238 resultados para strain levels


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Este relato apresenta o seguimento tardio de um caso de cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo com boa evolução clínica e melhora da função sistólica global ventricular esquerda. Contudo, observou-se persistência de significativa disfunção sistólica regional longitudinal que foi avaliada por meio de nova técnica ecocardiográfica (speckle tracking), com as medidas do strain (S) e strain rate (SR) correspondentes. Ressaltamos a importância desse novo método para o acompanhamento dessa cardiopatia, pois permite identificar os pacientes que persistem com disfunção sistólica e que possivelmente serão beneficiados com a manutenção da terapêutica clínica.


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Fundamento: A doença cardiovascular subclínica é prevalente em pacientes com síndrome metabólica (SM). O strain circunferencial (εCC) e o strain longitudinal (εLL) do ventriculo esquerdo (VE), avaliados pelo ecocardiograma com speckle tracking (STE), são índices de função sistólica: o encurtamento das fibras circunferenciais e longitudinais do VE é indicado por um valor negativo do strain. Portanto, quanto mais negativo o strain, melhor a função sistólica do VE. O εCC e o εLL têm sido usados para demonstrar disfunção ventricular subclínica em vários distúrbios clínicos. Objetivo: Levantamos a hipótese de que a SM está associada com comprometimento da função miocárdica, quando avaliada pelo STE. Métodos: Este estudo analisou participantes do Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) que realizaram o STE e foram avaliados para todos os componentes da SM. Resultados: Entre os 133 participantes incluídos (mulheres: 63%; idade: 65 ± 9 anos), a prevalência de SM foi de 31% (41/133). Indivíduos com SM apresentaram valores menores do εCC e do εLL que aqueles sem SM (-16,3% ± 3,5% vs. -18,4% ± 3,7%, p < 0,01; e -12,1% ± 2,5% vs. -13,9% ± 2,3%, p < 0,01, respectivamente). A fração de ejeção do VE (FEVE) foi semelhante nos dois grupos (p = 0,09). Na análise multivariada, a SM associou-se a um valor mais baixo do strain circunferencial (B = 2,1%, IC 95%: 0,6-3,5; p < 0,01), mesmo após ajuste para idade, etnia, massa VE e FEVE. De maneira semelhante, a presença de SM (B = 1,3%, IC 95%: 0,3-2,2; p < 0,01) e a massa do VE (B = 0,02%, IC 95%: 0,01 0,03; p = 0,02) associaram-se a um valor menor do strain longitudinal após ajuste para etnia, FEVE e creatinina. Conclusão: O εCC e o εLL do VE, marcadores de doença cardiovascular subclínica, estão comprometidos em indivíduos assintomáticos com SM e sem história prévia de infarto miocárdico, insuficiência cardíaca e/ou de FEVE < 50%.


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Background: Ischemic postconditioning (IPost) is a method of protecting the heart against ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury. However, the effectiveness of IPost in cases of ischemic heart disease accompanied by co-morbidities such as hypothyroidism remains unclear. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of IPost on myocardial IR injury in hypothyroid male rats. Methods: Propylthiouracil in drinking water (500 mg/L) was administered to male rats for 21 days to induce hypothyroidism. The hearts from control and hypothyroid rats were perfused in a Langendorff apparatus and exposed to 30 min of global ischemia, followed by 120 min of reperfusion. IPost was induced immediately following ischemia. Results: Hypothyroidism and IPost significantly improved the left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) and peak rates of positive and negative changes in left ventricular pressure (±dp/dt) during reperfusion in control rats (p < 0.05). However, IPost had no add-on effect on the recovery of LVDP and ±dp/dt in hypothyroid rats. Furthermore, hypothyroidism significantly decreased the basal NO metabolite (NOx) levels of the serum (72.5 ± 4.2 vs. 102.8 ± 3.7 μmol/L; p < 0.05) and heart (7.9 ± 1.6 vs. 18.8 ± 3.2 μmol/L; p < 0.05). Heart NOx concentration in the hypothyroid groups did not change after IR and IPost, whereas these were significantly (p < 0.05) higher and lower after IR and IPost, respectively, in the control groups. Conclusion: Hypothyroidism protects the heart from IR injury, which may be due to a decrease in basal nitric oxide (NO) levels in the serum and heart and a decrease in NO after IR. IPost did not decrease the NO level and did not provide further cardioprotection in the hypothyroid group.


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Background: D-dimer values are frequently increased in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) compared to subjects in sinus rhythm. Hypokalemia plays a role in several cardiovascular diseases, but little is known about the association with AF. Objective: D-dimer values are frequently increased in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) compared with subjects in sinus rhythm. Hypokalemia plays a role in several cardiovascular diseases, but little is known about the association with AF. The aim of this study was to investigate correlations between D-dimer and serum potassium in acute-onset AF (AAF). Methods: To investigate the potential correlation between the values of serum potassium and D-dimer in patients with AAF, we retrospectively reviewed clinical and laboratory data of all emergency department visits for AAF in 2013. Results: Among 271 consecutive AAF patients with D-dimer assessments, those with hypokalemia (n = 98) had significantly higher D-dimer values than normokalemic patients (139 versus 114 ng/mL, p = 0.004). The rate of patients with D-dimer values exceeding the diagnostic cut-off was higher in the group of patients with hypokalemia than in those with normal serum potassium (26.5% versus 16.2%; p = 0.029). An inverse and highly significant correlation was found between serum potassium and D-dimer (r = −0.21; p < 0.001), even after adjustments for age and sex (beta coefficient −94.8; p = 0.001). The relative risk for a positive D-dimer value attributed to hypokalemia was 1.64 (95% CI, 1.02 to 2.63; p = 0.040). The correlation remained statistically significant in patients free from antihypertensive drugs (r = −0.25; p = 0.018), but not in those taking angiotensin-receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or diuretics. Conclusions: The inverse correlation between values of potassium and D-dimer in patients with AAF provides important and complementary information about the thromboembolic risk of these patients.


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Background:Previous reports have inferred a linear relationship between LDL-C and changes in coronary plaque volume (CPV) measured by intravascular ultrasound. However, these publications included a small number of studies and did not explore other lipid markers.Objective:To assess the association between changes in lipid markers and regression of CPV using published data.Methods:We collected data from the control, placebo and intervention arms in studies that compared the effect of lipidlowering treatments on CPV, and from the placebo and control arms in studies that tested drugs that did not affect lipids. Baseline and final measurements of plaque volume, expressed in mm3, were extracted and the percentage changes after the interventions were calculated. Performing three linear regression analyses, we assessed the relationship between percentage and absolute changes in lipid markers and percentage variations in CPV.Results:Twenty-seven studies were selected. Correlations between percentage changes in LDL-C, non-HDL-C, and apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and percentage changes in CPV were moderate (r = 0.48, r = 0.47, and r = 0.44, respectively). Correlations between absolute differences in LDL-C, non‑HDL-C, and ApoB with percentage differences in CPV were stronger (r = 0.57, r = 0.52, and r = 0.79). The linear regression model showed a statistically significant association between a reduction in lipid markers and regression of plaque volume.Conclusion:A significant association between changes in different atherogenic particles and regression of CPV was observed. The absolute reduction in ApoB showed the strongest correlation with coronary plaque regression.


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An experiment was carried out in order to determine the effect of day time of foliar spraying of several levels of nitrogen fertilizers, N-P-K-S station, and its components on common bean leaves. Results, based on the visual observations, indicated the maximum levels of each fertilizer that did not cause injuries and showed that the foliar spraying early in the morning is the best day time.


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Callithrix jacchus marmosets, vaccinated more than once with high doses of the PF strain of Trypanosoma cruzi, showed a certain degree of parasitemia related to the number of parasites injected. Thirty days after vaccination, all animals were alive and showed no apparent morbid symptoms. The relationship between the dose of injected trypanosomes and the observed parasitemias is discussed and analysed as well as the immunologic incompetence of the experimental animals used.


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A comparative study of the BH strain of Schistosoma mansoni from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, infective to Biomphalaria glabrata from the same locality, and the SJ strain from São José dos Campos, São Paulo state, infective to B. tenagophila from the latter locality, showed the following differences: 1. Length of adult worms and size of eggs significantly larger in the BH strain. 2. Higher infection rates in the B. glabrata-BH strain association than in the B. tenagophila-SJ strain association, following exposure of each snail to 1 or 10 miracidia. 3.Longer prepatent period (from penetration of miracidium to first shedding of cercariae) in the B. tenagophila-SJ strain association. 4. Infection of both Biomphalaria species when exposed to hybrid miracidia from crosses between the two strains, at lower levels than those resulting from exposure of each snail species to miracidia of the pure sympatric strain. (Both Biomphalaria populations are practically refractory to infection with the allopatric strain). These results are interpreted as pointing to a better host-parasite adjustment in the B. glabrata-BH strain association than in the B. tenagophila-SJ association. The interfertility between the two strains, which produced viable hybrids infective to both Biomphalaria species, supports the conclusion that the observed differences are merely intraspecific, and that the two strains may be considered distinct biological races of Schistosoma mansoni.


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Susceptibility experiments with 1582 specimens of Biomphalaria occidentalis, 3-6 mm in shell diameter, from 10 localities of the states of Mato Groso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná and São Paulo, exposed individually to 5 miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni (SJ2 strain), gave negative results. B. tenagophila from Joinville (Santa Catarina) and Taubaté (São Paulo), used as controls, showed infection rates of 17.9% and 14.8%, respectively. Experiments with other strains of S. mansoni are in progress. If the present results are confirmed, expansion of schistosomiasis toward far-western Brazil through the agency of B. occidentalis becomes less probable.


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From an initial double infection in mice, established by simultaneous and equivalent inocula of bloodstream forms of strains Y and F of Trypanosoma cruzi, two lines were derived by subinoculations: one (W) passaged every week, the other (M) every month. Through biological and biochemical methods only the Y strain was identified at the end of the 10th and 16th passages of line W and only the F strain at the 2nd and 4th passages of line M. The results illustrate strain selection through laboratory manipulation of initially mixed populations of T. cruzi.


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Pest Control is treated as a economic problem. The social and the private perspectives differ due to the consideration of the environmental and social impacts as well as technical aspects such as resistance, resurgence and secondary pests. A mathematical model is developed to determine and compare the social and the private optimum control strategies (which define the Economic Thereshold Levels) for the velvetbean caterpillar on soybeans in Brazil. The crop/pest system incorporates effects of predators and parasites, the soybean natural capacity to compensate for injury and the pesticide effects on both pests and its natural enemies; in the social case, the environmental and social impacts and the effects of pest resistance to the pesticide are incorporated. Consideration of density dependence, weather effects, randomnes of pest attack and risk aversion are discussed. The results can be compared with current control practices and IPM programme recomendations.


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Schistosoma mansoni infected hosts produce an IgG that mediates the complement-dependent killing of schistosomula in vitro. In this study, we followed the levels of serum lethal antibody during infection of rats and mice. Rats presented detectable lethal activity early in the course of infection with a peak in the 6-8th week of infection. This activity declined to non-detectable levels within 2 weeks, remaining low up to the 20-26th week. In mice, lethal antibody was not detected before 7-12 weeks of infection, but raised to higher levels, as compared to non-infected animals, up to 20-24 weeks after infection. We correlate lethal antibody and protective immunity suggesting that the antibody-mediated complement-dependent cytotoxicity to schistosomula play a role in the immunity to reinfection.


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Uricemia was studied in a sample of 192 individuals from a highly endemic site for Chagas' disease (Bambuí, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil). The sample had serologically negative individuals (controls) and the positive ones were classified on the basis of the presence of electrocardiographic alterations (63), altered esophageal emptying (16), or without any sign on sympton of the disease (76). Only the individuals with the digestive form of chronic Chagas' disease showed hyperuricemia, when compared with the appropriate controls. Family data suggest that hyperuricemia is an effect of the digestive pathology, rather than a cause, since the non-infected sibs of the megaesophagous patients did not show elevated levesl of serum uric acid. Possible mechanisms responsible for these findings are postulated.


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The murine model of chronic Chaga's myocardiopathy was developed in 201 inbred and outbred mice. The experimental groups consisted of 1st: 73 inbred AKR and A/J mice inoculated with one of the following. Trypanosoma cruzi strains: Peruvian (Type I), 12 SF (Type II) or Colombian (Type III); 2nd: 128 outbred Swiss mice, chronically infected either with Type II or Type III strains isolated from human patients from different geographical areas. All T. cruzi strains were previoulsly characterized by their morphobiological behaviour in mice and by isoenzymatic patterns. For the 1st group the inoculum was 5 x 10**4 for the Peruvian strain and 1 x 10**5 for the 12 SF and Colombian strains. In the 2nd group-Swiss mice the inoculum size varied from 2 x 10**4 to 2 x 10**5. The inbred animals were killed at a 3 time-point scale (90, 180 and 240 days) post-infection. The Swiss mice were killed from 180 to 660 days after infection. The evaluation of parasitemia and serology (xeodiagnosis and indirect immunofluorescent test) was performed. The incidence of macroscopic alterations of the heart and cardiac index were evaluated. Histopathological lesions of the myocardium were graded. The influence of T. cruzi strain on the intensity of cardiac lesions was evaluated by the Chi-square test; the incidence of inflammatory lesions and its relationship to the parasite strain was evaluated by the Fisher test. The influence of the duration of infection was evaluated by using the Gamma Coefficient of Kruskal and Goodman and its measure of significance. Slight to severe microscopic alterations occurred in 85% of the chronically infected nice. There were a clear predominance on the incidence and intensity of inflammatory and fibrotic alterations for the mice infected with Type III strains. Statistical analysis has shown significant differences among the infected groups, in the inflammatory and fibrotic lesions. Macroscopic alterations (right cavities dilatation and apex aneurism of left ventricle), differed in incidence according to mice strains; in Swiss and AKR mice, significant differences were seen in mice infected with different T. cruzi strains, but the A/J mice failed to show significant differences correlated with different parasite strains. The duration of infection, from 90 to 240 days, could not be correlated with the degree of lesions in the several groups.