124 resultados para inter-basin connection
Com relação aos atributos do solo, a produtividade de madeira do pinus varia substancialmente em função do pH, do teor de matéria orgânica e da resistência à penetração. No ano de 2007, no Município de Selvíria (MS) foi analisada a produtividade de madeira do Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, em função de alguns atributos físico-químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico estabelecido num maciço florestal com 21 anos de idade. O objetivo foi selecionar, entre os atributos pesquisados do solo, aquele que melhor se apresentasse para explicar a variabilidade da produtividade de madeira. Para tanto, foi instalado um grid geoestatístico, para a coleta dos dados do solo e da planta, contendo 121 pontos amostrais, numa área de 3 ha do referido maciço. A produtividade de madeira variou diretamente com o pH do solo, tanto linear quanto espacialmente, com valores de 27,0-32,6 m³ ha-1 ano-1 e 3,9-4,4, respectivamente. Nos maiores, 32,6-36,9 m³ ha-1 ano-1 e 4,4-4,9. Dessa forma, o pH revelou ser um apreciável indicador da qualidade química do solo quando o objetivo foi estimar, linear e espacialmente, a produtividade de madeira da essência florestal pesquisada nas condições do Cerrado brasileiro do Sudeste do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul.
ABSTRACT Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) along watercourses have been the focus of numerous studies, not only because of the fragility and ecological relevance of riverine vegetation, but also because of the inefficiency demonstrated in conforming to the legislation protecting it. One of the major difficulties encountered in terms of guaranteeing the effective conservation of these riverside areas is the absence of methodologies that can be used to define them rapidly and accurately without manually determining the widths of the rivers or assigning only uniform linear values for the entire watercourse. The present work sought to develop a spatial analysis methodology capable of automatically defining permanent preservation areas along watercourses using geographic information system (GIS) software. The present study was undertaken in the Sergipe River basin, "considering the river itself and its principal affluents. We used the database of the Digital Atlas of Hydrological Resources (SEMARH/SE), and the delimitations of the PPAs were performed using ArcGIS 10.1 and the XToolPro 9.0 extension. A total of 5,003.82 hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas were delimited along the margins of the rivers analyzed, with a margin of error of <1% in delimiting the widths of the rivers within the entire area considered. The methodology described here can be used to define PPAs efficiently, relatively rapidly, and with very small margins of error, thus representing a technological advance in terms of using GIS for land management.
The probable recharge zone delimitation of Entre-Ribeiros Basin (Northwest of the state of Minas Gerais / Brazil) is proposed in this study. The delimitation is based upon stratigraphy, geomorphology, geo-environmental domains and hydrogeology studies. Combining the recharge zone map with the land use variation between 1975 and 2008, the occupation trends of possible recharge zones are identified. Concluding, the environmental impacts for this basin are discussed.
The quantitative knowledge of hydrological parameters (rainfall and flow) and their spatial and temporal variability on the regions or basins should be understood as essential to the efficient planning and management of water resources. Because the Ivinhema Basin, located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, represents an important inductor on the region agricultural development, characterized as a major producer of grains and meat, it was used to characterize the hydrological study. Knowing the rainfall, flow and drainage area of each of the studied affluent, it was calculated the proportion of contribution of the affluent. To that end, it was proposed the concepts of potential and real contributions, aiming to identify the proportion of contribution of each of the affluent to the formation of the flow in the Ivinhema Basin. The results revealed that: the highest rainfall in the Ivinhema Basin occurred in the headwater regions; the mean specific flow of long duration reduces from the headwater to the mouth of Ivinhema Basin; the Sub-basin of Dorado's River has the highest potential and real contribution for the formation of the Ivinhema Basin flow; and the drainage areas of the affluent Dourados and Vacaria contribute with 53% flow of the basin.
The edafoclimatic conditions of the Brazilian semiarid region favor the water loss by surface runoff. The state of Ceará, almost completely covered by semiarid, has developed public policies for the construction of dams in order to attend the varied water demand. Several hydrological models were developed to support decisive processes in the complex management of reservoirs. This study aimed to establish a methodology for obtaining a georeferenced database suitable for use as input data in hydrological modeling in the semiarid of Ceará. It was used images of Landsat satellite and SRTM Mission, and soil maps of the state of Ceará. The Landsat images allowed the determination of the land cover and the SRTM Mission images, the automatic delineation of hydrographic basins. The soil type was obtained through the soil map. The database was obtained for Jaguaribe River hydrographic basin, in the state of Ceará, and is applicable to hydrological modeling based on the Curve Number method for estimating the surface runoff.
Hydrological models are important tools that have been used in water resource planning and management. Thus, the aim of this work was to calibrate and validate in a daily time scale, the SWAT model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) to the watershed of the Galo creek , located in Espírito Santo State. To conduct the study we used georeferenced maps of relief, soil type and use, in addition to historical daily time series of basin climate and flow. In modeling were used time series corresponding to the periods Jan 1, 1995 to Dec 31, 2000 and Jan 1, 2001 to Dec 20, 2003 for calibration and validation, respectively. Model performance evaluation was done using the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (E NS) and the percentage of bias (P BIAS). SWAT evaluation was also done in the simulation of the following hydrological variables: maximum and minimum annual daily flowsand minimum reference flows, Q90 and Q95, based on mean absolute error. E NS and P BIAS were, respectively, 0.65 and 7.2% and 0.70 and 14.1%, for calibration and validation, indicating a satisfactory performance for the model. SWAT adequately simulated minimum annual daily flow and the reference flows, Q90 and Q95; it was not suitable in the simulation of maximum annual daily flows.
Laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in donors of living liver transplantation. The authors present a case of laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in a donor of living liver transplantation. The procedure was done in six hours and the left lateral segment of the liver was removed through a 15 cm right subcostal incision. The patient was discharged on the 5th post-operative day. A 40 mL intrabdominal collection of bile was percutaneously drained guided by ultra-sonography. The drain was removed after five days. Afterwards, the patient had good recovery with no other complication.
Objetivo: demonstrar a variação interobservador da medida ultra-sonográfica do índice de líquido amniótico (ILA) e da medida da área dos bolsões, bem como realizar uma comparação entre estes dois parâmetros. Além disto, procurou-se estabelecer a variação intra-observador existente na medição deste índice. Métodos: foram estudados os valores do ILA, como descrito por Phelan et al.18 , de um grupo de oitenta gestantes, consideradas clinicamente normais, atendidas na Escola de Ultra-sonografia e Reciclagem Médica Ribeirão Preto e no Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP - USP). Todas as gestantes apresentavam idade gestacional acima de 24 semanas. Deste grupo, cinqüenta pacientes submeteram-se à avaliação do ILA por cinco ultra-sonografistas diferentes, com o uso do mesmo equipamento e no mesmo período de tempo, procurando-se estabelecer a variação interobservador deste índice. Além disto, foi realizada a medida planimétrica da área por parte de dois destes cinco ultra-sonografistas escolhidos aleatoriamente, na tentativa de verificar a variação interobservador na medida da área. Outro grupo composto por trinta gestantes foi avaliado por um mesmo observador ultra-sonografista na tentativa de se realizar a avaliação da variação intra-observador na medição do ILA. Resultados: observamos uma variação interobservador significante na medição do ILA e significante na medição da área. Não obstante, a variação intra-observador na medida do ILA foi considerada não-significante. Houve uma correlação entre as medidas do ILA e da área. Conclusões: o ILA apresenta maior aplicabilidade em relação à medida da área, além da maior facilidade de obtenção.
OBJETIVO: Estabelecer a prevalência da acantose nigricante (AN) no contexto da síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) e as respectivas associações com a obesidade, a resistência insulínica (RI), a insulinemia e a síndrome metabólica (SM).MÉTODOS: Em um estudo transversal e prospectivo, foram selecionadas cem pacientes acometidas pela SOP, diagnosticadas segundo o Consenso de Rotterdam (2003). O exame cutâneo incluiu, além da verificação da presença da AN, a presença do hirsutismo (escore ≥8) e da acne. Foram investigados os dados clínicos e bioquímicos, os fatores de risco cardiovascular que se fazem presentes na SM, como circunferência abdominal (CA), obesidade, hipertensão e os índices de HDL e triglicérides. O modelo de aferição da resistência insulínica foi realizado por meio do teste homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance(HOMA-IR).RESULTADOS: A prevalência da AN (53%) mostrou correspondência significativa com o hirsutismo (p=0,02), o índice de massa corpórea (IMC) (p<0,01), a insulinemia basal (p<0,01), o HOMA-IR (p<0,01) e a SM (p<0,05). A SM alcançou a prevalência de 36% e associou-se significativamente apenas com a AN (p<0,01). Conquanto ausente o diabetes mellitus, sobressaem as conotações do HOMA-IR alterado (p=0,01) com a SM (p<5%) e a AN (p<0,01).CONCLUSÕES: A AN integra o quadro fenotípico grave da SOP como mais um signo previsível dos riscos da doença cardiovascular.
At present stage the analytical design of wave tolerance for floating structures and vessels is still imperfect due to the mutually complex and nonlinear phenomena between structures and waves. Wave tolerance design is usually carried out through iterative evaluations of results from model tests in a wave basin, and this is done in order to reach a final structural design. The wave generation has then become an important technology in the field of the coastal and ocean engineering. This paper summarizes the facilities of a test basin and a wave maker in Japan and also surveys the methodology of the generation of ocean waves in a test basin.
O presente experimento teve por objetivo estudar os efeitos da competição inter e intraespecífica envolvendo Glycine max (L.) Merril e Cyperus rotundus L. sobre as características das plantas e acúmulos de N, P, K, Ca e Mg pelas espécies envolvidas. Para tanto, estipulou-se um tratamento em que se desenvolveram três plantas de Glycine max e outro em que se desenvolveram 3 tubérculos de Cyperus rotundus por vaso. Para estudar os efeitos da competição intraespecífica, em dois outros tratamentos dobraram-se as populações por vaso. No estudo da competição interespecífica permitiu-se o desenvolvimento de três plantas de Glycine max e de três tubérculos de Cyperus rotundus num mesmo vaso. De uma maneira geral, pôde-se observar que principalmente devido às diferenças no hábito de crescimento das duas espécies, a expressão da competição inter e intraespecífica, em cada uma delas, assume aspectos distintos. No caso de Cyperus rotundus, o efeito do dobro da densidade pôde ser compensado, em parte, pela maior produção de manifestações epígeas e de tubérculos, aliados ao maior desenvolvimento dos tubérculos na menor densidade de plantio. No caso da competição interespecífica, os resultados sugerem um efeito decisivo do sombreamento de Leguminosae sobre o comportamento da Cyperaceae. Os padrões de efeitos da competição pelos nutrientes foi determinado também pelas diferenças no recrutamento dos elementos do solo pelas espécies envolvidas.
A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years to study the effect of fertilizer application methods and inter and intra-row weed-crop competition durations on density and biomass of different weeds and growth, grain yield and yield components of maize. The experimental treatments comprised of two fertilizer application methods (side placement and below seed placement) and inter and intra-row weed-crop competition durations each for 15, 30, 45, and 60 days after emergence, as well as through the crop growing period. Fertilizer application method didn't affect weed density, biomass, and grain yield of maize. Below seed fertilizer placement generally resulted in less mean weed dry weight and more crop leaf area index, growth rate, grain weight per cob and 1000 grain weight. Minimum number of weeds and dry weight were recorded in inter-row or intra-row weed-crop competition for 15 DAE. Number of cobs per plant, grain weight per cob, 1000 grain weight and grain yield decreased with an increase in both inter-row and intra-row weed-crop competition durations. Maximum mean grain yield of 6.35 and 6.33 tha-1 were recorded in inter-row and intra-row weed competition for 15 DAE, respectively.
The present study deals with a survey of the order Alismatales (except Araceae) in the upper and middle Araguaia River region located between the states of Mato Grosso and Goiás, Brazil. Field expeditions were carried out during the rainy and dry seasons. The route covered approximately 2,000 km and 41 aquatic environments were visited. Thirteen taxa, representing the families Alismataceae (nine), Hydrocharitaceae (three) and Najadaceae (one) were identified. Keys for the identification of families and species in field, brief diagnoses, schematic illustrations and relevant comments were elaborated based on field observations as well as on the analysis of the specimens collected.
The influence of climatic variations on the herbaceous component of the "caatinga" vegetation was examined in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. A total of 105 1 × 1 m-plots were established, of which 35 were in a level micro-habitat, 35 in a riparian micro-habitat, and 35 in a stony microhabitat. During two consecutive years all herbaceous plants in these plots were counted, measured (height and diameter), and collected for identification. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index and the equitability were calculated for each year, as well as the density, frequency, dominance, total basal area and importance index for each species. The total annual pluviometric was 819.5 and 448.8 mm in 2002 and 2003, respectively. The herbaceous flora in the study area was composed of 71 species, of which 58 were sampled in the plots. The families with the greatest species richness were Malvaceae (8 species), Euphorbiaceae (7), Poaceae (6), Convolvulaceae (4), Fabaceae (4), and Portulacaceae (4). The diversity indices were 2.66 and 3.01 nats ind-1 in 2002 and 2003, respectively. The density, frequency, dominance and importance value of herbaceous populations, as well as, the height and diameter of plants were low in the dryer year. The riparian group was the most isolated of the microhabitats examined, both in terms of its floristic and its population structure. Annual seasonal climatic variations greatly modified these populations structure during the course of this study, emphasizing the fact that long-term studies are needed in order to better understand the dynamics of the herbaceous component of the "caatinga" vegetation.
Considering the great ecological and sanitary importance of the cyanobacteria and the need of detailed information about these organisms in Brazilian water bodies, the present study aims at contributing towards the knowledge of the cyanobacterial flora of five reservoirs belonging to the upper Tietê Basin, São Paulo: Billings, Guarapiranga, Jundiaí, Pirapora, Ponte Nova and Taiaçupeba. In the past several years, these reservoirs have been submitted to severe environmental deterioration and have repeatedly presented cyanobacterial blooms, including those of toxic species. The samples were collected between 1997 and 2003 either with plankton net (20 µm mesh) or van Dorn's bottle, and preserved with lugol solution or formaldehyde. Some species were isolated and maintained in culture. Forty-eight species of cyanobacteria were identified, with predominance of the order Chroococcales (58%), followed by the orders Oscillatoriales (21%) and Nostocales (21%). Among the 48 studied species, 17 (35%) were considered potentially toxic. The occurrence and biodiversity of the cyanobacteria in each reservoir depend on the environmental conditions. Among the five water bodies, Billings Reservoir presented the most adequate situation for the development of a greater number of species (34), probably due to its high pH values (around 8). Pirapora Reservoir on the other hand, with highest conductivity (445.0 µS cm-1) and lowest Secchi depth values (0.2 m), presented the lowest cyanobacterial biodiversity (14 species).