75 resultados para 1 Corinthians 13:12

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Salmonella spp. are the etiologic agents of salmonellosis, a worldwide spread zoonoses causing foodborne outbreaks and clinical diseases. By serological identification, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 1,4,[5],12:i:- accounted for 8.8% of human and 1.6% of nonhuman Salmonella strains isolated in São Paulo State, during 1991-2000. A total of 28.6% of them amplified a fragment corresponding to H:1,2 (flagellar phase two) through PCR analysis and were further assigned as S. Typhimurium. Antimicrobial resistance was detected in 36.3% of the 369 PCR-negative strains tested, including the multiresistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, tetracycline, and streptomycin.


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Fifty-three Salmonella 1,4,[5],12:i:- and 45 Salmonella Typhimurium strains were characterised using phage typing, plasmid profiles and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) for comparison. The majority of the strains were subdivided into definitive type (DT) 41 (22.6%) and DT 193 (18%) and the 60-MDa plasmid was detected in 94.3% and 84.4% of strains, respectively. Genetic diversity was observed among all strains and 90% presented a > 70% similarity through PFGE analysis. These results suggest a close relationship between Salmonella 1,4,[5],12:i:- and Salmonella Typhimurium at the serotype level.


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Human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) appears to be transmitted mainly by sexual contact. However, several studies suggest that in developing countries the infection may be acquired early in life by routes other than sexual transmission. The present study estimated the seroprevalence of HHV-8 in Brazilian children born to HIV-1-infected mothers. The serum samples were collected in a cross-sectional cohort study from 99 children born to HIV-infected mothers (median age 3.27 years; range 1.5-13.8 years) attending the outpatient clinic of the Federal University of São Paulo. IgG antibodies to HHV-8 latency-associated nuclear antigen and lytic phase antigens were detected by immunofluorescence assays. The samples tested were collected from children aged 12 months or older to exclude the possibility of cross-placental antibody transport. The total prevalence of anti-lytic antibodies in this population (5/99; 5%) reveals that HHV-8 infection can occur during childhood. Children aged 1.5 to 2 years had a seroprevalence of 2% (1/50) and children aged 3.25 to 13.8 years had a seroprevalence of 8% (4/49). This difference was not statistically significant, probably because of the small size of the sample, but it suggests that HHV-8 infection occurs more commonly late in infancy. Further prospective studies are necessary to evaluate the timing and risk factors for primary HHV-8 infection in the pediatric population.


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OBJETIVO: Revisar e descrever os dados epidemiológicos dos pacientes admitidos em uma unidade de terapia pediátrica brasileira (UTIP) e compará-los aos aspectos clínicos associados aos índices de gravidade e mortalidade. Descrever as características desses pacientes, incluindo os dados demográficos, prevalência de doenças, índices de mortalidade e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram coletados retrospectivamente de todos os pacientes admitidos na UTIP de um hospital universitário entre 1978 e 1994. Os dados foram expressos em percentagens e comparados pelo teste qui-quadrado, calculando-se o risco relativo (RR) com um intervalo de confiança de 95%, considerando-se um p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 13.101 pacientes - em sua maioria meninos (58,4%) - com doença clínica (73,1%), menores de 12 meses de idade (40,4%) e eutróficos (69,5%). O índice geral de mortalidade foi de 7,4%. Os pacientes menores de 12 meses de idade mostraram um RR de 1,86 (CI 1,65-2,10; p<0,0001), enquanto que a desnutrição mostrou um RR de 2,98 (IC 2,64-3,36; p<0,0001). CONCLUSÕES: O levantamento epidemiológico mostrou que a mortalidade é maior entre desnutridos e menores de 12 meses de idade. A sepse foi a principal causa de morte.


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OBJETIVO: A baixa acuidade visual tem elevada prevalência e o diagnóstico precoce é necessário pelos danos que pode causar ao desenvolvimento e aprendizado infantis. O estudo realizado objetivou descrever e analisar a prevalência de baixa acuidade visual em escolares da rede de ensino fundamental. MÉTODOS: A partir do diagnóstico da acuidade visual, 9.640 escolares de primeira e quarta séries da rede pública de ensino fundamental de Sorocaba, Estado de São Paulo, no ano 2000, foram analisados e classificados seus registros segundo sexo, série, uso de óculos, área de residência e grau de acesso à assistência médica supletiva. Foram realizados testes de correlação de Pearson e análise de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: A população estudada apresentou prevalência de baixa acuidade visual de 13,1% (IC 95%=12,5-13,8%), sendo significantemente menor no sexo masculino (11,5%) quando comparado ao feminino (14,9%) - (RP=0,77); significantemente maior nos escolares de primeira série (14,1%) quando comparados aos de quarta série (11,5%) - (RP=1,22); e significantemente menor em não-usuários de óculos (12,1%) quando comparados aos usuários (42,0%) - (RP=0,29). Dentre os locais estudados, o bairro de Cajuru apresentou a menor prevalência de baixa acuidade visual (1,8%) e o bairro de Vila Sabiá a maior prevalência (32,4%). Foi encontrada correlação positiva, segundo a área de residência entre a proporção de indivíduos que têm acesso à assistência médica supletiva e a proporção de usuários de óculos (r=0,64, p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de baixa acuidade visual aponta falhas no diagnóstico precoce e na continuidade da assistência, indicando urgente necessidade de implementação de um programa público de saúde.


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Between November 2001 and December 2002, 600 dog fecal samples were collected in main squares and public parks of 13 cities in Chile, from the extreme north to the extreme south of the country. The samples were processed in the laboratory by centrifugal sedimentation and the Harada-Mori methods. T. canis eggs were found in 12 cities. Detection rates ranged from 1.9 to 12.5% with an average of 5.2%. Seven percent of the samples had eggs and 9.5% had rhabditoid and/or filariform larvae of Ancylostomatidae. Strongyloides stercoralis were not found. Squares and public parks in Chile pose a potential risk of exposure to visceral, ocular, and/or cutaneous larva migrans syndromes.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de consumo de álcool e do alcoolismo entre estudantes adolescentes trabalhadores e não trabalhadores. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, realizado por amostragem estratificada sistemática, composta por 993 adolescentes trabalhadores e 1.725 não-trabalhadores. Foram incluídos os estudantes matriculados em 1998, na rede estadual de ensino de Cuiabá, MT. Aplicou-se, em sala de aula, um questionário de auto-preenchimento anônimo. Utilizou-se as análises univariada, bivariada e regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Verificaram-se prevalências de 71,3% para o consumo de álcool e 13,4% para alcoolismo na amostra total, sendo maior entre os estudantes trabalhadores (81,0% e 14,9%) comparativamente aos não-trabalhadores (65,8% e 12,6%). Além da associação do uso de álcool com o trabalho, observou-se tanto semelhanças quanto diferenças entre os dois grupos. O alcoolismo não está associado ao trabalho, mas ao sexo masculino (RO=1,61; IC 95%: 1,18-2,19) e história de álcool na família tanto entre os não-trabalhadores (RO=2,19; IC 95%: 1,60-2,99) quanto entre trabalhadores (RO=2,10; IC 95%: 1,42-3,12). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam alta prevalência de consumo de álcool e alcoolismo, sendo maior entre os adolescentes trabalhadores. Os fatores sociodemográficos, familiares e relacionados a trabalho devem ser considerados na implementação de ações educativas nessa população, visando a mudanças de comportamento relacionadas ao consumo de álcool.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al abuso sexual en niñez y adolescencia. MÉTODOS: Estudio realizado en una muestra de estudiantes del estado de Morelos, México, en 2004-2005. Los participantes (n=1730) pertenecen a una cohorte de 13.293 estudiantes de 12 a 24 años. Los datos fueron colectados mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario conteniendo secciones de escalas validadas. Las variables analizadas fueron: factores sociodemográficos (sexo, zona de habitación, nivel socioeconómico); familiares (educación de los padres, adicciones de los padres, violencia entre padres); psicológicos individuales (autoestima - Inventario de Autoestima de Coopersmith, depresión, consumo de alcohol); violencia intrafamiliar (Escala de Strauss); y abuso sexual. Mediante regresión logística múltiple se evaluaron los factores asociados. Se obtuvieron Razones de Momios (RM) con intervalos de confianza al 95%. RESULTADOS: El 4.7% (n=80) de los (as) estudiantes presentaron intento de abuso y el 2.9% (n=50) fueron víctimas de abuso sexual consumado. Las mujeres tuvieron mayor prevalencia de intento (6.1%). El 3.6% de las mujeres y el 1.9% de los hombres fueron abusados sexualmente. Principal agresor en mujeres fue el novio y en hombres una persona desconocida. Edad promedio de 12.02 años en mujeres y 11.71 en hombres. Factores asociados al abuso: mayor consumo de alcohol padres (RM = 3.37; IC 95% 1.40;8.07); violencia hacia madre (RM=4.49; IC 95%1.54;13.10); ser mujer (RM = 2.47; IC 95%1.17;5.24); ser víctima de violencia intrafamiliar alta (RM=3.58; IC 95%1.32;9.67). Autoestima alta fue un factor protector (RM=0.27; IC 95% 0.09;0.75). CONCLUSIONES: En promedio el abuso sexual se presenta a los 12 años de edad en ambos sexos, siendo más frecuente en el sexo femenino. La mayoría de víctimas no lo denuncia.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a frequência e os fatores maternos e neonatais associados ao mecônio no líquido amniótico no parto. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 2.441 nascimentos em um centro de parto normal hospitalar em São Paulo, SP, em março e abril de 2005. A associação entre mecônio no líquido amniótico e as variáveis independentes (idade materna, paridade, ter ou não cesariana prévia, idade gestacional, antecedentes obstétricos, uso de ocitocina no trabalho de parto, dilatação cervical na admissão, tipo do parto atual, peso do RN, índice de Apgar de 1º e 5º minutos de vida) foi expressa como razão de prevalência. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se mecônio no líquido amniótico em 11,9% dos partos; 68,2% desses foram normais e 38,8%, cesarianas. O mecônio esteve associado a: primiparidade (RP = 1,49; IC95% 1,29;1,73), idade gestacional ≥ 41 semanas (RP = 5,05; IC95% 1,93;13,25), ocitocina no parto (RP = 1,83, IC95% 1,60;2,10), cesariana (RP = 2,65; IC95% 2,17;3,24) e índice de Apgar < 7 no 5º minuto (RP = 2,96, IC95% 2,94;2,99). A mortalidade neonatal foi 1,6/1.000 nascidos vivos; mecônio no líquido amniótico foi encontrado em 50% das mortes neonatais e associado a maiores taxas de partos cirúrgicos. CONCLUSÕES: Emprego de ocitocina, piores condições do recém-nascido logo após o parto e aumento de taxas de cesariana foram fatores associados ao mecônio. A utilização rotineira de ocitocina no intraparto poderia ser revista por sua associação com mecônio no líquido amniótico.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the prevalence of asthma and physician-diagnosed asthma in Brazilian adolescents. METHODS Cross-sectional, national, school-based study with adolescents from 12 to 17 years old, participants in the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA). The study stratified the sample by region and grouped according to schools and classes with representativeness to the set of cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants of the Country, macro-regions, capitals, and Federal District. A questionnaire collected data through a self-filled in method. We calculated the prevalences and their confidence intervals of 95% (95%CI) according to sex, age group, type of school and skin color. RESULTS Between 2013 and 2014, 74,589 adolescents were evaluated, 55.3% of the female sex. The total prevalence of active asthma was of 13.1% (95%CI 12.1-13.9), being higher in girls (14.8%; 95%CI 13.7-16.0) when compared to boys (11.2%; 95%CI 10.3-12.2) in all geographical strata examined. It was also higher between students of private schools (15.9%; 95%CI 14.2-17.7) when compared to public ones (12.4%; 95%CI 11.4-13.4). It was higher in the Southeast region (14.5%; 95%CI 12.9-16.1), and in the city of Sao Paulo (16.7%; 95%CI 14.7-18.7). The lowest prevalence was observed in North region (9.7%; 95%CI 9.7-10.5), and in Teresina (6.3%; 95%CI 4.9-7.7). The prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma was of 8.7% (95%CI 8.2-9.1); higher in the North region (13.5%; 95%CI 12.7-14.2), and in Porto Alegre (19.8%; 95%CI 17.5-22.3). It was lower in the Midwest (6.9%; 95%CI 6.0-7.8), and in Cuiaba (4.8%; 95%CI 3.8-5.9). We found no significant difference in the expression of this rate between the sexes, as well as in other variables evaluated by the study. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of asthma in Brazilian adolescents is high. Rates of active asthma and physician-diagnosed asthma vary widely in different regions and capitals evaluated by the ERICA. These results may assist in the preparation of preventive programs and policies on health and a better understanding of the factors associated with asthma in this age group.


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This study evaluates the transmission of CMV infection in 120 children aged 1 to 15 years with Down syndrome who attended a day-care center for handicapped children in São Paulo, Brazil. A blood sample was obtained from each children at the beginning of the study for detection of IgG and IgM cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibodies by an immunofluorescence assay. Samples of saliva and urine were obtained every 3 months from the children with CMV antibodies to detect shedding of the virus by culture in human foreskin fibroblasts, by detection of pp65 CMV-antigen and by a nested PCR assay. The prevalence of anti CMV-IgG antibodies was 76.6% (92/120), and IgM anti-CMV antibodies were detected in 13% (12/92) of the seropositive children. During the first viral evaluation, CMV was detected in the urine and/or saliva in 39/90 (43.3%) of the seropositive children. In the second and third evaluations, CMV was detected in 41/89 (46%) and in 35/89 (39.3%) children, respectively. Detection of CMV was shown both in urine and saliva in 28/39 (71.8%), 19/41(46.3%) and 20/35 (57.1%) of the children excreting the virus, respectively. Additionally, in 33/49 (67.4%) of the excreters CMV could be demonstrated in urine or saliva in at least two out of the three virological evaluations carried out sequentially in a six month period. Of the 28 initially seronegative children, 26 were re-examined for anti-CMV IgG antibodies about 18 months after the negative sample; seroconversion was found in 10/26 (38.5%). Taking all 536 samples of urine or saliva examined by virus culture and pp65 antigen detection during the study into account, 159 (29.6%) were positive by virus culture and 59 (11%) gave a positive result with the pp65 assay. These data demonstrate the high prevalence of CMV shedding and the high risk of CMV infection in children with Down syndrome attending a day-care center for mentally handicapped patients. The virus culture was more sensitive than the pp65 CMV antigen assay for CMV detection in both urine and saliva samples.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotypic resistance profiles of HIV-1 in children failing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Forty-one children (median age = 67 months) receiving HAART were submitted to genotypic testing when virological failure was detected. cDNA was extracted from PBMCs and amplified by nested PCR for the reverse transcriptase and protease regions of the pol gene. Drug resistance genotypes were determined from DNA sequencing. According to the genotypic analysis, 12/36 (33.3%) and 6/36 (16.6%) children showed resistance and possible resistance, respectively, to ZDV; 5/36 (14%) and 4/36 (11.1%), respectively, showed resistance and possible resistance to ddI; 4/36 (11.1%) showed resistance to 3TC and D4T; and 3/36 (8.3%) showed resistance to Abacavir. A high percentage (54%) of children exhibited mutations conferring resistance to NNRTI class drugs. Respective rates of resistance and possible resistance to PIs were: RTV (12.2%, 7.3%); APV (2.4%, 12.1%); SQV(0%, 12.1%); IDV (14.6%, 4.9%), NFV (22%, 4.9%), LPV/RTV (2.4%, 12.1%). Overall, 37/41 (90%) children exhibited virus with mutations related to drug resistance, while 9% exhibited resistance to all three antiretroviral drug classes.


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During June 1997-June 1999 rotavirus infection was screened in infants aged up to 2 years and hospitalised with acute diarrhoea in São Luís, Northeastern Brazil. Altogether, 128 stool samples were collected from diarrhoeic patients and additional 122 faecal specimens from age- and- temporal matched inpatients without diarrhoea were obtained; rotavirus positivity rates for these groups were 32.0% (41/128) and 9.8% (12/122), respectively (p < 0.001). Both electropherotyping and serotyping could be performed in 42 (79.2%) of the 53 rotavirus-positive stool samples. Long and short electropherotypes were detected at similar rates - 38.1% and 40.5% of specimens, respectively. Overall, a G serotype could be assigned for 35 (83.3%) of specimens, the majority of them (66.7%) bearing G1-serotype specificity. Taking both electropherotypes and serotypes together, G1 rotavirus strains displaying long and short RNA patterns accounted for 30.9% and 19.0% of tested specimens, respectively; all G2 strains had short electropherotype. Rotavirus gastroenteritis was detected year-round and, in 1998, the incidence rates tended to be higher during the second semester than in the first semester: 45.2% and 26.1% (p = 0.13), respectively. Rotavirus infections peaked at the second semester of life with frequencies of 30.1% and 13.5% for diarrhoeic children and controls, respectively. While the six rotavirus strains bearing G2-type specificity were circulating throughout the whole study period, G1 serotypes (n = 27) emerged as from June 1998 onwards, 20 (74.1%) of which clustering in 1998. These data underscore the importance of rotaviruses in the aetiology of severe infantile gastroenteritis in Northeastern Brazil and sustain the concept that a future vaccine should confer protection against more than one serotype.


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The seroprevalence and geographic distribution of HTLV-1/2 among blood donors are extremely important to transfusion services. We evaluated the seroprevalence of HTLV-1/2 infection among first-time blood donor candidates in Ribeirão Preto city and region. From January 2000 to December 2010, 1,038,489 blood donations were obtained and 301,470 were first-time blood donations. All samples were screened with serological tests for HTLV-1/2 using enzyme immunoassay (EIA). In addition, the frequency of coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Chagas disease (CD) and syphilis was also determined. In-house PCR was used as confirmatory test for HTLV-1/2. A total of 296 (0.1%) first-time donors were serologically reactive for HTLV-1/2. Confirmatory PCR of 63 samples showed that 28 were HTLV-1 positive, 13 HTLV-2 positive, 19 negative and three indeterminate. Regarding HTLV coinfection rates, the most prevalent was with HBV (51.3%) and HCV (35.9%), but coinfection with HIV, CD and syphilis was also detected. The real number of HTLV-infected individual and coinfection rate in the population is underestimated and epidemiological studies like ours are very informative.