152 resultados para Granuloma Piogénico


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Angiogenesis has been recognised as a precursor of fibrosis in several pathologic conditions. Its participation has been demonstrated in schistosomiasis, both during periovular granuloma formation and in the genesis of schistosomal periportal fibrosis. Paradoxically, proliferation of new blood vessels, accompanied by production of vascular-endothelial growth factor, appeared prominent during fibrosis regression months after curative treatment of schistosomiasis. Thus, angiogenesis in schistosomiasis seems to have a two-way mode of action, participating both in fibrogenesis and in fibrosis degradation. Morphological observations presented here are in keeping with the possibility that, in the first case, angiogenesis allows pericytes to come in great numbers to the site of lesions and be detached from capillary walls and transformed into myofibroblasts, which are important extra-cellular matrix forming cells. During post-curative fibrosis regression, actin-containing pericytes appeared at various foci of tissue remodelling, especially at sites of repair of vascular lesions. The molecular and cell factors involved in both situations seem to be important subjects in need of further investigations and the schistosomiasis model certainly will be of great avail in this regard.


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This work aimed to evaluate the effect of diphenyl dimethyl bicarboxylate (DDB) and dexamethasone alone and in combination with praziquantel on various parasitological, immunological and pathological parameters reflecting disease severity and morbidity in murine schistosomiasis. DDB and dexamethasone had no effect on worm burden but altered tissue egg distribution. This indicates that, under the schedule used, neither drug interfered with the development of adult worms or oviposition, but both can modulate liver pathology. Dexamethasone resulted in a greater reduction in granuloma size than did DDB. Dexamethasone-treated mice also showed lower levels of serum gamma interferon (IFN-γ), interleukin-12 (IL-12) and IL-4, together with higher IL-10 levels, than infected untreated control animals. These data suggest that dexamethasone is a convenient and promising coadjuvant agent that results in decreased morbidity in murine schistosomiasis.


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A variety of host immunogenetic factors appear to influence both an individual's susceptibility to infection with Mycobacterium leprae and the pathologic course of the disease. Animal models can contribute to a better understanding of the role of immunogenetics in leprosy through comparative studies helping to confirm the significance of various identified traits and in deciphering the underlying mechanisms that may be involved in expression of different disease related phenotypes. Genetically engineered mice, with specific immune or biochemical pathway defects, are particularly useful for investigating granuloma formation and resistance to infection and are shedding new light on borderline areas of the leprosy spectrum which are clinically unstable and have a tendency toward immunological complications. Though armadillos are less developed in this regard, these animals are the only other natural hosts of M. leprae and they present a unique opportunity for comparative study of genetic markers and mechanisms associable with disease susceptibility or resistance, especially the neurological aspects of leprosy. In this paper, we review the recent contributions of genetically engineered mice and armadillos toward our understanding of the immunogenetics of leprosy.


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The present study evaluated the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Agave sisalana Perrine in classic models of inflammation and pain. The hexanic fraction of A. sisalana (HFAS) was obtained by acid hydrolysis followed by hexanic reflux. Anti-inflammatory properties were examined in three acute mouse models (xylene ear oedema, hind paw oedema and pleurisy) and a chronic mouse model (granuloma cotton pellet). The antinociceptive potential was evaluated in chemical (acetic-acid) and thermal (tail-flick and hot-plate test) models of pain. When given orally, HFAS (5, 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg) reduced ear oedema (p < 0.0001; 52%, 71%, 62% and 42%, respectively). HFAS also reduced hind paw oedema at doses of 10 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg (p < 0.05; 42% and 58%, respectively) and pleurisy at doses of 10 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg (41% and 50%, respectively). In a chronic model, HFAS reduced inflammation by 46% and 58% at doses of 10 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg, respectively. Moreover, this fraction showed analgesic properties against the abdominal writhing in an acetic acid model (at doses of 5-25 mg/kg) with inhibitory rates of 24%, 54% and 48%. The HFAS also showed an increased latency time in the hot-plate (23% and 28%) and tail-flick tests (61% and 66%) for the 25 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg doses, respectively. These results suggest that HFAS has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.


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Schistosoma mansoni antigens in the early life alter homologous and heterologous immunity during postnatal infections. We evaluate the immunity to parasite antigens and ovalbumin (OA) in adult mice born/suckled by schistosomotic mothers. Newborns were divided into: born (BIM), suckled (SIM) or born/suckled (BSIM) in schistosomotic mothers, and animals from noninfected mothers (control). When adults, the mice were infected and compared the hepatic granuloma size and cellularity. Some animals were OA + adjuvant immunised. We evaluated hypersensitivity reactions (HR), antibodies levels (IgG1/IgG2a) anti-soluble egg antigen and anti-soluble worm antigen preparation, and anti-OA, cytokine production, and CD4+FoxP3+T-cells by splenocytes. Compared to control group, BIM mice showed a greater quantity of granulomas and collagen deposition, whereas SIM and BSIM presented smaller granulomas. BSIM group exhibited the lowest levels of anti-parasite antibodies. For anti-OA immunity, immediate HR was suppressed in all groups, with greater intensity in SIM mice accompanied of the remarkable level of basal CD4+FoxP3+T-cells. BIM and SIM groups produced less interleukin (IL)-4 and interferon (IFN)-g. In BSIM, there was higher production of IL-10 and IFN-g, but lower levels of IL-4 and CD4+FoxP3+T-cells. Thus, pregnancy in schistosomotic mothers intensified hepatic fibrosis, whereas breastfeeding diminished granulomas in descendants. Separately, pregnancy and breastfeeding could suppress heterologous immunity; however, when combined, the responses could be partially restored in infected descendants.


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Vários trabalhos têm descrito as características de gossipibomas por meio de radiografias convencionais e tomografia computadorizada, porém, seus achados na ressonância magnética são menos conhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as características de imagem de gossipibomas, ilustrando um caso de uma paciente com quadro clínico de febre e confusão mental com antecedente de cirurgia encefálica.


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Tuberculous involvement of the liver is usually a diffuse process, associated with miliary tuberculosis. However localized tuberculosis of the liver producing a macronodular tuberculoma or an abscess is rare. The authors present a case of pseudotumoral hepatic tuberculosis in a 34-year old woman. This patient presented a 2 month history of fever weight loss of 4Kg and right upper quadrant abdominal pain. She denied jaundice, choluria, or acholia. Laboratory investigation, including renal and liver function tests. revealed normal levels. Chest X-ray was normal. Abdominal ultrasonography demonstrated a hypoechoic nodule in the right hepatic lobe. CT scan showed hypodense areas in the same place and no retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Due to the inespecificity of the signs, symptoms and image findings, a diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, it was however inconclusive. Then, the patient was submitted to a laparotomy with ressection of the lesion. Histological examination revealed a tuberculoid granulomatous lesion with caseous necrosis. Postoperatively, the patient was placed on antituberculous chemotherapy with rifampin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide. Eight months later the patient is asymptomatic.


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The diagnosis of pancreatic masses represents a great challenger for imaging studies. However the occurrence of pancreatic masses have been reported more frequently in the last years due to advances in imaging diagnostic methods. During the last decade, the surgical approach of pancreatic masses was limited to an attempt of establishing histological diagnosis, staging and evaluation of resection of these masses. Recently, the approach and staging of pancreatic masses was facilitated by sophisticated methods of diagnosis, especially, ultrasound, dynamic computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (/RM), angiography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (CPRE), endoscopic ultrasound, laparoscopy and biochemical tumors markers. The present paper reports a case of a pancreatic mass due to foreign body in which the imaging study helped to determine out this rare etiological agent that has not been previouly described in literature.


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We describe a case of leiomyosarcoma of the jejunum in which abdominal computed tomography showed an intestinal tumor with a "sui generis" metalic artefact inside, which made us think of a benign disease (foreign body granuloma), because the patient lived in the rural area and he had a manioc flour mill, which is one the basic foods of the majority of the population of the north in Brazil. Because of the aspect of the tumor, we decided on a large scale resection, considering the possibility of a malignant tumor since we don't have frozen sections. This assured us of an adequate treatment for the tumor. This type of pathology should be remembered even though it only accounts for 0,2-2% of the intestinal tract tumors.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do sulfato de bário na cavidade pleural de ratos. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados, experimentalmente, os efeitos do sulfato de bário a 100% na cavidade pleural de 43 ratos. Sob anestesia inalatória com éter, foi realizada injeção de contraste radiológico (1ml) na cavidade pleural direita após punção com agulha romba pela via subxifóide. Os ratos, divididos em três grupos, foram mortos em câmara fechada com éter, após 24h (13 ratos), 48h (16 ratos) e 21 dias (14 ratos), respectivamente. Através de esternotomia longitudinal e laparotomia alta, foram retiradas a pleura parietal e visceral, juntas com o gradil costal e o pulmão direito. No grupo-controle, de 22 ratos, foi injetado 1ml de soro fisiológico a 0,9% na cavidade pleural direita. RESULTADOS: Não houve mortes entre os 43 ratos em que foi injetado sulfato de bário e no grupo-controle. As alterações encontradas na cavidade pleural dos grupos injetados com sulfato de bário e mortos com 24h e 48h foram semelhantes: leve e difusa hiperemia na pleura parietal, sulfato de bário livre, derrame pleural inflamatório com predomínio de polimorfonucleares; macrófagos na pleura fagocitando sulfato de bário e pleura com infiltrado predominantemente polimorfonuclear. Com 21 dias, o sulfato de bário estava localizado e bloqueado na região retroesternal e havia formação de sínfises pleurais intensas. No exame histopatológico das pleuras havia grande quantidade de macrófagos repletos de sulfato de bário, raros pigmentos de sulfato de bário no meio extracelular, importante proliferação fibroblástica em 13/14 (92%) casos e não ocorreu formação de granulomas. No grupo-controle (22 ratos), o exame histopatológico foi normal em todas as fases do experimento. CONCLUSÕES: a) o sulfato de bário causou derrame pleural inflamatório em todos os casos; b) com 21 dias ocorreu formação de sínfises pleurais em 100% dos casos; c) não houve formação de granuloma; d) em todas as fases do experimento não ocorreram óbitos.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar as técnicas operatórias de ligadura simples (A) e de sepultamento sem ligadura do coto apendicular (B). MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 36 coelhos da linhagem Nova Zelândia, machos, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de 18, divididos respectivamente em subgrupos de seis animais cada um e praticada a eutanásia decorrido o tempo pós-operatório de sete, 14 e 21 dias. Foram avaliados macroscopicamente conforme a ferida operatória estivesse limpa, tivessem abscesso ou deiscência e a cavidade abdominal pela presença de aderências peritoneais. Foi feita avaliação histológica pela presença ou ausência dos seguintes parâmetros: infiltrado inflamatório agudo e crônico, fibrose, granuloma de corpo estranho, necrose e integridade da camada mucosa. RESULTADOS: Nos achados macroscópicos não foram observadas diferenças significantes no sétimo, 14º e 21º P.O. quanto à presença de abscesso e deiscência da ferida operatória entre os grupos A e B; o mesmo ocorreu quanto à presença de aderências peritoneais entre alças intestinais. Nos achados microscópicos houve diferença significante no 21º P.O. quanto ao infiltrado inflamatório agudo maior no grupo B, e à integridade da camada mucosa, maior no A. Na contagem de fibras colágenas houve diferença significante no 21º P.O., maior no grupo B. CONCLUSÃO: Do ponto de vista histológico a técnica de ligadura simples é superior à de sepultamento sem ligadura do coto apendicular.


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The authors present a case of non-frequent intra-abdominal pseudotumor form of mansoni schistosomiasis in which the only symptom was a dull pain in hypogastric. Both ultrasonography and tomography (CT san) demonstrated a solid mass on the left side of the bladder. At laparotomy a solid tumor was shown, pediculated and adhered to the sigmoid colon. A schistosomotic pseudotumor was revealed after microscopic pathological examination.


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Sarcoidosis is a disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the presence of noncaseating granulomas in multiple organs. We present a case of testicular sarcoidosis in a white, 55-year-old man who has come to our department complaining of bilateral testicular discomfort and weight loss.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the importance of flexible bronchoscopy in tracheostomy patients in the process of decannulation to assess the incidence and types of laryngotracheal injury and compare the presence of such lesions with clinical criteria used for decannulation. METHODS: We studied 51 tracheostomized patients aged between 19 and 87 years, with tracheal stent for a mean of 46 ± 28 days and with clinical criteria for decannulation. They were submitted to tracheostomy tube occlusion tolerance testfor 24 hours, and then to flexible bronchoscopy. We described and classified the diagnosed laryngotracheal changes. We compared the clinical criteria for decannulation indication with the bronchoscopy-diagnosed laryngotracheal injuries that contraindicated decannulation. We identified the factors that could interfere in decannulation and evaluated the importance of bronchoscopy as part of the process. RESULTS: Forty (80.4%) patients had laryngotracheal alterations. Of the 40 patients considered clinically fit to decannulation, eight (20%) (p = 0.0007) presented with laryngotracheal injuries at bronchoscopy that contraindicated the procedure. The most frequent laryngeal alteration was vocal cords lesion, in 15 (29%) individuals, and granuloma, the most prevalent tracheal lesion, in 14 (27.5%) patients. CONCLUSION: flexible bronchoscopy showed a large number of laryngotracheal injuries, the most frequent being the vocal cords injury in the larynx and the granuloma in the trachea, which contributed to increase the decannulation procedure safety.


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Objetivo: apresentar uma nova abordagem laparoscópica para tratamento do câncer de endométrio. Métodos: de fevereiro de 1996 à fevereiro de 1998, doze pacientes com câncer de endométrio, diagnosticadas por histeroscopia e biópsia, foram submetidas a linfadenectomia pélvica associada à histerectomia e salpingooforectomia por laparoscopia. A média de idade das pacientes foi de 58,1 anos; o número médio de gestações foi 2,3 e o índice de massa corpórea médio foi de 28,6. Resultados: o tempo anestésico médio foi de 4,8 horas. O tempo médio de internação foi de 3,3 dias. O número total de linfonodos retirados foi de 176, sendo 104 (59,1%) do lado direito e 72 (40,9%) do lado esquerdo. Não foram encontrados linfonodos comprometidos. O número médio de linfonodos retirados por paciente foi de 18,5. Foram observadas duas complicações: em um caso houve necessidade de abandonar o procedimento por aumento da pressão endotraqueal e uma das pacientes evoluiu com formação de granuloma em cúpula vaginal. Conclusões: nesta avaliação preliminar dos resultados de histerectomia total com anexectomia bilateral e lifadenectomia laparoscópica para o tratamento do câncer de endométrio, obtivemos resultados satisfatórios quanto ao estadiamento da neoplasia ao número de linfonodos retirados e quanto às complicações cirúrgicas observadas.