127 resultados para LOCAL EXCISION
Aggressive angiomyxoma is a rare, slow-growing soft tissue tumor that usually arises in the pelvis and perineal regions of women in reproductive age, with a marked tendency to local recurrence. Because of its rarity, it is often initially misdiagnosed. Surgical resection is the main treatment modality of aggressive angiomyxoma. We describe a case of a vaginal aggressive angiomyxoma in a 47-year-old woman in which the diagnosis was only made after histological examination. The etiology, presentation, diagnosis and management of this rare tumor are outlined. Angiomyxoma of vulva and vagina refers to a rare disease. Pre-operative diagnosis is difficult due to rarity and absence of diagnostic features, but it should be considered in every mass in genital, perianal and pelvic region in a woman in the reproductive age. Thus, these cases should have complete radiological workup before excision, as pre-diagnosis can change the treatment modality and patient prognosis'.
Lesões exacerbadas à vacina contra a febre aftosa foram observadas em 1.815 de um total de 5.000 bovinos abatidos em frigorífico com inspeção federal. Essas lesões resultaram na condenação de parte das carcaças de acordo com o Regulamento da Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal. Os bovinos haviam sido vacinados em maio de 2012 e abatidos em setembro do mesmo ano e divididos em Lotes 1 e 2 constituídos respectivamente por 1.500 e 315 bovinos. As lesões de reação vacinal eram caracterizadas por nódulos protuberantes, circunscritos, bem delimitados, firmes e de tamanhos variáveis, distribuídos multifocalmente na musculatura do aspecto lateral do pescoço; ao corte apresentavam exsudato purulento. Amostras da lesão de 28 bovinos foram avaliadas histologicamente e os principais achados foram piogranulomas com espaços claros circulares de tamanhos variados no centro, circundados por intenso infiltrado de neutrófilos íntegros e necróticos, circundados por macrófagos epitelioides com citoplasma vacuolizado, ocasionais células gigantes multinucleadas e, mais externamente, por abundante tecido conjuntivo em meio observavam-se linfócitos e plasmócitos. Culturas bacterianas realizadas em amostras do exsudato da lesão de seis bovinos resultaram negativas. Quando as carcaças afetadas foram submetidas ao toalete foi retirado em média 1,8 e 2,0 kg de músculo da área afetada, respectivamente dos Lotes 1 e 2. O prejuízo econômico da propriedade de origem dos bovinos afetados foi de R$ 20.424,00, considerando o preço pago pela arroba do boi no mês e ano da ocorrência. Esses valores à época seriam suficientes para adquirir 29,17 bezerros desmamados para engorda. Se considerarmos 5.000 bovinos vacinados forem considerados como população sob risco o coeficiente de morbidade seria de 0,36%. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que perdas por reação vacinal, mesmo quando não provocam sinais clínicos marcantes, podem ocasionar importantes prejuízos econômicos.
Composite flooring systems supported by tapered (varying web depth) beams are very attractive from an economic point of view. However, the tapered beam sections are fabricated from plate by welding, and are susceptible to imperfection effects. These may interact with the localised compressive stress field that is generated in the web at a slope change in the lower flange to cause local web buckling. A substantial parametric study using a non-linear elasto-plastic finite element program and covering practical ranges of the important parameters including the area of the tension flange, taper slope and web thickness is reported. Moment-rotation relations, peak moments and failure mechanisms have been predicted. The validity of the work is supported by the good correlation obtained between the results of the parametric study and experimental data.
Três experimentos foram realizados para verificar se o local de aplicação de fomesafen, folhas ou solo, afeta a eficácia desse herbicida em biótipos de E. heterophylla resistente e suscetível a ele; e determinar quais estruturas da planta são mais importantes no processo de absorção desse herbicida. Nos dois primeiros experimentos, testaram-se curvas de dose-resposta de fomesafen em biótipos com e sem resistência a inibidores da PROTOX, em pré-emergência (primeiro experimento) e em pós-emergência (segundo experimento). No terceiro experimento, diferentes locais de deposição de fomesafen foram avaliados, por meio do método de vaso duplo, para verificar quais as estruturas das plantas de E. heterophylla mais importantes na absorção do herbicida. Os resultados, em geral, indicam menor eficiência de controle quando o fomesafen é aplicado na parte aérea das plantas de E. heterophylla resistentes a esse herbicida, em comparação às suscetíveis, e que as diferenças entre os biótipos foram menores na aplicação em pré-emergência. Detectou-se maior eficiência do herbicida fomesafen aplicado ao solo quando este foi colocado junto à parte aérea emergente das plantas suscetíveis e resistentes do que junto ao sistema de raízes destas. Esses resultados apóiam a hipótese de que diferenças foliares entre plantas resistentes e suscetíveis podem dificultar a absorção de fomesafen nos biótipos resistentes aos inibidores da PROTOX.
Post-training intracerebroventricular administration of procaine (20 µg/µl) and dimethocaine (10 or 20 µg/µl), local anesthetics of the ester class, prolonged the latency (s) in the retention test of male and female 3-month-old Swiss albino mice (25-35 g body weight; N = 140) in the elevated plus-maze (mean ± SEM for 10 male mice: control = 41.2 ± 8.1; procaine = 78.5 ± 10.3; 10 µg/µl dimethocaine = 58.7 ± 12.3; 20 µg/µl dimethocaine = 109.6 ± 5.73; for 10 female mice: control = 34.8 ± 5.8; procaine = 55.3 ± 13.4; 10 µg/µl dimethocaine = 59.9 ± 12.3 and 20 µg/µl dimethocaine = 61.3 ± 11.1). However, lidocaine (10 or 20 µg/µl), an amide class type of local anesthetic, failed to influence this parameter. Local anesthetics at the dose range used did not affect the motor coordination of mice exposed to the rota-rod test. These results suggest that procaine and dimethocaine impair some memory process(es) in the plus-maze test. These findings are interpreted in terms of non-anesthetic mechanisms of action of these drugs on memory impairment and also confirm the validity of the elevated plus-maze for the evaluation of drugs affecting learning and memory in mice
The immune and central nervous systems are functionally connected and interacting. The concept that the immune signaling to the brain which induces fever during infection and inflammation is mediated by circulating cytokines has been traditionally accepted. Administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces the appearance of a so-termed "cytokine cascade" in the circulation more or less concomitantly to the developing febrile response. Also, LPS-like fever can be induced by systemic administration of key cytokines (IL-1ß, TNF-alpha, and others). However, anti-cytokine strategies against IL-1ß or TNF-alpha along with systemic injections of LPS frequently lead to attenuation of the later stages of the febrile response but not of the initial phase of fever, indicating that cytokines are rather involved in the maintenance than in the early induction of fever. Within the last years experimental evidence has accumulated indicating the existence of neural transport pathways of immune signals to the brain. Because subdiaphragmatic vagotomy prevents or attenuates fever in response to intraperitoneal or intravenous injections of LPS, a role for vagal afferent nerve fibers in fever induction has been proposed. Also other sensory nerves may participate in the manifestation of febrile responses under certain experimental conditions. Thus, injection of a small dose of LPS into an artificial subcutaneous chamber results in fever and formation of cytokines within the inflamed tissue around the site of injection. This febrile response can be blocked in part by injection of a local anesthetic into the subcutaneous chamber, indicating a participation of cutaneous afferent nerve signals in the manifestation of fever in this model. In conclusion, humoral signals and an inflammatory stimulation of afferent sensory nerves can participate in the generation and maintenance of a febrile response.
Centrally stimulated sweat rate produced by graded exercise until exhaustion was compared to the local sweat rate induced by pilocarpine, often used as a sweating index for healthy individuals. Nine young male volunteers (22 ± 4 years) were studied in temperate environment in two situations: at rest and during progressive exercise with 25 W increases every 2 min until exhaustion, on a cycle ergometer. In both situations, sweating was induced on the right forearm with 5 ml 0.5% pilocarpine hydrochloride applied by iontophoresis (1.5 mA, 5 min), with left forearm used as control. Local sweat rate was measured for 15 min at rest. During exercise, whole-body sweat rate was calculated from the body weight variation. Local sweat rate was measured from the time when heart rate reached 150 bpm until exhaustion and was collected using absorbent filter paper. Pharmacologically induced local sweat rate at rest (0.4 ± 0.2 mg cm-2 min-1) and mean exercise-induced whole-body sweat rate (0.4 ± 0.1 mg cm-2 min-1) were the same (P > 0.05) but were about five times smaller than local exercise-induced sweat rate (control = 2.1 ± 1.4; pilocarpine = 2.7 ± 1.2 mg cm-2 min-1), indicating different sudorific mechanisms. Both exercise-induced whole-body sweat rate (P < 0.05) and local sweat rate (P < 0.05) on control forearm correlated positively with pilocarpine-induced local sweat rate at rest. Assuming that exercise-induced sweating was a result of integrated physiological mechanisms, we suggest that local and whole-body sweat rate measured during graded exercise could be a better sweating index than pilocarpine.