186 resultados para Genome, Viral


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This study shows an experimental spillover infection of Sigmodontinae rodents with Rio Mamore hantavirus (RIOMV). Necromys lasiurus and Akodon sp were infected with 103 RNA copies of RIOMV by intraperitoneal administration. The viral genome was detected in heart, lung, and kidney tissues 18 days after infection (ai), and viral excretion in urine and faeces began at four and six ai, respectively. These results reveal that urine and faeces of infected rodents contain the virus for at least 18 days. It is possible that inhaled aerosols of these excreta could transmit hantavirus to humans and other animals.


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The objective of this work was to monitor the maintenance of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) protective isolates stability in selected clones of 'Pêra' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis), preimmunized or naturally infected by the virus, after successive clonal propagations. The work was carried out in field conditions in the north of Paraná State, Brazil. Coat protein gene (CPG) analysis of 33 isolates collected from 16 clones of 'Pêra' sweet orange was performed using single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP). Initially, the isolates were characterized by symptoms of stem pitting observed in clones. Then viral genome was extracted and used as template for the amplification of CPG by reverse transcription polimerase chain reaction (RTPCR). RTPCR products electrophoretic profiles were analyzed using the Jaccard coefficient and the UPGMA method. The majority of the clones had weak to moderate stem pitting symptoms and its CTV isolates showed alterations in the SSCP profiles. However, the stability of the protective complex has been maintained, except for isolates from two analised clones. Low genetic variability was observed within the isolates during the studied years.


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Two Brazilian Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates were biologically characterized as necrotic (PVY-NBR) and common (PVY-OBR) based upon symptoms on test plants. Additional characterization was performed by sequencing a cDNA corresponding to the 3' terminal region of the viral genome. The sequence consisted of 195 nucleotides (nt) coding part of the nuclear inclusion body b (NIb) gene, 804 nt of the coat protein (CP) gene, and 328 nt (PVY-OBR) or 326 nt (PVY-NBR) of the 3'-untranslated region (UTR). Translation of the sequence resulted in one single open reading frame with part of the NIb and a CP of 267 amino acids. The two isolates shared 95.1% similarity in the CP amino acid sequence. The CP and the 3'-UTR sequence of the Brazilian isolates were compared to those of other PVY isolates previously reported and unrooted phylogenetic trees were constructed. The trees revealed a separation of two distinct clusters, one comprising most of the common strains and the other comprising the necrotic strains. PVY-OBR was clustered in the common group and PVY-NBR in the necrotic one.


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Transcriptase reverse - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and dot blot hybridization with digoxigenin-labeled probes were applied for the universal detection of Tospovirus species. The virus species tested were Tomato spotted wilt virus, Tomato chlorotic spot virus, Groundnut ringspot virus, Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus, Impatiens necrotic spot virus, Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus, Iris yellow spot virus. Primers for PCR amplification were designed to match conserved regions of the tospovirus genome. RT-PCR using distinct primer combinations was unable to simultaneously amplify all tospovirus species and consistently failed to detect ZLCV and IYSV in total RNA extracts. However, all tospovirus species were detected by RT-PCR when viral RNA was used as template. RNA-specific PCR products were used as probes for dot hybridization. This assay with a M probe (directed to the G1/G2 gene) detected at low stringency conditions all Tospovirus species, except IYSV. At low stringency conditions, the L non-radioactive probe detected the seven Tospovirus species in a single assay. This method for broad spectrum detection can be potentially employed in quarantine services for indexing in vitro germplasm.


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Garlic viruses often occur in complex infections in nature. In this study, a garlic virus complex, collected in fields in Brazil, was purified. RT-PCR was performed using specific primers designed from the consensus regions of the coat protein genes of Onion yellow dwarf virus, a garlic strain (OYDV-G) and Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV). cDNA of Garlic common latent virus (GCLV) was synthesized using oligo-dT and random primers. By these procedures individual garlic virus genomes were isolated and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence analysis associated with serological data reveals the presence of two Potyvirus OYDV-G and LYSV, and GCLV, a Carlavirus, simultaneously infecting garlic plants. Deduced amino acid sequences of the Brazilian isolates were compared with related viruses reported in different geographical regions of the world. The analysis showed closed relations considering the Brazilian isolates of OYDV-G and GCLV, and large divergence considering LYSV isolate. The detection of these virus species was confirmed by specific reactions observed when coat protein genes of the Brazilian isolates were used as probes in dot-blot and Southern blot hybridization assays. In field natural viral re-infection of virus-free garlic was evaluated.


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A method to detect Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) based on reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was developed using primers ASGV4F-ASGV4R targeting the viral replicase gene, followed by a sandwich hybridisation, in microtiter plates, for colorimetric detection of the PCR products. The RT-PCR was performed with the Titan™ RT-PCR system, using AMV and diluted crude extracts of apple (Malus domestica) leaf or bark for the first strand synthesis and a mixture of Taq and PWO DNA polymerase for the PCR step. The RT-PCR products is hybridised with both a biotin-labelled capture probe linked to a streptavidin-coated microtiter plate and a digoxigenin (DIG)-labelled detection probe. The complex was detected with an anti-DIG conjugate labelled with alkaline phosphatase. When purified ASGV was added to extracts of plant tissue, as little as 400 fg of the virus was detected with this method. The assay with ASGV4F-ASGV4R primers specifically detected the virus in ASGV-infected apple trees from different origins, whereas no signal was observed with amplification products obtained with primers targeting the coat protein region of the ASGV genome or with primers specific for Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV). The technique combines the power of PCR to increase the number of copies of the targeted gene, the specificity of DNA hybridization, and the ease of colorimetric detection and sample handling in microplates.


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Sixteen transgenic yellow passionfruit (Passiflora spp.) plants (R0) were obtained which express a non-translatable transgenic RNA corresponding to the 3' region of the NIb gene and the 5' region of the CP gene, derived from the genome of a Brazilian isolate of Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV). The transgenic plants were propagated by stem cuttings and challenged by sap inoculation with isolates CABMV-MG1 and CABMV-PE1. One transgenic plant (TE5-10) was resistant to the isolate CABMV-MG1, but susceptible to CABMV-PE1. The remaining transgenic plants developed systemic symptoms, equal to non-transformed plants, when inoculated with either isolate. The absence of virus in TE5-10 plants was confirmed by indirect ELISA. Transcription analysis of the transgene demonstrated that the TE5-10 plant did not accumulate transgenic mRNA, even before inoculation. After inoculation, viral RNA was only detected in plants inoculated with CABMV-PE1. These results confirm that the transgenic plant TE5-10 is resistant to isolate CABMV-MG1, and suggest that the resistance mechanism is post-transcriptional gene silencing, which is already activated in the transgenic plants before virus inoculation.


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Many viral diseases, including leafroll, which is of great economic importance, affect grapevines (Vitis spp.). A complex of eight viruses [Grapevine leafroll-associated virus (GLRaV) -1 to 8] is associated with this disease. The objective of this study was to compare the variability of the 3' terminal region of the polymerase gene of three isolates of GLRaV-3 (Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3), from Submédio do Vale do Rio São Francisco (Petrolina-PE) with that of other isolates available at the GenBank, including an isolate from North America and another from Southern Brazil. The viral RNA was extracted from three infected ELISA reactive plants and a fragment of 340 bp was amplified, by RT-PCR, using primers that recognize that portion of the polymerase gene found between nucleotides 8267 and 8606. The three isolates from Vale do Rio São Francisco named Pet-1, Pet-2 and Pet-3, showed similarities ranging from 98% and 94%, respectively to the isolates from North America (AF037268) and Southern Brazilian (AF438411). Considering the whole genome, the main variation found was one amino acid change at position 2766 (F2766Y). These preliminary data indicate the existence of a natural variation among GLRaV-3 isolates from grapevines. This could be due to the vegetative propagation and long cycle of the plant, associated with the error-prone nature of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.


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Leafroll is an economically important disease affecting grapevines (Vitis spp.). Nine serologically distinct viruses, Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1 through 9, are associated with this disease. The present study describes the coat protein gene sequence of four GLRaV-3 isolates occurring in the São Francisco River basin, Northeastern Brazil. The viral RNA was extracted from GLRaV-3 ELISA-positive plants and the complete coat protein gene was amplified by RT-PCR. Sequences were generated automatically and compared to the complete coat protein sequence from North American (NY1) and Chinese (Dawanhong Nº2 and SL10) GLRaV-3 isolates. The four studied isolates, named Pet-1 through 4, showed deduced amino acid identities of 98-100% (Pet-1 through 3) and 95% (Pet-4) with North American and Chinese isolates. A total of seventeen amino acid substitutions was detected among the four characterized isolates in comparison to the NY1, Dawanhong No.2 and SL10 sequences. The results indicated the existence of natural variation among GLRaV-3 isolates from grapevines, also demonstrating a lack of correlation between sequence data and geographic origin. This variability should be considered when selecting regions of the viral genome targeted for reliable and consistent virus molecular detection.


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Two Lettuce mosaic virus isolates capable of overcoming the resistance afforded by the resistance gene mo1² in lettuce, LMV-AF199 from Brazil, and LMV-E, an European isolate, were evaluated for the rapidity and severity of symptoms induced on the lettuce variety Salinas 88 (mo1²). The mosaic symptoms on Salinas 88 plants inoculated with LMV-AF199 appeared 7 days post-inoculation (dpi) and 15 dpi for LMV-E. The symptoms induced by LMV-AF199 in this cultivar were also more severe than those induced by LMV-E. In order to identify the region of the viral genome responsible for this phenotype, recombinant viruses were constructed between these isolates and the phenotype of each recombinant was analysed. The region encoding proteins P1 and HcPro from LMV-AF199 was associated with the increased virulence in Salinas 88.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar o desempenho da carga viral do HPV por captura de híbridos II (CHII) na predição da gravidade das lesões cervicais. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas 309 mulheres admitidas por resultado anormal da colpocitologia oncológica (CO) entre agosto de 200 e novembro de 2002. Todas foram submetidas a avaliação histológica, sendo que a presença de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC) grau 2 ou mais (NIC 3, carcinoma invasor) foi considerada doença grave. A CHII foi realizada para tipos de HPV de alto risco oncogênico e a carga viral medida em unidades relativas de luz (URL). O desempenho da CHII foi avaliado por curva receiver operating characteristics (ROC). RESULTADOS: na avaliação histológica, 140 (45,3%) mulheres apresentavam cervicite ou NIC 1 e 199 (54,7%), NIC 2/3, adenocarcinoma in situ ou câncer invasor. O melhor ponto de corte da CHII para a detecção de doença grave foi 35 URL, com sensibilidade de 69% e especificidade de 70%. O valor preditivo positivo das alterações compatíveis com lesão de alto grau na CO associado a CHII de 35 URL (unidades relativas de luz) foi de 88,2% para a detecção de NIC 2 ou mais. Já 95,7% das mulheres com lesões de baixo grau na CO e CHII menor que 1 URL não apresentaram lesões histológicas graves. CONCLUSÃO: o melhor desempenho da CHII no diagnóstico de NIC 2 ou lesão mais grave foi encontrado com 35 URL. A associação da CO com a CHII em diferentes cargas virais mostrou valores preditivos positivos e negativos muito altos.


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OBJETIVVO: relacionar a gravidade de lesão cervical diagnosticada por exame citopatológico à contagem de células CD4+ e à carga viral de RNA-HIV em pacientes HIV-soropositivas. MÉTODOS: foram avaliadas retrospectivamente, por meio de revisão de prontuários, 115 pacientes HIV-positivas atendidas em ambulatório de hospital universitário, no período de janeiro de 2002 até abril de 2003. Oitenta e três casos apresentaram diagnóstico de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC) ao exame citopatológico, e trinta e dois, exames sem alterações. Todas as pacientes apresentavam contagem de células CD4+ e carga viral à época do exame. Os casos foram distribuídos quanto ao índice de células CD4+ em três grupos: CD4 acima de 500 cel/mm³, entre 200 e 500 cel/mm³ ou abaixo de 200 cel/mm³, e, em outros três grupos, quanto à carga viral de HIV: menor do que 10.000 cópias RNA-HIV/mL, entre 10.000 e 100.000 cópias RNA-HIV/mL ou maior do que 100.000 cópias RNA-HIV/mL. A verificação da hipótese de associação foi realizada por meio do teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: das 83 pacientes com NIC citopatológico, 73% apresentaram contagem de células CD4+ abaixo de 500 células/mm³. Em qualquer das faixas de contagem de células CD4+, mais da metade das pacientes apresentavam NIC I citopatológico. Quanto à carga viral de HIV, 71,7% das pacientes com menor carga viral de HIV apresentaram NIC I, ao passo que 11,3% revelaram NIC III. Já no grupo com maior carga viral (100.000 cópias/mL), em 61,5% do total de pacientes o exame citopatológico foi compatível com NIC I, e 30,8% com NIC III. CONCLUSÃO: houve evidência de associação entre carga viral e NIC (p=0.013), não sendo observado o mesmo em relação à contagem de linfócitos CD4+. A presença de infecção secundária cervicovaginal foi considerada possível fator confundidor.


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OBJETIVOS: verificar se a contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ e a carga viral do HIV têm influência na presença de lesões intra-epiteliais cervicais (SIL). MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, no qual foram selecionadas 134 mulheres HIV-positivas, todas submetidas à biópsia do colo uterino, quantificação da carga viral do HIV e contagem de linfócitos T CD4+. Os valores laboratoriais da quantificação da carga viral e da contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ foram obtidos antes da realização da biópsia, tendo sido estabelecidos cortes para o estudo da carga viral (<400 cópias/mL; 401 a 50.000 cópias/mL; >50.000 cópias/mL) e contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ (<200 células/mm³; 200 a 350 células/mm³; >350 células/mm³). Foram realizados os testes chi2, chi2 de tendência linear, chi2 de Mantel-Haenszel e análise de variância. Estabeleceu-se significância estatística para p<0,05 e intervalo de confiança a 95%. RESULTADOS: não houve tendência de risco para as mulheres HIV-positivas apresentarem SIL com o aumento da carga viral ou diminuição dos linfócitos T CD4+. Comparando-se a carga viral com a presença ou ausência de SIL, estratificada pelo tempo em que foi quantificada, houve diferença significante para valores acima de 400 cópias/mL (OR: 3,17; IC 95%: 1,02-9,93; p=0,048). Nenhuma associação foi encontrada para a contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ com a presença da SIL. CONCLUSÃO: as pacientes com carga viral do HIV maior que 400 cópias/mL, quantificada antes da biópsia do colo uterino, apresentaram chance 3,17 vezes maior de desencadear SIL. A contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ não influenciou no aparecimento da SIL.