176 resultados para Tissue Macrophages
Eric Newsholme's laboratory was the first to show glutamine utilization by lymphocytes and macrophages. Recently, we have found that neutrophils also utilize glutamine. This amino acid has been shown to play a role in lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine production by lymphocytes and macrophages and phagocytosis and superoxide production by macrophages and neutrophils. Knowledge of the metabolic fate of glutamine in these cells is important for the understanding of the role and function of this amino acid in the maintenance of the proliferative, phagocytic and secretory capacities of these cells. Glutamine and glucose are poorly oxidized by these cells and might produce important precursors for DNA, RNA, protein and lipid synthesis. The high rate of glutamine utilization and its importance in such cells have raised the question as to the source of this glutamine, which, according to current evidence, appears to be muscle.
Galectin-1 belongs to an evolutionarily conserved family of animal ß-galactoside-binding proteins, which exert their functions by crosslinking the oligosaccharides of specific glycoconjugate ligands. During the past decade, attempts to identify the functional role of galectin-1 suggested participation in the regulation of the immune response. Only in the last few years has the molecular mechanism involved in these properties been clearly elucidated, revealing a critical role for galectin-1 as an alternative signal in the generation of T cell death. In the present study we will discuss the latest advances in galectin research in the context of the regulation of the immune response, not only at the central level but also at the periphery. Moreover, we will review the purification, biochemical properties and functional significance of a novel galectin-1-like protein from activated rat macrophages, whose expression is differentially regulated according to the activation state of the cells. The novel role of a carbohydrate-binding protein in the regulation of apoptosis is providing a breakthrough in galectin research and extending the interface between immunology, glycobiology and clinical medicine.
Programmed cell death in the form of apoptosis involves a network of metabolic events and may be triggered by a variety of stimuli in distinct cells. The nervous system contains several neuron and glial cell types, and developmental events are strongly dependent on selective cell interactions. Retinal explants have been used as a model to investigate apoptosis in nervous tissue. This preparation maintains the structural complexity and cell interactions similar to the retina in situ, and contains cells in all stages of development. We review the finding of nuclear exclusion of several transcription factors during apoptosis in retinal cells. The data reviewed in this paper suggest a link between apoptosis and a failure in the nucleo-cytoplasmic partition of transcription factors. It is argued that the nuclear exclusion of transcription factors may be an integral component of apoptosis both in the nervous system and in other types of cells and tissues.
We have shown that tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and plasma kallikrein share a common pathway for liver clearance and that the hepatic clearance rate of plasma kallikrein increases during the acute-phase (AP) response. We now report the clearance of tPA from the circulation and by the isolated, exsanguinated and in situ perfused rat liver during the AP response (48-h ex-turpentine treatment). For the sake of comparison, the hepatic clearance of a tissue kallikrein and thrombin was also studied. We verified that, in vivo, the clearance of 125I-tPA from the circulation of turpentine-treated rats (2.2 ± 0.2 ml/min, N = 7) decreases significantly (P = 0.016) when compared to normal rats (3.2 ± 0.3 ml/min, N = 6). The AP response does not modify the tissue distribution of administered 125I-tPA and the liver accounts for most of the 125I-tPA (>80%) cleared from the circulation. The clearance rate of tPA by the isolated and perfused liver of turpentine-treated rats (15.5 ± 1.3 µg/min, N = 4) was slower (P = 0.003) than the clearance rate by the liver of normal rats (22.5 ± 0.7 µg/min, N = 10). After the inflammatory stimulus and additional Kupffer cell ablation (GdCl3 treatment), tPA was cleared by the perfused liver at 16.2 ± 2.4 µg/min (N = 5), suggesting that Kupffer cells have a minor influence on the hepatic tPA clearance during the AP response. In contrast, hepatic clearance rates of thrombin and pancreatic kallikrein were not altered during the AP response. These results contribute to explaining why the thrombolytic efficacy of tPA does not correlate with the dose administered.
The uptake of lipids and lipoprotein particles by macrophages undergoes phagocytic activation and the formation of foam cells are key events in atherosclerosis. In this study we determined how intact high density lipoproteins (HDL) and apolipoproteins-HDL (removal of the lipid component from HDL, i.e., apoHDL) influence the phagocytosis of zymosan by mouse peritoneal macrophages. Zymosan particles preincubated together with lipoproteins or alone (control) were incubated with the macrophages. Phagocytosis activity was reported as the percent of macrophages that internalized three or more zymosan particles. HDL co-incubated with zymosan did not influence the over-all uptake of zymosan particles compared to apoHDL, which greatly enhanced the ability of the particle to be phagocytized (P<0.001). Part of this effect might be related to a greater binding of apoHDL to the particles compared to that of HDL (P<0.05). We conclude that this can be a useful method to study the ability of lipoproteins, including modified lipoproteins obtained from subjects with genetic forms of hyperlipidemia, to opsonize particles such as red blood cells and thus to investigate the processes that control the formation of foam cells and the mechanisms of atherogenesis.
Acute lung injury is characterized by a severe disruption of alveolo-capillary structures and includes a variety of changes in lung cell populations. Evidence suggests the occurrence of rupture of the basement membranes and interstitial matrix remodeling during acute lung injury. The dynamic equilibrium of the extracellular matrix (ECM) under physiological conditions is a consequence of the balance between the regulation of synthesis and degradation of ECM components. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) represent a group of enzymes involved in the degradation of most of the components of the ECM and therefore participate in tissue remodeling associated with pathological situations such as acute lung injury. MMP activity is regulated by proteolytic activation of the latent secreted proenzyme and by interaction with specific tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases. This review details our knowledge of the involvement of MMPs, namely MMP-2 and MMP-9, in acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
The tripeptide Hip-His-Leu was used to standardize a fluorimetric method to measure tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity in rats. The fluorescence of the o-phthaldialdehyde-His-Leu adduct was compared in the presence and absence of the homogenate (25 µl) to determine whether the homogenate from different tissues interfered with the fluorimetric determination of the His-Leu product. Only homogenates from lung and renal medulla and cortex showed significantly altered fluorescence intensity. To overcome this problem, the homogenate from these tissues were diluted 10 times with assay buffer. The specificity of the assay was demonstrated by the inhibition of ACE activity with 3 µM enalaprilat (MK-422). There was a linear relationship between product formation and incubation time for up to 90 min for homogenates of renal cortex and medulla and liver, for up to 60 min for ventricles and adrenals and for up to 30 min for the aorta, lung and atrium homogenates. In addition, there was a linear relationship between product formation and the amount of protein in the homogenates within the following range: lung, 30-600 µg; renal cortex and medulla, 40-400 µg; atrium and ventricles, 20-200 µg; adrenal, 20-100 µg; aorta, 5-100 µg; liver, 5-25 µg. No peptidase activity against the His-Leu product (31 nmol), assayed in borate buffer (BB), was detected in the different homogenates except the liver homogenate, which was inhibited by 0.1 mM r-chloromercuribenzoic acid. ACE activity in BB was higher than in phosphate buffer (PB) due, at least in part, to a greater hydrolysis of the His-Leu product in PB. ACE activity of lung increased 20% when BB plus Triton was used. Enzyme activity was stable when the homogenates were stored at -20o or -70oC for at least 30 days. These results indicate a condition whereby ACE activity can be easily and efficiently assayed in rat tissue samples homogenized in BB using a fluorimetric method with Hip-His-Leu as a substrate.
Hydrolysis of D-valyl-L-leucyl-L-arginine p-nitroanilide (7.5-90.0 µM) by human tissue kallikrein (hK1) (4.58-5.27 nM) at pH 9.0 and 37ºC was studied in the absence and in the presence of increasing concentrations of 4-aminobenzamidine (96-576 µM), benzamidine (1.27-7.62 mM), 4-nitroaniline (16.5-66 µM) and aniline (20-50 mM). The kinetic parameters determined in the absence of inhibitors were: Km = 12.0 ± 0.8 µM and k cat = 48.4 ± 1.0 min-1. The data indicate that the inhibition of hK1 by 4-aminobenzamidine and benzamidine is linear competitive, while the inhibition by 4-nitroaniline and aniline is linear mixed, with the inhibitor being able to bind both to the free enzyme with a dissociation constant Ki yielding an EI complex, and to the ES complex with a dissociation constant Ki', yielding an ESI complex. The calculated Ki values for 4-aminobenzamidine, benzamidine, 4-nitroaniline and aniline were 146 ± 10, 1,098 ± 91, 38.6 ± 5.2 and 37,340 ± 5,400 µM, respectively. The calculated Ki' values for 4-nitroaniline and aniline were 289.3 ± 92.8 and 310,500 ± 38,600 µM, respectively. The fact that Ki'>Ki indicates that 4-nitroaniline and aniline bind to a second binding site in the enzyme with lower affinity than they bind to the active site. The data about the inhibition of hK1 by 4-aminobenzamidine and benzamidine help to explain previous observations that esters, anilides or chloromethyl ketone derivatives of Nalpha-substituted arginine are more sensitive substrates or inhibitors of hK1 than the corresponding lysine compounds.
Actin-based motor protein requirements and nitric oxide (NO) production are important features of macrophage activity during phagocytosis or microbicidal processes. Different classes of myosins contribute directly or indirectly to phagocytosis by providing mechanical force for phagosome closure or organelle movement. Recent data have shown the presence of myosins IC, II, V and IXb in phagosomes of bone marrow-derived murine macrophages. In our investigation we demonstrated the presence of different classes of myosins in J774 macrophages. We also analyzed the effect of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), with or without calcium ionophore or cytochalasin B, on myosins as well as on inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and NO production. Myosins IC, II, Va, VI and IXb were identified in J774 macrophages. There was an increase of myosin V expression in IFN-gamma-treated cells. iNOS expression was increased by IFN-gamma treatment, while calcium ionophore and cytochalasin B had a negative influence on both myosin and iNOS expression, which was decreased. The increases in NO synthesis were reflected by increased iNOS expression. Macrophages activated by IFN-gamma released significant amounts of NO when compared to control groups. In contrast, NO production by calcium ionophore- and cytochalasin B-treated cells was similar to that of control cells. These results suggest that IFN-gamma is involved in macrophage activation by stimulating protein production to permit both phagocytosis and microbicidal activity.
In the present study we evaluated T cell proliferation and Th lymphokine patterns in response to gp43 from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis presented by isolated dendritic cells from susceptible and resistant mice. T cell proliferation assays showed that dendritic cells from susceptible mice were less efficient than those from resistant mice. The pattern of T cell lymphokines stimulated by dendritic cells was always Th1, although the levels of IL-2 and IFN-gamma were lower in T cell cultures from susceptible mice. To determie whether different antigen-presenting cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells stimulated different concentrations of Th1 lymphokines, the production of IFN-gamma and IL-2 was measured. It was observed that dendritic cells were more efficient than macrophages in stimulating lymphoproliferation in resistant mice. However, no significant difference was observed for IFN-gamma or IL-2 production. When cells from susceptible mice were used, macrophages were more efficient in stimulating lymphoproliferation than dendritic cells, but no difference was observed in the production of Th1 cytokine. Taken together, these results suggest the lower efficiency of dendritic cells and macrophages from B10.A mice in stimulating T cells that secrete Th1 lymphokines in vitro, an effect that may be involved in the progression of the disease in vivo.
Human and animal immune functions present sex dimorphism that seems to be mainly regulated by sex hormones. In the present study, the activities of the antioxidant enzymes total superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were measured in intraperitoneal resident macrophages from adult male and female rats. In addition to comparing males and females, we also examined the regulation of these enzyme activities in macrophages by sex steroids. GSH-Px activity did not differ between male and female macrophages. However, both total SOD and CAT activities were markedly higher in females than in males (83 and 180%). Removal of the gonads in both males and females (comparison between castrated groups) increased the difference in SOD activity from 83 to 138% and reduced the difference in CAT activity from 180 to 86%. Castration and testosterone administration did not significantly modify the activities of the antioxidant enzymes in male macrophages. Ovariectomy did not affect SOD or GSH-Px activity but markedly reduced (48%) CAT activity. This latter change was fully reversed by estrogen administration, whereas progesterone had a smaller effect. These results led us to conclude that differences in the SOD and CAT activities may partially explain some of the differences in immune function reported for males and females. Also, estrogen is a potent regulator of CAT in macrophages and therefore this enzyme activity in macrophages may vary considerably during the menstrual cycle.
In the 70's, pancreatic islet transplantation arose as an attractive alternative to restore normoglycemia; however, the scarcity of donors and difficulties with allotransplants, even under immunosuppressive treatment, greatly hampered the use of this alternative. Several materials and devices have been developed to circumvent the problem of islet rejection by the recipient, but, so far, none has proved to be totally effective. A major barrier to transpose is the highly organized islet architecture and its physical and chemical setting in the pancreatic parenchyma. In order to tackle this problem, we assembled a multidisciplinary team that has been working towards setting up the Human Pancreatic Islets Unit at the Chemistry Institute of the University of São Paulo, to collect and process pancreas from human donors, upon consent, in order to produce purified, viable and functional islets to be used in transplants. Collaboration with the private enterprise has allowed access to the latest developed biomaterials for islet encapsulation and immunoisolation. Reasoning that the natural islet microenvironment should be mimicked for optimum viability and function, we set out to isolate extracellular matrix components from human pancreas, not only for analytical purposes, but also to be used as supplementary components of encapsulating materials. A protocol was designed to routinely culture different pancreatic tissues (islets, parenchyma and ducts) in the presence of several pancreatic extracellular matrix components and peptide growth factors to enrich the beta cell population in vitro before transplantation into patients. In addition to representing a therapeutic promise, this initiative is an example of productive partnership between the medical and scientific sectors of the university and private enterprises.
Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THP) contains manno-oligosaccharides that are recognized by type 1 fimbriae (F1) of Escherichia coli. In the present study, we examined the in vivo phagocytic activity of mouse peritoneal macrophages after treatment of bacteria with THP. At low THP concentrations (12.5 µg/ml and 50 µg/ml) no significant difference was observed in the phagocytosis of E. coli F1+. However, at high THP concentrations (500 µg/ml and 1250 µg/ml) we obtained a reduction of bacterial phagocytosis by mouse peritoneal macrophages.
Cancer cachexia causes disruption of lipid metabolism. Since it has been well established that the various adipose tissue depots demonstrate different responses to stimuli, we assessed the effect of cachexia on some biochemical and morphological parameters of adipocytes obtained from the mesenteric (MES), retroperitoneal (RPAT), and epididymal (EAT) adipose tissues of rats bearing Walker 256 carcinosarcoma, compared with controls. Relative weight and total fat content of tissues did not differ between tumor-bearing rats and controls, but fatty acid composition was modified by cachexia. Adipocyte dimensions were increased in MES and RPAT from tumor-bearing rats, but not in EAT, in relation to control. Ultrastructural alterations were observed in the adipocytes of tumor-bearing rat RPAT (membrane projections) and EAT (nuclear bodies).
Lead (Pb)-induced hypertension is characterized by an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a decrease in nitric oxide (NO). In the present study we evaluated the effect of L-arginine (NO precursor), dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA, a chelating agent and ROS scavenger), and the association of L-arginine/DMSA on tissue Pb mobilization and blood pressure levels in plumbism. Tissue Pb levels and blood pressure evolution were evaluated in rats exposed to: 1) Pb (750 ppm, in drinking water, for 70 days), 2) Pb plus water for 30 more days, 3) Pb plus DMSA (50 mg kg-1 day-1, po), L-arginine (0.6%, in drinking water), and the combination of L-arginine/DMSA for 30 more days, and 4) their respective matching controls. Pb exposure increased Pb levels in the blood, liver, femur, kidney and aorta. Pb levels in tissues decreased after cessation of Pb administration, except in the aorta. These levels did not reach those observed in nonintoxicated rats. All treatments mobilized Pb from the kidney, femur and liver. Pb mobilization from the aorta was only effective with the L-arginine/DMSA treatment. Blood Pb concentrations in Pb-treated groups were not different from those of the Pb/water group. Pb increased blood pressure starting from the 5th week. L-arginine and DMSA treatments (4th week) and the combination of L-arginine/DMSA (3rd and 4th weeks) decreased blood pressure levels of intoxicated rats. These levels did not reach those of nonintoxicated rats. Treatment with L-arginine/DMSA was more effective than the isolated treatments in mobilizing Pb from tissues and in reducing the blood pressure of intoxicated rats.