141 resultados para spatial markov Chains


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ABSTRACTTo evaluate the effect of planting date and spatial pattern on common bean yield under weed-free and weed-infested conditions, an experiment was conducted in Kelachay, Northern Iran, in 2013. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement with three replicates. Factors were planting date (10 August and 20 August), spatial pattern (square and rectangular planting pattern, with a planting distance of 30 x 30 cm and 45 x 20 cm, respectively), and weed management regime (weed-free and weedy conditions, weeded and not weeded throughout the growing season, respectively). Results showed that the main effect of planting date was significant only for pod number per plant and seed number per pod. At the same time, pod number per plant, seed number per pod, pod length, and grain yield were influenced significantly by spatial pattern. Results of ANOVA have also indicated that all traits, except pod length, were influenced significantly by weed-management regimes. Moreover, effect of planting date and spatial pattern were nonsignificant for weed dry weight. Mean comparison has expressed a significant increment in seed yield for square planting arrangement (1,055 kg ha-1) over rectangular (971 kg ha-1). Weeding has also presented an overall 12% and 8% improvement in grain and pod yield over control (weedy check), respectively. Based on the results of this study, weed control, as well as square planting pattern, are recommended for obtaining the highest seed yield in common bean.


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Temporal and spatial variations in species composition and vertical distribution of macroalgal communities growing on mangrove trees were analyzed bimonthly in the Ilha do Cardoso State Park, São Paulo state (25°03'S and 47°55'W), Southeastern Brazil. The macroalgal communities from mangroves of Perequê and Sítio Grande rivers comprised 10 and 18 taxa respectively. Bostrychia radicans (Mont.) Mont. and B. calliptera (Mont.) Mont. were the predominant taxa, present almost throughout the year and in all the sites studied. The species composition of macroalgal communities from both mangroves presented temporal and spatial variations related to environmental factors. The highest number of taxa was observed during colder, drier months, coinciding with the highest means of high water neap and short periods of continuous emersion (April to August). Some mangrove algae such as B. calliptera, Rhizoclonium spp., Caloglossa spp., and Boodleopsis pusilla (Collins) W. Taylor, Joly et Bernatowicz showed a high degree of tolerance to desiccation, being able to tolerate continuous emersion up to six days. The spatial variations in species composition were related to light, as observed in Catenella caespitosa (Withering) L. Irvine, which occurred in well-lit sites. No pattern of vertical zonation was observed, since Rhizoclonium spp., B. radicans, and B. calliptera occur over the entire vertical range. Variations in the range of vertical distribution of macroalgae of Perequê mangrove were mainly related to the variations in the tidal levels (mean high water neap and/or mean high water spring) while those observed in Sítio Grande mangrove were related to salinity variations, except for B. calliptera and Caloglossa spp. related to tidal levels and high irradiance, respectively.


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A spatial autocorrelation study of enzyme loci detected by starch gel electrophoresis was performed to verify the occurrence of spatial genetic structure within two natural populations of Machaerium villosum Vog. The sampled populations were termed "Antropic Model (MA)" and "Natural Model (MN)" and they are situated in Campininha Farm areas, at Moji-Guaçu municipality, 22°10'43''-22°18'19'' S and 47°8'5"-47°11'34" W, in the state of São Paulo. Ten polymorphic loci in the MA population and nine polymorphic loci in the MN population were assessed by Moran's I autocorrelation statistic. No spatial autocorrelation was detected among individuals within sampled populations. Results are in line with other studies in woody species from tropical rain forest.


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In bromeliad populations, amount of light and available substrates influence individuals spatial organization. In Atlantic Rainforest of Ilha Grande, the heliophylous bromeliad Neoregelia johannis is a large and abundant species. In this forest, it would be expected that N. johannis would occupy stable substrates, as large trunks, large branches, rock boulders or ground, with high sunlight, enough for the bromeliad survivor. In the present work, we analyzed the distribution and most used substrates of N. johannis in secondary forest. We analyzed the frequency of reproductive modes (sexual and vegetative) used by the bromeliad shoots, registering if the shoots were originated from seeds or by vegetative reproduction. The results indicated an aggregated distribution pattern (Ip = 0.052). The preferred substrate was boulders (91%), whereas tree trunks (6%) and the ground (3%) were rarely used. Small and fragile substrates are unstable to support large adults of this species, which may explain the predominant pattern of establishment over boulders within the secondary forest, as the presence of this substrate also results in more opened canopy cover. Approximately 50% of young individuals entered the population by vegetative reproduction. We conclude that the preferential habit and the aggregated distribution of N. johannis are due to the conjunction of preferred substrate with higher amount of light resulting from breaks in tree canopy over areas with rock blocks, and high frequency of recruitment by vegetative reproduction.


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The mechanisms that maintain tree diversity in tropical rain forests are still in debate. Variations in forest structural components produce forest microenvironmental heterogeneity, which in turn may affect plant performance and have been scarcely analyzed in the Amazon. Palms are widespread in the Neotropical rainforests and have relatively well known taxonomy, apart from being ecologically and economically important. The understanding of how palms respond to variation in the forest structural components may help to explain their abundance and richness in a given area. In this study, we describe a palm community and analyze how it is affected by forest microenvironmental heterogeneity. In a pristine "Terra Firme" forest at Reserva Ducke, Manaus, we recorded all adult palm trees in twenty 100 × 10 m plots. In the same plots we recorded the variation in canopy openness, the leaflitter thickness and counted all non-palm forest trees. A total of 713 individuals in 29 palm species were found. The three most abundant species were Astrocaryum sciophilum (Miq.) Pulle, A. gynacanthum Mart. and Attalea attaleoides (Barb. Rodr.) Wess. Boer. The most locally abundant species were also very frequent or occurred in a larger number of plots. There were no significant effects of litter depth, forest canopy openness and forest tree abundance on palm richness. However, in areas where leaf litter was thicker a significant lower number of palm trees occurred. In microsites where proportionally more incident light was reaching the forest understory, due to higher canopy opening, significantly more palm trees were present.


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Three sampling sites were analysed in each of the following tropical regions: 1) northwestern São Paulo State, representing a disturbed region; 2) Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul State, representing a hard water region; and 3) Ubatuba, northern costal region of São Paulo State, a well preserved tropical rainforest region. The hard water region had the highest mean values for macroalgal species richness (6.3) and diversity index (H' = 0.62). Northwest and rainforest regions had the highest percent cover values (22.5% and 17.0%, respectively). All sites in the northwest region had one or two dominant species (percent cover significantly higher than the remaining species), characterizing the niche pre-emption distribution pattern. The same pattern was found in two sites of the Atlantic rainforest. The hard water region had dominance of one species in two out of the three sites, but differently from the northwest region, niche overlap values were lower, evidencing a patch distribution. Competition for space was one of the main factors to explain spatial distribution. Overall, sites characterized by niche pre-emption had lower species richness, higher values for niche width and overlap, dominance index and percent cover of dominant species. In contrast, sites characterized by patch distribution had higher species richness and lower values for niche overlap and width, dominance index and percent cover.


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We examined large-scale spatial variation of structural parameters and floristic composition in open Clusia scrub, a vegetation type of the Brazilian "restingas" (sandy coastal plain vegetation). This vegetation is organized in islands separated by sandy stretches with sparse herbaceous vegetation. We located 12 sample areas on three consecutive beach ridges, lying parallel to the coastline and at different distances from the ocean, in close proximity to two lagoons (Cabiúnas and Comprida). Each sample area was divided into three strips. We used the line intercept method to sample all woody plants ³ 50 cm tall. We used nested ANOVA to verify structural variation between different sampling scales. TWINSPAN analysis was performed to examine the variation in floristic composition between areas. The overall diversity index was 3.07. Six species are repeatedly dominant throughout the entire sampling area. There was homogeneity in relation to diversity and species richness between beach ridges but not within beach ridges. Floristic composition and structural parameters did not vary in relation to distance from the sea but floristic composition did vary as a function of proximity to Cabiúnas or Comprida lagoon. Differences in plant cover between sample areas may be related to the paleoformation of this sandy coastal plain.


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We examined the relationships between environmental variations in lotic ecosystems with the seasonal dynamics of macroalgae communities at different spatial scales: drainage basin of two rivers (Rio das Pedras and Rio Marrecas), shading (open and shaded stream segments), mesohabitat (riffles and pools), and microhabitats. Data collections were made on a monthly basis between January and December/2007. A total of 16 taxa were encountered (13 species and 3 vegetative groups). All of the biotic parameters (richness, abundance, diversity, equitability, and dominance) were found to be highly variable at all of the spatial scales evaluated. On the other hand, abiotic variables demonstrated differences only at mesohabitat (in terms of current velocity) and shaded habitat (in terms of irradiance) scales. The seasonality of the macroalgae community structure was strongly influenced by microhabitat variables (current velocity, substrate H', and irradiance), demonstrating their importance over time and at different scales. Regional variables (temperature, oxygen saturation, specific conductance, pH, and turbidity) were found to have little influence on the temporal dynamics of the macroalgae communities evaluated.


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We examined the ecological distribution of macroalgal communities in streams using species groups (taxonomic units = algal phyla, and morphological = morphological types) with similar structures and functions instead of the species themselves. The study was conducted from June to July/2007 in two drainage basins located in mid-southern region of Paraná State , Brazil. Evaluations of macroalgal communities took into consideration the following spatial scales: the drainage basin (the Pedras river and Marrecas river basins), shading regime (open and shaded stream segments), mesohabitats (riffles and pools), and microhabitats (sampling units of 0.05m2). A total of 29 taxa (23 subgeneric, one generic, and five vegetative groups) were identified. On these, 12 taxa belong to Chlorophyta, 11 to Cyanobacteria, four to Heterokontophyta, and two to Rhodophyta. The proportions of morphological types were: 24% free filaments, 17.25% mats, tufts, gelatinous colonies, and gelatinous filaments, 7% crusts. In terms of spatial scales, we observed a predominance of Chlorophyta in open stream segments and Cyanobacteria in shaded stream segments, reflecting the loss of competitive advantage of green algae in sites with low energy availability. In the mesohabitats, the morphological types recorded in pools were predominantly poorly adapted to fast currents (free filaments), while those found in riffles (mats, tufts and gelatinous filaments) were highly resistant to fast water flows. As such, the use of species groupings based on algal taxonomy associated with morphological characteristics proved to be useful to understanding the distributions of these organisms in lotic environments.


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Neurons from the anterior subventricular zone (SVZ) of the cerebral cortex migrate tangentially to become interneurons in the olfactory bulb during development and in adult rodents. This migration was defined as neuronophilic, independent of a radial glial substrate. The cortical SVZ and the rostral migratory stream to the olfactory bulb were shown to be rich in 9-O-acetyl GD3 gangliosides (9-O-acGD3), which have been previously shown to be implicated in gliophilic migration in the rodent cerebral cortex and cerebellum. In the present study, we performed SVZ explant cultures using rats during their first postnatal week to analyze the expression of these gangliosides in chain migration of neuronal precursors. We characterized migrating chains of these neuroblasts through morphological analysis and immunocytochemistry for the neural cell adhesion molecule. By using the Jones monoclonal antibody which binds specifically to 9-O-acGD3 we showed that migrating chains from the SVZ explants express 9-O-acGD3 which is distributed in a punctate manner in individual cells. 9-O-acGD3 is also present in migrating chains that form in the absence of radial glia, typical of the neuronophilic chain migration of the SVZ. Our data indicate that 9-O-acetylated gangliosides may participate in neuronophilic as well as gliophilic migration.


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Nascent procollagen peptides and other secretory proteins are transported across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane through a protein-conducting channel called translocon. Sec61alpha, a multispanning membrane translocon protein, has been implicated as being essential for translocation of polypeptide chains into the cisterns of the ER. Sec61alpha forms a protein complex with collagen and Hsp47, an ER-resident heat shock protein that binds specifically to collagen. However, it is not known whether Sec61alpha is ubiquitously produced in collagen-producing F9 teratocarcinoma cells or under heat shock treatment. Furthermore, the production and utilization of Sec61alpha may depend on the stage of cell differentiation. Cultured F9 teratocarcinoma cells are capable of differentiation in response to low concentrations of retinoic acid. This differentiation results in loss of tumorigenicity. Mouse F9 cells were grown in culture medium at 37ºC and 43ºC (heat shock treatment) treated or not with retinoic acid, and labeled in certain instances with 35S-methionine. Membrane-bound polysomes of procollagen IV were then isolated. Immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis were performed using polyclonal antibodies against collagen IV, Hsp47 and Sec61alpha. Under retinoic acid-untreated conditions, F9 cells produced undetectable amounts of Sec61alpha. Sec61alpha, Hsp47 and type IV collagen levels were increased after retinoic acid treatment. Heat shock treatment did not alter Sec61alpha levels, suggesting that Sec61alpha production is probably not affected by heat shock. These data indicate that the enhanced production of Sec61alpha in retinoic acid-induced F9 teratocarcinoma cells parallels the increased synthesis of Hsp47 and collagen type IV.


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Simple reaction time (SRT) in response to visual stimuli can be influenced by many stimulus features. The speed and accuracy with which observers respond to a visual stimulus may be improved by prior knowledge about the stimulus location, which can be obtained by manipulating the spatial probability of the stimulus. However, when higher spatial probability is achieved by holding constant the stimulus location throughout successive trials, the resulting improvement in performance can also be due to local sensory facilitation caused by the recurrent spatial location of a visual target (position priming). The main objective of the present investigation was to quantitatively evaluate the modulation of SRT by the spatial probability structure of a visual stimulus. In two experiments the volunteers had to respond as quickly as possible to the visual target presented on a computer screen by pressing an optic key with the index finger of the dominant hand. Experiment 1 (N = 14) investigated how SRT changed as a function of both the different levels of spatial probability and the subject's explicit knowledge about the precise probability structure of visual stimulation. We found a gradual decrease in SRT with increasing spatial probability of a visual target regardless of the observer's previous knowledge concerning the spatial probability of the stimulus. Error rates, below 2%, were independent of the spatial probability structure of the visual stimulus, suggesting the absence of a speed-accuracy trade-off. Experiment 2 (N = 12) examined whether changes in SRT in response to a spatially recurrent visual target might be accounted for simply by sensory and temporally local facilitation. The findings indicated that the decrease in SRT brought about by a spatially recurrent target was associated with its spatial predictability, and could not be accounted for solely in terms of sensory priming.


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The syndecans, heparan sulfate proteoglycans, are abundant molecules associated with the cell surface and extracellular matrix and consist of a protein core to which heparan sulfate chains are covalently attached. Each of the syndecan core proteins has a short cytoplasmic domain that binds cytosolic regulatory factors. The syndecans also contain highly conserved transmembrane domains and extracellular domains for which important activities are becoming known. These protein domains locate the syndecan on cell surface sites during development and tumor formation where they interact with other receptors to regulate signaling and cytoskeletal organization. The functions of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan have been centered on the role of heparan sulfate chains, located on the outer side of the cell surface, in the binding of a wide array of ligands, including extracellular matrix proteins and soluble growth factors. More recently, the core proteins of the syndecan family transmembrane proteoglycans have also been shown to be involved in cell signaling through interaction with integrins and tyrosine kinase receptors.


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Vertebrate hemoglobin, contained in erythrocytes, is a globular protein with a quaternary structure composed of 4 globin chains (2 alpha and 2 beta) and a prosthetic group named heme bound to each one. Having myoglobin as an ancestor, hemoglobin acquired the capacity to respond to chemical stimuli that modulate its function according to tissue requirements for oxygen. Fish are generally submitted to spatial and temporal O2 variations and have developed anatomical, physiological and biochemical strategies to adapt to the changing environmental gas availability. Structurally, most fish hemoglobins are tetrameric; however, those from some species such as lamprey and hagfish dissociate, being monomeric when oxygenated and oligomeric when deoxygenated. Fish blood frequently possesses several hemoglobins; the primary origin of this finding lies in the polymorphism that occurs in the globin loci, an aspect that may occasionally confer advantages to its carriers or even be a harmless evolutionary remnant. On the other hand, the functional properties exhibit different behaviors, ranging from a total absence of responses to allosteric regulation to drastic ones, such as the Root effect.


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Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a non-invasive imaging technique, which provides information reporting the functional states of tissues. SPECT imaging has been used as a diagnostic tool in several human disorders and can be used in animal models of diseases for physiopathological, genomic and drug discovery studies. However, most of the experimental models used in research involve rodents, which are at least one order of magnitude smaller in linear dimensions than man. Consequently, images of targets obtained with conventional gamma-cameras and collimators have poor spatial resolution and statistical quality. We review the methodological approaches developed in recent years in order to obtain images of small targets with good spatial resolution and sensitivity. Multipinhole, coded mask- and slit-based collimators are presented as alternative approaches to improve image quality. In combination with appropriate decoding algorithms, these collimators permit a significant reduction of the time needed to register the projections used to make 3-D representations of the volumetric distribution of target’s radiotracers. Simultaneously, they can be used to minimize artifacts and blurring arising when single pinhole collimators are used. Representation images are presented, which illustrate the use of these collimators. We also comment on the use of coded masks to attain tomographic resolution with a single projection, as discussed by some investigators since their introduction to obtain near-field images. We conclude this review by showing that the use of appropriate hardware and software tools adapted to conventional gamma-cameras can be of great help in obtaining relevant functional information in experiments using small animals.