428 resultados para peixe marinho
O ecossistema marinho é o habitat natural de bactérias como Vibrio parahaemolyticus, um importante patógeno causador de gastrenterite humana associada ao consumo de alimentos marinhos. Na presente investigação, foi avaliada a presença de V. parahaemolyticus a partir de 86 amostras de mexilhões in natura e pré-cozidos. Vibrio parahaemolyticus foi isolado a partir de 11,6% dos mexilhões in natura e pré-cozidos avaliados. Todas as cepas avaliadas demonstraram-se urease positivas e 28,5% Kanagawa positivas sugerindo um potencial patogênico para o homem. Houve a predominância do sorotipo O10:K52 e a identificação da cepa emergente O3:K6. Esses resultados apontam para a relevância epidemiológica de V. parahaemolyticus em casos de gastrenterite humana após consumo de mexilhões sem cozimento adequado (100ºC/15min). Além disso, é importante alertar as autoridades de Vigilância Sanitária no Brasil quanto a sua presença na cadeia alimentar e seus riscos para a Saúde Pública.
INTRODUCTION: Abdominal palpation and ultrasound findings among patients from an endemic area for schistosomiasis in Brazil who had been followed up for 27 years were compared. METHODS: In 2004, 411 patients from Brejo do Espírito Santo, in the State of Bahia, were selected for the present investigation after giving their written informed consent. Based on clinical data, they were divided into three groups: 41 patients with evidence of liver fibrosis in 2004 (Group 1); 102 patients with evidence of liver fibrosis in the past (1976-1989) but not in 2004 (Group 2); and 268 patients without evidence of liver fibrosis at any time during the 27-year follow-up (Group 3). All of the patients underwent abdominal ultrasound in which the examiner did not know the result from the clinical examination. The data were stored in a database. RESULTS: The prevalence of periportal fibrosis on ultrasound was 82.9%, 56.9% and 13.4% in Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. In the presence of hard, nodular liver or prominent left lobe and a hard palpable spleen, ultrasound revealed periportal fibrosis in 70.9%. However, periportal fibrosis was diagnosed using ultrasound in 25.4% of the patients in the absence of clinical evidence of liver involvement. Thus, ultrasound diagnosed periportal fibrosis 3.1 times more frequently than clinical examination did. CONCLUSIONS: Although clinical examination is important in evaluating morbidity due to Manson's schistosomiasis in endemic areas, ultrasound is more accurate in diagnosing liver involvement and periportal fibrosis.
INTRODUCTION: Acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) remains a public health problem in Brazil. To evaluate the epidemiology of ABM cases at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital, Rio Grande do Norte, a descriptive retrospective survey was conducted covering 2005 to 2008. METHODS: Clinical and laboratory data were collected from the epidemiology department of the hospital and analyzed. RESULTS: Out of 168 ABM cases, 24.4%, 10.7%, and 2.4% were, respectively, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenza b, and 5.4% by other bacteria. The mean age was 22.48 ± 18.7 years old. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcus pneumoniae was the main causative pathogen in the young urban population.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of health education in learning and cognitive development of children infected, previously treated in an endemic area for helminthiasis. METHODS: It is a longitudinal, experimental, with random allocation of participants. The study included 87 children of both sexes enrolled in the school hall of Maranhão, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and divided into two groups: intervention and control. Initially the children were submitted to the parasitological fecal examination for infection diagnosis and, when positive, they were treated. For the data collection, a structured questionnaire and the psychological tests Raven, Wisc-III and DAP III were applied, before and after the educational intervention. For the group comparison, the Mann Whitney test was used, and established significance level of 5%. RESULTS: It was found that previously infected children who received the educational intervention, children showed higher performance than the control group in strutured questionnaire (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: It is acceptable to suppose the positive influence and the importance in the use of educational interventions in the cognitive recovery and learning of children previously treated with anthelmintics.
Introduction: The collection of recyclable waste materials is a widespread activity among the urban poor. Today, this occupation attracts an increasingly large number of individuals. Despite its economic and environmental importance, this activity is associated with unsafe and unhealthy working conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the seroepidemiological profile of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in a population of recyclable waste collectors in central Brazil. Methods: Recyclable waste collectors from all 15 recycling cooperatives in Goiânia City were invited to participate in the study. The participants (n = 431) were interviewed and screened for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and antibodies against HBsAg (anti-HBs) and hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). HBsAg- and anti-HBc-positive samples were tested for HBV DNA and genotyped. Results: The overall prevalence of HBV infection (HBsAg- and/or anti-HBc-positive) was 12.8%. An age over 40 years and illicit drug use were associated with HBV infection. HBV DNA was detected in 2/3 HBsAg-positive samples and in 1/52 anti-HBc-positive/HBsAg-negative samples (an occult HBV infection rate of 1.9%), in which the genotypes/subgenotypes A/A1, D/D3 and F/F2 were identified. Only 12.3% of the recyclable waste collectors had serological evidence of previous HBV vaccination. Conclusions: These findings highlight the vulnerability of recyclable waste collectors to HBV infection and reinforce the importance of public health policies that address the health and safety of this socially vulnerable population.
Introduction This study evaluated the level of concordance between hybrid capture II (HCII) and PapilloCheck® for the detection of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) in anal samples. Methods Anal cell samples collected from 42 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)+ patients were analyzed. Results Considering only the 13 high-risk HPV types that are detectable by both tests, HCII was positive for 52.3% of the samples, and PapilloCheck® was positive for 52.3%. The level of concordance was 80.9% (Kappa = 0.61). Conclusions Good concordance was observed between the tests for the detection of high-risk HPV.
Introduction Eratyrus mucronatus Stål, 1859 is a wild triatomine vector of Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, 1909. However, little is known regarding the biology and ecoepidemiology of this triatomine in the Brazilian Amazon. The present study describes the biology of E. mucronatus grown under laboratory conditions and the epidemiological aspects of its natural breeding sites. Methods Five colonies were monitored in the field for 3 years. Temperature and humidity measurements were taken in the mornings and afternoons at the natural breeding sites, and the behavior and distribution of the nymphs and adults were observed in the wild colony. We also monitored the life cycle under controlled laboratory conditions. Results Some factors that were considered decisive for the establishment of these colonies were present at all of the colonies studied in the field. These factors included an active termite nest, a vertebrate for repast, and dry and shaded substrates with temperatures of 24-28°C and with humidity of 80-90%. A generation was developed in 274 days under these microclimatic conditions in the laboratory. Conclusions The climatic variables described in the field indicate that these environmental parameters have a limiting effect on the dispersal and colonization of E. mucronatus to new environments. In addition, the long period of development to adulthood demonstrates that only one generation can develop per year even under the more favorable laboratory conditions.
INTRODUCTION : Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It is transmitted by the ingestion of contaminated water and foods, by soil contaminated with cat feces, especially while handling it, and congenitally via the placenta. The diagnosis of maternal infection is made by serological detection of either IgM or IgG antibodies. This study assessed the seropositivity in pregnant women followed up by the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. METHODS: The study was performed in 19 FHS units and included 148 childbearing women. The outcomes evaluated were IgM and IgG seropositivity and behavioral variables. RESULTS: IgG yielded positive results in 16% of the pregnant women, whereas IgM was positive in only 1%. CONCLUSIONS: The 1% IgM positivity rate for T. gondii indicates congenital toxoplasmosis is not common in Lages.
A case of parasitic thyroid nodule is presented. The patient was a non symptomatic 53-year-old white woman, on irregular course of L-thyroxine to treat hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Without a history of thyroid trauma or surgery, she presented a 1.6 x 0.7 x 0.5cm right pre-laryngeal lymph node-like mass which, on ultrasonography, appeared distinct from the gland. TSH, thyroid peroxidase antibody and thyroglobulin antibody serum levels were elevated and T4-free level was normal. Thyroid and total body 99mTc isonitrile scintiscan showed a topic thyroid without radionuclide uptake in the nodule. Fine-needle aspiration of the nodule showed epithelial cells with nuclear atypia and oncocytic changes plus intense lymphoid infiltration and germinative center formation, simulating lymph node metastasis of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Conventional biopsy revealed a parasitic thyroid nodule with Hashimoto's chronic thyroiditis. Parasitic thyroid nodule must always be remembered so that unnecessary surgical assessment and undesirable sequels may be avoided.
Participation in intensive sports activities leads to muscular specializations that may generate alterations in involved articular forces and cause static (posture) and dynamic changes (alterations of articular stability, coordination, etc.). Prevention of injury requires specific functional muscular evaluation in all athletes and for any kind of sport. OBJECTIVE: To dynamically evaluate, through isokinetic tests, the peak torque, total work, and average power of the knee flexor and extensor muscles of jumper and runner athletes and compare them to those of a non-athletic population, evaluating dominance and balance between agonistic and antagonistic muscle groups. RESULTS: In the non-athlete group, we noted a higher asymmetry between the dominant and nondominant members. The jumpers had the highest values of the evaluated parameters of all groups, whereas parameters for the runners were intermediate between non-athletes and jumpers.
Durante um período de treze meses, de março de 1979 a março de 1980, excursões semanais foram realizadas ao Janauacá, um complexo de, l.agos de várzea da Amazônia Central. Miltrezentos e trinta e cinco peixesde cinco ordens, dezenove famílias e. oitenta espécies foram examinados, visando a determinar os índices naturais de infestação por crustáceos da subclasse Branchiura. Dos peixes examinados 11% estavam parasitados e apresentaram uma média de cinco crustáceos por peixe. Os maiores índices de infestação ocorreram nos Siluroides, 29% de prevalência e 18,5 de intensidade de infestação, seguidos pelos Characoides com 8,4% e 2,5. Os Perciformes apresentaram o terceiro maior índi.ce, 7,4% de. prevalência e 2,0 de intensidade de infestação. Os menores índices ocorreram nos Osteoglossiformes, 3,0% e 5,0 e nos Clupeiformes com 4,0% e 1,0. Durante o período de coletas, dezoito espécies de peixes não ocorreram parasitadas por branquiuras. Catorze espécies de branquiuros foram coletados no lago Janauacá. Alguns aspectos taxionómicos , biogeográficos e econômicos dos peixes são abordados
"Graminaceous" stomata were observed in Virola (Myristicaceae). Comments are made on the widespread occurrence of this type of stomata as well as the need for additional structural information which can show a variation gradient between the characteristic stomata type of the Graminae and Cyperaceae and the "graminaceous" stomata of dicotyledons.
Foi testado o potencial de crescimento e de produção de jaraquis em açude de igarapé de terra firme, de águas quimicamente pobres, utilizando resíduos de lavagem de dejetos de criação de suínos como fonte de alimento e de adubação orgânica. Em período experimental de 383 dias, à taxa de estocagem de 1 peixe / m2, a produção foi de 1277 kg/ha, com crescimento análogo àquele obtido em ambiente natural. As condições físico-químicas da água do açude foram acompanhadas mensalmente. Os resultados evidenciam que os jaraqui apresentam um bom potencial para cultivo na Amazônia.