission, the use of intravenous drugs being the main one (27.8%). Blood transfusion was the second factor for HCV transmission (27.2%). Hepatomegaly was detected in 54% of the cases. Splenomegaly and signs of portal hypertension have seldom been found in the physical examination, indicating a low degree of hepatic compromising in HCV. Abdominal ultrasound showed alterations in 65% of the subjects, being the steatosis the most frequent (50%). In 83.5% of the donors submitted to the liver biopsy, the histopathological exam showed the presence of chronic hepatitis, usually classified as active (89%) with mild or moderate grade in most of the cases (99.5%). The histopathological exam of the liver was normal in 1.5% of blood donors. The RIBA-2 test and the HCV-RNA investigation by PCR were positive in respectively 91.6 and 75% of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors. The HCV-RNA research was positive in 82% of the RIBA-2 positive subjects, in 37.5% of the indeterminate RIBA-2 donors and in 9% of the negative RIBA-2 donors. Chronic hepatitis has also been observed in 50% of the histopathological exams of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors which were indeterminate RIBA-2. Among 18 blood donors with minimal changes histopathological exam 11 (61%) were HCV-RNA positive. Our blood donors anti-HCV reagent generally had clinical, laboratorial and histopathological features observed in patients with chronic HCV hepatitis and a high proportion could be identified in interviews and medical evaluation realized in blood blanks. Generally, these HCV infected donors are identified and discharged only by the serological tests results.
The environmental contamination by geohelminths represents a world public health problem and has been well documented by several authors. However, few papers describe the presence of such contamination in saline soils of coastal beaches. A study was performed on the beaches of the municipality of Santos in the period between May 2004 to April 2005 with the aim of determining the degree of contamination, and the correlation between contamination level and seasonal conditions and characteristics of the environment. Of the 2,520 samples analyzed, 18.2% (458) were contaminated, 32.3% (148) of which were localized in children's recreational areas (playgrounds). The parasite profile found in the analyzed samples indicated the presence of several zoonotic parasites: Ancylostoma larvae (82.5%), Toxocara sp. eggs (59.4%), Ancylostomidae-like eggs (37.1%), coccid oocysts (13.5%), Trichostrongylus sp. eggs and larvae, Ascaris lumbricoides eggs, (11.6%), Entamoeba sp. cysts (10.0%), Strongyloides sp. (4.8%), several free nematoids and some non-identified parasitic structures (3.3%). It was established that the highest frequency of parasitic structures occurred in the months between May and October 2004, and from February to March 2005. An increase in the diversity of parasitic forms was documented in the months between February to December 2004 and from January to April 2005, these periods having the highest rainfall.
SUMMARYThis study reports the fauna and frequency of sandflies in domestic animal shelters, residences and other ecotopes in rural areas of the municipality of Bandeirantes, Paraná State. Sandflies were collected twice in eight rural villages by using Falcon traps from 8pm to 6am in 2008. In these localities 4,790 sandflies were collected, which were represented by ten sandfly species, prevailing of Nyssomyia neivai and Nyssomyia whitmani species. It was observed that animal shelters are the domestic ecotopes where there is the greatest frequency of these insects. The localities where the collections were made had the environmental characteristics that allow the persistence of transmission of parasites from the American tegumentary leishmaniasis. Although the fauna and the behavior of sandflies species are similar in different localities, the method of controlling these insects should be adjusted to the environmental characteristics of each one of the most diverse endemic areas of American tegumentary leishmaniasis in the municipalities of Paraná State.
Foi avaliado o emprego de metanosulfonato de hycanthone em dose única via intramuscular em pacientes esquistossomóticos crônicos, nas condições de ambulatório da Seção de Parasitoses da Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Horizonte. Estudaram-se 790 pacientes submetidos ao tratamento com 2,5 mg/k peso corporal, quantificando-se as reações colaterais referidas em função da forma clÃnica da esquistossomose, ao sexo e à idade dos pacientes, bem como em relação ao tempo de surgimento e à duração de cada reação. Os pacientes foram tratados após exame clÃnico e, em alguns casos, provas laboratoriais, sendo vetados ao tratamento ambulatorial cerca de 4% dos pacientes que buscaram o tratamento. De modo geral esta rotina tem-se mostrado bastante simples e destituÃda de maiores riscos, com mais de 12.000 tratamentos realizados sem uma única reação grave evidenciada. Dos 790 pacientes avaliados, 37,8% não referiram nenhuma reação colateral. Dentre as reações detectadas, as mais freqüentes foram as náuseas, os vômitos e as tonturas, geralmente surgindo no mesmo dia da injeção e com desaparecimento espontâneo nas 24 ou 48 horas subseqüentes. Relativamente à s formas clÃnicas, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o grupo hépato-esplênico e os demais, talvez por problemas de ordem amostra. Foi significativamente maior a freqüência de reações colaterais entre o sexo feminino, acima dos 15 anos de idade. Com relação aos grupos etários, verificou-se a ocorrência significativamente maior de vômitos entre os pacientes de 5 a 14 anos, contrastando com a predominância de tonturas e anorexia nas faixas superiores.
INTRODUÇÃO: A talidomida é um fármaco utilizado atualmente no tratamento do eritema nodoso hansênico no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo para acompanhar a evolução clÃnica, registrar os eventos adversos e determinar as concentrações plasmáticas de talidomida em dose diária de 100mg/dia, em 20 pacientes com manifestações clÃnicas de eritema nodoso hansênico, divididos em dois grupos: após ou em curso da poliquimioterapia para hansenÃase. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nos grupos no decorrer do estudo, tanto na evolução clÃnica favorável dos pacientes, de 70% e 90%, quanto nos eventos adversos registrados que foram tontura e sonolência. Os teores plasmáticos de talidomida em D7 e D14 foram de 0,82±0,4μg/mL e 0,79±0,3μg/mL no grupo 1 e de 0,82±0,4 e 1,55±1,0 no grupo 2, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Na amostra estudada, a poliquimioterapia não interferiu na evolução clÃnica, na incidência dos efeitos adversos e nos nÃveis plasmáticos de talidomida.
Youngsters are increasingly using 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, known as ecstasy, because it is wrongly believed that it does not induce harm. However, there are many reports of adverse effects, including acute intoxication, abuse potential, and possible neurotoxic effects. Therefore, health care providers need to promptly recognize the symptoms of systemic intoxication in order to initiate early treatment. The drug is used by the oral route for long hours during crowded dance parties. Acutely, ecstasy increases the release of serotonin and decreases its reuptake, leading to hypertension, hyperthermia, trismus, and vomiting. There is debate on whether recreational doses of ecstasy cause permanent damage to human serotonergic neurons. Ecstasy users showed a high risk of developing psychopathological disturbances. The prolonged use of ecstasy might induce dependence, characterized by tolerance and hangover. Acute ecstasy intoxication needs emergency-type treatment to avoid the dose-dependent increase in adverse reactions and in severity of complications. There are no specific antidotes to be used during acute intoxication. Supportive measures and medical treatment for each one of the complications should be implemented, keeping in mind that symptoms originate mainly from the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.
Infertility affects up to 15% of the sexually active population, and in 50% of cases, a male factor is involved, either as a primary problem or in combination with a problem in the female partner. Because many commonly encountered drugs and medications can have a detrimental effect on male fertility, the medical evaluation should include a discussion regarding the use of recreational and illicit drugs, medications, and other substances that may impair fertility. With the knowledge of which drugs and medications may be detrimental to fertility, it may be possible to modify medication regimens or convince a patient to modify habits to decrease adverse effects on fertility and improve the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. Concern is growing that male sexual development and reproduction have changed for the worse over the past 30 to 50 years. Although some reports find no changes, others suggest that sperm counts appear to be decreasing and that the incidence of developmental abnormalities such as hypospadias and cryptorchidism appears to be increasing, as is the incidence of testicular cancer. These concerns center around the possibility that our environment is contaminated with chemicals - both natural and synthetic - that can interact with the endocrine system.