233 resultados para heart tumor
OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical and demographic characteristics of a population with ischemic heart disease admitted in the final decades of the 20th century. METHODS: This study retrospectively assessed patients hospitalized with ischemic heart disease divided into the following 2 groups: acute group - 11.181 patients with acute myocardial infarction admitted from 1/1/82 to 12/31/94; and chronic group - 4.166 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery from 1/1/84 to 12/31/94. RESULTS: In the acute group, an increase in the percentage of females (from 22.7% to 27.7%, P<0.001) and diabetic individuals (from 12.4% to 17.5%, P<0.001) was observed, as was an increase in age (from 57.4±11.5 to 59.9±12.1 years, P<0.05). In-hospital mortality was greater among females (27.8% and 15.7%, P=0.001), among diabetic individuals (24.2% and 17.8%, P=0.001), and among the elderly (60.9±15.2 and 57.7±11.8 years, P=0.0001). In the chronic group, an increase in the percentage of females (from 17.5% to 27.2%, P=0.001) was observed, as was an increase in age (from 56.3±8.6 to 60.5±9.6 years, P=0.0001). In-hospital mortality was greater among females (8.3% and 5.8%, P<0.05) and among the elderly (58.1±9.1 and 62.1±7.9 years, P=0.0001). CONCLUSION: The characteristics of the population studied with ischemic heart disease point towards a worse prognosis, due to the greater percentages of females, older patients, and diabetic patients, groups known to have greater in-hospital mortality.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of encephalic infarction and its contribution to lethality in patients with Chagas' disease and heart failure. METHODS: Medical records and autopsy reports of patients with Chagas' disease complicated by heart failure, who died at the Professor Edgar Santos Hospital of the Federal University of Bahia in the past 45 years were retrospectively analyzed. Data comprised information regarding the clinical history on hospital admission, complementary and anatomicopathological examinations, including the presence of encephalic infarction, the impaired region, and the cause of death. RESULTS: Of the 5,447 autopsies performed, 524 were in patients with heart failure due to Chagas' disease. The mean age was 45.7 years, and 51 (63%) patients were of the male sex. The frequency of encephalic infarction was 17.5%, corresponding to 92 events in 92 individuals, 82 (15.8%) of which involved the brain, 8 (1.5%) involved the cerebellum, and 2 (0.4%) involved the hypophysis. CONCLUSION: Cerebral infarction has been a frequent finding in autopsies of chagasic patients with heart failure, and it has been an important cause of death in our region. The presence of cerebral infarction and its complications have been associated with death in 52% of the cases studied.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of skeletal muscle mass on ventilatory and hemodynamic variables during exercise in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). METHODS: Twenty-five male patients underwent maximum cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a treadmill with a ramp protocol and measurement of the skeletal muscle mass of their thighs by using magnetic resonance imaging. The clinically stable, noncachectic patients were assessed and compared with 14 healthy individuals (S) paired by age and body mass index, who underwent the same examinations. RESULTS: Similar values of skeletal muscle mass were found in both groups (CHF group: 3863 ± 874 g; S group: 3743 ± 540 g; p = 0.32). Significant correlations of oxygen consumption in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.39; P= 0.02 and S: r = 0.14; P = 0.31) and of oxygen pulse also in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.49; P = 0.01 and S: r =0.12; P = 0.36) were found only in the group of patients with chronic heart failure. CONCLUSION: The results obtained indicate that skeletal muscle mass may influence the capacity of patients with CHF to withstand submaximal effort, due to limitations in their physical condition, even maintaining a value similar to that of healthy individuals. This suggests qualitative changes in the musculature.
Mulher de 63 anos com história pregressa de câncer de útero e queixa de fadiga e dispnéia aos pequenos esforços. Ao exame, apresentava-se hipertensa e com estertores de bases pulmonares. O ecocardiograma transtorácico mostrou massa de pouca mobilidade em ventrículo direito. A paciente foi levada para cirurgia, ocasião em que se encontrou uma massa envolvendo a parede anterior da artéria pulmonar, valva tricúspide, átrio direito e parede posterior do ventrículo direito. A artéria pulmonar e o ventrículo direito foram reconstruídos com patch de pericárdio bovino e a valva tricúspide foi substituída por prótese biológica número 31. O exame anatomopatológico demonstrou metástase de células escamosas com áreas bem diferenciadas e infiltrativas. A paciente recebeu alta hospitalar um mês após a cirurgia. Quatro meses após, entretanto, foi readmitida em estado terminal, confirmando o prognóstico reservado da doença neste estágio.
Os tumores primários cardíacos são infreqüentes; entretanto, as neoplasias metastáticas com acometimento do coração são mais comuns. Alguns tumores apresentam, em estudos post-mortem, implantes secundários cardíacos com freqüências que superam 50%. Esse comprometimento deve ser lembrado em pacientes com história de neoplasia, que apresentem distúrbios de condução, sopro, cardiomegalia ou arritmias. Relatar-se-á, a seguir, o caso de um homem de 39 anos, encaminhado por cansaço e dispnéia aos esforços. Ecocardiograma evidenciou grande massa tumoral em ventrículo direito. A história médica pregressa revelou antecedentes de melanoma e a avaliação complementar mostrou doença metastática para pulmões, coração e cérebro, com evolução a óbito. Os aspectos singulares do caso são a presença de uma grande massa no ventrículo direito de origem metastática, ilustrando um quadro clínico raro e de prognóstico reservado.
FUNDAMENTO: O Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) é uma importante ferramenta de avaliação da qualidade de vida em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Apesar de amplamente usado em nosso meio, não contávamos com a sua tradução e validação em língua portuguesa. OBJETIVO: Este estudo pretendeu traduzir e validar a versão em português do MLHFQ em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Quarenta pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (30 homens, FEVE 30±6%, 55% de etiologia isquêmica, NYHA I a III) com estabilidade clínica e terapia medicamentosa otimizada realizaram teste cardiopulmonar máximo para avaliação da capacidade física. Logo após, o MLHFQ, devidamente traduzido, foi aplicado por um mesmo pesquisador. A classe funcional NYHA foi encaminhada pela equipe medica. RESULTADOS: A versão em português do MLHFQ apresentou-se com a mesma estrutura e métrica da versão original. Não houve dificuldade na aplicação e compreensão do questionário por parte dos pacientes. A versão em português do MLHFQ mostrou-se concordante com o pico de VO2, o tempo de exercício do teste cardiopulmonar e com a classificação funcional da NYHA. Não houve diferença da média do escore do questionário entre os grupos de etiologia isquêmica e não-isquêmica. CONCLUSÃO: A versão em língua portuguesa da MLHFQ, proposta no presente estudo, demonstrou ser válida em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, constituindo uma nova e importante ferramenta para avaliar a qualidade de
O rabdomioma cardíaco raramente é encontrado na valva mitral, porém, embora de grande dimensão (15x14 mm), causando até obstrução a esse nível nos primeiros meses de vida, observou-se a involução total e espontânea do mesmo, iniciada com 68 meses, e tornando-se progressivamente menor até completar 14 anos de idade.
O ganglioneuroma é um tumor do sistema nervoso simpático, podendo estar associado à hipersecreção de substâncias vasoativas responsáveis por sintomas e sinais variados, como a hipertensão arterial. Os autores apresentam um caso de ganglioneuroma e uma revisão da literatura, focando os aspectos mais importantes do diagnóstico e da terapêutica. A paciente apresentava crises hipertensivas sintomáticas recorrentes, tendo realizado estudo imaginológico que detectou uma imagem nodular na adrenal direita. Sendo os tumores neuroblásticos indistinguíveis radiologicamente, procedeu-se à excisão, confirmando-se o diagnóstico pela análise anatomopatológica. Este caso demonstra a variabilidade clínica dos ganglioneuromas, a utilidade da imaginologia e a importância do estudo histológico.
Background:Circulatory system diseases are the first cause of death in Brazil.Objective:To analyze the evolution of mortality caused by heart failure, by ischemic heart diseases and by ill-defined causes, as well as their possible relations, in Brazil and in the geoeconomic regions of the country (North, Northeast, Center-West, South and Southeast), from 1996 to 2011.Methods:Data were obtained from DATASUS and death declaration records with codes I20 and I24 for acute ischemic diseases, I25 for chronic ischemic diseases, and I50 for heart failure, and codes in chapter XIII for ill-defined causes, according to geoeconomic regions of Brazil, from 1996 to 2011.Results:Mortality rates due to heart failure declined in Brazil and its regions, except for the North and the Northeast. Mortality rates due to acute ischemic heart diseases increased in the North and Northeast regions, especially from 2005 on; they remained stable in the Center-West region; and decreased in the South and in the Southeast. Mortality due to chronic ischemic heart diseases decreased in Brazil and in the Center-West, South and Southeast regions, and had little variation in the North and in the Northeast. The highest mortality rates due to ill-defined causes occurred in the Northeast until 2005.Conclusions:Mortality due to heart failure is decreasing in Brazil and in all of its geoeconomic regions. The temporal evolution of mortality caused by ischemic heart diseases was similar to that of heart failure. The decreasing number of deaths due to ill-defined causes may represent the improvement in the quality of information about mortality in Brazil. The evolution of acute ischemic heart diseases ranged according to regions, being possibly confused with the differential evolution of ill-defined causes.
Background: Cardiac tumors are rare, mostly benign with high embolic potential. Objectives: To correlate the histological type of cardiac masses with their embolic potential, implantation site and long term follow up in patients undergoing surgery. Methods: Between January 1986 and December 2011, we retrospectively analyzed 185 consecutive patients who underwent excision of intracardiac mass (119 females, mean age 48±20 years). In 145 patients, the left atrium was the origin site. 72% were asymptomatic and prior embolization was often observed (19.8%). The diagnosis was established by echocardiography, magnetic resonance and histological examination. Results: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart. Myxoma was the most common (72.6%), followed by fibromas (6.9%), thrombi (6.4%) and sarcomas (6.4%). Ranging from 0.6cm to 15cm (mean 4.6 ± 2.5cm) 37 (19.8%) patients had prior embolization, stroke 10.2%, coronary 4.8%, peripheral 4.3% 5.4% of hospital death, with a predominance of malignant tumors (40% p < 0.0001). The histological type was a predictor of mortality (rhabdomyomas and sarcomas p = 0.002) and embolic event (sarcoma, lipoma and fibroelastoma p = 0.006), but not recurrence. Tumor size, atrial fibrillation, cavity and valve impairment were not associated with the embolic event. During follow-up (mean 80±63 months), there were 2 deaths (1.1%) and two recurrences 1 and 11 years after the operation, to the same cavity. Conclusion: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart. The histological type was predictor of death and preoperative embolic event, while the implantation site carries no relation with mortality or to embolic event.