492 resultados para Carlos Herculano Lopes
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, culling of seropositive dogs is one of the recommended strategies to control visceral leishmaniasis. Since infectiousness is correlated with clinical signs, control measures targeting symptomatic dogs could be more effective. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 1,410 dogs, predictive models were developed based on clinical signs and an indirect immunofluorescence antibody test. RESULTS: The validated predictive model showed sensitivity and specificity of 86.5% and 70.0%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Predictive models could be used as tools to aid control programs in focusing on a smaller fraction of dogs contributing more to infection dissemination.
Este trabalho trata da desmidioflórula de um lago marginal do rio Acre, lago Novo Andirá (AM), baseado na análise de 52 amostras coletadas, mensalmente, no período de maio/ 1988 a junho/1989. Foram identificados e descritos 98 táxons de desmídias, dos quais 38 são variações da espécie típica correspondente, distribuídos em 10 gêneros e três famílias. Os gêneros Cosmarium, Closterium e Staurastrum foram, em termos qualitativos, os mais bem representados, com 29, 19 e 16 espécies, respectivamente; os menos representados foram Gonatozygon, Octacanthium e Xanthidium, com uma espécie cada. A distribuição geográfica foi feita com base na literatura publicadada até dezembro de 1998 e foram considerados tanto os trabalhos mais completos, com descrições e/ou ilustrações, quanto aqueles nos quais constam apenas listagem de espécies. Devido à variação morfológica observada na população, particularmente neste trabalho, o gênero Staurastrum foi o que apresentou maiores problemas taxonômicos, conflitando dados registrados em literatura. A variação morfológica em nível populacional também impossibilitou a identificação de Euastrum verrucosum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs.
O babaçu é uma planta de importância capital na economia de subsistência do norte do Brasil. Sua configuração sócio-ambiental o torna destaque na situação regional amazônica, onde os produtos advindos do babaçu possibilitam renda para a camada mais pobre da população amazônica, além da questão ambiental que é conotada à preservação dos babaçuais naturais. Um dos gargalos técnicos da produção do babaçu, em especial visando a extração do óleo de babaçu, é a colheita feita de forma manual e no sistema extrativista. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor o conceito de uma colhedora de babaçu moto-mecanizada, capaz de trabalhar em cultivos artificiais, assim como em florestas naturais. Foi utilizada a metodologia de projeto da matriz morfológica, onde foram elencadas as possíveis combinações de mecanismos e elementos para uma colhedora de babaçu. Como resultado foi obtido um conceito teórico, sendo concluída a viabilidade técnica de tal projeto, em estudos futuros pretende-se desenvolver estudos de viabilidade técnica detalhados, assim como estudos de viabilidade econômica.
A avaliação do estado nutricional da laranjeira depende da definição de valores de referência que sejam adequados para refletir suas condições nutricionais. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se determinar os valores de referências e avaliar o estado nutricional de laranjeiras-pêra em diversas glebas na Amazônia Central (municípios de Iranduba, Manacapuru, Manaus, Presidente Figueiredo e Rio Preto da Eva). Utilizou-se o Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação de relações multivariadas (DRIS) para estabelecer os valores de referência nutricional. O diagnóstico nutricional de 120 glebas comerciais de laranjeiras-pêra, enxertadas em limoeiro cravo foram avaliadas pelas faixas de suficiência definidas a partir do conjunto de plantas nutricionalmente equilibradas. Para os macronutrientes, as faixas de suficiência nutricional foram (g kg-1): 28-30 (para nitrogênio, N); 1,6-1,7 (fósforo, P); 7-9 (potássio, K); 26-29 (cálcio, Ca); 3,4-4 (magnésio, Mg); 1,7-2 (enxofre, S) e para os micronutrientes (mg kg-1): 47-56 (boro, B); 8-10 (cobre, Cu); 84-93 (ferro, Fe); 12-13 (manganês, Mn); 14-16 (zinco, Zn). Para os macronutrientes, os níveis críticos foram (g kg-1): 28 (para N); 1,6 (P); 7 (K); 26 (Ca); 3,6 (Mg); 1,7 (S) e para os micronutrientes (mg kg-1): 47 (B); 8 (Cu); 84 (Fe); 12 (Mn); 14 para Zn. Padrões nutricionais obtidos pelo DRIS discordam das faixas de suficiência propostas pela literatura para maioria dos nutrientes. Em quase 50% das glebas monitoradas, P, K, Ca, S, B, Cu e Fe estão abaixo dos níveis críticos propostos neste trabalho. Isto sugere que os produtores de laranja na Amazônia Central deveriam atentar-se para estes elementos no planejamento das fertilizações.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a gravidade das complicações cardíacas na asfixia neonatal, sua evolução e correlacioná-las com o grau e duração do processo hipóxico. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 90 bebês nos últimos 7 anos com grau de Apgar <6 no 5°min de vida. Pelo protocolo, após o exame físico e os cuidados intensivos, eram submetidos a dosagem do pH arterial, CPK-MB, DHL, glicemia, além da realização de radiografia de tórax, eletrocardiograma (ECG), ecocardiograma, seriados e repetidos a cada semana. Aqueles que faleceram eram levados à necropsia. RESULTADOS: Dos 90, 73 (81%) eram prematuros, 30 (41%) eram apropriados para a idade gestacional (AIG) e 43 (59%) eram pequenos(PIG). Em 21 (23%) casos havia pH arterial <7,2. Os quadros clínicos mais observados foram: pneumonia em 28 (31%), anemia 24 (26%) e icterícia moderada 12 (5%), entre outros. Ao exame físico observaram-se: sopro sistólico em 46 (50%), ictus propulsivo 18 (20%) e ICC em 8 (9%). No ECG, os sinais mais freqüentes foram alterações de repolarização (ST e T) em 44 (49%). No ecocardiograma, observou-se persistência do canal arterial (PCA) em 20 (22%), regurgitação tricúspide em 6 (7%), hipertensão pulmonar em 6 (8%), hipocontratilidade de VE e dilatação de VD em 4 (5%). Dos 23 óbitos, 14 foram estudados e as alterações mais freqüentes foram necrose de fibras em 8 (68%) casos e em 4 (29%) congestão, vacuolização e perda de estriação. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria teve evolução favorável mesmo naqueles que tiveram acidemia importante. Muitas alterações de ECG e ecocardiograma se normalizaram. Daqueles que evoluíram para o óbito, as lesões mais graves ocorreram nos que sofreram, por mais tempo, processo anóxico.
PURPOSE: To report the result of patients treated with IV methylprednisolone divided into three groups and compare their follow-up during the last 12 years. METHODS: Seventy children with active rheumatic carditis (76 episodes) in heart failure Class III and IV (NYHA) were studied. The diagnosis was based on modified Jones' criteria. After ruling out infections and strongyloidiasis, treatment with IV methylprednisolone bolus was started three times a week until the laboratory tests became negative. Patients were divided into 3 groups, according to the time of hospital admittance: Groups 1, 2 and 3, comprising of 40, 18 and 12 children, respectively. RESULTS: Eighteen children in Group 1 (45%) were in their 1st attack: 2 series of pulsetherapy were used in 10 (25%), 3 in 9 (23%) and 4 in 21 (52%). In Group 2, 14 cases (77%) were in their 1st attack: 2 series were used in 7 (39%), 4 in 9 (50%) and 5 in 2 (11%). The echocardiogram showed a flail mitral valve in 12 (66%) of these patients (1 death occurred after mitral valvoplasty). In Group 3, 6 patients needed 5 or more series of pulsetherapy and a flail mitral valve was present in 5 (41%). One child underwent mitral valve replacement while still in the active phase, after 8 series of pulsetherapy, and another died. The number of patients who needed 5 or more series was significantly higher in Group 3. CONCLUSION: There were variations in the presentation and evolution of the cases during these 12 year. The established pulsetherapy protocol continues to be useful to treat severe cases.
A 64-year-old female presented with pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock after coronary arteriography that showed severe suboclusive lesion in the left main coronary artery (LMCA) in a dominant left coronary system. The patient succesfully underwent urgent angioplasty with stent deployment in the LMCA. After an uneventful period, the patient was discharged at day six.
OBJECTIVE: To identifity characteristics associated with complications during pregnancy and puerperium in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis. METHODS: Forty-one pregnant women (forty-five pregnancies) with mitral stenosis, followed-up from 1991 to 1999 were retrospectively evaluated. Predictor variables: the mitral valve area (MVA), measured by echocardiogram, and functional class (FC) before pregnancy (NYHA criteria).Maternal events: progression of heart failure, need for cardiac surgery or balloon mitral valvulotomy, death, and thromboembolism. Fetal/neonatal events: abortion, fetal or neonatal death, prematurity or low birth weight (<2,500g), and extended stay in the nursery or hospitalization in newborn ICU. RESULTS: The mean ± SD of age of the patients was 28.8±4.6 years. The eventful and uneventful patients were similar in age and percentage of first pregnancies. As compared with the level 1 MVA, the relative risk (RR) of maternal events was 5.5 (95% confidence interval (CI) =0.8-39.7) for level 2 MVA and 11.4 (95% CI=1.7-74.5) for level 3 MVA. The prepregnancy FC (FC > or = II and III versus I) was also associated with a risk for maternal events (RR=2.7; 95% CI=1.4-5.3).MVA and FC were not importantly associated with these events, although a smaller frequency of fetal/neonatal events was observed in patients who had undergone balloon valvulotomy. CONCLUSION: In pregnant women with mitral stenosis, the MVA and the FC are strongly associated with maternal complications but are not associated with fetal/neonatal events. Balloon mitral valvulotomy could have contributed to reducing the risks of fetal/neonatal events in the more symptomatic patients who had to undergo this procedure during pregnancy.
Cantrell syndrome is characterized by defects that involve the diaphragm, abdominal wall, pericardium, heart, and lower region of the sternum. It is a rare entity, usually diagnosed at birth and accompanied by high mortality due to the complexity and gravity of the anomalies. In this report, we present a 32-year-old male patient, who was diagnosed in infancy but who reached adult age asymptomatic.
OBJECTIVE: To use published Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) Study data to evaluate changes in cardiovascular mortality in nondiabetic hypertensive patients according to the degree of reduction in their diastolic blood pressure. METHODS: In the HOT Study, 18,700 patients from various centers were allocated at random to groups having different objectives of for diastolic blood pressure: <=90 (n=6264); <=85 (n=6264); <=80mmHg (n=6262). Felodipine was the basic drug used. Other antihypertensive drugs were administered in a sequential manner, aiming at the objectives of diastolic blood pressure reduction. RESULTS: The group of nondiabetic hypertensive subjects with diastolic pressure<=80mmHg had a cardiovascular mortality ratio of 4.1/1000 patients/year, 35.5% higher than the group with diastolic pressure <=90mmHg (cardiovascular mortality ratio, 3.1/1000 patients/year). In contrast, diabetic patients allocated to the diastolic pressure objective group of <=80mmHg had a 66.7% reduction in cardiovascular mortality (3.7/1000 patients/year) when compared with the diastolic pressure group of <=90mmHg (cardiovascular mortality ratio, 11.1/1000 patients/year). CONCLUSION: The results indicate that in hypertensive diabetic patients reduction in diastolic blood pressure to levels <=80mmHg decreases the risk of fatal cardiovascular events. It remains necessary to define the level of diastolic blood pressure <=90mmHg at which maximal reduction in cardiovascular mortality is obtained for nondiabetics.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of oral antihypertensive medication preceding the increase in blood pressure in patients in a university hospital, the drug of choice, and the maintained use of antihypertensive medication. METHODS: Data from January to June 1997 from the University Hospital Professor Edgard Santos Pharmacy concerning the prescriptions of all inpatients were used. Variables included in the analysis were: antihypertensive medication prescription preceding increase in blood pressure, type of antihypertensive medication, gender, clinical or surgical wards, and the presence of maintained antihypertensive medication. RESULTS: The hospital admitted 2,532 patients, 1,468 in surgical wards and 818 in medical wards. Antihypertensive medication prescription preceding pressure increase was observed in 578 patients (22.8%). Nifedipine was used in 553 (95.7%) and captopril in 25 (4.3%). In 50.7% of patients, prescription of antihypertensive medication was not associated with maintained antihypertensive medication. Prescription of antihypertensive drugs preceding elevation of blood pressure was significantly (p<0.001) more frequent on the surgical floor (27.5%; 405/1468) than on the medical floor (14.3%; 117/818). The frequency of prescription of antihypertensive drugs preceding elevation of blood pressure without maintained antihypertensive drugs and the ratio between the number of prescriptions of nifedipine and captopril were greater in surgical wards. CONCLUSION: The use of antihypertensive medication, preceding elevation of blood pressure (22.8%) observed in admitted patients is not supported by scientific evidence. The high frequency of this practice may be even greater in nonuniversity hospitals.
OBJECTIVE - A prospective, nonrandomized clinical study to assess splanchnic perfusion based on intramucosal pH in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery and to check the evolution of patients during hospitalization. METHODS - We studied 10 children, during the immediate postoperative period after elective cardiac surgery. Sequential intramucosal pH measurements were taken, without dobutamine (T0) and with 5mcg/kg/min (T1) and 10 (T2) mcg/kg/min. In the pediatric intensive care unit, intramucosal pH measurements were made on admission and 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours thereafter. RESULTS - The patients had an increase in intramucosal pH values with dobutamine 10mcg/kg/min [7.19± 0.09 (T0), 7.16±0.13(T1), and 7.32±0.16(T2)], (p=0.103). During the hospitalization period, the intramucosal pH values were the following: 7.20±0.13 (upon admission), 7.27±0.16 (after 4 hours), 7.26±0.07 (after 8 hours), 7.32±0.12 (after 12 hours), and 7.38±0.08 (after 24 hours), (p=0.045). No deaths occurred, and none of the patients developed multiple organ and systems dysfunction. CONCLUSION - An increase in and normalization of intramucosal pH was observed after dobutamine use. Measurement of intramucosal pH is a type of monitoring that is easy to perform and free of complications in children during the postoperative period of cardiac surgery.
OBJECTIVE: Detect of cardiac alterations in children with AIDS and compare their evolution with the administration of only one anti-retroviral and the recent cases who received drugs in combination. METHODS: We prospectively studied 47 children in 3 groups: group 1, 20 cases treated only with zidovudine; group 2, 10 patients treated initially with zidovudine and later with a combination of drugs and in group 3, 17 patients, who receiced two or three since the beginning. In all patients it was done chest X-ray, EKG and echocardiography every 6 months and after death complete pathological study. RESULTS: Among the 45 patients cases 26 (57%) were index cases. Malnutrition, diarrhea tachycardia, signs of congestive heart failure, pericardial effusion, abnormal ventricular repolarization and arrhythmias were more frequent in group 1. Echocardiographic abnormalities were present in 10 (50%) children of group 1. They were less frequent in the others two groups. In regard to the outcome in group 1, two patients had worsening of sings of cardiomyopaty and 4 died. Cardiac dysfunction in all cases of group 2 and 3 improved with the medication. CONCLUSION:- The children who received combination and their cardiac alterations had more favorable outcome than those who received only one drug.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the risk factors, lipid and apolipoprotein profile, hemostasis variables, and polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein AI-CIII gene in early coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: Case-control study with 112 patients in each group controlled by sex and age. After clinical evaluation and nutritional instruction, blood samples were collected for biochemical assays and genetic study. RESULTS: Familial history of early CAD (64 vs 39%), arterial hypertension (69 vs 36%), diabetes mellitus (25 vs 3%), and previous smoking (71 vs 46%) were more prevalent in the case group (p<0.001). Hypertension and diabetes were independent risk factors. Early CAD was characterized by higher serum levels of total cholesterol (235 ± 6 vs 209 ± 4 mg/dL), of LDL-c (154 ± 5 vs 135 ± 4 mg/dL), triglycerides (205 ± 12 vs 143 ± 9 mg/dL), and apolipoprotein B (129 ± 3 vs 105 ± 3 mg/dL), and lower serum levels of HDL-c (40 ± 1 vs 46 ± 1 mg/dL) and apolipoprotein AI (134 ± 2 vs 146 ± 2mg/dL) [p<0.01], in addition to an elevation in fibrinogen and D-dimer (p<0.02). The simultaneous presence of the rare alleles of the APO AI-CIII genes in early CAD are associated with hypertriglyceridemia (p=0.03). CONCLUSION: Of the classical risk factors, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were independently associated with early CAD. In addition to an unfavorable lipid profile, an increase in the thrombotic risk was identified in this population. An additive effect of the APO AI-CIII genes was observed in triglyceride levels.