111 resultados para culture condition
The objective of this work was to set up ideal conditions for conidia mass production of Dicyma pulvinata. Four isolates were compared in terms of their growth and conidia production on various substrates (grains of parboiled rice, common rice, maize and wheat, besides chipped maize and rice husk), temperatures (19, 22, 25, 28 and 31ºC), growth containers (aluminum trays, polypropylene bags and Erlenmeyers) and light regimes (continuous darkness, 6 and 12 hours of light/darkness, and continuous light). Temperature effects on conidia germination capacity were also evaluated. The experiments were done in randomized complete block designs, in factorial arrangements (isolates x treatments - substrates, containers, temperatures and light regimes), with four replicates. In general, parboiled rice and polypropylene bags provided the best development of the fungus. Complete darkness and 6 hours of light increased mycelial growth, whereas continuous light favored sporulation. All tested temperatures favored the cultures of the fungus, except 31ºC. Temperatures between 19 and 25ºC ensure spore germination of more than 76%.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) combinations, basal media and beta-lactam antibiotics on in vitro organogenesis from mature stem segments of 'Pêra', 'Valência' and 'Bahia' sweet oranges and 'Cravo' rangpur lime. For induction of shoot regeneration, the segments of the four cultivars were placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing the following BAP/NAA concentrations: 0.0/0.0; 0.25/0.0; 0.25/0.25; 0.5/0.0; 0.5/0.5; 1.0/0.0; 2.0/0.0; 2.0/0.25; 2.0/0.5; and 2.0/1.0 mg L-1. In order to test the influence of the culture media on shoot-bud induction, (MS), Murashige and Tucker (MT), and woody plant medium (WPM) formulations were evaluated, associated with the best combination of plant growth regulators obtained in the previous experiment. The influence of four beta-lactam antibiotics (timentin, cefotaxime sodium salt, meropenem trihydrate and augmentin) on shoot regeneration was determined. Better regeneration responses were achieved when internodal segments were cultured onto MS-based medium with 500 mg L-1 cefotaxime with the following BAP/NAA concentrations: 0.5 + 0.25 mg L-1 for 'Cravo', 1.0 + 0.25 mg L-1 for 'Valência' and 'Bahia', and 1.0 + 0.5 mg L-1 for 'Pêra'. Genotype, growth regulators, basal media and beta-lactam antibiotics affect the morphogenetic response in mature tissues of citrus.
The objective of this research was to evaluate combinations of liquid media obtained from agro-industrial residues and by-products, with solid media prepared with mixtures of grains and their derivatives, aiming to increase the production of JAB 02 and JAB 45 isolates of Lecanicillium lecanii. Sporulation, conidial viability and process yield were evaluated as well as the production costs using the JAB 45 isolate as a model system were analyzed. The production of JAB 02 was not increased using the biphasic culture. For JAB 45, some combinations provided an increase in yield, especially cheese whey with wheat bran and wheat grain, with lower production costs. Viability was not influenced by the production method, and the combinations showed no differences in the process yield. The biphasic method is suitable for the production of L. lecanii, and proves to be an appropriate technology to use in mass production by biofactories.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the total and thermotolerant coliform densities in the oyster culture water of Cananeia, SP, Brazil, correlating these densities with environmental variables and tidal variations. Superficial water samples were collected in two tide conditions (spring and neap) from three areas of Cananéia municipality (Mandira, Itapitangui and Cooperostra). The three studied areas showed good conditions for the culture regarding coliform densities. The two tidal conditions differed significantly as to total coliform concentration; however, the same procedure was not performed for thermotolerant coliforms. No correlation was observed between water temperature, pH, and concentrations of total and thermotolerant coliforms. Coliform density was positively correlated with rainfall and negatively correlated with salinity. Spring and neap tides differed significantly as to coliform number. Simple diagnosis of environmental conditions of the crop fields is insufficient to assess water quality of shellfish cultivation. A continuous monitoring program of planted areas is necessary both for the assessment of water quality potential for marine culture and for ensuring safe consumption of seafood, besides constituting an important tool to understand the relationships between contamination and the involved environmental variables.
The objective of this work was to isolate strains of lactic acid bacteria with probiotic potential from the digestive tract of marine shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), and to carry out in vitro selection based on multiple characters. The ideotype (ideal proposed strain) was defined by the highest averages for the traits maximum growth velocity, final count of viable cells, and inhibition halo against nine freshwater and marine pathogens, and by the lowest averages for the traits duplication time and resistance of strains to NaCl (1.5 and 3%), pH (6, 8, and 9), and biliary salts (5%). Mahalanobis distance (D²) was estimated among the evaluated strains, and the best ones were those with the shortest distances to the ideotype. Ten bacterial strains were isolated and biochemically identified as Lactobacillus plantarum (3), L. brevis (3), Weissella confusa (2), Lactococcus lactis (1), and L. delbrueckii (1). Lactobacillus plantarum strains showed a wide spectrum of action and the largest inhibition halos against pathogens, both Gram-positive and negative, high growth rate, and tolerance to all evaluated parameters. In relation to ideotype, L. plantarum showed the lowest Mahalanobis (D²) distance, followed by the strains of W. confusa, L. brevis, L. lactis, and L. delbrueckii. Among the analyzed bacterial strains, those of Lactobacillus plantarum have the greatest potential for use as a probiotic for marine shrimp.
Spondias mombin L. shoot cultures were initiated from nodal explants taken from plants propagated by seeds. Explants coming from 4-6 months old plants, previously disinfected, were cultivated on WPM medium supplemented with a wide range of concentrations of BAP (0.0, 0.22, 0.44, 2.22 and 4.44 muM) and NAA (0.0, 0.27 and 2.70 muM). After four weeks, the responses obtained were axillary shoot and root formation. The first response were preferentially induced with the medium containing only BAP, regardless of the BAP concentration. The addition of NAA on medium reduced significantly axillary shoot formation and induced rhizogenesis. Roots were formed on nodal explant basis, preferentially on medium supplemented with 4.44 muM NAA. The medium supplemented with BAP reduced significantly root formation.