221 resultados para 6-epiblumenol B
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The phytochemical investigation of the stem bark and leaves of G. elliptica provided a mixture of the norisoprenoids blumenol B and 6-epiblumenol B along with the triterpenes friedelin, as the major constituent, friedelanol, ursa-9(11),12-dien-3-ol, a-amyrin, β-amyrin, morentenol, epifriedelanol, as well as the sesquiterpenes trans-caryophyllene, α-humulene, ethyl hydnocarpate and other fatty acid esters. The identification of the compounds was performed on basis of spectrometric methods such as GC-MS, IR, MS and 1D and 2D NMR. Stem bark extracts showed significant leishmanicidal activity against promastigote forms of Leishmania braziliensis, with the best results for the chloroform extract.
The immunogenicity and safety of a new recombinant hepatitis B vaccine from the Instituto Butantan (Butang®) were evaluated in a multicenter, double-blind, prospective equivalence study in three centers in Brazil. Engerix B® was the standard vaccine. A total of 3937 subjects were recruited and 2754 (70%) met all protocol criteria at the end of the study. All the subjects were considered healthy and denied having received hepatitis B vaccine before the study. Study subjects who adhered to the protocol were newborn infants (566), children 1 to 10 years old (484), adolescents from 11 to 19 years (740), adults from 20 to 30 years (568), and adults from 31 to 40 years (396). Vaccine was administered in three doses on the schedule 0, 1, and 6 months (newborn infants, adolescents, and adults) or 0, 1, and 7 months (children). Vaccine dose was intramuscular 10 µg (infants, children, and adolescents) or 20 µg (adults). Percent seroprotection (assumed when anti-HBs titers were > 10mIU/ml) and geometric mean titer (mIU/ml) were: newborn infants, 93.7% and 351.1 (Butang®) and 97.5% and 1530.6 (Engerix B®); children, 100% and 3600.0 (Butang®) and 97.7% and 2753.1 (Engerix B®); adolescents, 95.1% and 746.3 (Butang®) and 96% and 1284.3 (Engerix B®); adults 20-30 years old, 91.8% and 453.5 (Butang®) and 95.5% and 1369.0 (Engerix B®); and adults 31-40 years old, 79.8% and 122.7 (Butang®) and 92.4% and 686.2 (Engerix B®). There were no severe adverse events following either vaccine. The study concluded that Butang® was equivalent to Engerix B® in children, and less immunogenic but acceptable for use in newborn infants, adolescents, and young adults.
The participation of regulatory T (Treg) cells in B cell-induced T cell tolerance has been claimed in different models. In skin grafts, naive B cells were shown to induce graft tolerance. However, neither the contribution of Treg cells to B cell-induced skin tolerance nor their contribution to the histopathological diagnosis of graft acceptance has been addressed. Here, using male C57BL/6 naive B cells to tolerize female animals, we show that skin graft tolerance is dependent on CD25+ Treg cell activity and independent of B cell-derived IL-10. In fact, B cells from IL-10-deficient mice were able to induce skin graft tolerance while Treg depletion of the host inhibited 100% graft survival. We questioned how Treg cell-mediated tolerance would impact on histopathology. B cell-tolerized skin grafts showed pathological scores as high as a rejected skin from naive, non-tolerized mice due to loss of skin appendages, reduced keratinization and mononuclear cell infiltrate. However, in tolerized mice, 40% of graft infiltrating CD4+ cells were FoxP3+ Treg cells with a high Treg:Teff (effector T cell) ratio (6:1) as compared to non-tolerized mice where Tregs comprise less than 8% of total infiltrating CD4 cells with a Treg:Teff ratio below 1:1. These results render Treg cells an obligatory target for histopathological studies on tissue rejection that may help to diagnose and predict the outcome of a transplanted organ.
Dissemination of Acinetobacter baumannii strains in different units of a hospital in Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil was evaluated over a period of two years. By using biotyping, serotyping and ribotyping, 27 distinct clones were differentiated among 76 strains isolated between 1993-94, from clinical specimens of hospitalized patients. Two clones, 2:O4:A (biotype:serotype:ribotype) and 2:O29:A accounted for the majority of strains widely disseminated in the units during 1993. The introduction in the hospital setting, of a new clone, 6:O13:B, at the end of 1993 and its predominance through 1994 is discussed. Among 15 strains isolated from neonates, 6 (40%) belonged to the same clone, 2:O4:A. Interestingly, this clone was almost all recovered in neonatal intensive care unit, nursery and in pediatric unit. All strains were susceptible to imipenem and polymyxcin B. Multiresistant strains (up to 12 antimicrobial agents) accounted for 66.7% and 84.8% of the strains isolated in 1993 and in 1994, respectively.
Os níveis de infecciosidade de Schistosoma mansoni para as três espécies de Biomphalaria, hospedeiras intermediárias do parasita no Brasil, foram pesquisados após exposições conjuntas dos moluscos a miracídios, no laboratório e no campo. Foram utilizadas as cepas LE e SJ de S. mansoni, mantidas no laboratório e WVS e RFS obtidas de fezes de escolares de Belo Horizonte, MG. Os resultados mostraram a infecciosidade maior de S. mansoni para B. glabrata, com taxas de infecção de 4, 7 a 85,5%. A B. straminea foi suscetível às cepas LE, SJ e WVS, com taxas de infecção de 11,0 a 24,6%. A B. tenagophila foi suscetível a LE e Sj com taxas de infecção de 2,5 a 6,5%. As médias de cercárias da cepa WVS, eliminadas por dia por B. straminea e B. glabrata variaram de 93 ± 59 e 782 ± 1.120, respectivamente.
FUNDAMENTO: Estudos prévios demonstraram que a leucocitose e a hiperglicemia verificadas à admissão de pacientes com IAM (infarto agudo do miocárdio), estão correlacionadas com a mortalidade intra-hospitalar. Entretanto, pouco é sabido sobre o impacto desses marcadores a longo prazo. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a curto e longo prazos, a influência dos níveis de glicose e leucócitos no prognóstico de pacientes com IAM. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, 809 pacientes (idade média 63,2 ± 12,87 anos) com IAM, incluídos de forma prospectiva e consecutiva em banco de dados específico. RESULTADOS: a) Na fase intra-hospitalar os valores médios aferidos foram comparados entre pacientes que morreram ou sobreviveram: Leucocitose 12156±5977 vs 10337±3528 (p=0.004, 95% IC= 976-2663); Glicose 176±105 mg/dl vs 140±72 mg/dl (p<0.001, 95% IC= 19.4 - 52.6), respectivamente. b) No modo ajustado, o mesmo padrão foi verificado [valores de p: 0.002 (t-ratio 3.05), 0.04 (t-ratio 2.06), respectivamente]. c) Seguimento a longo prazo: a análise univariada revelou valores de P de 0.001 (t-ratio 3.3), <0.001 (t-ratio 4.16), respectivamente. Pela análise multivariada; P=0.001 (t-ratio 3,35), 0.08 (t-ratio 1,75), respectivamente. d) Após exclusão das mortes intra-hospitalares, os níveis leucocitários (P=0.989) e a glicemia (P=0.144) não permaneceram correlacionadas significativamente com mortalidade. O mesmo resultado foi verificado na análise multivariada. CONCLUSÃO: Níveis de leucócitos e glicemia à admissão de pacientes com IAM são excelentes preditores de mortalidade intra-hospitalar, e pobres preditores de óbitos a longo prazo.
Os autores estudam a influência de grãos pretos em ligas com cafés brasileiros de bebida Mole. Foram ensaiadas porcentagens crescentes de grãos pretos: 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 e 50%. Realizaram-se dois ensaios de degustação em blocos incompletos equilibrados, com t = 10 tratamentos, k = 4 parcelas por bloco, r = 6 repetições, b = 15 blocos, X = 2. Cada parcela era formada por 3 xícaras de tipo padrão e foi provada por 3 degustadores, que davam sua opinião xícara por xícara. Os dados coletados são, pois, 1080, isto é, 540 para cada um dos dois ensaios. Mas cada ensaio tinha realmente apenas 60 parcelas, a cada uma das quais correspondia a média das 9 opiniões sôbre ela emitidas (3 degustadores x 3 xícaras). As bases deste método experimental são as expostas em FAIRBANKS BARBOSA e outros (1962), com as modificações indicadas. Os dois ensaios deram resultados bem concordantes, que levaram às seguintes conclusões: 1 - Os grãos pretos prejudicam sensìvelmente a bebida, e seu efeito é aproximadamente linear. 2 - Porcentagens de grãos pretos de 10% para cima causam prejuizo sensível. 3 - A equação de regressão é Y = 3,792 - 0,0379 X, onde X é a porcentagem de grãos pretos e Y é o número de pontos correspondentes à bebida.
It is well known that the culture media used in the presumptive diagnosis of suspiciuous colonies from plates inoculated with stools for isolation of enteric organisms do not always correctly indicate the major groups of enterobacteria. In an effort to obtain a medium affording more exact indications, several media (1-9) have been tested. Modifications of some of these media have also been tested with the result that a satisfactory modification of Monteverde's medium was finaly selected. This proved to be most satisfactory, affording, as a result of only one inoculation, a complete series of basic indications. The modification involves changes in the formula, in the method of preparation and in the manner of storage. The formulae are: A. Thymol blue indicator: NaOH 0.1/N .............. 34.4 ml; Thymol blue .............. 1.6 g; Water .................... 65.6 ml. B. Andrade's indicator. C. Urea and sugar solution: Urea ..................... 20 g; Lactose ................... 30 g; Sucrose ................... 30 g; Water .................... 100 ml. The mixture (C.) should be warmed slightly in order to dissolve the ingredients rapidly. Sterilise by filtration (Seitz). Keep stock in refrigeratior. The modification of Monteverde's medium is prepared in two parts. Semi-solid part - Peptone (Difco) 2.0 g; NaCl 0.5 g; Agar 0.5 g; Water 100.0 ml. Boil to dissolve the ingredients. Adjust pH with NaOH to 7.3-7.4. Boil again for precipitation. Filter through cotton. Ad indicators "A" 0.3 ml and "B" 1.0 ml. Sterilise in autoclave 115ºC, 15 minutes in amounts not higher than 200 ml. Just before using, add solution "C" asseptically in amounts of 10 ml to 200 ml of the melted semi-solid medium, maintained at 48-50ºC. Solid part - Peptone (Difco) 1.5 g; Trypticase (BBL) 0.5 g; Agar 2.0 g; Water 100,00 ml. Boil to dissolve the ingredients. Adjust pH with NaOH to 7.3-7.4. Boils again. Filter through cotton. Add indicators "A" 0.3 ml and "B" 1.0 ml; ferrous ammonium sulfate 0.02 g; sodiun thiosulfate 0.02 g. Sterilise in autoclave 115ºC, 15 minutes in amounts not higher than 200 ml. Just before using, add solution "C" asseptically in amounts of 10 ml to 200 ml of the melted solid medium, maintained at 48-50ºC. Final medium - The semi-solid part is dispensed first (tubes about 12 x 120 mm) in 2.5 ml amounts and left to harden at room temperature, in vertical position. The solid part is dispensed over the hardened semi-solid one in amounts from 2.0 ml to 2.5 ml and left to harden in slant position, affording a butt of 12 to 15 mm. The tubes of medium should be subjected to a sterility test in the incubator, overnight. Tubes showing spontaneous gas bubbles (air) should then be discarded. The medium should be stored in the incubator (37ºC), for not more than 2 to 4 days. Storage of the tubes in the ice-box produces the absorption of air which is released as bubbles when the tubes are incubated at 37ºC after inoculation. This fact confirmed the observation of ARCHAMBAULT & McCRADY (10) who worked with liquid media and the aplication of their observation was found to be essential to the proper working conditions of this double-layer medium. Inoculation - The inoculation is made by means of a long straight needle, as is usually done on the triple sugar, but the needel should penetrate only to about half of the height of the semi-solid column. Indol detection - After inoculation, a strip of sterelized filter papaer previously moistened with Ehrlich's reagent, is suspended above the surface of the medium, being held between the cotton plug and the tube. Indications given - In addition to providing a mass of organisms on the slant for serological invetigations, the medium gives the following indications: 1. Acid from lactose and/or sucrose (red, of yellowsh with strains which reduce the indicators). 2. Gas from lactose and/or sucrose (bubbles). 3. H[2]S production, observed on the solid part (black). 4. Motility observed on the semi-solid part (tubidity). 5. Urease production, observed on solid and semi-solid parts (blue). 6. Indol production, observed on the strip of filter paper (red or purplish). Indol production is not observed with indol positive strains which rapidly acidify the surface o the slant, and the use of oxalic acid has proved to give less sensitive reaction (11). Reading of results - In most cases overnight incubation is enough; sometimes the reactions appear within only a few hours of incubation, affording a definitive orientation of the diagnosis. With some cultures it is necessary to observe the medium during 48 hours of incubation. A description showing typical differential reaction follows: Salmonella: Color of the medium unchanged, with blackening of the solid part when H[2]S is positive. The slant tends to alkalinity (greenish of bluish). Gas always absent. Indol negative. Motility positive or negative. Shigella: Color of the medium unchanged at the beginning of incubation period, but acquiring a red color when the strain is late lactose/sucrose positive. Slant tending to alkalinity (greenish or purplish). Indol positive or negative. Motility, gas and H[2]S always negative. Proteus: Color of the medium generally changes entirely to blue or sometimes to green (urease positive delayed), with blackening of solid part when H[2]S is positive. Motility positive of negative. Indol positive. Gas positive or negative. The strains which attack rapidly sucrose may give a yellow-greenish color to the medium. Sometimes the intense blue color of the medium renders difficult the reading of the H[2]S production. Escherichiae and Klebsiellae: Color of the medium red or yellow (acid) with great and rapid production of gas. Motility positive or negative. Indol generally impossible to observe. Paracoli: Those lactose of sucrose positive give the same reaction as Esherichia. Those lactose or sucrose negatives give the same reactions as Salmonellae. Sometimes indol positive and H[2]S negative. Pseudomonas: Color of the medium unchanged. The slant tends to alkalinity. It is impossible to observe motility because there is no growth in the bottom. Alkaligenes: Color of the medium unchanged. The slant tends to alkalinity. The medium does not alter the antigenic properties of the strains and with the mass of organisms on the slant we can make the serologic diagnosis. It is admitted that this medium is somewhat more laborious to prepare than others used for similar purposes. Nevertheless it can give informations generally obtained by two or three other media. Its use represents much saving in time, labor and material, and we suggest it for routine laboratory work in which a quick presumptive preliminary grouping of enteric organisms is needed.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a dessorção de fósforo por silício nas camadas superficiais de um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro sob cerrado e de um Cambissolo sob campo cerrado, da zona fisiográfica Campos das Vertentes (MG), foram realizados experimentos em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Ciência do Solo da Universidade Federal de Lavras (MG), no período de agosto de 1997 a maio de 1998. Cada solo foi submetido a três incubações seqüenciais: (a) CaCO3 + MgCO3, para manter o pH em torno de 6,0; (b) fertilização básica, incluindo o fósforo em dose única, calculada para manter 0,2 mg L-1 de P em solução; (c) seis doses de silício (CaSiO3), definidas com base na dose de fósforo. Plantas de eucalyptus grandis foram cultivadas por 120 dias em vasos com capacidade para 3 dm³ de solo. A produção de matéria seca e o teor de P na matéria seca foram avaliados aos 60, 90 e 120 dias do transplantio das mudas para os vasos. Ajustaram-se superfícies de resposta dessas variáveis às doses de Si e às épocas. O P dessorvido contribuiu com 15,25% do conteúdo do nutriente na matéria seca das plantas cultivadas no Cambissolo (maior teor de caulinita).
Boron deficiency causes large productivity losses in eucalypt stands in extensive areas of the Brazilian Cerrado region, thus understanding B mobility is a key step in selecting genetic materials that will better withstand B limitation. Thus, in this study B mobility was evaluated in two eucalypt clones (68 and 129), under B sufficiency or B deficiency, after foliar application of the 10B isotope tracer to a single mature leaf. Samples of young tissue, mature leaves and roots were collected 0, 1, 5, 12 and 17 days after 10B application. The 10B:11B isotope ratio was determined by HR-ICP-MS. Samples of leaves and xylem sap were collected for the determination of soluble sugars and polyalcohols by ion chromatography. Boron was translocated within eucalypt. Translocation of foliar-applied 10B to the young tissues, mature leaves and roots was higher in clone 129 than in 68. Seventeen days after 10B application to a single mature leaf, between 14 and 18 % of B in the young tissue was originated from foliar B application. In plants with adequate B supply the element was not translocated out of the labeled leaf.
A topografia do terreno controla muitos processos hidrológicos, geomorfológicos e pedológicos, influenciando a radiação solar, precipitação pluvial, escoamento superficial, evaporação, regime de umidade do solo e tipo de vegetação, entre outros. Desta maneira, atributos topográficos derivados de um modelo digital de elevação foram utilizados para explicar a diferenciação de solos com horizonte B textural da região de ''Mar de Morros'', no noroeste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram estudados oito perfis de solo (quatro Argissolos Vermelhos e quatro Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos), desenvolvidos de granulitos noríticos nos municípios de São José de Ubá e Itaperuna. Os dados dos atributos topográficos em cada perfil de solo (elevação, declividade, aspecto, plano e perfil de curvatura, radiação solar e índice topográfico combinado) foram extraídos, utilizando-se uma janela de 7 x 7 pixels, com os perfis ocupando o centro dessa janela. Os Argissolos que ocorrem nas encostas noroeste e nordeste recebem maior quantidade de radiação solar (mais quentes e secas) e por isto são vermelhos, eutróficos e não apresentam horizonte B latossólico, enquanto os solos das encostas sudeste (relativamente mais frias e úmidas) são vermelho-amarelados, distróficos e com horizonte B latossólico. A radiação solar, a declividade e o aspecto são os atributos topográficos relacionados com as diferenças entre os perfis de solos estudados. Os atributos topográficos analisados pelas técnicas multivariadas apresentaram-se efetivos para a distinção entre os Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos distróficos e os Argissolos Vermelhos eutróficos, exceto o P7 (PVe). Estudos relacionando a influência da radiação solar na pedogênese são escassos em condições tropicais e, embora menos atuante em regiões tropicais, foi a radiação solar que determinou diretamente a diferenciação dos solos da área estudada.
The structures of the principal oligosaccharides in the honeydew exudate of the sorghum ergot pathogen Claviceps africana, which has become epidemic in the Americas, have been characterized through linkage analysis using FAB-MS and GC-MS techniques, as 1,6-di-b-D-fructofuranosyl-D-mannitol and 1,5-di-b-D-fructofuranosyl-D-arabitol trisaccharides, 1-b-D-fructofuranosyl-D-mannitol and 5-b-D-fructofuranosyl-D-arabitol disaccharides and other minor disaccharides and trisaccharides. Their structural diversity is explained according to perceived biosynthetic interrelationships in pathways that appear to be unique amongst ergot fungi, particularly concerning intra-molecular reduction of fructose. The oligosaccharide, 1,6-di-b-D-fructofuranosyl-D-mannitol, which inhibits C. africana macrospore germination at a concentration in water of 1 g/mL or more, forms together with other slightly less bioactive oligosaccharides, the basis of a novel strategy to limit ergot disease losses in hybrid sorghum seed production.
Nowadays, dropping out in B.Sc. courses practically occurs in all Universities of the contemporary world. Undergraduate student withdraw could means several losses as, to the student, not to graduate, to the teacher, for not accomplishing his goal as educator, to the university, for not attending its mission, to the society, economic and social losses and also to the family for unfulfilling the dreams. The objective of this research is to present a quantitative study on the dropping out rate in the Agricultural Engineering B.Sc. program (BSAGENG) at State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), seeking to contribute to the understanding of this issue. It has been determined the dropping out rate from 1995 to 2006 based on the university official data, by employing four different methods of calculation. Three of the methods revealed that dropping out rate is very close to the graduation index, i.e., close to 50%. Regardless of the adopted method for the dropping rate estimation and the statistics demonstrating that the agricultural engineering undergraduate course at UNICAMP figures falls within similar courses normality in Brazil, it should be recognized that a public institution of education should be concerned in presenting such figures. A detailed and deep analysis must be outlined in further studies seeking for specific actions aiming to reduce dropping out process.
Foram estudadas nove marcas de cervejas comerciais brasileiras tipo Pilsen, com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da embalagem na aceitação das mesmas. As amostras foram separadas em três grupos e baseadas na pesquisa Top of Mind/2005. As marcas 1, 2, 3 e 4 (grupo a) foram as mais citadas pelos consumidores nacionais; as 5 e 6 (grupo b) tiveram citação intermediária; e as 7, 8 e 9 (grupo c) são consideradas regionais. O trabalho foi dividido em 3 etapas: teste cego, teste com embalagem e teste com informação. Os testes foram aplicados a 54 julgadores, em condições laboratoriais, usando escala hedônica de 9 categorias. Os resultados foram analisados por ANOVA e teste de Tukey (p < 0,05). No teste cego, a marca 1 diferiu significativamente das marcas 4, 7 e 8, sendo a menos aceita. No teste com embalagem, a situação se inverteu, sendo a marca 1 a mais aceita, juntamente com as marcas 3, 4 e 9, e a marca 7 foi a menos aceita. Já no teste com informação, as cervejas do grupo a e a marca 8 (regional) foram as mais aceitas. Os resultados indicam que muitas vezes a embalagem influencia e pode modificar a aceitação de algumas cervejas.
Os autores estudam a ação do ciclamato e do cloridrato de 2, 3, 5, 6, - Tetrahidro-6-fenil-imidazo (2,1-b) tiazol no tratamento da ascaridiose. Foram tratados ao todo 84 indivíduos sendo 48 com o cloridrato e 36 com o ciclamato. O índice de cura com o primeiro foi de 83,9% e com o segundo de 76,4%. Nenhuma reação colateral foi observada com o emprêgo do cloridrato sendo que com o ciclamato 53,6 dos pacientes apresentaram sintomas discretos de intolerância. Os índices de cura assemelham-se aos observados com a piperazina que é a medicação clássica para terapêutica da ascaridiose.