156 resultados para Indigenous Status


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Chile has become a major actor in the blueberry industry as the most important supplier of off-season fresh fruit for the northern hemisphere. Blueberry exports passed from US$ 30 million (around 4,000 tons) in 2000 to US$ 380 million (94,000 tons) in 2011. The characteristics of the major blueberry growing regions (North, Central, South-central and South) are presented in terms of acreage, varieties, management practices, extension of the harvest season, and soil and climatic conditions. Most fruit is from highbush varieties, picked by hand and exported fresh by boat to United States. Largest proportion of fruit is exported from mid December to late January, which coincides with lowest prices. The south-central region (latitudes 34º50' to 38º15' S) was in 2007 the most important one with 5,075 ha (51.1% of area planted). Among the challenges for the Chilean blueberry industry in the near future are: 1. Lower profitability due to lower rates of currency exchange and higher costs, 2 - Greater scarcity and higher cost of labor, 3.- Need for higher productivity and sustainable production practices, 4- Fruit of high and consistent quality, and 5.- Greater investment in research. As a case study the article presents three approaches that can help identify areas with low availability of labor and improve its efficiency. The article shows the use of geomatic tools to establish labor availability, application of growth regulators to reduce crop load, increase fruit size and improve harvest efficiency, and the use of shakers to harvest fresh fruit for long distance markets. More research is needed to improve yields, reduce costs and give greater economical and ecological sustainability to the Chilean blueberry industry.


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AbstractObjective:To describe the radiological findings of pulmonary tuberculosis in indigenous patients from the city of Dourados, MS, Brazil, according to age and sex.Materials and Methods:Chest radiographic images of 81 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, acquired in the period from 2007 to 2010, were retrospectively analyzed by two radiologists in consensus for the presence or absence of changes. The findings in abnormal radiographs were classified according to the changes observed and they were correlated to age and sex. The data were submitted to statistical analysis.Results:The individuals' ages ranged from 1 to 97 years (mean: 36 years). Heterogeneous consolidations, nodules, pleural involvement and cavities were the most frequent imaging findings. Most patients (55/81 or 67.9%) were male, and upper lung and right lung were the most affected regions. Fibrosis, heterogeneous consolidations and involvement of the left lung apex were significantly more frequent in males (p < 0.05). Presence of a single type of finding at radiography was most frequent in children (p < 0.05).Conclusion:Based on the hypothesis that indigenous patients represent a population without genetically determined resistance to tuberculosis, the present study may enhance the knowledge about how the pulmonary form of this disease manifests in susceptible individuals.


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This article presents a bibliographic review of research carried out on different alternative processes for biodiesel production. The supercritical and subcritical (non catalytic) reaction conditions, the use of solid basic, solid acid and other heterogeneous catalysts, including the use of immobilized enzymes and whole-cell catalysts are also critically compared with the traditional homogeneous alkaline or acid catalysts that are common on industrial applications. Advantages and limitations of all these processes for the transference from the laboratory to the industry are discussed. A correlation of the chemical composition with the quality parameters of the produced biodiesel is done with aim to stablish adequate procedures for the right selection of the raw-material. Castor bean oil is used as an example of inappropriate oil in order to produce a B100 that fulfill all the international physico-chemical quality standards. In this article are presented research results to adequate the values of viscosity, density and iodine number of the castor and soybean biodiesel to the international standard limits by means blending these both biodiesels at the right ratio.


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Nutritional status of eight 1.0 and 4.7 years old clones of Eucalyptus grandis, cultivated in a medium textured Ustults - US - and a Quartzipsamments - PS - soils, in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo, were evaluated by the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) and Critical Level (CL) methods. Based on multivariate discriminant analysis, the DRIS indices described the nutritional status of trees better in relation to tree age and soil type than in relation to nutrient composition. Spearman's correlation coefficients showed statistically significant relationships between volumetric tree growth and nutrients when applying DRIS indices or foliar nutrient concentrations. However, the DRIS indices indicated a lower number of trees with nutritional deficiencies, in relation to the CL method. According to the CL method, P, S, and Ca were deficient in the majority of the soils and tree age categories. By the DRIS method, Ca was the only deficient nutrient in PS soils, and appeared to be particularly limited in one-year-old trees. In conclusion, the DRIS method was more efficient than the CL method in evaluating the nutritional status of eucalyptus trees.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o uso de índices espectrais, retirados de imagens digitais, para discriminar diferentes doses de N no feijoeiro. O trabalho, conduzido em vasos de 8 dm³, teve cinco tratamentos (0; 50; 100; 150 e 200 kg de N ha-1), com dez repetições. As imagens foram adquiridas aos 30; 40 e 50 dias após a emergência. Foram desenvolvidas funções discriminantes quadráticas, tendo como vetores de entrada as médias dos "pixels" de diferentes combinações dos quatro índices espectrais testados. Três diferentes tamanhos de blocos de imagem foram testados 9 x 9; 20 x 20 e 40 x 40 "pixels". Os melhores resultados foram alcançados pelos blocos de 9 x 9 e 20 x 20 "pixels", apresentando classificação 94; 96 e 96% superior à classificação ao acaso para os blocos 9 x 9 "pixels" e 92; 94 e 94% para os blocos 20x20 "pixels" aos 30; 40 e 50 dias após a emergência, respectivamente.


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A brief account of the present status of Precision Agriculture (PA) in Australia is presented, and areas of opportunity in the grains, sugar and wine industries are identified. In particular, these relate to the use of spatially-distributed experimentation to fine-tune management so as to achieve production efficiencies, reduced risk of environmental impact and enhanced food security, and the management of crop quality through selective harvesting and product streaming. The latter may be an important avenue by which farmers can take a more active role in the off-farm part of agricultural value chains. The important role of grower groups in facilitating PA adoption is also discussed.


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The aim of this study was to use digital images acquired by cameras attached to a helium balloon to detect variation of the nutritional status in Brachiaria decumbens. The treatments consisted of five doses of nitrogen (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200kg ha-1) with six replications each, evaluated in a completely randomized statistical design. A remote sensing system composed of digital cameras and microcomputers was used for image acquisition, and a helium balloon lifted the cameras to the heights of 15, 20, 25 and 30m. A portable chlorophyll meter and analyses of leaf nitrogen content were used to make comparisons with data obtained by the remote sensing system. Data was acquired in two phases, in different climatic conditions. At the end of each phase, dry matter production was measured. Three vegetation indices were used to evaluate the detection of different nutritional status. The three indices were able to detect the effects of N doses. The indices constructed with the Green spectral band showed to be more efficient.


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OBJETIVO: examinar a hipótese de que o nível sérico do hormônio anti-Mülleriano (HAM) reflete o status folicular ovariano. MÉTODOS: Desenho: estudo prospectivo. Pacientes: foram incluídas 101 candidatas à FIV-TE submetidas à estimulação ovariana controlada com agonista de GnRH e FSH. Depois de atingir a supressão da hipófise e antes da administração de FSH (dia basal), os níveis séricos de HAM, inibina B e FSH foram avaliados. O número de folículos antrais foi determinado pela ultra-sonografia (dia basal) (folículo antral precoce; 3-10 mm). RESULTADOS: as médias do nível sérico de HAM, inhibina B, E2, P4 e FSH (dia basal) foram 3,4±0,14 ng/mL, 89±4,8 pg/mL, 34±2,7 pg/mL, 0,22±0,23 ng/mL e 6,6±0,1 mUI/mL, respectivamente, e a média do número de folículos antrais precoces foi 17±0,39. O nível sérico do HAM foi negativamente correlacionado com a idade (r= -0,19, p<0,04) e positivamente correlacionado com o número de folículos antrais precoces (r=0,65, p<0,0001), mas isto não se aplicou aos níveis séricos de inibina B, E2 e FSH. CONCLUSÕES: esse dado demonstra a associação do HAM com a quantidade de folículo antral, sendo aquele, portanto, um provável biomarcador do status folicular ovariano.


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This study was designed to assess the relationship between antibodies against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) determined in the bulk tank milk (BTM) and the within-herd seroprevalence. We also assessed the efficiency of measuring antibody levels in BTM samples to monitor BVDV infection status in a herd. In the 81 farms included in the study, BTM samples were obtained and blood samples withdrawn from all cattle older than one year. The infection status was then determined in serum and milk using a commercial blocking ELISA based on the detection of anti-p80 antibodies. Apart from these baseline serum and milk samples, another BTM sample was collected from each herd 9 months later, and a third BTM sample obtained 9 months after this. In these second and third milk samples, anti-BVDV antibodies were determined using the same ELISA kit. Statistical tests revealed good agreement between herd seroprevalences (% seropositive animals in the herd) and the antibody levels detected in the BTM samples. During the 18 months of follow-up, the farms with persistently infected cattle at the study outset (14.8% of the herds) showed a significant decrease in BTM antibody titers after virus clearance. Conversely, a significant increase in BTM antibody levels was observed in the herds infected with BVDV during the follow-up period. Our findings indicate that monitoring antibody levels in the BTM is a useful method of identifying changes in the BVDV infection status of a herd.


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Os protozoários Neospora caninum e N. hughesi infectam os equinos e podem provocar diferentes sinais clínicos associados a problemas reprodutivos ou a distúrbios neurológicos, respectivamente. A patogenia da neosporose é pouco conhecida nos equinos, bem como as fontes de infecção horizontal de N. hughesi. Além disso, há dúvidas quanto ao papel da transmissão vertical de Neospora spp. na sua manutenção em populações equinas. Neste estudo avaliaram-se: (1) a ocorrência da infecção por Neospora spp. na população de éguas em idade reprodutiva em um haras de cavalos da raça Crioula; e (2) a possível associação entre o status sorológico destas éguas com o de suas crias, como meio de investigar, indiretamente, a relevância da transmissão transplacentária na ocorrência da infecção por Neospora spp. nestes animais. A associação entre o status sorológico das éguas e o de suas crias foi altamente significativa. Os animais descendentes de éguas soropositivas tiveram maior ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Neospora spp. do que os descendentes de éguas soronegativas, embora expostos aos mesmos fatores de risco ambientais. A associação entre parentesco em primeiro grau e status sorológico indica a influência da infecção vertical (transplacentária) na ocorrência de Neospora spp. na população equina estudada.


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Over the last decades, the emphasis on the health of dairy cows has changed from an individual to a herd level. In this scenario, the role played by the recording system and its interpretation by veterinarians has gained primordial importance. The records of productive and reproductive performance and of sanitary status from a southern Brazilian dairy cattle herd have been presented and discussed. The period of study was 2000-2009. Mean values per lactation period were 349D 8436M 290F 275P 201SCS (D: days in lactation, M: kg of milk yield, F: kg of fat, P: kg of protein and SCS: somatic cell score in 1000 cells/ml of milk). Major indexes of reproductive efficiency included age at first calving (31 months), services per conception (2.1), intercalving interval (428 days), calving to conception interval (146 days), mean annual rates of parturitions (76.2%), fetal losses (9.8-19.0%), and stillbirths (3.6%), apart of voluntary waiting period (94 days). Main information on sanitary status of the herd was associated with the mean prevalence of common disorders of dairy cattle such as anaplasmosis (29.8%), mastitis (27.8%), digital diseases (26.3%), ovarian cysts (21.3%), placental retention (19.7%), postpartum uterine infections (10.6%), and calf diarrhea (23.7%) and pneumonia (16.8%), among others. In addition, culling reasons (low reproductive performance [56.3%] and udder/mastitis problems [33.6%]), causes of cattle deaths (anaplasmosis [16.4%] and leukosis [11.4]), and the impact of cattle diseases such as tuberculosis, leukosis, and neosporosis on the herd have also been presented and succinctly discussed. Numbers between brackets represent rates accumulated in the 10-year period.


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From the Tropic of Capricorn to Equator, the seasonality of domestic cat is known to be absent, i.e., these animals are considered non-seasonal breeders at these regions. We hypothesized that this particularity might have some influence on in vitro embryo production. The aim of this experiment was to determine the percentage of cleavage and morulae and blastocyst formation produced from oocytes recovered from queen ovaries of three distinct status - follicular, luteal or inactive - during two different reproductive seasons experienced by cats in southeast of Brazil (22°53'09" S and 48°26'42" W) - non breeding season (NBS), comprehending January to March; and breeding season (BS), August to October. Thirty queens were neutered. Ovaries were classified according to their status and were sliced in PBS for cumulus oocyte complex (COC) releasing. Grade I COC were washed three times in H-MEM supplemented with BSA, glutamine, sodium pyruvate, cysteine, streptomycin and penicillin. Oocytes were incubated in groups of 20-30 in 400µL of DMEM supplemented with FSH, LH, estradiol, IGF-I and basic fibroblast growth factor under mineral oil for 30 or 36 hours at 38°C in humidified environment of 5% de O2, 5% CO2 and 90% N2. COC were fertilized in Ham's F-10 medium supplemented with BSA, cysteine, pyruvate and streptomycin/penicillin (culture medium) with fresh semen selected through swim up technique. Eighteen hours later, the presumptive zygotes were denuded, the percentage of cleavage was determined and every 10 zygotes were transferred to 100mL drops of culture medium for culture during three days. After 72 hours of culture the percentage of morulae formation was evaluated and these structures were transferred to drops of the same culture medium. At the eighth day of culture blastocyst formation was analyzed. During NBS, from a total of 272 (inactive), 162 (luteal) and 134 (follicular) fertilized oocytes, the percentage of cleaved zygotes, morulae and blastocysts derived from inactive ovaries were 24.63, 16.54 and 8.09 respectively; for those derived from luteal ovaries, the percentage was 21.6, 12.96 and 8.64, and for those from follicular ovaries, they were 24.62, 16.41 and 8.21. Considering BS, from a total of 102 (inactive), 198 (luteal) and 86 (follicular) fertilized oocytes, the relative frequency (%) of cleaved zygotes, morulae and blastocysts derived from inactive ovaries were 64.7, 41.17 and 23.53 respectively; for those derived from luteal ovaries, the percentage was 64.14, 40.41 and 23.73, and for those from follicular ovaries, they were 63.95, 39.54 and 24.41. The results of this experiment demonstrate that no statistically significant difference (P<0.05) was verified in the frequency of cleaved embryos and morulae and blastocyst formation when comparing the three ovarian conditions in the same season. However the breeding season presented better results considering cleavage and morulae and blastocyst formation.


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Growth of seedlings of fifteen tropical tree species representative, at the adult stage, of different successional positions, was studied under field conditions. Seedlings were grown in three treatments: full sun (FS), artificial shade imposed by neutral screens (AS) and natural shade imposed by a closed canopy in a Forest Reserve in Southeast Brazil (NS). Most of the studied species survived in both shade treatments, although their growth was severely affected. Decreases in height, internode numbers, dry weight, leaf area, root:shoot ratio (R:S) and increases in leaf mass ratio (LMR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and specific leaf area (SLA) were common responses to shade. Relative growth rates (RGRs) and net assimilation rates (NARs) were consistently lower in the shaded treatments than in full sun. RGR was significantly correlated with NAR in the FS and NS treatments, whereas it was correlated with LAR in the AS treatment. Natural shade had more severe effects than artificial shade on leaf area reduction and RGR. Between-species differences in R:S, LMR, SLA and LAR were not related to the successional status of species. However, there was a tendency for early-successional species to have higher RGRs than late successional ones, regardless of the light environment. Late-successional species also showed less pronounced responses to shade than early ones. The characteristics presented by the late-successional species may be associated with shade tolerance, enabling their persistence under dense canopies.