206 resultados para RURAL BANGLADESH
The results of larval collections of mosquitoes from artificial containers and natural breeding at urban and rural areas carried out at Sertaneja, northern State Paraná, Brazil, from February to April, 1995, are presented. Among the 4534 immature forms collected, belonging to 21 species or species-groups, the species with higher density were Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762), Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894), Culex quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 and Limatus durhami Theobald, 1901.
No Estado do Paraná, as áreas mais devastadas são aquelas com potencial agrícola e as ações de inferência no meio raramente são precedidas do estudo faunístico que permitam avaliar a diversidade e abundância dos animais das áreas atingidas. Este trabalho objetivou catalogar a escarabeoideofauna atraída por armadilha de luz na área rural do município de Tamarana, Paraná e contribuir com o conhecimento ecológico de espécies deste grupo. As coletas foram realizadas em duas propriedades, utilizando armadilha de luz modelo Luiz de Queiroz modificada. Estas tiveram periodicidade quinzenal de março de 2002 a abril de 2001. Foram capturados 2.447 espécimens, distribuídos em 10 famílias, 24 gêneros e 67 espécies. As três espécies mais abundantes também foram as mais freqüentes: Aphodius lividus (Olivier, 1789), Melolonthidae sp. 1 e Ataenius sp. 5. A maior abundância de A. lividus ocorreu no outono, durante o mês de abril, enquanto que Melolonthidae sp. 1 e Ataeucus sp. 5 foram mais abundantes em outubro e novembro. A maioria das espécies foram representadas por poucos indivíduos (H'=1,74) e as espécies apareceram de maneira uniforme (J'=0,95; S=0,20). Ocorreu um maior número de famílias que estavam representadas por poucos indivíduos. Houve predominância das famílias que apresentam hábitos alimentares detritívoros - Aphodiidae, Scarabaeidae, Hybosoridae e fitófagos - Melolonthidae, Dynastidae e Rutelidae. Para os grupos de hábito detritívoro, foram coletados 25 espécies, num total de 1.422 espécimes.
Thirty-six persons living on a farm located in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil) were studied. Nine of them had the glandular form of toxoplasmosis, between May and August, 1976. These nine cases of toxoplasmosis were confirmed serologically by immunefluorescence-IF-, presenting IgG antibody titres between 1:4096 and 1:32000 and IgM antibody titres between 1:16 and 1:8000. Twelve out of thirty-six persons studied were considered to be "dubious cases". They were defined either by presenting a clinical picture compatible with acquired toxoplasmosis, yet having low serologic titres, or inversely they did not have a clear clinical picture but had serologic evidence of recent Toxoplasma infection. Fifteen out of thirty-six persons studied showed neither serologic nor clinical evidence of recent Toxoplasma infection. The epidemiologic information suggests two possible modes of transmission: a) poorly cooked pork at a barbecue party; b) farm vegetables and soil contaminated with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts (rat-cat cycle). Serologic follow-up nine months later in the human farm population demonstrated still high IgG titres, yet they tended to decline and IgM titres became negative. Three years later most of the IgG titres continued to decline and were almost compatible with the titres obtained in Brazilian population surveys.
Immunofluorescence tests (IF) for toxoplasmosis were performed on a total of 608 schoolchildren in elementary and junior high grades. 166 being in the Bonsucesso district (an urban region of Rio de Janeiro) and 442 children from locations within the lowlands of Jacarepaguá (with rural characteristics). All the IF-IgM were nonreactive, whilst 416 schoolchildren (68.4%) were IF-IgG serum-reactive ([greater than or equal to] 1:16). The percentages of serum-reactives in Jacarepaguá were significantly higher than in Bonsucesso, both as regards the total number of schoolchildren (p < 0.001), as also when subdivided according to the age-grades from six to eight years (p < 0.001) or from twelve to fourteen (p < 0.05). Both in Jacarepaguá and in Bonsucesso, the prevalence of reactions in the 12 to 14 year age-grade was significantly greater than in the 6 to 8 year age-grade (p < 0.001 in both cases). Expressively larger prevalences of serum reactions were found in Jacarepaguá among schoolchildren who preferred eating raw or undercooked meat, as well as among those having cats as pets; this occurred equally in the 6 to 8 year and in the 12 to 14 year age-grades. In Bonsucesso, the only significant difference was in the 6 to 8 year age-grades that had cats as pets. Thus, it has been verified that the risk of infection is greater and more precocious in localities with rural characteristics than in urban regions.
Epidemiological studies were conducted on malaria in three rural areas of the Amazon basin in the State of Rondônia: the town of Costa Marques, Forte Príncipe da Beira (Fort), and an immigrant settlement in the nearby forest. These studies were instituted to document the malaria problem and to describe the role of immigration on its distribution and prevalence. Hospital records in the town show that the number of malaria cases increased five fold from 1983 to 1987 and that the predominant malaria parasite changel from Plasmodium vivax to P. falciparum. Increased malaria followed increased immigration and colonization of the forest. A series of epidemiologic studies suggested the linkage between malaria and immigration as the prevalence of malaria was 1-2% at the Fort, a stable community, 8-9% at Costa Marques, a growing community, and 14-26% in the new settlements in the forest.
Due to current spreading of chemoresistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum malaria control must incorporate vector control programmes. Due to well known constraints house sprayings cannot be performed as before. Personal protection can be developed and a large scale use of insecticide treated bed-nets appeared to be very useful to reduce man-vector contact in Asia, South America and West and East Africa. No trial has done is forest Central Africa where transmission is permanent. We performed such a trial in the southern part of Cameroon (using deltamethrin, at 25mg/m*) and obtained similar data to those observed in the Gambia Burkina Faso and Tanzania with a noteworthy reduction of both transmission and high parasitaemia of P. falciparum (respectively 78% and 75%) meaning a drop of malaria morbidity.
Fecal egg count scores were used to investigate the distribution and abundance of intestinal helminths in the population of a rural village. Prevalences of the major helminths were 41% with Ascaris lumbricoides 60% with Trichuris trichiura and 50% with Necator americanus. All three parasites showed a highly aggregated distribution among hosts. Age/prevalence and age/intensity profiles were typical for both A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura with the highest worm burdens in the 50-10 year old children. For hookworm both prevalence and intensity curves were convex in shape with maximum infection levels in the 30-40 year old age class. Infected females had higher burdens of T. trichiura than infected males in all age classes of the population; there were no other effects of host gender. Analysis of associations between parasites within hosts revealed strong correlations between A. lumbricoides and T. lumbricoides and T. trichiura. Individuals with heavy infections of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura showed highly significant aggregation within households. Associations between a variety of household features and heavy infections with A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura are described.
In ongoing studies on experimental transmission of Plasmodium falciparum in the city of Yaounde gametocyte carriers are daily being identified among dispensary patients with malaria-like complaints. This species comprises 93 of all parasitemias and because of the selection criteria most patients have it as a recent infection. 17 of all P. falciparum-positives carry detectable gametocytes with little difference between youngsters and adults. Blood of adult carriers is taken and infection of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes is attempted by membrane feeding; the establishment of infection is judged by the presence of oocysts.
To compare the epidemiological profile and socioeconomic factors associated to the infection by Schistosoma mansoni in a rural and an urban endemic area a cross-sectional study was performed in Água Branca de Minas (rural area) and Bela Fama (urban area), both situated in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Two hundred and eighty eight individuals were surveyed in the rural area and 787 in the urban area. Water contact and socioeconomic questionnaires were used to identify risk factors for the infection. The prevalences of 38.8% and 9.7% and the geometric mean of eggs per gram of faeces of 117.8 and 62.3 were found in the rural and urban areas, respectively. By multivariate statistical analysis age groups over nine years old and previous specific treatment were associated with the infection in rural area. In urban area age over nine years old, low quality housing, weekly fishing and swimming were associated after adjustment by logistic regression
Two contiguous villages in Tracunhaém county (State of Pernambuco), endemic for schistosomiasis, were studied: Itapinassu (138 inhabitants) and São Joaquim (91 inhabitants). Agriculture predominates in the former region while ceramics is the main activity in the latter. Although no statistical difference was found regarding prevalence, severe infection (>400 epg) predominated in Itapinassu, probably related to the kind of occupation. No association was found between parasite burden and severity of disease, in spite of the high infection rates for Schistosoma mansoni in both communities (approx. 60%). Typical epidemiological features of schistosomiasis such as age-related prevalences and intensities of infection (high in children, low in adults) were also mutual characteristics. Nutritional status determined through anthropometric evaluation was carried out by measuring specific anthropometric indicators. A deficit of energy intake, as well as vitamin A and riboflavin deficiencies were detected. The prevalence of moderate or severe undernutrition in patients under 18 years old was 21.9% in Itapinassu and 24.1% in São Joaquim. In this group an association was found between prevalence of schistosomiasis and chronic undernutrition. Similarly, for patients over 18 year old the prevalence of undernutrition was higher than 20%. However, in this case no association between nutritional status and either prevalence of schistosomiasis or parasite burden could be detected. The two communities had not been treated for eight years.
The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection was evaluated by ELISA in 40 children and teenagers and in 164 adults from a rural area of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Antibodies to H. pylori were detected in the serum of 31 (77.5%) children and teenagers and in 139 (84.7%) adults. The prevalence of infection increased with age (c2 for trend, p < 0.01) even though no variations occurred in the region in the present century in terms of living conditions or sanitation, economical development and migratory influx supporting the hypothesis that the infection is also acquired during later life in developing countries. An inverse correlation was observed between the prevalence of infection and annual family income (c2 for trend, p < 0.013). There was no correlation between type of system for sewage disposal and prevalence of infection (p = 0.8). In conclusion, the prevalence of H. pylori infection in Nossa Senhora do Livramento, a rural area from Brazil, is very high and similar to that observed in other developing countries. Furthermore, the increase in the prevalence of infection with age observed in this population seems to be due to both, cohort effect and acquisition of the infection during later life
A schedule of repeated chemotherapy with oxamniquine, consisting of biannual treatment of school-aged (7-13 years) children and annual treatment of all other age groups, was used in a representative rural village from a highly endemic area of schistosomiasis in Pernambuco. Significant reductions in infection were obtained only after two cycles of treatment, as the overall prevalence decreased from 72.6% to 41.7% and the geometric mean egg counts per gram of faeces among positives fell from 188.4 to 76. In a school-aged cohort (n=29) three treatments at six-month intervals were necessary to significantly reduce the proportion of positives (from 75.9% to 51.7%). In a cohort of children under 7 years of age (n=20) the proportion of positives actually increased (from 30% to 45%) despite two annual treatments. Water contact was intense and host snail density was relatively high. As there is no short-term perspective of improved sanitation, auxiliary measures such as focal mollusciciding are needed for an adequate control of schistosomiasis in this and alike areas.
Between January and March 1998, a cross-sectional survey was carried out in four rural communities in Honduras, Central America. We examined the prevalence and intensity of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infections among 240 fecal specimens, and the association between selected socio-demographic variables and infection for 62 households. The overall prevalence of A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura was 45% (95% CI 39.0-51.9) and 38% (95% CI 31.8-44.4) respectively. The most intense infections for Ascaris and Trichuris were found in children aged 2-12 years old. By univariate analysis variables associated with infections of A. lumbricoides were: number of children 2-5 years old (p=0.001), level of formal education of respondents (p=0.01), reported site of defecation of children in households (p=0.02), households with children who had a recent history of diarrhea (p=0.002), and the location of households (p=0.03). Variables associated with both A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infection included: number of children 6-14 years old (p=0.01, p=0.04, respectively), ownership of a latrine (p=0.04, p=0.03, respectively) and coinfection with either helminth (p=0.001, p=0.001, respectively). By multivariate analysis the number of children 2-5 years living in the household, (p=0.01, odds ratio (OR)=22.2), children with a recent history of diarrhea (p=0.0, OR=39.8), and infection of household members with T. trichiura (p=0.02, OR=16.0) were associated with A. lumbricoides infection. The number of children 6-14 years old in the household was associated with both A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infection (p=0.04, p=0.01, OR=19.2, OR=5.2, respectively).