247 resultados para Pathogenesis of periodontal disease


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On hundred milk or colostrum samples from 78 mothers with chronic Chagas' disease were parasitologically studied for Trypanosoma cruzi infection by means of direct examination and inoculation of mice. The mice were submitted to direct bllod examination three times a week. At the end of 45 days, xenodiagnosis and indirect immunofluorescent test (IFAT) for T. cruzi antibodies were carried out in the animals. No parasitized sample was observed even though five mothers had parasitemia at milk collection. In addition, 97 breast-fed children of chronic chagasic mothers, born free of infection, were tested for IgG antibodies to T. cruzi using IFAT. No case of T. cruzi infection was detected. The authors conclude that breast-feeding should not be avoided for children for chronic chagasic women. However, as these mothers had intermittent parasitemia, they should avoid nursing when there is nipple bleeding.


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Rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) were infected subcutaneously with 1.0 x 10**4 to 1.5 x 10**4 metacyclic trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi (Colombian strain). Parasitological and immunological parameters were evaluated in these animals for periods of 1 month to over 3 years. a chagona was observed between the 3 rd and the 13th day after infection (a.i) and patent parasitaemia between the 13th and 59th day a.i.. Thereafter, parasites were demonstrated only by haemoculture and/or xenodiagnosis. Circulating specifc IgM and IgC antibodies were observed as early as in the 2nd week a. i. IgG levels persisted until the end of the expriment, but IgM antibodies were detectable nine months a. i. Haematological alterations comprised leucocytosis and lymphocytosis. Eletrocardiographic alterations were minor and transient, similar to those observe in non-lethal human acute Chagas' myocarditis. Myocarditis and myositis, characterized by multiple foci of lympho-histiocyte inflammatory infiltrate, were present in monkeys sacrificed on the 41 th, 70th and 76 th day but not in the animal sacrificed 3 years and 3 months a. i.. The results suggest that Chagas' disease in rhesus monkeys reproduces the acute and indeterminate phases of human Chagas' disease.


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Chagas disease transmission can be effetively interrupted by insecticidal control of its triatomine bug vectors. We present here a simple model comparing the costs and benefits of such a programme, designed to eliminate domestic populations of Triatoma infestans throughout its known area of distribution over the seven southernmost countries of Latin America. The model has been simplified to require only four financial estimates relating to the unit cost of housing spraying and benefits due to avoidance of premature death in the acute phase of the disease, avoidance of supportive treatment and care in the chronic phase of the disease, and avoidance of corrective digestive and cardiac surgery. Exceptfor these direct medical costs, al other potential benefits have been ignored. Nevertheless, the model shows that the direct financial benefits of such a programme would far outweigh the costs, and the project would support a remarkably high internal rate of return under the least optimistic estimates.


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Little is known about the risks associated with Trypanosoma cruzi infection in non-pregnant and pregnant women. From a limited number of studies it appears that in rural areas, parasite rates and rates of serological positivity are similar in both sexes. Abnormal ECG tracings are consistently more frequent in men suggesting that immunity to T. cruzi may be different in females. Complications arising from Chagas' disease in pregnancy are only infrequently reported. Evidence for increased risk of abortion or prematurity is inconclusive except in cases of congenital infection. Most cases of congenital Chagas' disease have been reported from non-endemic areas and there is a suggestion that parasitemic episodes during pregnancy may influence pregnancy outcome. Preliminary evidence indicates that chronic infection can result in in-utero sensitization via passively acquired maternal antibodies. The review concludes that maternal T. cruzi infection carries risks for the child and these warrant systematic research because of their public health significance.


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Immunoblot analysis was used to investigate antigenic differences among clinical isolates of Leishmania amazonensis and their role in the etiology of the diseases. Western blots of promastigote homogenates were analyzed with either monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for the L. mexicana complex (M-4, M-6, M-9 and M-11) or polyclonal sera from L. amazonensis infected patients with the various forms of clinical disease. In the case of the MAbs, no significant variation was observed among the strains of L. amazonensis, isolated from cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL), visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL), in either the relative morbility (Mr) or the quantitative amount (intensity) of the antigenic determinats. In the case of the sera of the infected patients, the patterns of antigenic reactivity of these strains revealed that, despite showing the presence of shared antigens, differences were observed between some of the antigenic components of the various isolates of L. amazonensis that were recognized by a single serum. Differences were also demonstrated between the antigenic determinants of a single isolate of L. amazonensis that were recognized by the different patient's sera. No apparent association was consistently found, however, between the Mr components identified in these isolates and clinical form of the disease or the geographical area of isolation. In addition, the spectrum of antigens recognized by the sera from patients with the same clinical form were not identical; although in some instances, similar Mr antigens were shared. These results indicate that isolates of L. amazonensis are not antigenically identical (homogeneous) and that the immune responses (antibodies) observed among infected patients are heterogeneous.


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In the Epidemiological Surveillance Program in the county of Bambuí, Minas Gerais, between August 1986 and December 1988, 154 Panstrongylus megistus were captured by the local population in both peridomicile and intradomicile environments. Fifteen (9.8%) of the P. megistus harboured Trypanosoma cruzi. Preciptin tests showed that the most frequent triatomine blood meal sources were birds, but other sources were dogs, men and cats. The isoenzyme characterization of 13 T. cruzi strains showed that six belonged to zymodeme Z1, corresponding to the wild parasites, and seven belonged to zymodeme Z2, corresponding to parasites isolated from chronic chagasic patients (domestic cycle). As P. megistus were found to be naturally infected by parasites from both cycles, they are cleary able to transmit T. cruzi from the wild cycle to the domestic cycle. Furthermore the capacity of P. megistus in colonizing houses was observed in one residence, vacant for several years, in wich 153 triatomines were captured. The data show the possibility of P. megistus reintroducing transmission of Chaga's disease in the county if Epidemiological Surveillance is interrupted.


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Cerebral complications are important, but poorly understood pathological features of infections caused by some species of Plasmodium and Babesia. Patients dying from P. falciparum were classified as cerebral or non-cerebral cases according to the cerebral malaria coma scale. Light microscopy revealed that cerebral microvessels of cerebral malaria patients were field with a mixture of parazited and unparazited erythrocytes, with 94% of the vessels showing parasitized red blood cell (PRBC) sequestration. Some degree of PRBC sequestration was also found in non-cerebral malaria patients, but the percentage of microvessls with sequestered PRBC was only 13% Electron microscopy demonstrated knobs on the membrane of PRBC that formed focal junctions with the capillary endothelium. A number of host cell molecules such as CD36, thrombospondim (TSP) and intracellular adhesion molecule I (ICAM-1) may function as endothelial cell surfacereports for P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. Affinity labeling of CD36 and TSP to the PRBC surface showed these molecules specifically bind to the knobs. Babesia bovis infected erythrocytes procedure projections of the erythrocyte membrane that are similar to knobs. When brain tissue from B. bovis-infected cattle was examined, cerebral capillaries were packed with PRBC. Infected erythrocytes formed focal attachments with cerebral endothelial cells at the site of these knob-like projections. These findings indicate that cerebral pathology caused by B. bovis is similar to human cerebral malaria. A search for cytoadherence proteins in the endothelial cells may lead to a better understanding of the pathogenisis of cerebral babesiosis.


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After the acute hyperergic phase of schistosomal infection, the chronic phase of the disease corresponds to the estabilishment of a relative equilibrium between the host and the parasite. This involves: (1) A shift from the predominance of the TH2 response observed in the acute phase, to the predominance of the TH1 response in the chronic phase of the disease, with modification of lymphokine and immunoglobulin secretions patterns. (2) Redistribution of hosts responses to parasite, with predominance of systemic controls in the acute phase, and a shift towards local tissue responses in the chronic phase. This redistribution relieves the hyperergic responses involving the whole body of the host, and delimits cellular and molecular reactions to parasites to only those tissues that are directly involved by the adult parasites and their eggs. Mobilization of eosinophil granulocytes in schistosomal periovular granulomas is one of examples of this redistribution.