152 resultados para Normal ruling
In routine studies of sensory nerve conduction, only fibers e7 µm in diameter are analyzed. The late components which originate from thinner fibers are not detected. This explains why a normal sensory action potential (SAP) may be recorded in patients with peripheral neuropathies and sensory loss. In the present study we investigated the late component of the median SAP with a near nerve needle electrode technique in 14 normal volunteers (7 men and 7 women), aged 34.5 ± 14.8 years. The stimulus consisted of rectangular pulses of 0.2-ms duration at a frequency of 1 Hz with an intensity at least 6 times greater than the threshold value for the main component. Five hundred to 2000 sweep averagings were performed. The duration of analysis was 40 or 50 ms and the wave analysis frequency was 200 (-6 dB/oct) to 3000 Hz (-12 dB/oct). We used an apparatus with a two-channel amplifier system, 200 MW or more of entry impedance and a noise level of 0.7 µVrms or less. The main component mean amplitude, conduction velocity and latency and the late component mean amplitude, conduction velocity and latency were respectively (mean ± SD): 26.5 ± 5.42 µV, 56.8 ± 5.42 m/s, 3.01 ± 0.31 ms, 0.12 ± 0.04 µV, 16.4 ± 2.95 m/s and 10.6 ± 2.48 ms. More sophisticated equipment has an internal noise of 0.6 µVrms. These data demonstrate that the technique can now be employed to study thin fiber neuropathies, like in leprosy, using commercial electromyographs, even in non-academic practices
Viscosity of gums in vitro and their ability to reduce postprandial hyperglycemia in normal subjects
Experiments were carried out in vitro with three viscous polysaccharides (guar gum, pectin, and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)) of similar initial viscosity submitted to conditions that mimic events occurring in the stomach and duodenum, and their viscosity in these situations was compared to their actions on postprandial hyperglycemia in normal human subjects. Guar gum showed greater viscosity than the other gums during acidification and/or alkalinization and also showed larger effects on plasma glucose levels (35% reduction in maximum rise in plasma glucose) and on the total area under the curve of plasma glucose (control: 20,314 ± 1007 mg dl-1 180 min-1 vs guar gum: 18,277 ± 699 mg dl-1 180 min-1, P<0.01). Pectin, which showed a marked reduction in viscosity at 37oC and after events mimicking those that occur in the stomach and duodenum, did not have a significant effect on postprandial hyperglycemia. The performance of viscosity and the glycemia response to CMC were at an intermediate level between guar gum and pectin. In conclusion, these data suggest that temperature, the process of acidification, alkalinization and exposure to intestinal ions induce different viscosity changes in gums having similar initial viscosity, establishing a direct relationship between a minor decrease of gum viscosity in vitro and a reduction of postprandial hyperglycemia
The oxyntic mucosa of the mouse stomach is lined with a heterogeneous population of cells that form numerous short pits continuous with long tubular glands. Tritiated thymidine radioautography has made it possible to pinpoint the origin of all cell types and to follow the differentiation/migration of different cell lineages along the pit-gland unit. The proliferating multipotent stem cells functionally anchored in the upper glandular region, the isthmus, give rise to three main lineage precursors: 1) pre-pit cells, which migrate upward to the pit while differentiating into mucus-producing pit cells; 2) pre-neck cells, which migrate downward to the glandular neck while differentiating into mucus-producing neck cells that, by approaching the glandular base, gradually change their phenotype into pepsinogen- and intrinsic factor-producing zymogenic cells; 3) pre-parietal cells, which differentiate into acid-producing parietal cells in the isthmus and then undergo bipolar migration towards the pit and the glandular base. Thus, parietal cells are the only cells that complete their differentiation in the isthmus and then migrate to be scattered throughout the pit-gland unit. To determine whether parietal cells play a role in controlling decisions about cell fate within the pit-gland unit, the gastric epithelium has been examined in transgenic mice expressing the H,K-ATPase ß-subunit-1035 to +24/simian virus 40 large T antigen fusion gene. The blockade in parietal cell differentiation in these mice produces an amplification of lineage precursors, a marked depletion of zymogenic cells and an increase in pit cell census. Ablation of parietal cells in another transgenic mouse model expressing the H,K-ATPase ß-subunit-1035 to +24/diphtheria toxin fragment A fusion gene also produces amplification of lineage precursors, and similar effects on zymogenic and pit cell census. These findings strongly suggest that parietal cells produce regulatory signals that control the cellular differentiation program of both pit and zymogenic cell lineages, and would hopefully improve our ability to identify the cellular pathways leading to malignant transformation
In order to identify early abnormalities in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) we determined insulin (using an assay that does not cross-react with proinsulin) and proinsulin concentrations. The proinsulin/insulin ratio was used as an indicator of abnormal ß-cell function. The ratio of the first 30-min increase in insulin to glucose concentrations following the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; I30-0/G30-0) was taken as an indicator of insulin secretion. Insulin resistance (R) was evaluated by the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) method. True insulin and proinsulin were measured during a 75-g OGTT in 35 individuals: 20 with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and without diabetes among their first-degree relatives (FDR) served as controls, and 15 with NGT who were FDR of patients with NIDDM. The FDR group presented higher insulin (414 pmol/l vs 195 pmol/l; P = 0.04) and proinsulin levels (19.6 pmol/l vs 12.3 pmol/l; P = 0.03) post-glucose load than the control group. When these groups were stratified according to BMI, the obese FDR (N = 8) showed higher fasting and post-glucose insulin levels than the obese NGT (N = 9) (fasting: 64.8 pmol/l vs 7.8 pmol/l; P = 0.04, and 60 min post-glucose: 480.6 pmol/l vs 192 pmol/l; P = 0.01). Also, values for HOMA (R) were higher in the obese FDR compared to obese NGT (2.53 vs 0.30; P = 0.075). These results show that FDR of NIDDM patients have true hyperinsulinemia (which is not a consequence of cross-reactivity with proinsulin) and hyperproinsulinemia and no dysfunction of a qualitative nature in ß-cells.
The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic value (clinical application) of brain measures and cognitive function. Alzheimer and multiinfarct patients (N = 30) and normal subjects over the age of 50 (N = 40) were submitted to a medical, neurological and cognitive investigation. The cognitive tests applied were Mini-Mental, word span, digit span, logical memory, spatial recognition span, Boston naming test, praxis, and calculation tests. The brain ratios calculated were the ventricle-brain, bifrontal, bicaudate, third ventricle, and suprasellar cistern measures. These data were obtained from a brain computer tomography scan, and the cutoff values from receiver operating characteristic curves. We analyzed the diagnostic parameters provided by these ratios and compared them to those obtained by cognitive evaluation. The sensitivity and specificity of cognitive tests were higher than brain measures, although dementia patients presented higher ratios, showing poorer cognitive performances than normal individuals. Normal controls over the age of 70 presented higher measures than younger groups, but similar cognitive performance. We found diffuse losses of tissue from the central nervous system related to distribution of cerebrospinal fluid in dementia patients. The likelihood of case identification by functional impairment was higher than when changes of the structure of the central nervous system were used. Cognitive evaluation still seems to be the best method to screen individuals from the community, especially for developing countries, where the cost of brain imaging precludes its use for screening and initial assessment of dementia.
It is well known that essential hypertension evolves in most patients with "near normal" levels of plasma renin activity. However, these levels appear to be responsible for the high levels of arterial pressure because they are normalized by the administration of angiotensin II converting inhibitors or angiotensin receptor antagonist. In experimental animals, hypertension can be induced by the continuous intravenous infusion of small doses of angiotensin II that are not sufficient to evoke an immediate pressor response. However, this condition resembles the characteristics of essential hypertension because the high levels of blood pressure exist with normal plasma levels of angiotensin II. It is suggested that small amounts of angiotensin whose plasma levels are inappropriate for the existing size of extracellular volume stimulate oxidative stress which binds nitric oxide forming peroxynitrite. The latter compound oxidizes arachidonic acid producing isoprostaglandin F2a (an isoprostane) which is characterized by a strong antinatriuretic vasoconstrictor renal effect. In this chain of reactions the vasoconstrictor effects derived from oxygen quenching of nitric oxide and increased isoprostane synthesis could explain how hypertension is maintained with normal plasma levels of renin.
Pheochromocytomas are rare chromaffin cell tumors that nevertheless must be excluded in large numbers of patients who develop sustained or episodic hypertension as well as in many others with suggestive symptoms or with a familial history of pheochromocytoma. Diagnosis of pheochromocytoma depends importantly on biochemical evidence of excess catecholamine production by a tumor. Imperfect sensitivity and specificity of commonly available biochemical tests and the low incidence of the tumor among the tested population mean that considerable time and effort can be expended in confirming or ruling out pheochromocytoma in patients where the tumor is suspected. Measurements of plasma free metanephrines provide a superior test compared to other available tests for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. In particular, the high sensitivity of plasma free metanephrines means that a normal test result reliably excludes all but the smallest of pheochromocytomas so that no other tests are necessary. Measurements of plasma free metanephrines, when systematically combined with other diagnostic procedures outlined in this review, provide a more efficient, reliable and cost-effective approach for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma than offered by previously available approaches.
The distinction between normal and leukemic bone marrow (BM) B-precursors is essential for the diagnosis and treatment monitoring of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). In order to evaluate the potential use of quantitative fluorescence cytometry (QFC) for this distinction, we studied 21 normal individuals and 40 patients with CD10+ ALL. We characterized the age-related changes of the CD10, CD19, TdT, CD34 and CD79a densities in normal and leukemic BM. Compared to normal adults, the B-precursors from normal children expressed significantly lower values of CD34-specific antibody binding capacity (SABC) (median value of 86.6 vs 160.2 arbitrary units (a.u.) in children and adults, respectively). No significant age-related difference was observed in the expression of the other markers in the normal BM, or in any of the markers in the leukemic BM. Based on the literature, we set the cut-off value for the normal CD10 expression at 45 x 10³ a.u. for both age groups. For the remaining markers we established the cut-off values based on the minimum-maximum values in the normal BM in each age group. The expression of CD10 was higher than the cut-off in 30 ALL cases and in 18 of them there was a concomitant aberrant expression of other markers. In 9 of the 10 CD10+ ALL with normal CD10 SABC values, the expression of at least one other marker was aberrant. In conclusion, the distinction between normal and leukemic cells by QFC was possible in 38/40 CD10+ ALL cases.
In many tumors, the amount of chondroitin sulfate in the extracellular matrix has been shown to be elevated when compared to the corresponding normal tissue. Nevertheless, the degree of chondroitin sulfate increase varies widely. In order to investigate a possible correlation between the amount of chondroitin sulfate and tumor size, several individual specimens of human leiomyoma, a benign uterine tumor, were analyzed. The glycosaminoglycans from eight tumors were extracted and compared with those from the respective adjacent normal myometrium. The main glycosaminoglycan found in normal myometrium was dermatan sulfate, with small amounts of chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate. In leiomyoma, both dermatan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate were detected and the total amounts of the two galactosaminoglycans was increased in all tumors when compared to normal tissue. In contrast, the heparan sulfate concentration decreased in the tumor. To assess the disaccharide composition of galactosaminoglycans, these compounds were incubated with bacterial chondroitinases AC and ABC. The amounts of L-iduronic acid-containing disaccharides remained constant, whereas the concentration of D-glucuronic acid-containing disaccharides increased from 2 to 10 times in the tumor, indicating that D-glucuronic acid-containing disaccharides are responsible for the elevation in galactosaminoglycan concentration. This increase is positively correlated with tumor size.
Ketamine is believed to reduce airway and pulmonary tissue resistance. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of ketamine on the resistive, elastic and viscoelastic/inhomogeneous mechanical properties of the respiratory system, lungs and chest wall, and to relate the mechanical data to findings from histological lung analysis in normal animals. Fifteen adult male Wistar rats were assigned randomly to two groups: control (N = 7) and ketamine (N = 8). All animals were sedated (diazepam, 5 mg, ip) and anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (20 mg/kg, ip) or ketamine (30 mg/kg, ip). The rats were paralyzed and ventilated mechanically. Ketamine increased lung viscoelastic/inhomogeneous pressure (26%) compared to the control group. Dynamic and static elastances were similar in both groups, but the difference was greater in the ketamine than in the control group. Lung morphometry demonstrated dilation of alveolar ducts and increased areas of alveolar collapse in the ketamine group. In conclusion, ketamine did not act at the airway level but acted at the lung periphery increasing mechanical inhomogeneities possibly resulting from dilation of distal airways and alveolar collapse.
The effect of porphyrins on normal and transformed mouse cell lines in the presence of visible light
Photodynamic therapy consists of the uptake of a photosensitizing dye, often a porphyrin, by tumor tissue and subsequent irradiation of the tumor with visible light of an appropriate wavelength matched to the absorption spectrum of the photosensitizing dye. This class of molecules produces reactive oxygen species when activated by light, resulting in a direct or indirect cytotoxic effect on the target cells. Photodynamic therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer but the technology has a potential for the treatment of several disease conditions mainly because of its selectivity. However, it is not clear why the porphyrins are retained preferentially by abnormal tissue. This paper describes a study of the effect of the association of porphyrin and visible light on two mouse fibroblast cell lines: A31, normal cells and B61, an EJ-ras transformed variant of A31. Two water-soluble porphyrins were used, a positively charged one, tetra(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin chloride, and a negatively charged one, tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin-Na salt (TPPS4) in order to assess the effect on cell survival. The results suggest that the B61 cell line is more sensitive to incubation with the anionic porphyrin (TPPS4) followed by light irradiation and that the anionic porphyrin is more efficient in killing the cells than the cationic porphyrin.
Undernutrition of dams and pups disrupts the retrieval efficiency of mothers. However, if the mothers are assessed in their home cages, they spend more time with their litters. In the present study the effect of test conditions on pup retrieval behavior of mothers receiving a 25% (well-nourished group) and 8% casein diet (undernourished group) was examined. In agreement with previous studies, undernourished mothers spent more time with their litters than well-nourished dams as lactation proceeded. Pup retrieval behavior varied with test conditions. In the first experiment, the maternal behavior of dams was assessed by the standard procedure (pups were separated from their mother and scattered over the floor of the home cage). The mother was then returned and the number of retrieved pups was recorded. From day 3 to 8, the retrieval efficiency of undernourished dams decreased, while the retrieval efficiency of well-nourished mothers did not vary. In the second experiment, mothers were subjected to a single retrieval test (on day 9 of lactation) using the procedure described for experiment 1. No difference between well-nourished and undernourished mothers was observed. In the third experiment, seven-day-old pups were separated from the mothers and returned individually to a clean home cage. Dietary treatment did not affect the retrieval efficiency. However, undernourished dams reconstructed the nest more slowly than did well-nourished dams. Taken together, these results suggest that pup retrieval behavior of the undernourished mother is not impaired by dietary restriction when the maternal environment is disturbed minimally.
The aim of the present study was to determine the expression of the genes for type 1 (SDR5A1) and type 2 (SDR5A2) 5alpha-reductase isoenzymes in scalp hairs plucked from 33 hirsute patients (20 with polycystic ovary syndrome and 13 with idiopathic hirsutism) and compare it with that of 10 men and 15 normal women. SDR5A1 and SDR5A2 expression was estimated by RT-PCR using the gene of the ubiquitously expressed protein ß2-microglobulin as an internal control. The results are expressed as arbitrary units in relation to ß2-microglobulin absorbance (mean ± SEM). SDR5A2 expression was not detected in any hair samples analyzed in this study. No differences were found in SDR5A1 mRNA levels between men and normal women (0.78 ± 0.05 vs 0.74 ± 0.06, respectively). SDR5A1 gene expression in the cells of hair plucked from the scalp of normal women (0.85 ± 0.04) and of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (0.78 ± 0.05) and idiopathic hirsutism (0.80 ± 0.06) was also similar. These results indicate that SDR5A1 gene expression in the follicular keratinocytes from the vertex area of the scalp seems not to be related to the differences in hair growth observed between normal men and women and hirsute patients. Further studies are needed to investigate the expression of the 5alpha-reductase genes in other scalp follicular compartments such as dermal papillae, and also in hair follicles from other body sites, in order to elucidate the mechanism of androgen action on the hair growth process and related diseases.
The multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein is a transmembrane efflux pump expressed by lymphocytes and is involved in their cytolytic activity. In the present study, we investigated the age-related changes of P-glycoprotein function in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes. Blood samples from 90 normal volunteers (age range, 0 to 86 years) were analyzed. P-glycoprotein function was assessed by the flow cytometric rhodamine 123 assay. P-glycoprotein function was highest in cord blood and progressively declined with age in peripheral blood T CD4+ and CD8+ cells. In contrast, P-glycoprotein function did not vary with age in CD19+ B or CD16+CD56+ natural killer cells. These data suggest that the decline in P-glycoprotein function in T CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes as a function of age may contribute to the decrease in T cell cytolytic activity with aging.
The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of retinoic acid on the growth of the mouse mammary cells HC11 and HC11ras, which are a model for in vitro breast cancer progression. The expression of the two classes (RARs and RXRs) of retinoic acid receptor mRNAs was determined by Northern blot analysis. Receptor functional integrity was determined by testing whether RAR ß mRNA could be induced by retinoic acid. The effects of a 72-h exposure to 50 µM 13-cis retinoic acid on HC11 and HC11ras cell proliferation and HC11 cell differentiation were investigated by flow cytometric cell cycle analysis, and by determination of ß-casein mRNA expression, respectively. The possibility that retinoic acid would induce the expression of the vitamin D receptor and synergize with vitamin D, a known inhibitor of HC11 cell growth, was also investigated. HC11 cells expressed higher mRNA levels of both RAR a and RAR g when compared to HC11ras cells. In contrast, RAR ß, as well as RXR a, ß and g expression was low in both HC11 and HC11ras cells. In addition, RAR ß mRNA was induced by retinoic acid treatment in both cells. In spite of these observations, no effects were seen on cell proliferation or differentiation upon exposure to retinoic acid. Neither vitamin D receptor induction nor synergy with vitamin D on growth inhibition was observed. We conclude that the RAR expression profile could be related to the transformed state in HC11ras cells and that the retinoic acid resistance observed merits further investigation.