235 resultados para Dengue viruses type 3
The present work evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of detection of Dengue NS1 antigen employing two NS1 assays, an immunochromatographic assay and ELISA, in the diagnostic routine of Public Health laboratories. The results obtained with NS1 assay were compared with virus isolation and, in a subpopulation of cases, they were compared with the IgM-ELISA results obtained with convalescent samples. A total of 2,321 sera samples were analyzed by one of two NS1 techniques from March to October 2009. The samples were divided into five groups: groups I, II and III included samples tested by NS1 and virus isolation, and groups IV and V included patients with a first sample tested by NS1 and a second sample tested by IgM-ELISA. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, Kappa Index and Kappa Concordance were calculated. The results showed that NS1 testing in groups I, II and III had high sensitivity (98.0%, 99.5% and 99.3%), and predictive values and Kappa index between 0.9 - 1.0. Groups IV and V only had Kappa Concordance calculated, since the samples were analyzed according to the presence of NS1 antigen or IgM antibody. Concordance of 92.1% was observed when comparing the results of NS1-negative samples with IgM-ELISA. Based on the findings, it is possible to suggest that the tests for NS1 detection may be important tools for monitoring the introduction and spread of Dengue serotypes.
We report the first isolation of Dengue virus 4 (DENV-4) in the state of São Paulo, from two patients - one living in São José do Rio Preto and the other one in Paulo de Faria, both cities located in the Northwest region of the state. The virus isolations were accomplished in the clone C6/36 Aedes albopictus cell line, followed by indirect immunofluorescence assays, performed with type-specific monoclonal antibodies that showed positive reactions for DENV-4. The results were confirmed by Nested RT-PCR and Real-Time RT-PCR assays. The introduction of DENV-4 in a country that already has to deal with the transmission of three other serotypes increases the possibility of the occurrence of more severe cases of the disease. The importance of early detection of dengue cases, before the virus spreads and major outbreaks occur, should be emphasized.
The aim of this article is to identify patterns in spatial distribution of cases of dengue fever that occurred in the municipality of Cruzeiro, State of São Paulo, in 2006. This is an ecological and exploratory study using the tools of spatial analysis in the preparation of thematic maps with data from Sinan-Net. An analysis was made by area, taking as unit the IBGE census, the analysis included four months in 2006 which show the occurrence of the disease in the city. The thematic maps were constructed by TerraView 3.3.1 software, the same software provided the values of the indicators of Global Moran (I M) every month and the Kernel estimation. In the year 2006, 691 cases of dengue were georeferenced (with a rate of 864.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants); the indicators of Moran and p-values obtained were I M = 0.080 (March) p = 0.11; I M = 0.285 (April) p = 0.01; I M = 0.201 (May) p = 0.01 and I M = 0.002 (June) p = 0.57. The first cases were identified in the Northeast and Central areas of Cruzeiro and the recent cases, in the North, Northeast and Central. It was possible to identify census tracts where the epidemic began and how it occurred temporally and spatially in the city.
A finding of vertical transmission of the DEN 3 virus in male specimens of Aedes aegypti, collected in the 2009 fall-winter period, in Puerto Iguazú city, Misiones, Argentina, using the RT-PCR technique in a 15-specimen pool is reported. This result is analyzed within the context of the epidemiological situation of Argentina's northeast border.
Equines are susceptible to respiratory viruses such as influenza and parainfluenza. Respiratory diseases have adversely impacted economies all over the world. This study was intended to determine the presence of influenza and parainfluenza viruses in unvaccinated horses from some regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Blood serum collected from 72 equines of different towns in this state was tested by hemagglutination inhibition test to detect antibodies for both viruses using the corresponding antigens. About 98.6% (71) and 97.2% (70) of the equines responded with antibody protective titers (≥ 80 HIU/25µL) H7N7 and H3N8 subtypes of influenza A viruses, respectively. All horses (72) also responded with protective titers (≥ 80) HIU/25µL against the parainfluenza virus. The difference between mean antibody titers to H7N7 and H3N8 subtypes of influenza A viruses was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The mean titers for influenza and parainfluenza viruses, on the other hand, showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). These results indicate a better antibody response from equines to parainfluenza 3 virus than to the equine influenza viruses. No statistically significant differences in the responses against H7N7 and H3N8 subtypes of influenza A and parainfluenza 3 viruses were observed according to the gender (female, male) or the age (≤ 2 to 20 years-old) groups. This study provides evidence of the concomitant presence of two subtypes of the equine influenza A (H7N7 and H3N8) viruses and the parainfluenza 3 virus in equines in Brazil. Thus, it is advisable to vaccinate equines against these respiratory viruses.
Dengue is currently a major public-health problem. Dengue virus (DENV) is classified into four distinct serotypes, DENV 1-4. After 28 years of absence, DENV-4 was again detected in Brazil in 2010 in Roraima State, and one year later, the virus was identified in the northern Brazilian states of Amazonas and Pará, followed by Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. In Minas Gerais, the first confirmed case of DENV-4 occurred in the municipality of Frutal in 2011 and has now been isolated from a growing number of patients. Although DENV-2 is associated with the highest risk of severe forms of the disease and death due to the infection, DENV-4 has also been associated with severe forms of the disease and an increasing risk of hemorrhagic manifestations. Herein, the first fatal case of confirmed DENV-4 in Brazil is reported. The patient was an 11-year-old girl from the municipality of Montes Claros in northern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. She had idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura as a comorbid condition and presented with a fulminant course of infection, leading to death due to hemorrhagic complications. Diagnosis was confirmed by detection of Dengue-specific antibodies using IgM capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and semi-nested RT-PCR. Primary care physicians and other health-care providers should bear in mind that DENV-4 can also result in severe forms of the disease and lead to hemorrhagic complications and death, mainly when dengue infection is associated with coexisting conditions.
Serum samples from 150 NS1-negative (Platelia ELISA) patients presumptively diagnosed with dengue were analyzed by the TaqMan probed real-time reverse transcription PCR (TaqMan qRT-PCR) method. The qRT-PCR positive samples were tested for serotype by semi-nested RT-PCR and a qualitative immunochromatographic assay for IgG and IgM. Molecular detection methods showed 33 (22%) positive samples out of 150 NS1-antigen negative samples. Of these, 72% were collected up to day 2 after the onset of symptoms, when diagnostic sensitivity of NS1-antigen test assays is significantly enhanced. Most of the cases were not characterized as secondary infection. Twenty-eight samples were successfully serotyped, 75% of which for DENV-4, 14% for DENV-2, 7% for DENV-3 and 4% for DENV-1. These findings reaffirm the hyperendemic situation of the state of Roraima and suggest a lower sensitivity of the NS1 test, mainly when DENV-4 is the predominant serotype. Health care providers should therefore be aware of samples tested negative by NS1 antigen assays, especially when clinical symptoms and other laboratory data results show evidence of dengue infection.
The dengue virus (DENV), which is frequently involved in large epidemics, and the yellow fever virus (YFV), which is responsible for sporadic sylvatic outbreaks, are considered the most important flaviviruses circulating in Brazil. Because of that, laboratorial diagnosis of acute undifferentiated febrile illness during epidemic periods is frequently directed towards these viruses, which may eventually hinder the detection of other circulating flaviviruses, including the Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), which is widely dispersed across the Americas. The aim of this study was to conduct a molecular investigation of 11 flaviviruses using 604 serum samples obtained from patients during a large dengue fever outbreak in the state of Mato Grosso (MT) between 2011 and 2012. Simultaneously, 3,433 female Culex spp. collected with Nasci aspirators in the city of Cuiabá, MT, in 2013, and allocated to 409 pools containing 1-10 mosquitoes, were also tested by multiplex semi-nested reverse transcription PCR for the same flaviviruses. SLEV was detected in three patients co-infected with DENV-4 from the cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande. One of them was a triple co-infection with DENV-1. None of them mentioned recent travel or access to sylvatic/rural regions, indicating that transmission might have occurred within the metropolitan area. Regarding mosquito samples, one pool containing one Culex quinquefasciatus female was positive for SLEV, with a minimum infection rate (MIR) of 0.29 per 1000 specimens of this species. Phylogenetic analysis indicates both human and mosquito SLEV cluster, with isolates from genotype V-A obtained from animals in the Amazon region, in the state of Pará. This is the first report of SLEV molecular identification in MT.
Dengue virus (DENV) is the most frequent arbovirus worldwide. In this study, we report a large outbreak in Mato Grosso State (MT). Serum samples from 604 patients with acute febrile illness for less than five days were inoculated in C6/36 cells, then infected cells were subjected to an indirect immunofluorescence test for DENV serotypes and yellow fever virus. Serum samples were submitted to a multiplex-semi-nested-RT-PCR for 11 flaviviruses. DENV-4 was isolated in 150/604 (24.8%) and DENV-1 in 19/604 (3.1%) specimens. By RT-PCR, 331 (54.8%) samples tested positive for DENV; 321 had single infections (DENV-4 n = 305; DENV-1 n = 15; DENV-3 n = 1), nine had co-infections of DENV-1/DENV-4, and one of DENV-2/DENV-4. DENV-4 was detected in 315/331 (95.2%) positive patients from 17 municipalities, and DENV-1 in 24/331 (7.2%) patients from five cities in north-central MT and the city of Cuiaba. The incidence of infection was higher in patients aged 20-39 (142/331; 42.9%). The NS5 partial nucleotide sequence of DENV-1 was most similar to that of genotype V, DENV-2 to Southeast Asian/American, DENV-3 to genotype III, and DENV-4 to genotype II strains, considered the most frequent strains in Brazil. This outbreak coincided with the introduction of DENV-4 in the state. Cuiaba was hyperendemic for the four DENV serotypes, highlighting the necessity for arbovirus surveillance in MT.
Nos anos de 1995 e 1996, ocorreu em São Luis uma epidemia de dengue (DEN), causada pelo sorotipo DEN1. Objetivando avaliar o impacto da mesma na população da grande São Luis (municípios de Paço do Lumiar - PL, São José de Ribamar - SJR e São Luis SL), realizamos um inquérito soro - epidemiológico aleatório, onde aplicamos um questionário. Os soros foram testados por inibição da hemaglutinação (IH), e os resultados, negativo e positivo (resposta primária - RP e resposta secundária - RS), foram analisados utilizando os "software's" Lotus 123, Epi-info 6.0, Excel 5.0 e STATA. Coletaram-se 1217 amostras, (101 de PL, 100 de SJR e 1016 de SL). A positividade foi: 55,4% em PL, 28% em SJR e 41,4% em SL. Destes, 505 (41,2%) amostras foram positivas sendo 96 RP (7,9%) e 405 RS (33,3%). Da amostra obtida, 508 soros (227 positivos) foram do sexo masculino e 709 (278 positivos) do feminino, não havendo diferença estatística significativa. Houve significância (p < 0,003) na estratificação de acordo com a renda, sendo mais freqüente nas populações com melhor nível sócio econômico. Estimou-se em 401.933 infecções causadas pelo vírus dengue. Os pacientes referiram febre, cefaléia, calefrios, tontura, astenia, dor retro ocular, mialgia, artralgia, náuseas, anorexia, prurido e exantema. Há uma grande população sensibilizada pelo DEN-1, suscetível a outro sorotipos o que aumenta o risco de dengue hemorrágico.
No Brasil, os inquéritos sorológicos têm assinalado taxa de infecção pelo vírus do dengue de 25% a 56%, porém esses estudos foram realizados em populações de cidades de médio ou grande porte. No presente estudo, são descritas duas epidemias de febre clássica de dengue (DEN) no Estado da Bahia. A primeira, ocorrida em 1987 e causada pelo sorotipo DEN-1 em Ipupiara e, a segunda, causada pelo DEN-2, em Prado e que ocorreu em 1995. O diagnóstico laboratorial foi realizado utilizando o teste de inibição da hemaglutinação (IH). Em 1995, foram coletadas 461 amostras sorológicas de uma população de 3.868 habitantes em Ipupiara (região da Chapada Diamantina) e 228 de um total de 9.126 habitantes em Prado (Litoral Extremo Sul). A soro-positividade das amostras foi de 11,9% (55/461) em Ipupiara e 17,5% (40/228) em Prado. Não houve diferença, estatisticamente significante, quanto a idade e o gênero entre os indivíduos soro-positivos e negativos das duas cidades estudadas. Entretanto, em Ipupiara os soro-positivos (15,9% vs. 9,3%) relataram, mais freqüentemente (p < 0,03), residência ou viagens para outros Estados do Brasil. Com base nos dados, estimou-se a ocorrência de 460 e 1.597 casos da infecção em Ipupiara e Prado, respectivamente. Em conclusão, nas cidades de menor porte a dinâmica da infecção pelo vírus do dengue, provavelmente, tem características peculiares, porque nessas localidades a prevalência é menor em conseqüência das menores potencialidades de desenvolvimento do Aedes aegypti.
Trata-se de um inquérito amostral (502 entrevistas) realizado na região de Campinas SP, em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (170.000 habitantes), por ser o primeiro município a registrar casos de dengue autóctone na região, desde 1995. Avaliou-se o conhecimento da população sobre o dengue, seu vetor e prevenção em 3 bairros da cidade. Estas informações foram comparadas com a presença de criadouros no ambiente domiciliar, em áreas com e sem transmissão. O bairro com melhores condições sociais e urbanas apresentaram conhecimento mais adequado sobre a doença, embora os bairros periféricos tenham sido priorizados em atividades educativas devido à ocorrência de casos. Observou-se criadouros em todas as áreas examinadas, em quantidades semelhantes. Constatou-se a distância entre conhecimento e mudanças de comportamento. Identificou-se as fontes de informações mais referidas e os criadouros predominantes nos domicílios. Os resultados deste inquérito podem servir como subsídios para (re)orientar ações educativas das equipes de controle de vetores, bem como avaliar um instrumento simplificado para acompanhamento do impacto do programa local de controle do dengue.
Desde 1981, o Brasil tem registrado epidemias de dengue de grande magnitude e atualmente circulam simultaneamente dois sorotipos DEN-1 e DEN--2, em mais de 2.700 municípios. Em Salvador - Bahia, situada na Região Nordeste do país, ocorreram duas epidemias nos anos de 1995 e 1996, e posterior endemização da doença. Este estudo analisa a incidência desta virose nesse município, no período de 1995 a 1999, considerando entre outras variáveis, sua distribuição nos Distritos Sanitários e a situação de densidade do Aedes aegypti. Utiliza como fonte de dados registros oficiais de notificação e do programa de combate vetorial da cidade. A taxa de incidência de dengue foi de 691,4 e 393,5 por 100.000 habitantes, respectivamente, em 1995 e 1996, reduziu-se para 65 por 100.000 em 1998. Nos Distritos Sanitários mais carentes, este indicador alcançou valores superiores a 800 por 100.000 habitantes. O Índice de Infestação Predial pelo Aedes chegou a atingir 54,1% em um dos seus bairros. Considerando a importância da reemergência do dengue no mundo os autores discutem os possíveis fatores que condicionaram a introdução do vírus, as suas apresentações epidemiológicas no curso de 4 anos, e a efetividade do programa de combate vetorial.
The proliferation of Aedes aegypti, a species of mosquito that is the vector of the dengue pathogen, is being augmented by the population's lack of care in allowing the formation of larval habitats. One form of controlling dengue is the distribution of information on the mosquito to improve awareness and to provide the means necessary for the elimination of its reproductive habitats. To evaluate a teaching method concerning the vector and dengue, students from the 5th and 6th years of primary education were compared before and after didactic intervention with a group of control students. The students who received intervention were more successful in identifying the stages of the cycle, biological and morphological characteristics of the adult insect and the importance of the mosquito in health issues. The didactic intervention was successful in developing knowledge leading to increased awareness of the importance of preventative measures that should be taken against the vector and the disease.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as diferenças clínicas e epidemiológicas das infecções causadas pelos distintos sorotipos do vírus do dengue na epidemia 2001-2002 no município do Rio de Janeiro. Foram analisados 362 casos com isolamento viral, sendo 62 do sorotipo 1,62 do sorotipo 2, e 238 do sorotipo 3. Estes casos foram notificados ao Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) de janeiro/2001 até junho/2002. Os indivíduos infectados com o sorotipo 3 tiveram uma chance 6,07 vezes maior de apresentar choque em relação aos indivíduos com o sorotipo 2 (OR=6,07; IC:1,10-43,97). A chance de apresentar dor abdominal foi 3,06 maior nos infectados pelo sorotipo 3 do que naqueles por sorotipo 1 (OR=3,06; IC:0,99-9,66). Nos infectados com o sorotipo 3, a chance de ocorrer exantema foi 3,61 vezes maior que naqueles com o sorotipo 1 (OR=3,61; IC:1,16-11,51) e 3,55 vezes maior que aqueles com o sorotipo 2 (OR=3,55; IC:1,28-9,97). Este estudo mostra que indivíduos acometidos pelo sorotipo 3 apresentaram dengue com maior gravidade.