178 resultados para species inventory


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The aim of this study was not only to determine the red blood cells parameters, thrombocyte and leukocyte counts in farmed Brycon amazonicus (matrinxã), to compare these parameters among Bryconinae species from literature, and also to investigate the presence of special granulocytic cells in these fish. The results of the blood cells parameters here established for farmed B. amazonicus, a species of great economic importance in Brazilian aquaculture, could help a better understanding of the blood features in natural populations of this Amazon species. Blood parameters varied between Bryconinae species investigated, mainly the red blood cell counts, hemoglobin, hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). The presence of the blood granulocytes, neutrophils and heterophils in matrinxã suggest that both leukocytes can be a characteristic for Bryconinae family. Furthermore, it indicates that the existence of special granulocytic cells in the blood of Bryconinae species from literature is an artifact, and this was herein discussed.


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A new species of Protoptila Banks (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae) - P. longispinata sp. nov. - is described and illustrated from specimens collected in Amazon region, Amazonas and Pará states, Brazil.


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The genus Actinella Lewis was studied using planktonic samples from a black water floodplain lake in Central Amazon region. For species identification the taxa were morphological and morphometricaly analyzed on base in light microscope (LM) and scanning electronic microscope (SEM). Five species were registered: Actinella brasiliensis Grunow, A. guianensis Grunow, A. gracile Kociolek, A. mirabilis (Eulenstein ex Grunow) Grunow and A. robusta Hustedt. A. gracile is reported for the first time for Amazon State and black water systems and it is firstly documented with SEM. In addition, a review of geographic distribution of Actinella species in Brazilian Amazon region is given.


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All species of Macrostomus Wiedemann allied with Macrostomus pictipennis (Bezzi), are treated in the pictipennis species-group. Three currently recognized species and four new species are included, namely M. cervicicauda Smith, M. cysticercus Smith, M. manauara, sp. nov. from Brazil (Amazonas and Pará states), M. pacaraima, sp. nov. from Brazil (Roraima, Amazonas and Pará states), M. pictipennis (Bezzi), M. smithi, sp. nov. from Guyana and Brazil (Roraima State) and M. utinga, sp. nov. from Brazil (Pará State). All primary types were examined and a key to species is presented.


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Seven new species of Lachesilla in the group forcepeta, from the Amazon Basin in Brazil, Colombia and Peru, are here described and illustrated: L. amacayacuensis sp. n. (type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia, Amacayacú); L.bulbosiforceps sp. n. (type locality: Peru, Cuzco); L. cuzcoensis sp. n. (type locality: Peru, Cuzco); L. marabaensis sp. n. (type locality: Brasil, Pará, Marabá, Serra Norte); L. pilosiforceps sp. n. (type locality: Brasil, Pará, Oriximiná, Rio Trombetas); L. pilosipenna sp. n. (type locality: Peru, Cuzco); L. squamiforceps sp. n. (type locality: Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia). The Amazon Basin is the second most rich world area for species of Lachesilla.


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A multilocus mixed-mating model was used to evaluate the mating system of a population of Couratari multiflora, an emergent tree species found in low densities (1 individual/10 ha) in lowland forests of central Amazonia. We surveyed and observed phenologically 41 trees in an area of 400 ha. From these, only four mother trees were analyzed here because few of them set fruits, which also suffered high predation. No difference was observed between the population multilocus outcrossing rate (t mp = 0.953 ± 0.040) and the average single locus rate (t sp = 0.968 ± 0.132). The four mother trees were highly outcrossed (t m ~ 1). Two out of five loci showed departures from the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) expectations, and the same results occurred with the mixed-mating model. Besides the low number of trees analyzed, the proportion of loci in HWE suggests random mating in the population. However, the pollen pool was heterogeneous among families, probably due to both the small sample number and the flowering of trees at different times of the flowering season. Reproductive phenology of the population and the results presented here suggest, at least for part of the population, a long-distance pollen movement, around 1,000 m.


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Stomata are turgor-operated valves that control water loss and CO2 uptake during photosynthesis, and thereby water relation and plant biomass accumulation is closely related to stomatal functioning. The aims of this work were to document how stomata are distributed on the leaf surface and to determine if there is any significant variation in stomatal characteristics among Amazonian tree species, and finally to study the relationship between stomatal density (S D) and tree height. Thirty five trees (>17 m tall) of different species were selected. Stomatal type, density (S D), size (S S) and stomatal distribution on the leaf surface were determined using nail polish imprints taken from both leaf surfaces. Irrespective of tree species, stomata were located only on the abaxial surface (hypostomaty), with large variation in both S D and S S among species. S D ranged from 110 mm-2 in Neea altissima to 846 mm-2 in Qualea acuminata. However, in most species S D ranges between 271 and 543 mm-2, with a negative relationship between S D and S S. We also found a positive relationship between S D and tree height (r² = 0.14, p < 0.01), but no correlation was found between S D and leaf thickness. The most common stomatal type was anomocytic (37%), followed by paracytic (26%) and anisocytic (11%). We conclude that in Amazonian tree species, stomatal distribution on the leaf surface is a response most likely dependent on the genetic background of every species, rather than a reaction to environmental changes, and that somehow S D is influenced by environmental factors dependent on tree height.


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There have been ethnoveterinary reports from around the world investigating plant usage in therapeutic protocols; however, there is no information regarding the ethnoveterinary practices in Brazilian Amazonia. The objective of this work was to register and document the ethnoveterinary knowledge of the inhabitants of the Island of Marajó, eastern Amazonia, Brazil. In the study, interviews were conducted with 50 individuals, with the application of semi-structured questionnaires that were quantitatively analyzed using descriptive statistic methods of frequency distribution. Use-value was calculated to determine the most important species. Samples of plants that were reported to have medicinal value were collected and identified by botanical classification. Fifty plants, distributed among 48 genera and 34 families, were indicated for 21 different medicinal uses. The family Asteraceae had the largest number of reported species; Carapa guianensis Aubl., Copaifera martii Hayne, Crescentia cujete L., Caesalpinia ferrea Mart., Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Jatropha curcas L. and Momordica charantia L. were species with highest use- value. The plant parts that were more commonly utilized for the preparation of ethnoveterinary medicines were the leaves (56%), bark (18%), roots (14%), seeds (14%) and fruit (8%). With regard to usage, tea was reported as a usage method by 56% of the informants; most preparations (90.9%) utilized only a single plant. In addition to medicinal plants, informants reported using products of animal and mineral origin. The present study contributed to the construction of an inventory of Marajó Island's ethnoveterinary plants, which might be the basis for future scientific validation studies.


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The high tree diversity and vast extent of Amazonian forests challenge our understanding of how tree species abundance and composition varies across this region. Information about these parameters, usually obtained from tree inventories plots, is essential for revealing patterns of tree diversity. Numerous tree inventories plots have been established in Amazonia, yet, tree species composition and diversity of white-sand and terra-firme forests of the upper Rio Negro still remain poorly understood. Here, we present data from eight new one-hectare tree inventories plots established in the upper Rio Negro; four of which were located in white-sand forests and four in terra-firme forests. Overall, we registered 4703 trees > 10 cm of diameter at breast height. These trees belong to 49 families, 215 genera, and 603 species. We found that tree communities of terra-firme and white-sand forests in the upper Rio Negro significantly differ from each other in their species composition. Tree communities of white-sand forests show a higher floristic similarity and lower diversity than those of terra-firme forests. We argue that mechanisms driving differences between tree communities of white-sand and terra-firme forests are related to habitat size, which ultimately influences large-scale and long-term evolutionary processes.


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Two new species of Elaphropeza Macquart, 1827 are described and illustrated: Elaphropeza atrata sp. nov. (Brazil and Peru) and Elaphropeza longiseta sp. nov. (Bolivia and Brazil). An updated key to Elaphropeza species from Amazon Basin is provided. The number of species of Elaphropeza in the Amazon Basin region is increased to seven with an increase to 36 for the Neotropical Region.


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This paper aimed to evaluate the richness, abundance and frequency of sand fly occurrence in rural and urban areas American visceral Leishmaniasis -AVL is endemic in the study area of Santarém municipality, Pará state. Sand flies were collected during 1995-2000, using CDC light traps placed in neighborhoods and rural areas of the municipality. A total of 53.454 individuals and 26 species of sand flies were collected. The most abundant species in both urban and rural environments was Lutzomyia longipalpis, vector of AVL in the area. The highest species richness by capture was in rural area. In all years sampled, the largest number of species of sand fly collected was always in rural areas. The species of sand flies in urban and rural area were similar in 11 species. In the rural area other 11 species were found, a total of 22 species. Shannon-Wiener index ranged from 0.12 to 0.84 at rural areas and 0.08 to 0.34 at urban ones. In general, rural localities showed higher diversity (H') of phlebotomines than urban ones. Individual-based rarefaction curves for each area demonstrated that urban localities had the lowest expected number of phlebotomine species and the richest rural ones reach higher expected values with lower amount of individuals than urban sites. The most frequent species were Lutzomyia longipalpis, Evandromyia carmelinoi and Bichromomyia flaviscutellata.


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In this study we explore morphological and ecological variation in sympatric populations of Pagamea coriacea s.l. - a species complex from white-sand vegetation in the Amazon. A total of 147 trees were sampled and monitored at three nearby sites in Central Amazon, Brazil. Multivariate analyses of morphology indicated two distinct groups (A and B), which also differed in bark type, each containing subgroups associated with sexual dimorphism. However, a single hermaphroditic individual was observed within group B. As expected, all pistillate plants produced fruits, but 23% of the staminate plants of group B, and 5% of group A also produced fruits. This variation suggests that the sexual systems of both groups are between dioecy and gynodioecy. There was an overlap in flowering phases between the two groups, but the pattern of floral maturation differed. Ecologically, plants of group B were found in more shaded habitats and over sandstone bedrocks, while group A was prevalent in deeper sandy soils as canopy plants. The significances of morphological and environmental differences were tested by a multivariate analysis of variance, and a canonical discriminant analysis assessed the importance of variables. The coexistence in sympatry of two discrete morphological groups in the P. coriacea s.l., with different habitat preferences and reproductive behaviors, indicates they represent distinct species.


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We carried out a comparative morphological study to evaluate the taxonomic value of seed and seedling traits of Entada polystachya and E. simplicata (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae, Mimoseae). Seeds of both species were collected from wild populations in Roraima State, Brazil. Our results show consistent quantitative and qualitative differences between these species regarding their seeds and seedlings. Testa fracture lines, funiculus impression, lens characters, radicle shape and length, and cotyledon lobes length, seedling morphology group, number of pinnae at first node, and hypocotyl length permit a straightforward distinction of E. polystachya from E. simplicata, supporting a recent treatment of the latter taxon as a distinct species, endemic to Roraima State, northern Amazonia, Brazil.


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Honeys are described possessing different properties including antimicrobial. Many studies have presented this activity of honeys produced by Apis mellifera bees, however studies including activities of stingless bees honeys are scarce. The aim of this study was to compare the antimicrobial activity of honeys collected in the Amazonas State from Melipona compressipes, Melipona seminigra and Apis mellifera against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Chromobacterium violaceum, and Candida albicans. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined using the agar dilution method with Müller-Hinton agar (for bacteria) or Saboraud agar (for yeast). Staphylococcus aureus and E. faecalis were inhibited by all honeys at concentrations below 12%, while E. coli and C. violaceum were inhibited by stingless bee honeys at concentrations between 10 and 20%. A. mellifera honey inhibited E. coli at a concentration of 7% and Candida violaceum at 0.7%. C. albicans were inhibited only with honey concentrations between 30 and 40%. All examined honey had antimicrobial activity against the tested pathogens, thus serving as potential antimicrobial agents for several therapeutic approaches.