136 resultados para pseudo-haletos


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A interpretação das alterações encontradas na necropsia é uma etapa importante para o sucesso do diagnóstico final. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e ilustrar os aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontradas em suínos domésticos e selvagens. Além disso, também se recomenda técnicas de colheita de tecidos para o diagnóstico de doenças que acometem essa espécie. Os principais aspectos anatômicos e não lesões descritos são fímbrias linguais, quadrilátero esofágico, toro pilórico e demarcação do padrão lobular do fígado (sistema gastrintestinal); tonsilas do palato mole, tecido linfoide associado ao estômago, placas de Peyer do intestino delgado e dobras da margem do baço (sistema hematopoiético); mediastino proeminente do testículo e aréolas da placenta (sistema reprodutor); atelectasia pulmonar e apêndice decidual (feto); e glândulas carpais (sistema tegumentar). Os artefatos de eutanásia abordados são petéquias na superfície do pulmão e rim, falsa anemia por sangria, hemorragia subdural por concussão cerebral, pseudo-infartos do baço e aspecto cerebriforme do intestino delgado. As lesões de pouco significado clínico descritas são cistos renais, linfonodos com pigmento de ferro, papilomas e hemangiomas no escroto, ossos no mesentério e hiperemia da mucosa gástrica. As alterações post mortem comumente encontradas são livor mortis, músculos pálidos, pseudomelanose e líquido serosanguinolento nas cavidades torácica e abdominal em fetos.


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Coherent vortices in turbulent mixing layers are investigated by means of Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Large-Eddy Simulation (LES). Subgrid-scale models defined in spectral and physical spaces are reviewed. The new "spectral-dynamic viscosity model", that allows to account for non-developed turbulence in the subgrid-scales, is discussed. Pseudo-spectral methods, combined with sixth-order compact finite differences schemes (when periodic boundary conditions cannot be established), are used to solve the Navier- Stokes equations. Simulations in temporal and spatial mixing layers show two types of pairing of primary Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) vortices depending on initial conditions (or upstream conditions): quasi-2D and helical pairings. In both cases, secondary streamwise vortices are stretched in between the KH vortices at an angle of 45° with the horizontal plane. These streamwise vortices are not only identified in the early transitional stage of the mixing layer but also in self-similar turbulence conditions. The Re dependence of the "diameter" of these vortices is analyzed. Results obtained in spatial growing mixing layers show some evidences of pairing of secondary vortices; after a pairing of the primary Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) vortices, the streamwise vortices are less numerous and their diameter has increased than before the pairing of KH vortices.


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A parallel pseudo-spectral method for the simulation in distributed memory computers of the shallow-water equations in primitive form was developed and used on the study of turbulent shallow-waters LES models for orographic subgrid-scale perturbations. The main characteristics of the code are: momentum equations integrated in time using an accurate pseudo-spectral technique; Eulerian treatment of advective terms; and parallelization of the code based on a domain decomposition technique. The parallel pseudo-spectral code is efficient on various architectures. It gives high performance onvector computers and good speedup on distributed memory systems. The code is being used for the study of the interaction mechanisms in shallow-water ows with regular as well as random orography with a prescribed spectrum of elevations. Simulations show the evolution of small scale vortical motions from the interaction of the large scale flow and the small-scale orographic perturbations. These interactions transfer energy from the large-scale motions to the small (usually unresolved) scales. The possibility of including the parametrization of this effects in turbulent LES subgrid-stress models for the shallow-water equations is addressed.


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Astronium graveolens é um representante arbóreo da família Anacardiaceae que se distribui desde o México até o centro-sul da América do Sul. O fruto é uma pseudo-sâmara com exocarpo unisseriado, suberificado e aderido ao mesocarpo. O mesocarpo é parenquimático, com grandes canais secretores associados aos feixes vasculares e localizados próximos ao endocarpo. O endocarpo parenquimático é bisseriado, sendo a camada que reveste o lóculo ligeiramente alongada radialmente. O óvulo é anátropo, unitegumentado, crassinucelado, com rafe dorsal evidente e hipóstase tanífera; apresenta obturador placentário e está inserido em posição apical-lateral no fruto. A testa, fortemente adnata ao pericarpo, apresenta as células da epiderme interna pequenas e de conteúdo bastante denso, indicando uma condição endotestal. O envoltório na semente madura é formado por restos da testa, funículo, região rafe-calazal e hipóstase apresentando duas regiões distintas: uma paquicalazal de coloração marrom e outra tegumentar de coloração amarelo-clara. O embrião ocupa posição axial e é do tipo "investing".


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A biologia reprodutiva de Amaioua guianensis foi estudada numa área de Mata no Parque do Sabiá, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil, entre setembro de 2003 e abril de 2005. Foram investigados a fenologia, o sistema reprodutivo, a morfologia floral, o conjunto de polinizadores e dispersores, e a estrutura sexual dos indivíduos reprodutivos. Amaioua guianensis é uma espécie arbórea dióica comum em formações florestais brasileiras. Suas flores são hexâmeras, tubulares, esbranquiçadas e odoríferas, polinizadas por vetores relativamente especializados como grandes abelhas e esfingídeos. Flores pistiladas produziram néctar mais precocemente e em maior volume que as estaminadas. As estaminadas foram produzidas em maior número por inflorescência e eram significativamente maiores que as pistiladas. As flores eram dispostas em inflorescências terminais, umbelas compostas nas masculinas e simples nas femininas. Ambos os morfos apresentaram estruturas sexuais não funcionais do morfo oposto, contudo, o estilete nas flores masculinas parece funcionar como pseudo-estame, um mecanismo de apresentação secundária de pólen comum na tribo Gardenieae, porém ainda não descrito para a espécie. A razão sexual foi de 1,49 a favor de indivíduos masculinos, e a população apresentou distribuição agrupada dos morfos sexuais. Ambos os casos provavelmente ocorrem como conseqüências de perturbação e reprodução vegetativa. A taxa de flores polinizadas naturalmente foi de 98,6% e de produção de frutos 75,7%. A produção de frutos por apomixia foi muito baixa (3,4%). Os frutos foram dispersos efetivamente por aves. A morfologia floral associada à fauna de polinizadores relativamente especializados tornou o serviço de polinização e produção de frutos muito eficaz, mesmo nas condições de perturbação da área estudada.


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The paper proposed Cyanoaggregatum brasiliense, a new genus and species from the plankton of a subtropical brackish coastal lagoon from Rio Grande do Sul State, South Brazil. It differs from all other members of Chroococcales by its characteristic arrangement of cells in irregular groups distributed in a single, flat or slightly curved layer, on irregular rows, slightly distant from each other, forming a mosaic-like pattern slightly below the surface of the mucilaginous colonial envelope. The cell division in one plane perpendicular to the long axis and the lack of pseudo-filaments indicate its classification in the family Synechococcaceae, sub-family Aphanothecoideae. The general characteristics, the diagnostic criteria and the taxonomic position are discussed, and a comparison between Cyanoaggregatum and its most closely related genera is presented. Physical and chemical data on the studied lagoon and geographical distribution are presented.


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Teaching, research, and herd breeding applications may require calculation of breed additive contributions for direct and maternal genetic effects and fractions of heterozygosity associated with breed specific direct and maternal heterosis effects. These coefficients can be obtained from the first NB rows of a pseudo numerator relationship matrix where the first NB rows represent fractional contributions by breed to each animal or group representing a specific breed cross. The table begins with an NB x NB identity matrix representing pure breeds. Initial animals or representative crosses must be purebreds or two-breed crosses. Parents of initial purebreds are represented by the corresponding column and initial two-breed cross progeny by the two corresponding columns of the identity matrix. After that, usual rules are used to calculate the NB column entries corresponding to breeds for each animal. The NB entries are fractions of genes expected to be contributed by each of the pure breeds and correspond to the breed additive direct fractions. Entries in the column corresponding to the dam represent breed additive maternal fractions. Breed specific direct heterozygosity coefficients are entries of an NB x NB matrix formed by the outer product of the two NB by 1 columns associated with sire and dam of the animal. One minus sum of the diagonals represents total direct heterozygosity. Similarly, the NB x NB matrix formed by the outer product of columns associated with sire of dam and dam of dam contains breed specific maternal heterozygosity coefficients. These steps can be programmed to create covariates to merge with data. If X represents these coefficients for all unique breed crosses, then the reduced row echelon form function of MATLAB or SAS can be used on X to determine estimable functions of additive breed direct and maternal effects and breed specific direct and maternal heterosis effects


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Peripheral glial cells consist of satellite, enteric glial, and Schwann cells. In dorsal root ganglia, besides pseudo-unipolar neurons, myelinated and nonmyelinated fibers, macrophages, and fibroblasts, satellite cells also constitute the resident components. Information on satellite cells is not abundant; however, they appear to provide mechanical and metabolic support for neurons by forming an envelope surrounding their cell bodies. Although there is a heterogeneous population of neurons in the dorsal root ganglia, satellite cells have been described to be a homogeneous group of perineuronal cells. Our objective was to characterize the ultrastructure, immunohistochemistry, and histochemistry of the satellite cells of the dorsal root ganglia of 17 adult 3-4-month-old Wistar rats of both genders. Ultrastructurally, the nuclei of some satellite cells are heterochromatic, whereas others are euchromatic, which may result from different amounts of nuclear activity. We observed positive immunoreactivity for S-100 and vimentin in the cytoplasm of satellite cells. The intensity of S-100 protein varied according to the size of the enveloped neuron. We also noted that vimentin expression assumed a ring-like pattern and was preferentially located in the cytoplasm around the areas stained for S-100. In addition, we observed nitric oxide synthase-positive small-sized neurons and negative large-sized neurons equal to that described in the literature. Satellite cells were also positive for NADPH-diaphorase, particularly those associated with small-sized neurons. We conclude that all satellite cells are not identical as previously thought because they have different patterns of glial marker expression and these differences may be correlated with the size and function of the neuron they envelope.


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O grão de amaranto é geralmente consumido na sua forma integral. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da moagem do grão de amaranto (Amaranthus cruentus) brasileiro na composição química, nutricional, a estabilidade à oxidação e cor da farinha. Os grãos foram pré-condicionados para umidades entre 9,2 e 13,7% e fracionados em moinho para cereais. O aumento da umidade de 9,2 para 13,7% resultou na diminuição progressiva do rendimento da farinha, de 39 para 14%. A farinha refinada (quebra + redução), com 9,2% de umidade, mostrou teores de proteína total de 13,9%, contra 16,2% da farinha integral. O teor de lipídeos totais no amaranto integral (9,2% de umidade) variou de 6,78, para 6,11% na farinha refinada e o teor de fibra nos farelos diminuiu de 3,6 para 3,1%, ao passo que a cor da farinha se tornou mais atraente. Conclui-se que o fracionamento da farinha do grão de amaranto, apesar de produzir uma farinha com melhor aparência e alto teor protéico, apresenta rendimento baixo e não mostra diminuição substancial no teor de óleo da farinha refinada como para garantir uma maior estabilidade à autooxidação.


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A secagem de grãos em leito fixo é um processo complexo, ocorrendo simultaneamente a transferência de calor e de massa, dificultando a estimativa dos parâmetros térmicos efetivos, pois estes podem sofrer variações significativas no decorrer da secagem em função de alterações no teor de umidade. Neste trabalho, este problema foi contornado estimando-se os parâmetros térmicos efetivos no final da secagem, quando o teor de umidade dos grãos que compõem o leito alcança valores de equilíbrio, deixando de existir a transferência de massa, persistindo apenas a transferência de calor em regime permanente. Nestas condições, o leito possui um teor de umidade constante e a estimativa dos parâmetros térmicos efetivos pode ser efetuada a partir do ajuste de um modelo pseudo-homogêneo bidimensional estático à várias medidas de temperatura no leito de grãos no final da secagem. Os resultados indicam que a estratégia utilizada para estimativa da condutividade térmica efetiva radial e do coeficiente efetivo de transferência de calor parede-leito foi adequada. Além do que, constatou-se que dentre os grãos estudados - soja, feijão, milho e trigo - a soja apresenta os menores valores de condutividade efetiva radial, enquanto o trigo apresenta o maior valor do coeficiente de transferência de calor parede-leito.


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Given the broad acceptance of sour cassava starch biscuits in Brazil and the nutritional quality of quinoa flour, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of extrusion temperature, screw speed, moisture, and amount of quinoa flour on the physical properties of puffed snacks. Extrusion process was carried out using a single-screw extruder in a factorial central composite design with four factors. Effects of moisture and amount of quinoa flour on the expansion index and specific volume of snacks were observed. There was a pronounced increase in water solubility index of blends with the extrusion process with significant effects of all process parameters on the WSI. Higher water absorption index (WAI) was observed under high temperature, low moisture, and lower quinoa flour amount. Temperature and amount of quinoa flour influenced the color of the snacks. A positive quadratic effect of quinoa flour on hardness of products was observed. Blends of sour cassava starch and quinoa flour have good potential for use as raw material in production of extruded snacks with good physical properties.


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The physical and chemical alterations in palm oil during continuous industrial par frying of breaded chicken snacks were evaluated using a pseudo first-order kinetic model. The acidity index, refractive index, concentration of polar compounds, viscosity, color, and absorbance (232 and 268 nm) of 238 samples of the frying oil collected during 26 days of production were analyzed. For all of the analyses, the results of the oil were below the limits recommended for oil disposal, indicating that the processing conditions were safe and that under these experimental conditions the oil remained suitable for frying. The linear regressions were significant for refractive index, content of polar compounds, and lightness (L*). The content of polar compounds was determined using a cooking oil tester, and it had the best fit to the proposed model and can be used as an effective index for monitoring palm oil during the continuous par frying of breaded chicken snacks. The high turnover rate of the oil was important for maintaining the oil in good running conditions.


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This study developed a gluten-free granola and evaluated it during storage with the application of multivariate and regression analysis of the sensory and instrumental parameters. The physicochemical, sensory, and nutritional characteristics of a product containing quinoa, amaranth and linseed were evaluated. The crude protein and lipid contents ranged from 97.49 and 122.72 g kg-1 of food, respectively. The polyunsaturated/saturated, and n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratios ranged from 2.82 and 2.59:1, respectively. Granola had the best alpha-linolenic acid content, nutritional indices in the lipid fraction, and mineral content. There were good hygienic and sanitary conditions during storage; probably due to the low water activity of the formulation, which contributed to inhibit microbial growth. The sensory attributes ranged from 'like very much' to 'like slightly', and the regression models were highly fitted and correlated during the storage period. A reduction in the sensory attribute levels and in the product physical stabilisation was verified by principal component analysis. The use of the affective test acceptance and instrumental analysis combined with statistical methods allowed us to obtain promising results about the characteristics of gluten-free granola.


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O problema de fundo da especulação eckhartiana é a verdade do ser uno enquanto Deus e divino ligada à questão do seu conhecimento. Operando uma síntese da tradição neoplatônico-agostiniana e do pensamento do Pseudo-Dionísio Areopagita, o mestre dominicano funda os alicerces da sua teologia unitiva na teoria do ser.


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For Kant's interpretation of Zeno in KrV A502-507/B530-535, scholars have usually referred to Plato's Phaedrus (261d); in reality the sources Kant uses are, on one hand, Brucker (who depends in turn on the pseudo-Aristotelian De Melisso, Xenophane, et Gorgia, 977 b 2-21), and, on the other, Plato's Parmenides (135e6-136b1) and Proclus' commentary on it, as quoted by Gassendi in a popular textbook he wrote on the history of logic.