455 resultados para Maciel, Marcial
We report the case of an 8-month-old female infant with Uhl's anomaly, who underwent successful cardiac transplantation. The clinical findings, complementary laboratory tests, anatomic findings, and differential diagnosis of the anomaly are discussed.
OBJECTIVE: To compare immediate and late results in patients with or without fenestration who underwent cavopulmonary anastomosis so that we could assess the efficiency of the technique. METHODS: Sixty-two patients underwent surgery between 1988 and 1999, 41 with fenestration (group I -G I) and 21 without fenestration (group II -G II). Tricuspid atresia was prevalent in group I (23-56%) and single ventricle was prevalent in group II (14-66%). Mean ages at the time of operation were 7.3 years in group I and 7.6 in group II. At late follow-up, mean ages were 10.6 years in group I and 12.8 years in group II. RESULTS: Immediate and late mortality were 7.3% in G-I and 4.7% in G-II. Significant pleural effusion occurred in 41.4% of G-I patients and in 23.8% of G-II patients. Significant pericardial effusion occurred in 29.2% and 14.2%, respectively, in groups I and II. Central venous pressure was greater in G-II, 17.7 cm in H2O, as opposed to 15 cm in G-I. Hospital stay was similar between the groups, 26.3 and 21.8 days, respectively. Cyanosis and arterial insaturation occurred in 5 patients, and 4 patients were in functional class II, all from G-I. At late follow-up, 58 (93.5%) were in functional class I. Sinus rhythm was present in 94%, and pulmonary perfusion was similar in both groups. Eleven patients who underwent spirometry had good tolerance to physical effort. CONCLUSION: Atrial fenestration did not improve the immediate or late follow-up of patients who underwent cavopulmonary anastomosis, and is, therefore, dispensable.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical, electrocardiographic, and electrophysiologic characteristics of patients (pt) with intra-His bundle block undergoing an electrophysiologic study (EPS). METHODS: We analyzed the characteristics of 16 pt with second-degree atrioventricular block and symptoms of syncope or dyspnea, or both, undergoing conventional EPS. RESULTS: Intra-His bundle block was documented in 16 pt during an EPS. In 15 (94%) pt, the atrioventricular block was recorded in sinus rhythm; 4 (25%) pt had intra-His Wenckebach phenomenon, which correlated with Mobitz I (MI) atrioventricular block on the electrocardiogram. Seven (44%) pt had 2:1 atrioventricular block, 2 of whom were asymptomatic (12.5%). One (6%) pt had intra- and infra-His bundle block. Clinically, 11 (68%) pt had syncope or presyncope, 3 (18%) had dyspnea on exertion, and 2 (12.5%) were asymptomatic. Eight (50%) pt had bundle-branch block as follows: 4 (25%) pt had left bundle-branch block, and 4 (25%) had right bundle-branch block. Left anterosuperior divisional block was observed in 3 pt (19%), 2 of whom with associated right bundle-branch block. CONCLUSION: Intra-His bundle block was observed in 11% of the pt with second-degree atrioventricular block, syncope or presyncope, or both, it being the most frequent clinical presentation. Intra-His bundle block was more common in the elderly (> 60 years) and among females. The most frequent electrocardiographic presentations were second-degree Mobitz I or type 2:1 atrioventricular block.
The patient was a 4-month-old infant, who underwent persistent ductus arteriosus interruption with titanium clips at the age of 13 days and, since the age of 2 months, had crises of hypoxia and hypertonicity. After clinical investigation, the presence of pulmonary hypertension was confirmed and left ventricular inflow tract obstruction was suspected. The patient underwent surgical treatment at the age of 4 months, during which right and left ventricular endocardial fibrosis was identified. The fibrosis was resected, but the infant had an unfavorable clinical evolution with significant diastolic restriction and died on the sixth postoperative day. Anatomicopathological and surgical findings suggested endomyocardial fibrosis, although that pathology is very rare at the patient's age.
OBJETIVO: Estudar a evolução hospitalar em portadores de drenagem anômala total de veias pulmonares (DATVP), nas formas infracardíaca e mista, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. MÉTODOS: De 65 pacientes operados com o diagnóstico isolado de DATVP, de dezembro/1993 a março/2002, foram selecionados, retrospectivamente, 7 (10,8%) pacientes das formas mista e infradiafragmática, sendo 5 (71,4%) do sexo masculino, idades variando de 5 dias a 19 (média de 7) meses, com diagnóstico clínico feito pelo ecocardiograma bidimensional. Quatro (57,1%) pacientes apresentavam formas mistas, em um, obstrutiva intrínseca, com estenose discreta da veia inferior esquerda. Os restantes três (42,9%) apresentavam a forma infradiafragmática obstrutiva, extrínseca ao nível do diafragma. Todas as operações foram realizadas através de esternotomia mediana, sob circulação extracorpórea hipotérmica com parada circulatória total em 2 casos. RESULTADOS: Óbito hospitalar ocorreu em 1 paciente com DATVP infradiafragmática com conexão da veia vertical inferior com a veia porta. A causa mortis foi relacionada à falência de múltiplos órgãos e sistemas. O pós-operatório foi caracterizado pela presença de baixo débito cardíaco e hipertensão pulmonar em 4 (57,1%) pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: O resultado da correção cirúrgica desta anomalia está associado à morbidade e mortalidade aceitáveis, na dependência do encaminhamento e tratamento cirúrgico precoces, sem progressão do quadro de hipertensão vascular pulmonar.
OBJETIVO: Analisar as características morfométricas das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares, avaliando a morfologia do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar, procurando estabelecer suas implicações no tratamento cirúrgico. MÉTODO: Entre janeiro/1990 e junho/2001, foram estudados 40 pacientes, incluíndo-se os que apresentavam estudo cineangiocardiográfico completo e prévio à primeira intervenção cirúrgica. Analisaram-se as características morfométricas das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares, assim como a distribuição da irrigação sangüínea nos pulmões. Calcularam-se os índices arterial pulmonar (IAAPP), arterial colateral sistêmico-pulmonar (IACSP) e arterial neopulmonar total (IANPT = IAAPP + IACSP). O tratamento cirúrgico foi considerado paliativo (TP), paliativo definitivo (TPD) e definitivo (TD). RESULTADOS: O TP foi predominante. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os pacientes com TP, TPD e TD, em relação ao IAAPP, IACSP e IANPT. Comparando o IAAPP e o IACSP, não houve diferença entre os índices para o TD (p=0,4309), o IACSP foi maior que o IAAPP para o TP (p=0,0176) e descritivamente também maior para o TPD. O IANPT dos pacientes em TD foi maior que os em TP (p=0,0959). Foram identificados cinco subgrupos morfologicamente semelhantes, denominados: B1, B2, B3, B4 e B5. A mortalidade total foi de 17,5%. CONCLUSÃO: A morfologia do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares mostrou-se soberana na orientação do tratamento cirúrgico. Independentemente da divisão didática em subgrupos, o TP foi predominante. A mortalidade não apresentou correlação com as características morfométricas.