297 resultados para eggs sold
A schistosomiasis control program was implemented between 1974/87 in Peri-Peri,. MG (622 inhabitants). Molluscicide (niclosamide) was applied at three monthly intervals in water sources with Biomphalaria glabrata, and individuals eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the feces were treated annually with oxamniquine. From 1974 to 1983 the control measures were undertaken by staff of the "René Rachou" Research Center FIOCRUZ (CPqRR), and from 1984 to 1987 these measures were included in the Capim Branco basic health network activities. During both periods, the prevalence, incidence, intensity of infection and hepatosplenic form as well as the number of infected snails decreased significantly. The prevalence decreased from 43.5 to 4.4%, the incidence from 19.0 to 2.9%, the overall intensity of S. mansoni from 281 to 87 and of the hepatosplenic form from 5.9 to 0.0%. The results obtained suggest that the municipal management of control measures was as effective as the vertical program conducted by CPqRR staff.
Three calves experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni, and passing viable eggs in feces, as well as 5 normal calves (coming from a non-endemic area for schistosomiasis) kept as controls, were maintained in an enclosure (850 m² in area). In this enclosure, a tank with water received 500 laboratory reared Biomphalaria glabrata. All the control calves were infected for a period ranging from 79 to 202 days after the beginning of the experiment, and afterwards presented viable S. mansoni eggs in feces. The mean worm recovery was 555. The snail population increased throughout the experimental period, showing a high number of B. glabrata infected with S. mansoni (42% on average). According to the present study, bovine has been suggested as having potentially a role in the maintenance of the life cycle of S. mansoni
White mice were used to study the infectivity of the eggs of Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909 after incubation in liquid media, with or without preservative substances. Potassium bichromate (K2Cr2O7) at 1% restrict hatching, while 1% formalin gave a greater larval yield. Incubation of eggs in distilled water, in Roux or Falcon flasks gave a good yield, whether the eggs were obtained from human feces or from experimentally infected cats. Treatment of eggs with Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at 5.25% for 2 min prior to inoculation, produced a notable increment of the larval yield in the infections.
In this paper the history of 115 recruits that had bathed simultaneously in streams contaminated with Schistosoma mansoni, during military maneuvers, is reported. Thirty four of the infected patients presented the initial phase of the infection diagnosed through epidemiologic, clinical and laboratorial parameters. Three out of the 34 patients did not reveal the clinical picture of the infection, thus being considered representatives of the non-apparent form of the disease. Differences between the intensity of blood eosinophilia, the area of immediate cutaneous reaction and the number of Schistosoma eggs eliminated in the stools proved not to be statistically significant (p>0.05) when the non-apparent and acute cases of schistosomiasis were compared. These cases actually may be considered evidences of the non-apparent form hitherto merely taken for granted in the literature.
We studied the role of ethanol on the modulation of liver granulomata around Schistosoma mansoni eggs in mice. Albino mice, receiving 7% ethanol as the sole drinking liquid, at 60 and 90 days post-infection, presented smaller granulomata than controls did, when sacrificed at 120 days post-infection. No differences in diameters could be observed, when ethanol was given 4 months before up to 120 days after infection. The results suggested that modulation of schistosome granulomata by ethanol ingestion varies with time and duration of drug consumption.
Numerous pulmonary schistosome egg granulomas were present in mice submitted to partial portal vein ligation (Warren's model). The granulomas were characterized by cellular aggregations formed within alveolar tissue. Main cellular types were macrophages (epithelioid cells), eosinophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes. These cells were supported by scanty fibrous stroma and exhibited close membrane contact points amongst themselves, but without forming specialized adhesion apparatus. When granulomas involved arterial structures, proliferation of cndothelial and smooth muscle cells occurred and fibrosis associated with angiogenesis became more evident. Granulomas formed around mature eggs in the pulmonary alveolar tissue presented approximately the same size and morphology regardless of the time of infection, the latter being 10, 18 and 25 weeks after cercarial exposure. This persistence of morphological appearance suggests that pulmonary granulomas do not undergo immunological modulation, as is the case with the granulomas in the liver and, to a lesser extent, in the intestines. Probably, besides general immunological factors, local (stromal) factors play an important role in schistosomal granuloma modulation.
Mice infected with about 90 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain) were treated during five consecutive days with dexamethasone (50 mg/Kg, subcutaneously), starting on the 42th day of infection. Groups of five mice were then daily sacrificed from the first day after onset of treatment until the first day after. The perfusion of the portal system was performed and a piece of the intestine was processed for qualitative and quantitative oograms. This treatment carries to larger numbers of eggs in the tissues of treated mice, when compared with untreated groups. No changes were observed in the kinetics of oviposition, as all stages of viable eggs were observed in the tissues of treated and control mice. These data reinforce the hypothesis of a partial blockade of the egg excretion in immunossupressed mice.
A fourteen year schistosomiasis control program in Peri-Peri (Capim Branco, MG) reduced prevalence from 43.5 to 4.4%; incidence from 19.0 to 2.9%, the geometric mean of the number of eggs from 281 to 87 and the level of the hepatoesplenic form cases from 5.9 to 0.0%. In 1991, three years after the interruption of the program, the prevalence had risen to 19.6%. The district consists of Barbosa (a rural area) and Peri-Peri itself (an urban area). In 1991, the prevalence in the two areas was 28.4% and 16.0% respectively. A multivariate analysis of risk factors for schistosomiasis indicated the domestic agricultural activity with population attributive risk (PAR) of 29.82%, the distance (< 10 m) from home to water source (PAR = 25.93%) and weekly fishing (PAR = 17.21%) as being responsible for infections in the rural area. The recommended control measures for this area are non-manual irrigation and removal of homes to more than ten meters from irrigation ditches. In the urban area, it was observed that swimming at weekly intervals (PAR = 20.71%), daily domestic agricultural activity (PAR = 4.07%) and the absence of drinking water in the home (PAR=4.29%) were responsible for infections. Thus, in the urban area the recommended control measures are the substitution of manual irrigation with an irrigation method that avoids contact with water, the creation of leisure options of the population and the provision of a domestic water supply. The authors call attention to the need for the efficacy of multivariate analysis of risk factors to be evaluated for schistosomiasis prior to its large scale use as a indicator of the control measures to be implemented.
A clinical-epidemiologic study of schistosomiasis mansoni was conducted in the population of Ponte do Pasmado, a village in the municipality of Itinga, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Faecal Parasitology by the Kato-Katz method and clinical examination were performed in 93.8% and 82.8% of the local population, respectively. A socioeconomic survey was also made and the signs and symptoms presented by the patients were recorded, as well as their contacts with natural waters. The rate of Schistosoma mansoni infection was 50.3%; the peak of infection occurred during the second decade of life; there was a predominance of low egg counts in faeces (85.89% of positive patients eliminated less than 500 eggs per gram of faeces); the splenomegaly rate was 1.23%. When the risk factors for S. mansoni infection were studied, significant risks were detected in activities such as fetching water, washing dishes, bathing, and crossing streams.
Human schistosomiasis, caused by Schistosoma mansoni, is highly prevalent in Brazil and usually diagnosed by time consuming stool analysis. Serological tests are of limited use in this disease, mainly for epidemiological studies, showing no discrimination between previous contact with the parasite and active infections. In the present study, we standardized and compared a Dot-ELISA for IgM and IgG antibodies against S. mansoni antigens from eggs and worms with a routine IgG and IgM immunofluorescence assay using similar antigens, in the study of sera from 27 patients who had quantified egg stool excretion. The positivity obtained for IgG Dot-ELISA was 96.3% and 88.9% for IgM Dot-ELISA with worm antigen and 92.6% and 90.9% with egg antigen. The IFI presented similar positivities using worm antigen, 92.6% (IgG) and 96.3% (IgM),and lower results with egg antigen, 77.8% (IgG and IgM). The patients studied were divided into two groups according to their egg excretion, with greater positivity of serological tests in higher egg excreters. When comparing the quantitative egg excretion and the serological titers of the patients, we detected a correlation only with IgM Dot-ELISA, with r=0.552 (p=0.0127). These data show that Dot-ELISA can be used for the detection of specific antibodies against S. mansoni in sera from suspected patients or in epidemiological studies and, with further purification of egg antigen and larger samples, IgM Dot-ELISA could be a possible tool for rough estimates of parasite burden in epidemiological studies.
An immunoprecipitation technique, ELIEDA (enzyme-linked-immuno-electro-diffusion assay), was evaluated for the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection with low worm burden. One hundred of serum samples from patients excreting less than 600 eggs per gram of feces (epg), with unrelated diseases and clinically healthy subjects were studied. In patients with egg counts higher than 200 epg, the sensitivities of IgM and IgG ELIEDA were 1.000 and 0.923, respectively, not differing from other Serologic techniques, such as indirect hemaglutination (IHAT), immunofluorescence (IFT) tests and immuno-electrodiffusion assay (IEDA). However in patients with low egg counts (< 100 epg), the IgG ELIEDA provided better results (0.821) than IgM ELIEDA (0.679), showing sensitivity that did not differ from that of IgG IFT (0.929), but lower than that of IgM IFT (0.964). However, its sensivity was higher than that found with IHAT (0.607) and IEDA (0.536). The specificity of IgG ELIEDA was comparable to that of other techniques. The data indicate that IgG ELIEDA might be useful for the diagnosis of slight S. mansoni infections, and the cellulose acetate membrane strips can be stored for further retrospective studies.
To evaluate whether the intensity of the hepatic granulomatous response induced by S. mansoni eggs plays a role in drug metabolism, mice were infected with 40 cercariae and tested to assess the sodic pentobarbital induced sleeping-time. To decrease the inflammatory reaction the animals were irradiated with 400 Rad or received azathioprine, 20mg/kg, 3 times a week, for 4 weeks, respectively in or beginning in the 33th post-infection day. In infected animals receiving azathioprine the area of the hepatic granulomas was smaller and the sleeping-time was similar to that of non-infected ones (controls). In mice infected and irradiated the granuloma dimensions were similar to those of animals only infected, in these two latter groups of animals, the sleeping-time was more prolonged than that of the control animals. These results show that: 1) mice with unaltered hepatic granulomatous reaction show reduction in metabolism of sodic pentobarbital; 2) granulomatous response diminished by azathioprine does not interfere with the capacity of metabolism of the anesthetic drug.
Anti-Toxocara antibody production and persistence were studied in experimental infections of BALB/c mice, according to three different schedules: Group I (GI) - 25 mice infected with 200 T. canis eggs in a single dose; Group II (GII) 25 mice infected with 150 T. canis eggs given in three occasions, 50 in the 1st, 50 in the 5th and 50 in the 8th days; Group III (GIII) - 25 mice also infected with 150 T. canis eggs, in three 50 eggs portions given in the 1st, 14th and 28th days. A 15 mice control group (GIV) was maintained without infection. In the 30th, 50th, 60th, 75th, 105th and 180th post-infection days three mice of the GI, GII and GIII groups and two mice of the control group had been sacrificed and exsanguinated for sera obtention. In the 360th day the remainder mice of the four groups were, in the same way, killed and processed. The obtained sera were searched for the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies by an ELISA technique, using T. canis larvae excretion-secretion antigen. In the GI and GII, but not in the GIII, anti-Toxocara antibodies had been found, at least, up to the 180th post-infection day. The GIII only showed anti-Toxocara antibodies, at significant level, in the 30th post-infection day.
In these experiments the ratio of male to female S. mansoni larvae in D. glabrata from Belo Horizonte and Ribeirão das Neves Minas Gerais, Brazil, either reared in laboratoty or collected in the field, varied from 1:1 to 1:1.3 or 1.4:1. Cercariae of LE strain of Schistosoma mansoni, shed by 39 snails maintained at 25±0.5ºC were used to infect mice on a weekly basis. Subsequent perfusion resulted in 76.6% male and 23.4% female worms. The cercariac produced by 32 infected snails maintained at 27+0.5°C were inoculated into mice and produced 43.4% male and 56.6% female worms (p<0.05). Cercariae eliminated by snails collected in Barreiro and Ressaca, Belo Horizonte, during hot months, produced 45.7 to 47.7% male and 52.3 to 54.3% female worms. A lower number of cercariae shed by snails collected in Gorduras, Belo Horizonte, at 20+3.0°C, produced 51.6% male and 48.4% female worms. Thus, in this region the infection of vertebrate hosts with S. mansoni cercariae would be more severe in the summer due to the higher level of parasites and the number of eggs.
Stability of faecal egg excretion and correlation with results related to worm burden at the initial phase of schistosomiasis mansoni were observed in two groups of mice infected with different Schistosoma mansoni cercarial burdens, by means of analysis of quantitative parasitological studies and schistosome counts after perfusion. Thus, it may be stated that few quantitative parasitological stool examinations could be sufficient to express the infection intensity at the initial phase, on the same grounds that it was already demonstrated at the chronic phase. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the use of the number of eggs passed in the faeces as a tool to estimate the worm burden at the initial phase of schistosome infection is adequate.