135 resultados para Anatomy of plants


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Considering the performance of CAM epiphytes under high levels of radiation or in shaded environments, with growth rate proportional to light intensity, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of long-term light stress on the growth of a Brazilian epiphytic orchid, Cattleya forbesii Lindl. X Laelia tenebrosa Rolfe. Two groups of plants were used in the first experiment, one under 90% (@ 1,650 µmol.m-2.s-1) of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) and the other maintained under 22.5% (@ 400 µmol.m-2.s-1). In the second experiment the diffusive resistance, transpiration rate and fluorescence levels were monitored for plants that were under 22.5% of PAR, under 90% and plants transferred from 22.5 to 90%. Our results show that light intensity interfered with growth and development of this orchid. Data on the changes in pseudobulb volume throughout the time course of growth suggest that water and reserves stored in the back shoots are translocated to the current shoot. Regarding stomatal resistance, plants under 22.5% of PAR reached a largest stomatal aperture during the night, whereas those under 90% only after dawn. After transfer from 22.5% PAR to 90% PAR the ratio of Fv/Fm decreased from approximately 0.8 to 0.7. This suggests the limitation of photoprotection mechanisms in the leaf and the results observed after the transfer of plants from 22.5% to 90% reinforce the possibility that a photoinhibition is reflected in a decrease in growth rate.


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Floristic and phytosociological surveys were carried out for 12 months in the Embrapa-SPSB, Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil. A transect was laid on starting at the river bank extending for 790 m away from the river and divided into 140 10 × 10 m contiguous plots. In each plot, all standing plants, alive or dead, with stem diameter at soil level > 3 cm and total height > 1 m were sampled. Along this transect, an elevation range of 9.40 m was registered and five topographical environments were identified: riverside (MR), dike (D), floodable depression (DI), boundary terrace (TL) - all of them belonging to the fluvial terrace with Fluvic Neosol and Haplic Cambisol both silty textured eutrophic soils - and the inlander tableland (TS), with medium sandy-textured Red-Yellow Argisols. Fourty-eight species/morphospecies, distributed into 39 genera and 21 families, were identified. Four phytogeoenvironments (MR, D + TL, DI + TL, and TS) were registered based on environmental variations and floristic similarities among plots using cluster analyses. The MR environment showed the largest total density, total basal area, maximum and medium heights and maximum diameter. Moreover, it had 8.1% of plants with heights above 8 m against 0.6% for D + TL, 0.2% for DI + TL, and 0% for TS. The species with the largest importance value were Inga vera subsp. affinis (DC.) T.D. Pennington in MR, Mimosa bimucronata Kunth in D + TL and DI + TL and M. tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. in TS.


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Cyperus giganteus shows Kranz anatomy of the clorocyperoid type or with two sheaths, one internal, adjacent to the vascular system and known as Kranz sheath, with thin-walled cells and a large number of organelles, mainly chloroplasts; and an external sheath, the mestome sheath or endodermis, the cells of which present thickened walls, are without chloroplasts and possess a suberin lamella, together with the casparian strip which are detected in early stages of differentiation. The development of the vascular bundles shows the Kranz sheath originating from the procambial as well as the mestome sheath. The chloroplasts of the Kranz cells are relatively larger, with convoluted thylakoids and a prominent peripheral reticulum, while the chloroplasts of the mesophyll cells are relatively smaller, with thylakoids forming grana and a sparse peripheral reticulum. These ultrastructural characteristics show similarities to those of other species of the genus Cyperus.


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The influence of climatic variations on the herbaceous component of the "caatinga" vegetation was examined in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. A total of 105 1 × 1 m-plots were established, of which 35 were in a level micro-habitat, 35 in a riparian micro-habitat, and 35 in a stony microhabitat. During two consecutive years all herbaceous plants in these plots were counted, measured (height and diameter), and collected for identification. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index and the equitability were calculated for each year, as well as the density, frequency, dominance, total basal area and importance index for each species. The total annual pluviometric was 819.5 and 448.8 mm in 2002 and 2003, respectively. The herbaceous flora in the study area was composed of 71 species, of which 58 were sampled in the plots. The families with the greatest species richness were Malvaceae (8 species), Euphorbiaceae (7), Poaceae (6), Convolvulaceae (4), Fabaceae (4), and Portulacaceae (4). The diversity indices were 2.66 and 3.01 nats ind-1 in 2002 and 2003, respectively. The density, frequency, dominance and importance value of herbaceous populations, as well as, the height and diameter of plants were low in the dryer year. The riparian group was the most isolated of the microhabitats examined, both in terms of its floristic and its population structure. Annual seasonal climatic variations greatly modified these populations structure during the course of this study, emphasizing the fact that long-term studies are needed in order to better understand the dynamics of the herbaceous component of the "caatinga" vegetation.


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This is the first study of reproductive biology and cytology carried out with Hypericum brasiliense, a species with medicinal properties and potential agronomic interest. Three populations of H. brasiliense collected at Southeastern Brazil were studied. The results indicate that H. brasiliense is preferentially allogamous, self-compatible, facultative apomitic and anemophilous. Male sterility was observed in about 50% of individuals from the three populations. Anatomical studies evidenced structural abnormalities in anthers of male sterile flowers, showing enlarged tapetal cells and thick secretion deposits on the tapetal cell surfaces that may cause nutritional deficit for pollen mother cells. In cytogenetic studies several haploid chromosome numbers were observed like n = 4, 8, 9, 11, 16 and 17, including the presence of multivalents and micronuclei in tetrads, indicating the occurrence of abnormalities in the meiotic process of H. brasiliense. Despite these meiotic abnormalities the pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination rate observed in fertile flowers may be considered high. The diploid chromosome number 2n = 16 was observed, and the chromosomes in metaphase were small and similar. Fluorochrome staining techniques using DAPI and CMA3 were applied, with no positive bands observed.


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Above-ground litter production is one of the most accessible ways to estimate ecosystem productivity, nutrient fluxes and carbon transfers. Phenological patterns and climatic conditions are still not fully explained well for tropical and subtropical forests under less pronounced dry season and non-seasonal climates, as well as the interaction of these patterns with successional dynamics. Monthly litterfall was estimated for two years in a 9 to 10 year old secondary alluvial Atlantic Rain forest. Total litterfall was higher in the site with more developed vegetation (6.4 ± 1.2 ton ha-1 year-1; 95% confidence interval) as compared to the site with less developed vegetation (3.0 ± 1.0 ton ha-1 year-1). The monthly production of 11 litter fractions (eight fractions comprising the leaf litter of the seven main species of the community and other species; reproductive parts, twigs £ 2 cm diameter, and miscellaneous material) were correlated with meteorological variables making possible to identify three patterns of deposition. The main pattern, dominated by leaf-exchanging species, consisted of a cycle with the highest litterfall at the beginning of the rainy season, preceding by basically three months the peaks of the annual cycles of rainfall and temperatures. Other two patterns, dominated by brevi-deciduous species, peaked at the end of the rainy season and at the end of the non-rainy season. Tropical and subtropical dry forests that present the highest leaf fall gradually earlier than rain forests (as the studied sites) are possibly related to the start of senescence process. It seems that such process is triggered earlier by a more severe hydric stress, besides other factors linked to a minor physiological activity of plants that result in abscission.


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(IR - spectroscopic characterization of biominerals in marattiaceaeus ferns). Frond samples of the eusporangiate ferns Marattiaceae genera Angiopteris, Christensenia, Danaea and Marattia were investigated by infrared spectroscopy, under different experimental conditions. The results confirmed the previously reported accumulation of biogenic silica (SiO2) in tissues of these ferns and also showed, for the first time, the presence of calcium oxalate in this group of plants, probably as weddellite. The ability to biomineralize SiO2, to produce and accumulate biogenic silica, is suggested now to be a general family trait of the Marattiaceae.


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Floristic composition and structure of vegetation were studied in two rocky outcrop areas in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. From April 2007 to September 2008, 18 monthly field trips were carried out. Vascular plants were randomly collected throughout the outcrop areas. For structural analysis, 30 plots of 1 × 1 m were set in the vegetation islands. The checklist presented combines 211 species (69 families and 168 genera), although only 56 species were collected in the plots. Fabaceae (18 spp.; 8.5%), Asteraceae (17 spp.; 8%), Orchidaceae (13 spp.; 6.1%), Euphorbiaceae (13 spp.; 6.1%), Bromeliaceae (10 spp.; 4.7%), and Poaceae (eight spp.; 3.8%) are the richest families. Overall, 1,792 shrub and herbaceous specimens were counted in the plots. The Shannon-Wiener (H) diversity index values were 2.572 and 2.547 nats individual-1. The species that presented the highest absolute abundance values (number of plants) had low frequencies in the plots and vice-versa. The biological spectrum had a high proportion of phanerophytes and therophytes, followed by cryptophytes, chamaephytes, and hemicryptophytes. The studied flora shares floristic components similar to other rocky outcrop areas of the semi-arid region in northeastern Brazil, including in relation to dominant groups in the vegetation structure.


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Aulonemia aristulata (Döll) McClure is a lignified bamboo species endemic to Brazil. This species occurs in southeastern forests and can reach high density at forest edges, dominating the understory of canopy-disturbed forest patches. The goal of this study was to describe the flowering period, floral biology, fruiting and seedling recruitment of A. aristulata in natural conditions in two areas located in a segment of the Atlantic Forest. Data on the morphology of the synflorescences and florets, timing and sequence of the anthesis events and floral visitors were recorded. Natural pollinators (open pollination or control) as well as spontaneous self-pollination were also checked. Pollen viability was estimated using the acetocarmine technique. Aulonemia aristulata is monocarpic (semelparous) with gregarious flowering. All culms in both studied areas blossomed and fruited between August and November 2007, dying subsequently between December 2007 and April 2008. Two types of synflorescences and flowers were observed: terminal with bisexual and protandric florets, with the anthesis lasting for 3-4 days; and axillary, with morphologically bisexual, but functionally female, florets and anthesis lasting for 3-4 days. The latter were also observed in the rhizome of plants whose aerial portion had been removed. The presence of axillary synflorescences with pistillate flowers is described here for the first time in Aulonemia species. Moreover, this is the first report of gynomonoecy in woody bamboo. Fruiting from bisexual florets under natural conditions (35%) was superior to that obtained from bagged synflorescences (11.5%). Fruiting from functional female florets was around 20%. Pollen viability was on the average of 90%. The results suggest that Aulonemia aristulata is anemophilous. The massive bamboo seedling recruitment observed after dieback with the ability to colonize open areas could promote the regeneration of Aulonemia aristulata.


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Lignin, after cellulose, is the second most abundant biopolymer on Earth, accounting for 30% of the organic carbon in the biosphere. It is considered an important evolutionary adaptation of plants during their transition from the aquatic environment to land, since it bestowed the early tracheophytes with physical support to stand upright and enabled long-distance transport of water and solutes by waterproofing the vascular tissue. Although essential for plant growth and development, lignin is the major plant cell wall component responsible for biomass recalcitrance to industrial processing. The fact that lignin is a non-linear aromatic polymer built with chemically diverse and poorly reactive linkages and a variety of monomer units precludes the ability of any single enzyme to properly recognize and degrade it. Consequently, the use of lignocellulosic feedstock as a renewable and sustainable resource for the production of biofuels and bio-based materials will depend on the identification and characterization of the factors that determine plant biomass recalcitrance, especially the highly complex phenolic polymer lignin. Here, we summarize the current knowledge regarding lignin metabolism in plants, its effect on biomass recalcitrance and the emergent strategies to modify biomass recalcitrance through metabolic engineering of the lignin pathway. In addition, the potential use of sugarcane as a second-generation biofuel crop and the advances in lignin-related studies in sugarcane are discussed.


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Broadness of leaf petiole wing (WB) was investigated as a morphological marker for screening hybrids of the very narrow-winged species Citrus limonia and C. sunki with broad-winged species C. aurantium and C. sinensis. Controlled polinizations produced over 500 reciprocal hybrids with potential in the ongoing rootstock breeding program identified by the Pgi-1 and Prxa-1 isozyme loci. Measurement ratios WB/leaf length, WB/leaf broadness and WB/petiole length identified 86 to 91% of the reciprocal hybrids produced. However, visual classification of WB was an equally efficient but much easier and faster method. It can be very useful in breeding programs when large number of plants have to be screened or when isozyme, RFLP or RAPD laboratories are not available.


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Conjugated fatty acid (CFA) is the general term to describe the positional and geometric isomers of polyunsaturated fatty acids with conjugated double bonds. The CFAs of linoleic acid (CLAs) are found naturally in foods derived from ruminant animals, meat, or dairy products. The CFAs of α-linolenic acid (CLNAs) are found exclusively in various types of seed oils of plants. There are many investigations to assess the effects to health from CFAs consumption, which have been associated with physiological processes that are involved with non transmissible chronic diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, inflammation, and obesity. Conclusive studies about the CFAs effects in the body are still scarce and further research about their participation in physiological processes are necessary. This review aimed to discuss the influence of conjugated fatty acids on physiological processes in animal organism.


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Huitlacoche is the Aztecs name given to the smut galls on ears of maize caused by the pathogenic plant fungus Ustilago maydis [(DC) Corda.)]. It is known as maize mushroom, and it has been considered a delicacy and in Mesoamerica. The aim of the present study was to determine the responses of some maize varieties to the growth of the fungus in order to evaluate the prospect production of these smutty ears as a maize mushroom. A 2-year study was conducted in the Mediterranean region of Turkey in 2010 and 2011. Inoculations were performed by injecting inoculum into the ear through the silk channel of plants in plots. Each treatment had control plots. Average ear-gall (huitlacoche) severity and incidence of all the varieties were at the rates of 4.0 and 41.6%, respectively. However, the highest severity of ear-gall (6.5) and incidence (60.6%) were found in Karadeniz Yıldızı flint maize variety; colossal smutty ears were formed in the maize cultivars. This study showed that certain maize cultivars (flint corn and dent corn) can be used efficiently in the production of huitlacoche.


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The supersweet (Sh2) corn seeds have a thin tegument and an irregular shape, which hinder the sowing procedure. As a function of those factors, the significance of using the pelleting process to improve sowing and standardize the stand of plants in the field without the need of thinning within the row is emphasized. Although this technique has already been known for many years, little has been studied on the effect of such procedure on the plantability and on the moisture content of the supersweet corn seeds. Therefore, this research work aimed at evaluating the effects of pelleting on the moisture content of the seeds along the storing process, on the occurrence of gaps on seed deposition and on the dropping of double seeds, with the aid of a testing seeder. Other physical attributes of seeds and pellets were also evaluated through tests of fragmentation, screen retention, mass of a thousand seeds and apparent volume. Results have shown an increase on the mass and on the volume of the pelleted seeds that presented highly resistance to cracks and breaking. The pelleting was efficient on the reduction of gaps and on the deposition of double seeds at sowing, thus providing highly satisfactory results for these attributes. An increase on the seed moisture content was also observed as a function of storage with a significant reduction on this factor after the pelleting procedure. Results allow concluding that the pelleting process reduces seed moisture content and improves plantability, positively affecting the efficiency of the sowing process.


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To study adhesion and viability of uredospores of the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean seeds during storage, suspension tests of those uredospores were carried out by washing seeds at each 30 days interval. Furthermore, germination and inoculation tests of uredospores on soybean plants were performed with uredospores collected from seeds of two soybean production areas, located in the municipalities "Chapada dos Guimarães" and "Tangará da Serra", State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. High levels of uredospores infestation were detected before storage [249.31 and 85.18 uredospores/100 seeds (U/100)] on seeds collected in both localities, respectively. After 30 days storage, these figures were 46.12 and 122.5 U/100; at 60 days were 14.62 and 26.62 U/100; and at 90 days were only 2.87 and 3,68 U/100, respectively; dropping to zero after 120 days storage. The percentage of germinated uredospores decreased with increasing storage periods and at 120 days germination percentage was nil. When uredospores were inoculated on soybean plants, rust symptoms were only observed for uredospores collected from freshly harvested seeds. Uredospores associated to soybean seed germinate until 90 days after storage, but are not viable after this time span. Infection of plants only occurs with inoculation of uredospores obtained from freshly harvested seeds.