454 resultados para Detecção de árvores em fotografias aéreas
IntroductionThe objective of this study was to analyze the spatial behavior of the occurrence of trachoma cases detected in the City of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2006 in order to use the information collected to set priority areas for optimization of health resources.Methodsthe trachoma cases identified in 2006 were georeferenced. The data evaluated were: schools where the trachoma cases studied, data from the 2000 Census, census tract, type of housing, water supply conditions, distribution of income and levels of education of household heads. In the Google Earth® software and TerraView® were made descriptive spatial analysis and estimates of the Kernel. Each area was studied by interpolation of the density surfaces exposing events to facilitate to recognize the clusters.ResultsOf the 66 cases detected, only one (1.5%) was not a resident of the city's outskirts. A positive association was detected of trachoma cases and the percentage of heads of household with income below three minimum wages and schooling under eight years of education.ConclusionsThe recognition of the spatial distribution of trachoma cases coincided with the areas of greatest social inequality in Bauru City. The micro-areas identified are those that should be prioritized in the rationalization of health resources. There is the possibility of using the trachoma cases detected as an indicator of performance of micro priority health programs.
Introduction Leprosy remains a relevant public health issue in Brazil. The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of new cases of leprosy and to detect areas with higher risks of disease in the City of Vitória. Methods The study was ecologically based on the spatial distribution of leprosy in the City of Vitória, State of Espírito Santo between 2005 and 2009. The data sources used came from the available records of the State Health Secretary of Espírito Santo. A global and local empirical Bayesian method was used in the spatial analysis to produce a leprosy risk estimation, and the fluctuation effect was smoothed from the detection coefficients. Results The study used thematic maps to illustrate that leprosy is distributed heterogeneously between the neighborhoods and that it is possible to identify areas with high risk of disease. The Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.926 (p = 0.001) for the Local Method indicated highly correlated coefficients. The Moran index was calculated to evaluate correlations between the incidences of adjoining districts. Conclusions We identified the spatial contexts in which there were the highest incidence rates of leprosy in Vitória during the studied period. The results contribute to the knowledge of the spatial distribution of leprosy in the City of Vitória, which can help establish more cost-effective control strategies because they indicate specific regions and priority planning activities that can interfere with the transmission chain.
Introduction In this study, we investigated radiological changes in the sigmoid colon in chagasic patients by comparing their colon lengths and caliber with those of non-chagasic living in the same region and non-chagasic living at high altitudes. Methods A total of 317 individuals were evaluated using clinical, serological and radiological methods and divided into three groups: 1) one hundred and nine non-chagasic individuals from Uberaba, Brazil; 2) sixty-one non-chagasic from Puno, Peru; 3) one hundred forty-seven chagasics examined in Uberaba, being 62 without megacolon (3A), 72 with megacolon (3B) and 13 with doubtful diagnosis of megacolon (3C). Results In group 2, the sigmoid colon had a significantly larger caliber (p=0.001) and the rectosigmoid colon was longer (p<0.001) than group 1. In subgroup 3A, the sigmoid colon (p<0.001) and rectum (p<0.001) had a significantly larger caliber and the rectosigmoid was longer (p<0.001) than that of the non-chagasic individuals. In subgroup 3B, the rectosigmoid was longer in all patients, and the caliber of the sigmoid was significantly larger than that of subjects in subgroups 3A and 3C (p<0.001). Conclusions Morphometric analysis confirms that Chagas disease may increase the caliber and length of the rectosigmoid. Our results suggest that altitude, ethnicity and diet may have influenced the size and length of the rectosigmoid of andean patients.
Introduction This study aimed to evaluate whether a low platelet count is a good surrogate marker of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (HSS) in a rural area of Brazil. A small district in southeastern Brazil, with a population of 1,543 individuals and a 23% prevalence of schistosomiasis, was selected for this investigation. Methods In July 2012, 384 volunteers were subjected to clinical, ultrasonography (US), and laboratory examinations, including stool sample analysis. The HSS patients were classified into four groups: Group 1 consisted of patients with a spleen >13cm and liver fibrosis; Group 2 consisted of patients with a palpable spleen and spleen>13cm measured by US; Group 3 consisted of patients with a spleen >13cm measured by US; and Group 4 consisted of patients with a palpable spleen. Results Eight patients were in Group 1 (2.1%), twenty-one were in Group 2 (5.5%), eight were in Group 3 (2.1%), and eighteen were in Group 4 (4.7%). A significant difference in the mean platelet counts was observed between the patients with and without HSS (p<0.01). Based on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (platelet count <143,000/mm3), the sensitivity was greater than 92% in all groups, and the specificity varied from 44.4% to 75%. Conclusions We concluded that in endemic areas, thrombocytopenia demonstrates good sensitivity for detecting HSS and may be used as a screening tool to identify patients with HSS.
IntroductionAn awareness of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is necessary to encourage the population to participate in prevention and control in collaboration with more efficient, centrally organized health programs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the awareness of the riverside population regarding VL and the association between awareness and the prevalence of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL).MethodsIn total, 71 people living in riverside areas in the City of Mossoró in State of Rio Grande do Norte participated of the study, and 71 dogs were tested for CVL by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Association analysis of several variables related to knowledge of the riverside population regarding CVL positivity was performed, yielding odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), and significance was determined using chi-square (χ2) and Fisher's exact tests.ResultsAmong individuals whose dogs tested positive for CVL, 60% did not know the cure for CVL, and these subjects were three times more likely to have a dog test positive for CVL than those who were aware the cure for CVL. Knowledge of CVL cure was the only variable that remained in the logistic model after the successive removal of variables, with an adjusted OR of 3.11 (95%CI: 1.1-8,799; p=0.032).ConclusionsInsufficient awareness regarding VL in riverside areas with CVL-positive dogs was associated with increased rates of canine infection, which suggests that changes in habits and the adoption of attitudes and preventive practices may contribute to the control and prevention of this disease. This study reinforces the need to invest in better health education programs regarding VL.
IntroductionThis study aimed to investigate the occurrence of Africanized honeybees in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, and to implement a program to remove such swarms.MethodsThe occurrences of Africanized honeybee swarms between 2010 and 2012 were studied and strategies to prevent accidents were developed.ResultsWe noted 1,164 cases of Africanized honeybee occurrences in the city, and 422 swarms were collected. The developed strategies to prevent accidents were disseminated to the population.ConclusionsWe contributed to reducing the risks represented by Africanized honeybee swarms in urban areas, by collecting swarms and disseminating strategic information for preventing accidents.
Introduction Hantavirus infections have been described in several regions in Brazil through seroepidemiological studies. Usually, populations are associated with rural and wild environment mainly due to close contact to species of Sigmodontinae rodents, considered hantavirus reservoirs. Methods A retrospective serosurvey was conducted to access the hantavirus seroprevalence in people living in regions affected by bovine vaccinia outbreaks. Results Sera from 53 patients were analyzed and none of them presented anti-hantavirus IgG antibodies. Conclusions This study presents an opportunity to analyze seronegativity despite close and recurrent contact with known hantavirus reservoirs. Aspects of hantavirus and bovine vaccinia emergence are also discussed.
INTRODUCTION: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonosis of great importance to public health and is considered a neglected disease by the World Health Organization. The disease has expanded and become more prevalent in urban areas in Brazil. METHODS: Geospatial analyses were performed and thematic maps of the triad of the disease were produced for the study period (2003-2012) in the urban area of the municipality of Rondonópolis in the midwestern State of Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil, TerraView 4.2.2 software was used for the analyses. RESULTS: A total of 87.9% of the 186 confirmed human cases of VL were cured. Children between the ages of 1 and 4 were the most affected. Registered deaths were predominant among adults aged 60 years or older. The urban area of the municipality consists of eight strata and 12 census districts include 237 neighborhoods. All sectors had confirmed cases of VL. During the study period, human cases of the disease were recorded in 90 neighborhoods. The 23 deaths from the disease were distributed in 21 neighborhoods. Sandflies carrying the parasite were captured in 192 out of 200 neighborhoods evaluated for the presence of the VL vector. The presence of dogs carrying the parasite was confirmed in, 140 out of 154 surveyed neighborhoods. CONCLUSIONS: The data demonstrated the endemic nature of VL, with a high percentage of infected children, a high distribution of canine infection, and a wide adaptation and dispersal of the vectors in the urban environment. These results, illustrate the process of urbanization of VL in the municipality of Rondonópolis, MT, Brazil.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: To characterize Trypanosoma cruzi (TcI) isolated from a Panstrongylus megistus specimen found in one of the biggest metropolitan areas of Latin America, the relationship between the TcI group of T. cruzi and the transmission cycle in the urban environment was studied. METHODS: The T. cruzi strain, Pm, was isolated in a culture medium from the evolutionary forms present in the hindgut of a live male specimen of P. megistus found in the Jabaquara subway in São Paulo City. The sample from the triatomine showed trypomastigote forms of Trypanosomatidae, which were inoculated in the peritoneum of Balb/c mice. The sample was then inoculated in Liver Infusion Tryptose medium and J774 cells for the molecular identification and characterization of the parasite. The Pm strain of T. cruzi was identified by isolation in axenic culture medium, and based on the morphology, cell infection, growth kinetics, and molecular characterization. RESULTS: After isolation, the protozoan was identified as T. cruzi. No parasites were detected in the peripheral blood of the animal, which can be a characteristic inherent to the strain of T. cruzi that was isolated. Cell invasion assays were performed in triplicate in the J774 cell line to confirm the invasive ability of the Pm strain and revealed amastigote forms of the parasite within macrophages. CONCLUSIONS: Our biological and molecular characterizations helped understand parasite-host interactions and their evolutionary history in context of the associations between vectors, ecotopes, hosts, and groups of the parasite.
Resultados preliminares sobre a periodicidade e taxa de crescimento de Cardeiro (Scleronema micranthum Ducke, Bombacaceae) são apresentados. Observou-se ama periodicidade de crescimento. As taxas de incremento são correlacionadas aos resultados referidos da Guiana Francesa.
Três parcelas experimentais de Bertholletia excelsa (Castanha-do- Brasil) foram implantadas na Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical do INPA/Manaus, em 1980, com o objetivo de obter dados sobre o crescimento da espécie com fins de produção de madeira e frutos. O sistema de plantio adotado foi em plena abertura, sobre Latossolo vermelho-amarelo, no espaçamento de 3,0 x 3,0 m. Foram observados, aos 10 anos, os seguintes resultados, diâmetro médio (DAP) de 13,9 cm e a altura total média de 15,41 m; os valores máximos de diâmetros e alturas encontrados foram de 21,7 cm e 23,0 m. respectivamente; a área basal média por hectare foi de 11,7098 nr. correspondendo a um volume médio de 117391 m3/ha; a espécie apresentou ótima desrama natural, boa adaptação ao Latossolo vermelho - amarelo, 69,44% de sobrevivência média, boa forma de fuste, não tendo sido verificadas doenças ou pragas.
Foi efetuada a pesquisa do Vibrio cholerae em 41 amostras do água, coletadas de algumas localidades da região do alto Solimões através da técnica de Moore mod.: Tabatinga (Brasil) = 13 amostras; Benjamin Constant (Brasil) = 7 amostras: Ilha de Islândia (Peru) = 2 amostras: Ilha de Santa Rosa (Peru) = 19 amostras. Não houve isolamento do Vibrio cholerae da água, dos Municípios de Tabatinga e Benjamin Constant - Brasil e Ilha de Islândia - Peru. Houve o isolamento do Vibrio cholerae biotipo El Tor sorogrupo Inaba de 4 (21 %) amostras de água coletada de 19 diferentes pontos localizados à margem direita do Rio Solimões, na Ilha de Santa Rosa - Peru. O Vibrio cholerae detectado apresentou-se sorologicamente igual ao responsável pela cólera na região do alto Solimões. O isolamento do Vibrio cholerae da água do Rio Solimões leva-nos a responsabilizá-la como sendo um dos veículos de disseminação do bacilo, como também da doença.
Na execução de inventários florestais a identificação das espécies é problemática por causa das dificuldades na obtenção de flores, frutos, sementes e folhas. As chaves analíticas usadas na identificação botânica baseiam-se nas diferenças entre as estruturas reprodutivas das plantas. Por isso, a identificação de árvores usa métodos onde a classificação é feita a partir de caracteres vegetativos. Mostra-se que a partir de um banco de dados dendrológicos é possível proceder a identificação botânica de espécies por meio de um computador. Utilizou-se o programa GUESS e um menu de caracteres botânicos selecionados, que permitem distinguir espécies diferentes. Para cada espécie coletou-se dados de 10 a 20 árvores, na Reserva Ducke e nas Estações de Silvicultura Tropical e Manejo Florestal, do INPA, 26 e 90 km ao norte de Manaus, respectivamente, cujo material botânico foi identificado no Herbário do INPA. O Banco de Dados conta com 226 espécies distribuídas em 34 famílias. O programa permite identificar espécies arbóreas, o qual pode ser usado por botânicos, engenheiros florestais, e outros usuários. A identificação é rápida e confiável, mas não deve ser excluída a consulta a herbários para dirimir dúvidas taxonômicas, dada a grande heterogeneidade florística da floresta tropical.
Os principais inventários quantitativos de árvores na Amazônia são revisados, enfocando os estudos desenvolvidos no território brasileiro. Resumiu-se os principais resultados de cada trabalho e compilou-se os padrões obtidos para a comunidade arbórea da florestas de terra firme no sentido restrito. São discutidas a validade e eficiência da metodologia utilizada e sua importância para o entendimento da composição e estrutura dessas comunidades. Amostras de um hectare, utilizando a metodologia usual, tem fornecido informação insuficiente sobre a comunidade e não permitem a extrapolação dos resultados para áreas adjacentes. Pouco conhecimento tem sido gerado, a partir dessas parcelas, desde o estabelecimento dos padrões observados nos primeiros trabalhos. Ε sugerido um novo direcionamento dos estudos de inventários quantitativos de árvores na Amazônia brasileira.