219 resultados para Fontes protéicas
Com o objetivo de avaliar o crescimento do abacaxizeiro 'Vitória' irrigado, submetido ao aumento da densidade populacional, e doses de N na região norte de Minas Gerais, foi instalado um experimento em esquema fatorial 5 x 4 x 4, correspondendo a cinco doses de N (0; 5; 10; 15 e 20 g planta-1), quatro populações de plantas (51.282; 76.923; 90.909 e 126.984 plantas ha-1) e quatro épocas de avaliação (270; 360; 450 e 540 dias após o plantio - DAP), utilizando ureia ou esterco bovino como fonte de N. Aos 540 dias após o plantio - DAP (época de indução floral), foi avaliado o efeito das fontes de N por meio do fatorial 2 x 5 x 4, que consistiu em : duas fontes N (ureia e esterco bovino), cinco doses de N e quatro populações de plantas, conforme estudo anterior. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, com mudas micropropagadas da cultivar Vitória. Avaliaram-se as características de crescimento da planta (número de folhas emitidas, comprimento e peso da folha "D" e diâmetro do caule), além do peso dos frutos com e sem coroa no final do cultivo. Não foi observada interação entre densidade de plantio, doses de N e dias após o plantio (DAP). O aumento da densidade de plantio reduziu o diâmetro do caule do abacaxizeiro, no entanto não interferiu no peso dos frutos, indicando a possibilidade de aumento da população de plantas para o incremento da produtividade. A utilização de ureia como fonte de N promoveu maior crescimento e peso dos frutos do abacaxizeiro. A utilização de doses de N na forma de ureia e esterco promoveu maior crescimento do abacaxizeiro e incremento linearmente no peso dos frutos, indicando a dose de 20 g planta-1 na forma de ureia, como recomendação de adubação nitrogenada para o cultivo do abacaxizeiro 'Vitória' irrigado.
Os diversos materiais orgânicos e as proporções usadas como substratos na produção de mudas de goiabeira podem fazer a diferença na qualidade final, trazendo benefícios ao produtor e ao meio ambiente. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito de fontes e as proporções de materiais orgânicos na germinação de sementes e no crescimento de plantas jovens de goiabeira. O experimento foi realizado no período de setembro de 2010 a março de 2011, na Fazenda Experimental do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba, Câmpus Sousa, localizado no Perímetro Irrigado de São Gonçalo, Município de Sousa, Paraíba. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 3x4 (esterco bovino, esterco ovino e húmus de minhoca, nas seguintes proporções: 0;20; 40 e 60%), com quatro repetições e dez plantas por unidade experimental. As características avaliadas foram: comprimento da parte aérea, diâmetro do caule, massa seca da parte aérea, massa seca das raízes, massa seca total e os teores de macronutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S) na massa seca da parte aérea. O esterco de ovino e o húmus de minhoca são as fontes orgânicas que proporcionam os mais altos valores médios para as características morfológicas avaliadas. A proporção de 40% do material orgânico, independentemente da fonte usada, favoreceu o crescimento das mudas de goiabeira. Proporções crescentes das fontes orgânicas no substrato provocam redução no teor de fósforo.
OBJETIVO: Identificar as principais fontes utilizadas pelas mulheres para adquirir informações sobre câncer de mama; determinar se existe associação entre as fontes de informação usadas e o nível de escolaridade e renda familiar; estabelecer como as mulheres avaliam seus próprios conhecimentos sobre câncer de mama (auto-avaliação); determinar se esta auto-avaliação tem efeito sobre os hábitos referidos da prática do auto-exame das mamas. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Quinhentas e trinta e uma mulheres, com idade de 20 anos ou mais, foram aleatoriamente entrevistadas nas dependências de um hospital particular de Goiânia, GO. RESULTADOS: A televisão foi apontada como a principal fonte utilizada para adquirir conhecimentos sobre câncer de mama (26,5% das respostas), independentemente do grau de escolaridade ou da renda familiar. Em seguida vieram as revistas (16,8%), relacionamento interpessoal (16,2%), médicos assistentes (15,8%), jornais (12,2%), rádio (8,4%) e a internet (3,9%). O teste do chi² identificou associação entre as quatro fontes mais utilizadas para adquirir informações sobre câncer de mama e a escolaridade/renda familiar. CONCLUSÃO: A televisão foi apontada, pelas entrevistadas, a fonte mais utilizada para adquirir conhecimentos sobre câncer de mama. Oitenta e três por cento das entrevistadas consideram ter conhecimentos medianos ou bons sobre câncer de mama. As mulheres que auto-atribuíram maior nível de conhecimento sobre a doença apresentaram maior propensão para realizar o auto-exame das mamas com periodicidade correta.
This paper reviews the history of Hg contamination in Brazil by characterizing and quantifying two major sources of Hg emissions to the environment: industrial sources and gold mining. Industry was responsible for nearly 100% of total Hg emissions from the late 1940's to the early 1970's, when efficient control policies were enforced, leading to a decrease in emissions. Gold mining, on the other hand was nearly insignificant as a Hg source up to the late 1970's, but presently is responsible for over 80% of total emissions. Presently, over 115 tons of Hg are released into the atmosphere in Brazil annually. Nearly 78 tons come from gold mining operations, 12 tons come from chlor-alkali industry and 25 tons come from all other industrial uses. Inputs to soils and waters however, are still unknown, due to lack of detailed data base. However, emissions from diffuse sources rather than well studied classical industrial sources are probably responsible for the major inputs of mercury to these compartments.
In the last two decades, the use of oxygenated fuels, like methanol and ethanol, pure or in mixture with gasoline, has been growing due to benefits introduced into the air quality. In Brasil, the fraction of light duty vehicles powered by pure hydrated ethanol is estimated at about 4 million, while the remaining vehicles actually utilize a mixture (22:78 v/v) of ethanol:gasoline. As a consequence, there's a need for the availability of methods that can provide the evaluation of possible impacts of alcohol emissions in the formation of chemical species in the atmosphere, as ozone, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and so on. In this paper, methanol and ethanol are discussed in their general aspects, as well as their atmospheric sources, chemical reactivity and available methods of analysis.
Molecular oxygen, in the first excited state (singlet oxygen, ¹O2), has a substantial reactivity towards electron-rich organic molecules, such as biological targets, including unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, RNA and DNA. Considering the complexity of biological systems and the great variety of reactive species generated by photochemistry, efforts have been devoted to develop suitable ¹O2 generators based on the thermolysis of water soluble naphthalene endoperoxides. These compounds are chemically inert and have been employed as versatile sources of ¹O2. The synthesis is based on structural modifications in position 1,4 of dimethylnaphtalene, grafting hydrophilic substituents. The correspondent endoperoxide can be generated using photochemical method, or molybdate-catalyzed disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide.
In the last three decades carbonyl compounds, aldehydes and ketones, have received a great deal of attention due to their strong influence on photochemical smog formation and their recognized adverse human health effects. Carbonyl compounds are directly emitted into the atmosphere by combustion sources and also produced from photochemical oxidation of hydrocarbons and other organic compounds. In this paper it is presented a general overview about the carbonyl compounds sources, reactivity, concentration levels and toxicological effects.
Ammonia is the most common alkaline gas of the atmosphere, being important in the neutralization of various processes that occur in the atmosphere. Its main sources of emission are the decomposition of organic matter and dejections of animals. Ammonia is used by man in diverse activities of production, therefore it is a gas that can contaminate work environments. Measurements of ammonia concentration in some parts of the world have shown great spatial and weather variation. This large variability makes it difficult to estimate the input of reduced nitrogen to different ecosystems from measurements.
This work starts with a historical perspective of the social and scientific progress related to the understanding of the atmospheric aerosol. Its origin, physical, chemical and optical characteristics, as well as its environmental behaviour are described, retracing the evolution of the concepts related to this subject over the last centuries. The main sources that contribute to atmospheric particulate matter and the modern understanding of its formation processes and constitution, focusing on the chemical pathways leading to it and on its organic components are presented. This discussion is complemented with recent evaluations of the quantities emitted by primary, secondary, biogenic and anthropogenic sources and the effects due to accumulation or dispersion of aerosols, justifying the chemical and environmental interest they engender.
REVIEW: Living organisms encountered in hostile environments that are characterized by extreme temperatures rely on novel molecular mechanisms to enhance the thermal stability of their proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and cell membranes. Proteins isolated from thermophilic organisms usually exhibit higher intrinsic thermal stabilities than their counterparts isolated from mesophilic organisms. Although the molecular basis of protein thermostability is only partially understood, structural studies have suggested that the factors that may contribute to enhance protein thermostability mainly include hydrophobic packing, enhanced secondary structure propensity, helix dipole stabilization, absence of residues sensitive to oxidation or deamination, and increased electrostatic interactions. Thermostable enzymes such as amylases, xylanases and pectinases isolated from thermophilic organisms are potentially of interest in the optimization of industrial processes due to their enhanced stability. In the present review, an attempt is made to delineate the structural factors that increase enzyme thermostability and to document the research results in the production of these enzymes.
The present study aims at assessing the influence of pollution from mobile sources on air quality in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre by means of an inventory based on methods applied specifically to vehicular emissions. The study uses the method described by CETESB, based on inventories on vehicular emissions, according to USEPA methodology. Following fuel types were taken into account: gasoline (24% ethanol), alcohol, diesel oil, and CNG (compressed natural gas). Results have shown that gasoline-powered vehicles are still responsible for emitting the highest CO and HC concentrations, while diesel-powered vehicles are the source of highest NOx, MP and SOx concentrations.
Growing knowledge on the health-promoting impact of antioxidants in everyday foods, combined with the assumption that a number of common synthetic preservatives may have hazardous side effects has led to increased investigations in the field of natural antioxidants, principally those found in plants. Food industries normally discard plant residues that could benefit the human health and diminish undesirable environmental impact. Once estimated the content of antioxidants in these residues, advantageous economical and social alternatives to the discard are possible, for example, their use for preparation of nutraceuticals to be offered to low-income populations. We present here a broad, although not complete, account of the continuously growing knowledge on the antioxidant capacity of whole fruits, seeds and peels, cereals, vegetal oils and aromatic plants, at several physical forms, as well as a description of the usual methods for evaluating their antioxidant capacity and examples of agroindustrial processes that could be harnessed for the production of antioxidant supplement food, along with research perspectives in the area.
Porous ceramic materials based on calcium phosphate compounds (CPC) have been studied aiming at different biomedical applications such as implants, drug delivery systems and radioactive sources for brachytherapy. Two kinds of hydroxyapatite (HAp) powders and their ceramic bodies were characterized by a combination of different techniques (XRF, BET method, SEM, ICP/AES and neutron activation analysis - NAA) to evaluate their physico-chemical and microstructural characteristics in terms of chemical composition, segregated phases, microstructure, porosity, chemical and thermal stability, biodegradation and incorporation of substances in their structures. The results revealed that these systems presented potential for use as porous biodegradable radioactive sources able to be loaded with a wide range of radionuclides for cancer treatment by the brachytherapy technique.
The inputs of organic matter derived from natural and anthropogenic sources to Sepetiba Bay were investigated by using aliphatic hydrocarbons and sterols in superficial sediments. Concentrations ranged from 0.26 to 2.65 μg g-1, <0.01 to 17.41 μg g-1 and 0.77 and 9.24 μg g-1 for n-alkanes, UCM (unresolved complex mixture) and total sterols, respectively. The selected markers and ratios among individual compounds showed the major contribution of terrestrial sources to the total pool of sedimentary organic matter in the bay, but the accumulation of autochthonous organic matter increased with distance from the shoreline. The input of petroleum hydrocarbons and sewage (coprostanol in the range 0.01 to 0.43 μg g-1) were also detected, especially in the more urbanized regions of the bay, but at lower levels of contamination when compared to estuaries in other Brazilian coastal regions.
Offretite T zeolite was synthesized using different source of Si (Ludox AS-30, Ludox LS-30 and Aerosil 200 Degussa). The obtained materials were characterized by different complementary techniques: XRD, textural analysis by N2 adsorption, IV, SEM and chemistry analysis. This zeolite has an intermediary structure between offretite and erionite zeolites. In all experiments offretite T phase was obtained. Offretite phase presenting better crystalility are obtained in synthesis with stirring and employing aerosil as silicon source. This zeolite presents a potencial application as catalyst for hydroisodewaxing process.