149 resultados para tree mapping


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Planting trees is an important way to promote the recovery of degraded areas in the Caatinga region. Experiments (E1, E2, and E3) were conducted in a randomized blocks design, with three, three, and five replicates, respectively. The objectives were to evaluate biomass of the shoots of: a) gliricidia (G) and sabiá (S), as a response to planting density; b) G, S, and neem (N) in competition; c) G, and S in agroforestry. E1 was conducted in split-plots, and planting densities (400, 600, 800, 1000, and 1200 plants ha-1) as subplots. E2 consisted of a factorial comprising the following plots: GGG, NGN, SGS, NNN, GNG, SNS, SSS, GSG, NSN (each letter represents a row of plants). E3 was conducted with G and S in agroforestry experiment. The trees were harvested after 54, 42, and 27 months old, in E1, E2 and E3, respectively. In E1, G presented higher green biomass of the stems and leaf at smaller densities than S, but lower green biomass of branches at most densities. The species did not differ for mean stem dry biomass and leaf dry biomass, but G showed higher branch dry biomass at most densities. Higher planting densities increased green and dry biomass of stems, branches, and leaves in S, but decreased those characteristics in G, with the exception of leaf dry mass, which was not influenced by density. In E2, the behavior of each species was identical in plots containing the same or different species. Griricidia showed the highest green biomass of stems and branches, and the highest values for geren biomass of the leaf were observed for gliricidia and neem. The highest stem, branch, and leaf dry biomass values were obtained for G, S, and N, respectively. In E3, G was superior for stem and leaf green biomass, and for stem and branch dry biomass. There were no differences between species for the other biomass values.


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This paper aims to assess the effectiveness of ASTER imagery to support the mapping of Pittosporum undulatum, an invasive woody species, in Pico da Vara Natural Reserve (S. Miguel Island, Archipelago of the Azores, Portugal). This assessment was done by applying K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Maximum Likelihood (MLC) pixel-based supervised classifications to 4 different geographic and remote sensing datasets constituted by the Visible, Near-Infrared (VNIR) and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) of the ASTER sensor and by digital cartography associated to orography (altitude and "distance to water streams") of which the spatial distribution of Pittosporum undulatum directly depends. Overall, most performed classifications showed a strong agreement and high accuracy. At targeted species level, the two higher classification accuracies were obtained when applying MLC and KNN to the VNIR bands coupled with auxiliary geographic information use. Results improved significantly by including ecology and occurrence information of species (altitude and distance to water streams) in the classification scheme. These results show that the use of ASTER sensor VNIR spectral bands, when coupled to relevant ancillary GIS data, can constitute an effective and low cost approach for the evaluation and continuous assessment of Pittosporum undulatum woodland propagation and distribution within Protected Areas of the Azores Islands.


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ABSTRACTThe composition and structure of the low-trunk epiphytic herb assembly as well as its vertical distribution were studied. DBH of host tree and bark type influence species richness and abundance in a nonlooded lowland tropical rainforest in Eastern Amazonia (1º57’36"S 51º36’55"W). A total of 37 epiphytic herb species were identified, among which 60% were Araceae. Species richness and abundance of epiphytic herbs showed tendency of positive correlation with host tree size and no relationships with bark type. Low positive correlation may be a by-product of the predominance of trees with smaller diameter in our sample rather than a reflection of neutral relationship. The absence of relationships with bark type may be partially explained by the large number of secondary, generalist, hemi-epiphytes and also may reflect the absence of suitable substrate in trees with smaller diameter.


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ABSTRACTFour stands of 28-year-old radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) grown in the eighth region (Biobio) of Chile were sampled to determine the effect of tree spacing on the microfibril angle. The samples were taken at two different stem levels of the tree, 2.5 m and 7.5 m, with increment strip taken in the Nothern direction. The four experimental stands were characterized by the following spacing 2x2, 2x3, 3x4 and 4x4. The microfibril angle was measured by X-ray diffraction with the SilviScan technology at the FP-Innovation-Paprican Division in Vancouver, Canada. The results showed a significant effect of tree spacing on the microfibril angle in both juvenile wood and mature wood as well as at the two stem levels considered. The minimum (9.42º) was reached in 2x2 stand at 7.5 m in mature wood, while maximum microfibril angle (24.54º) was obtained in 2x3 stand at 2.5 m in juvenile wood. Regarding the effect of tree spacing, 4x4 stand had the lowest microfibril angle,except in mature wood at 7.5 m where 4x4 had the highest microfibril angle (11°) of the four stands.


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ABSTRACT The productivity of Eucalyptus at plantations is increasing and has undergone a variety of research studies. Most research is dealing with simple dendrometric variables like the DBH (diameter at breast height) and tree height, or more complex variables including crown parameters or variables concerning photosynthesis. The root systems, however, have not been well analyzed yet. The objective of the study was to analyze the root system with a non-destructive method and to evaluate possible correlations with dendrometric variables of the tree (DBH, height, crown expansion). A small experimental plantation with 39 even-aged, 6-year-old trees of Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla has been investigated within this study. The results of the study show the highest correlation of the root areas with the crown expansion. In general, the root area shows a significantly bigger expansion in the eucalypt plantation than the tree crown, with a more homogeneous development.


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The search for low subjectivity area estimates has increased the use of remote sensing for agricultural monitoring and crop yield prediction, leading to more flexibility in data acquisition and lower costs comparing to traditional methods such as census and surveys. Low spatial resolution satellite images with higher frequency in image acquisition have shown to be adequate for cropland mapping and monitoring in large areas. The main goal of this study was to map the Summer crops in the State of Paraná, Brazil, using 10-day composition of NDVI SPOT Vegetation data for 2005/2006, 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 cropping seasons. For this, a supervised digital classification method with Parallelepiped algorithm in multitemporal RGB image composites was used, in order to generate masks of Summer cultures for each 10-day composition. Accuracy assessment was performed using Kappa index, overall accuracy and Willmott's concordance index, resulting in good levels of accuracy. This methodology allowed the accomplishment, with free and low resolution data, of the mapping of Summer cultures at State level.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different microirrigation designs on root system distribution in wet bulb region, orange orchard yield and quality of orange fruits. The experiment was installed as random blocks with five treatments and four replicates in an orchard of 'Pêra' orange trees grafted on 'Cleopatra' mandarin rootstock. The treatments consisted of: one drip line (T1), two drip lines (T2), four drip lines (T3) per planting row, microsprinkler irrigation (T4) and without irrigation (T5). Irrigation treatments favored yield and ºBrix. The treatment with a single drip line (T1) showed the greatest quantity of roots in relation to the treatments T2 and T3.


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In the last few years, precision agriculture has become commonly used with many crops, particularly cereals, and there is also interest in precision horticulture. Pear is a seasonal fruit and well appreciated by Brazilian people, although it is mostly imported. Brazilian farmers are nowadays trying to increase pear production. Thus, this research aimed at mapping the yield of pear trees in order to study the spatial variability of yield as well as its comparison with spatial variability of soil and plant attributes. The experimental field had 146 pear trees, variety 'Pêra d'água', distributed on a 1.24 ha. Four harvests were performed according to the fruit ripening and from each tree; only the ripe fruits were harvested. In each harvest, all the fruits were weighed and the total yield was obtained based on the sum of each harvest. The soil attributes analyzed were P, K, Ca, Mg, pH in CaCl2, C, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and base saturation, and the plant attributes were fruit length, diameter and yield. Yield had low correlation with soil and plant attributes. An index of spatial variability was suggested in this study and helped in classifying levels of spatial dependence of the various soil and plant attributes: very low (fruit length); low (P, fruit diameter), medium (Mg, pH, Cu, Zn, Fe), high (Ca, K, base saturation and yield), and very high (Mn and C).


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It was evaluated the effect of irrigation management on the production characteristics of coffee cultivar Acaiá MG-1474, planted in spacing of 3.00 m x 0.60 m, pruned in 2004, and irrigated by drip since the planting, in 1997. The experimental designed used was of randomized blocks with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of irrigation management strategies, applying or not applying controlled moisture deficit in layer of 0 to 0.4m, in dry seasons of the year: A = no irrigation (control), B = irrigation during all year considering the factor of water availability in the soil (f) equal to 0.75, C = irrigation during all year considering f = 0.25, D = irrigation during all year, but in January /February /March /July /October /November /December with f = 0.25 and April /May /June /August /September with f = 0.75, E = irrigation only during April /May /June /August /September with f = 0.25. From July /2005 to June /2007 the applied water depth was defined based on Class A pan evaporation (ECA) and the period from July/2007 to June/2008 based on readings of matric potential of soil obtained from Watermark® sensors. Each plot consisted of three rows with ten plants per row, considering as useful plot five plants of center line. The results indicated that the E irrigation management was the most suitable for technical reasons.


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The research aimed to quantify technical and economic indicators of yellow passion fruit tree irrigated with fractions of irrigation with underground source of water, to generate information that helps farmers in decision making on the implementation of investment in irrigated fruit growing (yellow passion fruit). For this purpose, we used the passion fruit crop irrigated with Microjet type irrigation system, with conducting system in simple espaliers. The treatments consisted of five hours of application of the depth of water required by the crop with irrigation frequency of two days. The results showed that the highest yield (16660kg ha-1) was obtained with the fractionation of irrigation twice a day (50% to 7h and 50% to 21h30), which provided an increase in productivity of 54%, demonstrating the financial viability and being highly profitable to the interest rate of 2% per year, with low sensitivity of financial risk to real interest rates above the prevailing market.


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The objective of this study consisted on mapping the use and soil occupation and evaluation of the quality of irrigation water used in Salto do Lontra, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Images of the satellite SPOT-5 were used to perform the supervised classification of the Maximum Likelihood algorithm - MAXVER, and the water quality parameters analyzed were pH, EC, HCO3-, Cl-, PO4(3-), NO3-, turbidity, temperature and thermotolerant coliforms in two distinct rainfall periods. The water quality data were subjected to statistical analysis by the techniques of PCA and FA, to identify the most relevant variables in assessing the quality of irrigation water. The characterization of soil use and occupation by the classifier MAXVER allowed the identification of the following classes: crops, bare soil/stubble, forests and urban area. The PCA technique applied to irrigation water quality data explained 53.27% of the variation in water quality among the sampled points. Nitrate, thermotolerant coliforms, temperature, electrical conductivity and bicarbonate were the parameters that best explained the spatial variation of water quality.


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Coffee production was closely linked to the economic development of Brazil and, even today, coffee is an important product of the national agriculture. The State of Minas Gerais currently accounts for 52% of the whole coffee area in Brazil. Remote sensing data can provide information for monitoring and mapping of coffee crops, faster and cheaper than conventional methods. In this context, the objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of coffee crop mapping in Monte Santo de Minas municipality, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, from fraction images derived from MODIS data, in both dry and rainy seasons. The Spectral Linear Mixing Model was used to derive fraction images of soil, coffee, and water/shade. These fraction images served as input data for the supervised automatic classification using the SVM - Support Vector Machine approach. The best results concerning Overall Accuracy and Kappa Index were obtained in the classification of the dry season, with 67% and 0.41, respectively.


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A thymidine kinase (tk)-deleted bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5tkΔ) was previously shown to establish latent infection and reactivate - even poorly - in a sheep model (Cadore et al. 2013). As TK-negative alphaherpesviruses are unlike to reactivate in neural tissue, this study investigated the sites of latency and reactivation by this recombinant in lambs. For this, groups of lambs were inoculated intranasally with the parental BoHV-5 strain (SV-507/99) or with the recombinant BoHV-5tkΔ. During latent infection (40 days post-inoculation, pi), the distribution of recombinant virus DNA in neural and non-neural tissues was similar to that of the parental virus. Parental and recombinant virus DNA was consistently detected by PCR in trigeminal ganglia (TGs); frequently in palatine and pharyngeal tonsils and, less frequently in the retropharyngeal lymph nodes. In addition, latent DNA of both viruses was detected in several areas of the brain. After dexamethasone (Dx) administration (day 40pi), the recombinant virus was barely detected in nasal secretions contrasting with marked shedding of the parental virus. In tissues of lambs euthanized at day 3 post-Dx treatment (pDx), reverse-transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) for a late viral mRNA (glycoprotein D gene) demonstrated reactivation of parental virus in neural (TGs) and lymphoid tissues (tonsils, lymph node). In contrast, recombinant virus mRNA was detected only in lymphoid tissues. These results demonstrate that BoHV-5 and the recombinant BoHV-5tkΔ do establish latent infection in neural and non-neural sites. Reactivation of the recombinant BoHV-5tkΔ, however, appeared to occur only in non-neural sites. In anyway, the ability of a tk-deleted strain to reactivate latent infection deserves attention in the context of vaccine safety.


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Weed mapping is a useful tool for site-specific herbicide applications. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the percentage of land area covered by weeds in no-till and conventionally tilled fields of common bean using digital image processing and geostatistics, and (2) to compare two types of cameras. Two digital cameras (color and infrared) and a differential GPS were affixed to a center pivot structure for image acquisition. Sample field images were acquired in a regular grid pattern, and the images were processed to estimate the percentage of weed cover. After calculating the georeferenced weed percentage values, maps were constructed using geostatistical techniques. Based on the results, color images are recommended for mapping the percentage of weed cover in no-till systems, while infrared images are recommended for weed mapping in conventional tillage systems.


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Assessing the growth and floristic composition of species that grow under the canopy of trees is important for weed control (WC). The objective of this study was to assess two experiments (E1 and E2), when the trees were two years and one year of age, respectively. In E1, sabiá (S) and gliricidia (G) were submitted to planting densities from 400 to 1.200 plants ha-1. In E2, growing systems consisting of S, G, and neem (N) combinations were compared: SSS, GGG, NNN, GSG, NSN, SGS, NGN, SNS, and GNG (each letter represents a row of plants). A random block design was adopted, with three (E1) and four (E2) replicates. In E1, treatments were arranged as split-plots (species in plots). In E2, the degrees of freedom for treatments (8) were partitioned into growing systems (treatments that involved the same species) and between growing system groups (2). Twenty-one weed species were found in E1. Gliricidia attained greater plant height than sabiá, but these species did not differ in canopy diameter, number of weed species per plot, and weed green and dry biomass of the shoot. Higher planting densities resulted in the reduction of all those traits. Twenty-six weed species were found in E2. Growing systems that included gliricidia showed canopies with greater diameters than growing systems that included neem. There were no differences between growing systems for number of weed species per plot and for weed green and dry biomass of the shoot.