149 resultados para tree mapping


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Chlorophyll fluorescence is currently used as a rapid diagnostic and nondestructive method to detect and quantify damage on the photosynthetic apparatus of leaves on weeds, crops and ornamental/coniferous trees in response to both environmental stress and herbicides. This study aimed to evaluate chlorophyll fluorescence in guanandi plants (Calophyllum brasiliense) after application of different postemergence herbicides. The experiment was performed in a completely randomized design, with six treatments (control, bentazon, sulfentrazone, isoxaflutole, atrazine and glyphosate) and five replications. The herbicide treatments were applied with a stationary sprayer, and electron transport rate (ETR) was subsequently analyzed with OS5p Multi-Mode Chlorophyll Fluorometer. In the monitored period, guanandi plants subjected to atrazine showed higher sensitivity to chlorophyll fluorescence than the other treatments. Although bentazon is a photosystem II inhibitor, it showed no major changes in electron transport for the studied species and in the monitored period. In summary, ETR is a good parameter to evaluate the effect of some herbicides on Calophyllum brasiliense plants.


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The aim of this study was to identify and map the weed population in a no-tillage area. Geostatistical techniques were used in the mapping in order to assess this information as a tool for the localized application of herbicides. The area of study is 58.08 hectares wide and was sampled in a fixed square grid (which point spaced 50 m, 232 points) using a GPS receiver. In each point the weeds species and population were analyzed in a square with a 0.25 m2 fixed area. The species Ipomoea grandifolia, Gnaphalium spicatum, Richardia spp. and Emilia sonchifolia have presented no spatial dependence. However, the species Conyza spp., C. echinatus and E. indica have shown a spatial correlation. Among the models tested, the spherical model has shown had a better fit for Conyza spp. and Eleusine indica and the Gaussian model for Cenchrus echinatus. The three species have a clumped spatial distribution. The mapping of weeds can be a tool for localized control, making herbicide use more rational, effective and economical.


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This study aimed to assess the degree of similarity presented by thematic maps generated by different sampling grids of weed plants in a commercial agricultural area of 7.95 hectares. Monocotyledons and dicotyledons were counted on the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 harvests, before soybean planting, in the fallow period after wheat harvest, in both years. A regular grid of 10 x 10 m was produced to sample the invasive plants, used as reference, and the counting was done in 1 m² of each sample point, totaling 795 samples in each year, compared to regular grids of 30 and 50 m, generated from the data exclusion of the standard grid. Twenty-two composite soil samples were taken at a depth of 0-20 cm to correlate soil properties with weeds occurrence. For the generation of the thematic maps, the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) for interpolation was used; when comparing the maps generated from each grid with the reference map, the kappa coefficient was used to assess the loss of quality of the maps as the number of sample points was reduced. It was observed that the map quality loss was lower in 2013 compared to 2012 when the sampling density of the points was reduced. The 30 x 30 m grids have satisfactorily described the infestation data of the dicotyledons and the 50 x 50 m grids have adequately described the monocotyledon weeds infestation, compared to the standard 10 x 10 m grids.


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ABSTRACT The combination of crop residues or crop extracts is often more advantageous in controlling weeds, than the application of each residue or extract singly. This suggests that in intercropping with maize, the combination of tree species can be more advantageous than species isolated in weed control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of intercropping with a combination of leguminous on the weed growth and corn yield. A randomized-block design with split plots (cultivars in plots) and five replicates was established. The cultivars BR 205 and AG 1041 were subject to the following treatments: two weedings (A), intercropping with sabiá (B), gliricidia (C), gliricidia + sabiá (D) and no weeding (E). In the B and C, 30 viable seeds m-2 of the leguminous were sown. In the D, 15 seeds of each species were sown m-2. The legumes were sown by random casting during corn planting. The sequence of the best treatments in reducing the growth of weeds is A > B = C = D = E. The sequence of the best treatments when are considered the yields of baby corn, green corn and grain is A > B > C > D > E. The cultivars do not differ in regards to the reduction in weed growth. In terms of corn yield cultivar BR 205 is the best.


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ABSTRACT - (Climate, soil and tree flora relationships in forests in the state of São Paulo, southteastern Brasil). With the aim of verifying possible influences of abiotic features on the spatial distribution of forest tree species and families, thirteen surveys in the state of São Paulo were selected, representing different conditions (localization at the extreme coordenates and altitudes, succesional stages, surveying methods). By applying Jaccard's Index to the binary matrices of 806 synonymized specific binomina and 79 families (Cronquist's system) phenograms were constructed using the method of the unweighted pair grouping by mathematical average (UPGMA). The species formed two floristic blocks: hygrophyllous (yearly rainfall greater than 2000 mm without dry season) and mesophyllous (yearly rainfall about 1400 mm with variable dry season). The latter was divided in two other groups: the high-altitudinal (median altitudes higher than 750 m, frost average frequency greater than 3 days/year) and low-altitudinal. Both mesophyllous floristic blocks were subdivided according to soil conditions (texture, eutrophism, acid or allic dystrophism, iron content). At the family level the relations were weak, but also showed the soil nutritional status as a possible constraint to the spatial partition of families.


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(Diameter and height distributions in a gallery forest tree community and some of its main species in central Brazil over a six-year period (1985-1991)). The diameter and height structure were studied over six years in approximately 64 ha of the Gama gallery forest in Brasília, DF. Trees from 10 cm dbh were measured every three years from 1985 in 151 (10 x 20 m) permanent plots. Natural regeneration (individuals under 10 cm dbh) was measured in subplots within the 200 m² plots. Most individuals and species were under 45 cm diameter and 20 m high while the maximum diameter for individual species ranged from 30 to 95 cm. The diameter structure was typical of a mixed tropical forest with the number of individuals decreasing with increasing size classes and showing little change over the six years. The most abundant species occupy different positions in the canopy and have different size structures.


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(Response of Dalbergia miscolobium Benth. seedlings, a cerrado tree species, to a mineral nutrient supply). The soil under the Brazilian cerrado vegetation is very poor in nutrients. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the addition of a nutrient solution in the early growth of D. miscolobium, a typical cerrado tree species, cultivated in cerrado soil. Seeds were germinated in Petri dishes and seven-day old seedlings were transfered to pots containing cerrado soil. These were supplied once a week with a normal, 1/2 or 1/10 strength nutrient solution. Four growth analysis were done over a period of 145 days from seed imbibition, in terms of dry mass, leaf area and carbohydrate and nitrogen contents. Other derived parameters were also analysed. The addition of a nutrient solution promoted early growth with a preferential separation of dry matter towards the tops; in the control seedlings (no nutrient addition) more dry matter accumulated in the root system. This suggests a preferential investment in root growth in poor soils such as the cerrado ones. Reliable evidence of this is given by the level of carbohydrate and protein which was higher in the roots than in the tops of plants growing in cerrado soil without the addition of nutrients.


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Six-month-old seedlings of Cytharexyllum myrianthum and Genipa americana, two common tree species in different flood-prone areas in Brazil, were flooded for up to 90 days to compare their survival and growth responses under these conditions. Seedlings of both species were found to be relatively tolerant to flooding but growth responses changed according to treatment and plant species. Growth of G. americana was reduced by flooding, showing a decrease in root and leaf dry mass, root/shoot ratio and height, without showing any adaptive morphological changes. On the other hand, growth of C. myrianthum seedlings was stimulated under flooding conditions, showing an increase in root dry mass, root/shoot ratio, height, stem diameter and some morphological changes in roots and stems, i.e., development of new roots and stem base hypertrophy. These results could be regarded as an experimental corroboration of the field observations, showing that these species could be indicated for restoration programs of some Neotropical wetlands.


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Growth of seedlings of fifteen tropical tree species representative, at the adult stage, of different successional positions, was studied under field conditions. Seedlings were grown in three treatments: full sun (FS), artificial shade imposed by neutral screens (AS) and natural shade imposed by a closed canopy in a Forest Reserve in Southeast Brazil (NS). Most of the studied species survived in both shade treatments, although their growth was severely affected. Decreases in height, internode numbers, dry weight, leaf area, root:shoot ratio (R:S) and increases in leaf mass ratio (LMR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and specific leaf area (SLA) were common responses to shade. Relative growth rates (RGRs) and net assimilation rates (NARs) were consistently lower in the shaded treatments than in full sun. RGR was significantly correlated with NAR in the FS and NS treatments, whereas it was correlated with LAR in the AS treatment. Natural shade had more severe effects than artificial shade on leaf area reduction and RGR. Between-species differences in R:S, LMR, SLA and LAR were not related to the successional status of species. However, there was a tendency for early-successional species to have higher RGRs than late successional ones, regardless of the light environment. Late-successional species also showed less pronounced responses to shade than early ones. The characteristics presented by the late-successional species may be associated with shade tolerance, enabling their persistence under dense canopies.


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Two adjacent tracts of tropical secondary forest, situated in Itambé do Mato Dentro, south-eastern Brazil, which had been regenerating for 15 and 40 years after clearing, were compared with the purpose of detecting differences in species diversity and composition, species guild composition (regeneration, stratification and dispersion), and stand structure. Four and three 1,125 m² plots laid on the 15- and 40-year-old stands, respectively, sampled 2,430 trees with diameter at the base of the stem > 5 cm. The number of species (S = 199) was high for this forest type and significantly higher for the older stand. Tree density was significantly higher in the younger stand, particularly for smaller trees, whereas the two stands did not differ in both basal area and volume per hectare. Trees of shade-tolerant and understory species were significantly more abundant in the older stand. Though sharing a large proportion of species (49%), the two stands differed significantly in the abundance of many species. Live stumps probably contributed to the relatively quick restoration of some forest characteristics, particularly species diversity, basal area and volume.


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The horizontal and vertical tree community structure in a lowland Atlantic Rain Forest was investigated through a phytosociological survey in two 0.99 ha plots in the Intervales State Park, São Paulo State. All trees > 5 cm diameter at breast height were recorded. 3,078 individuals belonging to 172 species were identified and recorded. The Shannon diversity index was H' = 3.85 nat.ind.-1. The Myrtaceae family showed the greatest floristic richness (38 species) and the highest density (745 individuals) in the stand. Euterpe edulis Mart. had the highest importance value (33.98%) accounting for 21.8% of all individuals recorded. The quantitative similarity index was higher than the qualitative index, showing little structural variation between plots. However, the large number of uncommon species resulted in pronounced floristic differences. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) generated three arbitrary vertical strata. Stratum A (> 26 m), where Sloanea guianensis (Aubl.) Benth. and Virola bicuhyba (Schott. ex A.DC.) Warb. were predominant showed the lowest density. Stratum B (8 m < h < 26 m) had the greatest richness and diversity, and stratum C (< 8 m) showed the highest density. Euterpe edulis, Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz, Garcinia gardneriana (Planch. & Triana) Zappi, and Eugenia mosenii (Kausel) Sobral were abundant in strata B and C. The occurrence of strata in tropical forests is discussed and we recommend the use of DCA for others studies of the vertical distribution of tropical forest tree communities.


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Biological systems are complex dynamical systems whose relationships with environment have strong implications on their regulation and survival. From the interactions between plant and environment can emerge a quite complex network of plant responses rarely observed through classical analytical approaches. The objective of this current study was to test the hypothesis that photosynthetic responses of different tree species to increasing irradiance are related to changes in network connectances of gas exchange and photochemical apparatus, and alterations in plant autonomy in relation to the environment. The heat dissipative capacity through daily changes in leaf temperature was also evaluated. It indicated that the early successional species (Citharexylum myrianthum Cham. and Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reiss.) were more efficient as dissipative structures than the late successional one (Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze), suggesting that the parameter deltaT (T ºCair - T ºCleaf) could be a simple tool in order to help the classification of successional classes of tropical trees. Our results indicated a pattern of network responses and autonomy changes under high irradiance. Considering the maintenance of daily CO2 assimilation, the tolerant species (C. myrianthum and R. elaeocarpum) to high irradiance trended to maintain stable the level of gas exchange network connectance and to increase the autonomy in relation to the environment. On the other hand, the late successional species (C. legalis) trended to lose autonomy, decreasing the network connectance of gas exchange. All species showed lower autonomy and higher network connectance of the photochemical apparatus under high irradiance.


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This study evaluated the photosynthetic responses of seven tropical trees of different successional groups under contrasting irradiance conditions, taking into account changes in gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence. Although early successional species have shown higher values of CO2 assimilation (A) and transpiration (E), there was not a defined pattern of the daily gas exchange responses to high irradiance (FSL) among evaluated species. Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze (late secondary) and Astronium graveolens Jacq. (early secondary) exhibited larger reductions in daily-integrated CO2 assimilation (DIA) when transferred from medium light (ML) to FSL. On the other hand, the pioneer species Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. had significant DIA increase when exposed to FSL. The pioneers Croton spp. trended to show a DIA decrease around 19%, while Cytharexyllum myrianthum Cham. (pioneer) and Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reiss. (early secondary) trended to increase DIA when transferred to FSL. Under this condition, all species showed dynamic photoinhibition, except for C. legalis that presented chronic photoinhibition of photosynthesis. Considering daily photosynthetic processes, our results supported the hypothesis of more flexible responses of early successional species (pioneer and early secondary species). The principal component analysis indicated that the photochemical parameters effective quantum efficiency of photosystem II and apparent electron transport rate were more suitable to separate the successional groups under ML condition, whereas A and E play a major role to this task under FSL condition.


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The dynamics of the tree community and 30 tree populations were examined in an area of tropical semideciduous forest located on the margin of the Rio Grande, SE Brazil, based on surveys done in 1990 and 1997 in three 0.18 ha plots. The main purpose was to assess whether variations in dynamics were related to topography and the effects of a catastrophic flood in 1992. Rates of mortality and recruitment of trees and gain and loss of basal area in two topographic sites, lower (flooded) and upper (non-flooded), were obtained. Projected trajectories of mean and accelerated growth in diameter were obtained for each species. In both topographic sites, mortality rates surpassed recruitment rates, gain rates of basal area surpassed loss rates, and size distributions changed, with declining proportions of smaller trees. These overall changes were possibly related to increased underground water supply after the 1992 flood as well as to a c. 250-year-old process of primary succession on abandoned gold mines. Possible effects of the 1992 flood showed up in the higher proportions of dead trees in the flooded sites and faster growth rates in the flood-free sites. Species of different regeneration guilds showed particular trends with respect to their demographic changes and diameter growth patterns. Nevertheless, patterns of population dynamics differed between topographic sites for only two species.


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In this study we evaluated photosynthetic characteristics and patterns of biomass accumulation in seedlings of two tree species from a Semideciduous Tropical Forest of Brazil. Seedlings of Trema micrantha (L.) Blum. (pioneer) and Hymenaea courbaril (L.) var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Lee & Langenh. (climax) were grown for 4 months under low light (LL) (5%-8% of sunlight) and high light (HL) (100% of sunlight). Under HL, T. micrantha showed higher CO2 assimilation rates (A CO2) and light saturation than H. courbaril. Under LL, A CO2 were higher in H. courbaril. Under LL, total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents per unit leaf area were higher in H. courbaril. Chlorophyll a/b ratio was higher in T. micrantha under both light regimes. A CO2 and Fv/Fm ratio at both pre-dawn and midday in H. coubaril were lower in HL indicating chronic photoinhibition. Thus, the climax species was more susceptible to photoinhibition than the pioneer. However, H. courbaril produced higher total biomass under both treatments showing high efficiency in the maintenance of a positive carbon balance. Thus, both species expressed characteristics that favor growth under conditions that resemble their natural microenvironments, but H. courbaril also grew under HL. The ecophysiological range of responses to contrasting light levels of this climax plant seems to be broader than generally observed for other rainforest climax species. We propose that this could be related to the particular spatio-temporal light regime of the semideciduous forests.