439 resultados para Grande Guerra.


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No período de agosto de 1987 a setembro de 1988, 193 amostras de fezes de crianças, com e sem sintomatologia diarréica aguda, foram submetidas às provas diagnósticas do ensaio imunoenzimático (EIE), eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (EGPA) e microscopia eletrônica (ME) para a detecção de vírus. A positividade para Rotavírus, Adenovírus, Astrovírus, Calicivírus e "Small Round Virus Particles" (SRVP) foi encontrada nas 97 crianças com diarréia aguda em 11,3%, 3,1%, 2,1%, l,0%e4,l%, respectivamente. Das 96 crianças sem diarréia, 4,2% foram positivas para Rotavírus, 1,0% para Calicivírus e 7,3% para SRVP. Das 15 amostras positivas para Rotavírus, 14 apresentaram perfil eletroforético característico do Grupo A e 1 amostra do Grupo C. A análise dos eletroforotipos demonstrou a grande heterogeneidade de perfis e a predominância do perfil "longo". A associação de vírus, bactéria e parasita foi encontrada tanto em crianças com diarréia como em crianças sem diarréia.


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O espectro dos dermatófitos na região central do Rio Grande do Sul demonstrou importante variação na frequência das espécies no período 1988-1992. As espécies antropofilicas Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale e Epidermophyton floccosum diminuíram em frequência, enquanto as espécies zoofílicas Microsporum canis e T. mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes apresentaram sensível aumento. São comentadas as alterações na relação parasita/hospedeiro em função das alterações na morfología dos agentes e a dificuldade do isolamento destes agentes em cultivo.


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This paper reports the ocurrence of a focus of favus due to Trichophyton schoenleinii affecting seven members of a family, 29 years after the last register of the disease in Rio Grande do Sul


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Visceral Larva Migrans syndrome (VLM) results from the presence or migration of helminth larvae in humans, who nonetheless only play the role of paratenic hosts in the helminths' life cycle. In humans, VLM can be caused by larvae of various nematode species, chiefly those of the ascarid Toxocara canis, which can then be found at a variety of body sites, such as the liver, lungs, heart, and brain. Clinical and pathological manifestations depend primarily on larvae number and location, infection duration, reinfection occurrence, and host's immunological condition. Signs and symptoms may range from asymptomatic infection to severe disease. In humans, infection is acquired through ingestion of T. canis eggs present in soil, containing larvae in the infective stage7, 8, 9. Indeed, eggs of Toxocara sp. have been found in sandboxes in several public places in the city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state2. This study was carried out to detect the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies in children attending the Pediatrics division of Hospital Universitário of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul at Campo Grande, Brazil. Over the years 1992-94, 454 serum samples, obtained from children of 5.25 ± 3.28 years of mean age and selected at that hospital on the basis of eosinophil count greater than or equal to 1000/mm3 of blood, were tested for the presence of antibodies by means of the ELISA technique employing Toxocara canis larvae excretory-secretory antigens5. A high prevalence rate for toxocariasis (35.55%) was found, which was observed to be associated with eosinophil levels lower than those usually reported in literature. Furthermore, a higher frequency of positive serology among boys was also observed (13 cases in contrast to only 3 among girls), a result also reported by other authors


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This study was conducted to assess the presence of schistosomiasis mansoni in the "Noroeste de Minas" mesoregion, an area considered non-endemic. A malacologic survey and parasitologic stool examinations were undertaken in 13 municipalities of the mesoregion. A sample of 3,283 primary school students was submitted to fecal examination by the Kato-Katz method. A total of 3,627 planorbids was collected and examined. The molluscs were identified as Biomphalaria straminea in seven municipalities (Unaí, Bonfinópolis de Minas, Paracatu, João Pinheiro, Vazante, Lagamar and Lagoa Grande) and as Biomphalaria peregrina in one (Presidente Olegário). All planorbids were negative for Schistosoma mansoni. Four students were diagnosed with schistosomiasis in the municipalities of Buritis, Formoso, Paracatu and Unaí, but none of these cases was considered autochthonous. The data obtained indicate that the "Noroeste de Minas" mesoregion continues to be non-endemic for schistosomiasis mansoni, although the presence of intermediate hosts associated with parasitized individuals emphasizes the need for epidemiological surveillance of schistosomiasis in this mesoregion.


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Tinea pedis is the most common type of dermatophytosis, but can mimic many cutaneous diseases and tend to be chronic. We present a study of the frequency, epidemiology and clinical aspects of tinea pedis in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul during the period 1988-1997.


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Onychomycosis is a common infection of the nail plate caused by fungal microrganisms, and represents approximately 50% of nails disorders and 30% of all superficial mycotic infections. We present a study of the frequency, epidemiology and clinical aspects of onychomycosis in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul during the period 1988-1997.


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Of 156 cases of histoplasmosis observed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), during a 21-year period (1978-1999) 137 were included in this study. Sixty-seven per cent of the patients had hematogeneous disseminated histoplasmosis, 24% had a self-limited syndrome (acute pulmonary histoplasmosis, histoplasmoma or primary pulmonary lymph node complex), and 9 per cent had chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis. Clinical, mycological, and epidemiological data were reviewed and commented.


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Group B Streptococcus is the most common pathogen found in neonatal sepsis in North America. OBJECTIVES: We describe 15 cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae) at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a public and teaching hospital. METHODS: We conducted a study at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, from January 1st, 1996 to June 30, 1999. Diagnosis of neonatal infection was established according to the findings of Group B Streptococcus in blood culture associated with alterations resembling sepsis on the basis of clinical picture and laboratory findings. RESULTS: Fifteen cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus were detected. Eleven cases consisted of early-onset sepsis, 2 cases of occult bacteremia and 2 cases of late-onset sepsis. Eight cases had septic shock (53%), 8 cases had pneumonia (53%), and 4 cases had meningitis (27%). Fourteen cases were diagnosed from a positive blood culture, and 1 case from evidence of these bacteria in pulmonary anatomopathological examination. Thirteen cases (87%) were diagnosed before 72 hours of life. We had 3 deaths (20%), and 3 cases of meningitis developing neurological deficits. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcus Group B is one of the most important pathogens in the etiology of early-onset neonatal sepsis at our hospital, with high mortality and morbidity. However, we do not know the incidence of GBS neonatal infections at other hospitals. More data are needed to establish a basis for trials of different strategies to reduce these infections.


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This investigation aimed to design a strategy for echinococcosis control in Santana do Livramento county, an endemic area in state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Fecal samples from 65 dogs were obtained from urban, suburban and rural areas. Purging with Arecoline Bromhidrate (AB) was done to visualize Echinococcus granulosus, and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was performed to detect parasite coproantigen. Samples were obtained at the beginning and at the end of treatment with Praziquantel. A third fecal sampling was also done in rural areas four months after the end of treatment. Each dog was treated immediately after the first purging and every 30 days for eight months. In urban and suburban areas no infected dogs were found. In rural areas, first evaluation showed 11.36% and 27.69% of infected dogs by AB and ELISA, respectively. No infected dogs were diagnosed in the second evaluation and in the third evaluation 36.84% and 47.37% infected dogs were identified by AB and ELISA, respectively. Medication program to combat dog infection resulted in successful interruption of parasite transmission, but the project failed to create awareness of the need for dog prophylaxis among rural populations as well as to establish a permanent control program in this municipality.


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Disturbing data reveal the prevalence of intestinal parasites and their relationship with socio-environmental factors among Mbyá-Guarani Indians. The prevalence was determined by spontaneous sedimentation in water, centrifugation-floatation, and Kato-Katz. A socioeconomic questionnaire was submitted to each family. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 88.7%, and 45.5% were polyparasitized. There was 90.5% prevalence of enteric parasites in children (1-12- year-old), and 85% among 13-65-year-old individuals, indicating that both age groups are extensively parasitized. The parasite load was low to moderate for geohelminths and 75% of the families did not have latrine, thus the practice of defecation occurred outdoors. These findings suggest that the multiple intestinal parasitism in the Mbyá-Guarani community is high to the point of being the rule, and that it relates essentially to the traditional lifestyle and health habits. It is urgently necessary to implement the association of anti-parasitic treatment with sanitation improvement. This should be done simultaneously with health education activities for this population.


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There is a clear need to perform epidemiological studies to find the true prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica around the world. The evaluation of this prevalence has been hindered by the existence of two different species which are morphologically identical, but genetically different, namely E. histolytica, which causes amebiasis, and E. dispar, which is non-pathogenic. In Brazil, the E. dispar has been detected in communities in the Southeastern (SE) and Northeastern (NE) regions with poor sanitation. However, individuals infected with E. histolytica have been identified in other regions. There is an absence of reports on the prevalence of these parasites in the state of Paraíba, which also has areas with poor sanitary conditions where a high prevalence of the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex has been detected in children from urban slums. The present study evaluated the prevalence of E. histolytica and E. dispar in 1,195 asymptomatic children between two and 10 years of age, living in a sprawling urban slum in Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba, in Northeastern Brazil. These children were examined and their feces samples were analyzed microscopically. A total of 553 children tested positive for the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex, and 456 of the positive samples were tested with the E. histolytica II® ELISA kit. All 456 samples were negative for the presence of the adhesin E. histolytica specific antigen. The evidence suggests that in this community E. histolytica is absent and E. dispar is the dominant species.


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We report the finding of a female brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Acari: Ixodidae) on the scalp of a male patient inPorto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Human parasitism by this tick is rare and has seldomly been reported in the literature, despite its recognized importance since it can act as a vector of Rickettsia rickettsii, the agent of spotted fever.


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Os autores apresentam os resultados de levantamentos seccionais sóbre a prevalência e a mortndade da esquistossomose mansônica no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os levantamentos foram, feitos em 44 localidades, urbanas e rurais. A prevalência da esquistossomose e de outras helmintoses intestinais foi muito variável. As formas hépato-esplênicas da esquistossomose variaram de 0 a 4%.