121 resultados para Thyroid nodule


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The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of chronic calcitonin deficiency on bone mass development. The results of 11 patients with thyroid dysgenesis (TD) were compared to those of 17 normal individuals (C) and of 9 patients with other forms of hypothyroidism (OH): 4 with hypothyroidism due to inborn errors of thyroid hormone synthesis and 5 with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The subjects received an intravenous calcium stimulus and blood was collected for the determination of ionized calcium (Ca2+), calcitonin, and intact parathyroid hormone. Bone mineral density (BMD) was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. After calcium administration the levels of Ca2+ in the two groups of hypothyroidism were significantly higher than in the normal control group (10 min after starting calcium infusion: C = 1.29 ± 0.08 vs TD = 1.34 ± 0.03 vs OH = 1.34 ± 0.02 mmol/l; P < 0.05), and only the TD group showed no calcitonin response (5 min after starting calcium infusion: C = 27.9 ± 5.8 vs TD = 6.6 ± 0.3 vs OH = 43.0 ± 13.4 ng/l). BMD values did not differ significantly between groups (L2-L4: C = 1.116 ± 0.02 vs TD = 1.109 ± 0.03 vs OH = 1.050 ± 0.04 g/cm²). These results indicate that early deficiency of calcitonin secretion has no detrimental effect on bone mass development. Furthermore, the increased calcitonin secretion observed in patients with inborn errors of thyroid hormone biosynthesis does not confer any advantage in terms of BMD.


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The uncoupling protein UCP3 belongs to a family of mitochondrial carriers located in the inner mitochondrial membrane of certain cell types. It is expressed almost exclusively at high levels in skeletal muscle and its physiological role has not been fully determined in this tissue. In the present study we have addressed the possible interaction between a hypercaloric diet and thyroid hormone (T3), which are strong stimulators of UCP3 gene expression in skeletal muscle. Male Wistar rats weighing 180 ± 20 g were rendered hypothyroid by thyroidectomy and the addition of methimazole (0.05%; w/v) to drinking water after surgery. The rats were fed a hypercaloric cafeteria diet (68% carbohydrates, 13% protein and 18% lipids) for 10 days and sacrificed by decapitation. Subsequently, the gastrocnemius muscle was dissected, total RNA was isolated with Trizol™ and UCP3 gene expression was determined by Northern blotting using a specific probe. Statistical analysis was performed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls post-test. Skeletal muscle UCP3 gene expression was decreased by 60% in hypothyroid rats and UCP3 mRNA expression was increased 70% in euthyroid cafeteria-fed rats compared to euthyroid chow-fed animals, confirming previous studies. Interestingly, the cafeteria diet was unable to stimulate UCP3 gene expression in hypothyroid animals (40% lower as compared to euthyroid cafeteria-fed animals). The results show that a hypercaloric diet is a strong stimulator of UCP3 gene expression in skeletal muscle and requires T3 for an adequate action.


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Insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) is the main intracellular substrate for both insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptors and is critical for cell mitogenesis. Thyrotropin is able to induce thyroid cell proliferation through the cyclic AMP intracellular cascade; however, the presence of either insulin or IGF-I is required for the mitogenic effect of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to occur. The aim of the present study was to determine whether thyroid IRS-1 content is modulated by TSH in vivo. Strikingly, hypothyroid goitrous rats, which have chronically high serum TSH levels (control, C = 2.31 ± 0.28; methimazole (MMI) 21d = 51.02 ± 6.02 ng/mL, N = 12 rats), when treated with 0.03% MMI in drinking water for 21 days, showed significantly reduced thyroid IRS-1 mRNA content. Since goiter was already established in these animals by MMI for 21 days, we also evaluated IRS-1 expression during goitrogenesis. Animals treated with MMI for different periods of time showed a progressive increase in thyroid weight (C = 22.18 ± 1.21; MMI 5d = 32.83 ± 1.48; MMI 7d = 31.1 ± 3.25; MMI 10d = 33.8 ± 1.25; MMI 14d = 45.5 ± 2.56; MMI 18d = 53.0 ± 3.01; MMI 21d = 61.9 ± 3.92 mg, N = 9-15 animals per group) and serum TSH levels (C = 1.57 ± 0.2; MMI 5d = 9.95 ± 0.74; MMI 7d = 10.38 ± 0.84; MMI 10d = 17.72 ± 1.47; MMI 14d = 25.65 ± 1.23; MMI 18d = 35.38 ± 3.69; MMI 21d = 31.3 ± 2.7 ng/mL, N = 9-15 animals per group). Thyroid IRS-1 mRNA expression increased progressively during goitrogenesis, being significantly higher by the 14th day of MMI treatment, and then started to decline, reaching the lowest values by the 21st day, when a significant reduction was detected. In the liver of these animals, however, a significant decrease of IRS-1 mRNA was detected after 14 days of MMI treatment, a mechanism probably involved in the insulin resistance that occurs in hypothyroidism. The increase in IRS-1 expression during goitrogenesis may represent an important event associated with the increased rate of cell mitosis promoted by TSH and indicates that insulin and IGF-I are important co-mitogenic factors in vivo, possibly acting through the activation of IRS-1.


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The contribution of genetic factors to the development of obesity has been widely recognized, but the identity of the genes involved has not yet been fully clarified. Variation in genes involved in adipocyte differentiation and energy metabolism is expected to have a role in the etiology of obesity. We assessed the potential association of a polymorphism in one candidate gene, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARGg), involved in these pathways and obesity-related phenotypes in 335 Brazilians of European descent. All individuals included in the sample were adults. Pregnant women, as well as those individuals with secondary hyperlipidemia due to renal, liver or thyroid disease, and diabetes, were not invited to participate in the study; all other individuals were included. The gene variant PPARG Pro12Ala was studied by a PCR-based method and the association between this genetic polymorphism and obesity-related phenotypes was evaluated by analysis of covariance. Variant allele frequency was PPARG Ala12 = 0.09 which is in the same range as described for European and European-derived populations. No statistically significant differences were observed for mean total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, or triglyceride levels among PPARG genotypes in either gender. In the male sample, an association between the PPARG Pro12Ala variant and body mass index was detected, with male carriers of the Ala variant presenting a higher mean body mass index than wild-type homozygotes (28.3 vs 26.2 kg/m², P = 0.037). No effect of this polymorphism was detected in women. This finding suggests that the PPARG gene has a gender-specific effect and contributes to the susceptibility to obesity in this population.


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Estrogen has multiple effects on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. We investigated the association between the four common single nucleotide polymorphisms in the estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) gene locus, -1989T>G, +261G>C, IVS1-397T>C and IVS1-351A>G, and lipid and lipoprotein levels in southern Brazilians. The sample consisted in 150 men and 187 premenopausal women. The women were considered premenopausal if they had regular menstrual bleeding within the previous 3 months and were 18-50 years of age. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, secondary hyperlipidemia due to renal, hepatic or thyroid disease, and diabetes. Smoking status was self-reported; subjects were classified as never smoked and current smokers. DNA was amplified by PCR and was subsequently digested with the appropriate restriction enzymes. Statistical analysis was carried out for men and women separately. In the study population, major allele frequencies were _1989*T (0.83), +261*G (0.96), IVS1-397*T (0.58), and IVS1-351*A (0.65). Multiple linear regression analyses indicated that an interaction between +261G>C polymorphism and smoking was a significant factor affecting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels (P = 0.028) in women. Nonsmoking women with genotype G/C of +261G>C polymorphism had mean HDL-C levels higher than those with G/G genotype (1.40 ± 0.33 vs 1.22 ± 0.26 mmol/L; P = 0.033). No significant associations with lipid and lipoprotein levels in women and men were detected for other polymorphisms. In conclusion, the +261G>C polymorphism might influence lipoprotein and lipid levels in premenopausal women, but these effects seem to be modulated by smoking, whereas in men ESR1 polymorphisms were not associated with high lipoprotein levels.


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Subclinical hypothyroidism (SHT) is a disease for which exact therapeutic approaches have not yet been established. Previous studies have suggested an association between SHT and coronary heart disease. Whether this association is related to SHT-induced changes in serum lipid levels or to endothelial dysfunction is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine endothelial function measured by the flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery and the carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) in a group of women with SHT compared with euthyroid subjects. Triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, apoprotein A (apo A), apo B, and lipoprotein(a) were also determined. Twenty-one patients with SHT (mean age: 42.4 ± 10.8 years and mean thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels: 8.2 ± 2.7 µIU/mL) and 21 euthyroid controls matched for body mass index, age and atherosclerotic risk factors (mean age: 44.2 ± 8.5 years and mean TSH levels: 1.4 ± 0.6 µIU/mL) participated in the study. Lipid parameters (except HDL-C and apo A, which were lower) and IMT values were higher in the common carotid and carotid bifurcation of SHT patients with positive serum thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO-Ab) (0.62 ± 0.2 and 0.62 ± 0.16 mm for the common carotid and carotid bifurcation, respectively) when compared with the negative TPO-Ab group (0.55 ± 0.24 and 0.58 ± 0.13 mm, for common carotid and carotid bifurcation, respectively). The difference was not statistically significant. We conclude that minimal thyroid dysfunction had no adverse effects on endothelial function in the population studied. Further investigation is warranted to assess whether subclinical hypothyroidism, with and without TPO-Ab-positive serology, has any effect on endothelial function.


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We investigated the effect of the -278A>C polymorphism in the CYP7A1 gene on the response of plasma lipids to a reduced-fat diet for 6 to 8 weeks in a group of 82 dyslipidemic males with a mean age of 46.0 ± 11.7 years. Individuals who presented at least one high alteration in total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or triglyceride values were considered to be dyslipidemic. Exclusion criteria were secondary dyslipidemia due to diabetes mellitus, renal, liver, or thyroid disease. None of the subjects were using lipid-lowering medication. Baseline and follow-up lipid concentrations were measured. The genotypes were determined by the digestion of PCR products with the BsaI restriction endonuclease. There were statistically significant reductions in plasma total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations after dietary intervention. The minor allele C has a frequency of 43%. Carriers of the C allele had significantly lower triglyceride concentrations (P = 0.02) than AA homozygotes. After adjustment of covariates, subjects with the AC and CC genotypes showed a greater reduction in triglyceride concentrations compared to subjects with the AA genotype. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that the AC and CC CYP7A1 genotypes accounted for 5.2 and 6.2% of triglyceride concentration during follow-up and adjusted percent of change of triglyceride concentration, respectively. The present study provides evidence that -278A>C polymorphism in the CYP7A1 gene can modify triglyceride concentrations in response to a reduced fat diet in a dyslipidemic male population. This gene represents a potential locus for a nutrigenetic directed approach.


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Recombinant human thyrotropin (rhTSH) reduces the activity of radioiodine required to treat multinodular goiter (MNG), but acute airway compression can be a life-threatening complication. In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, we assessed the efficacy and safety (including airway compression) of different doses of rhTSH associated with a fixed activity of 131I for treating MNG. Euthyroid patients with MNG (69.3 ± 62.0 mL, 20 females, 2 males, 64 ± 7 years) received 0.1 mg (group I, N = 8) or 0.01 mg (group II, N = 6) rhTSH or placebo (group III, N = 8), 24 h before 1.11 GBq 131I. Radioactive iodine uptake was determined at baseline and 24 h after rhTSH and thyroid volume (TV, baseline and 6 and 12 months after treatment) and tracheal cross-sectional area (TCA, baseline and 2, 7, 180, and 360 days after rhTSH) were determined by magnetic resonance; antithyroid antibodies and thyroid hormones were determined at frequent intervals. After 6 months, TV decreased significantly in groups I (28.5 ± 17.6%) and II (21.6 ± 17.8%), but not in group III (2.7 ± 15.3%). After 12 months, TV decreased significantly in groups I (36.7 ± 18.1%) and II (37.4 ± 27.1%), but not in group III (19.0 ± 24.3%). No significant changes in TCA were observed. T3 and free T4 increased transiently during the first month. After 12 months, 7 patients were hypothyroid (N = 3 in group I and N = 2 in groups II and III). rhTSH plus a 1.11-GBq fixed 131I activity did not cause acute or chronic changes in TCA. After 6 and 12 months, TV reduction was more pronounced among patients treated with rhTSH plus 131I.


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Subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) patients present cardiopulmonary, vascular and muscle dysfunction, but there is no consensus about the benefits of levothyroxine (L-T4) intervention on cardiopulmonary performance during exercise. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of L-T4 on cardiopulmonary exercise reserve and recovery in SH patients. Twenty-three SH women, 44 (40-50) years old, were submitted to two ergospirometry tests, with an interval of 6 months of normalization of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels (L-T4 replacement group) or simple observation (TSH = 6.90 μIU/mL; L-T4 = 1.02 ng/dL). Patients with TSH >10 μIU/mL were excluded from the study to assure that they would receive treatment in this later stage of SH. Twenty 30- to 57-year-old women with no thyroid dysfunction (TSH = 1.38 μIU/mL; L-T4 = 1.18 ng/dL) were also evaluated. At baseline, lower values of gas exchange ratio reserve (0.24 vs 0.30; P < 0.05) were found for SH patients. The treated group presented greater variation than the untreated group for pulmonary ventilation reserve (20.45 to 21.60 L/min; median variation = 5.2 vs 25.09 to 22.45 L/min; median variation = -4.75, respectively) and for gas exchange ratio reserve (0.19 to 0.27; median variation = 0.06 vs 0.28 to 0.18; median variation = -0.08, respectively). There were no relevant differences in cardiopulmonary recovery for either group at baseline or after follow-up. In the sample studied, L-T4 replacement improved exercise cardiopulmonary reserve, but no modification was found in recovery performance after exercise during this period of analysis.


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The maxilla and masseter muscles are components of the stomatognathic system involved in chewing, which is frequently affected by physical forces such as gravity, and by dental, orthodontic and orthopedic procedures. Thyroid hormones (TH) are known to regulate the expression of genes that control bone mass and the oxidative properties of muscles; however, little is known about the effects of TH on the stomatognathic system. This study investigated this issue by evaluating: i) osteoprotegerin (OPG) and osteopontine (OPN) mRNA expression in the maxilla and ii) myoglobin (Mb) mRNA and protein expression, as well as fiber composition of the masseter. Male Wistar rats (~250 g) were divided into thyroidectomized (Tx) and sham-operated (SO) groups (N = 24/group) treated with T3 or saline (0.9%) for 15 days. Thyroidectomy increased OPG (~40%) and OPN (~75%) mRNA expression, while T3 treatment reduced OPG (~40%) and OPN (~75%) in Tx, and both (~50%) in SO rats. Masseter Mb mRNA expression and fiber type composition remained unchanged, despite the induction of hypo- and hyperthyroidism. However, Mb content was decreased in Tx rats even after T3 treatment. Since OPG and OPN are key proteins involved in the osteoclastogenesis inhibition and bone mineralization, respectively, and that Mb functions as a muscle store of O2 allowing muscles to be more resistant to fatigue, the present data indicate that TH also interfere with maxilla remodeling and the oxidative properties of the masseter, influencing the function of the stomatognathic system, which may require attention during dental, orthodontic and orthopedic procedures in patients with thyroid diseases.


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The actions of thyroid hormone (TH) on pancreatic beta cells have not been thoroughly explored, with current knowledge being limited to the modulation of insulin secretion in response to glucose, and beta cell viability by regulation of pro-mitotic and pro-apoptotic factors. Therefore, the effects of TH on proinsulin gene expression are not known. This led us to measure: a) proinsulin mRNA expression, b) proinsulin transcripts and eEF1A protein binding to the actin cytoskeleton, c) actin cytoskeleton arrangement, and d) proinsulin mRNA poly(A) tail length modulation in INS-1E cells cultured in different media containing: i) normal fetal bovine serum - FBS (control); ii) normal FBS plus 1 µM or 10 nM T3, for 12 h, and iii) FBS depleted of TH for 24 h (Tx). A decrease in proinsulin mRNA content and attachment to the cytoskeleton were observed in hypothyroid (Tx) beta cells. The amount of eEF1A protein anchored to the cytoskeleton was also reduced in hypothyroidism, and it is worth mentioning that eEF1A is essential to attach transcripts to the cytoskeleton, which might modulate their stability and rate of translation. Proinsulin poly(A) tail length and cytoskeleton arrangement remained unchanged in hypothyroidism. T3 treatment of control cells for 12 h did not induce any changes in the parameters studied. The data indicate that TH is important for proinsulin mRNA expression and translation, since its total amount and attachment to the cytoskeleton are decreased in hypothyroid beta cells, providing evidence that effects of TH on carbohydrate metabolism also include the control of proinsulin gene expression.


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In order to understand the mechanisms of poor osseointegration following dental implants in type 2 diabetics, it is important to study the biological properties of alveolar bone osteoblasts isolated from these patients. We collected alveolar bone chips under aseptic conditions and cultured them in vitro using the tissue explants adherent method. The biological properties of these cells were characterized using the following methods: alkaline phosphatase (ALP) chemical staining for cell viability, Alizarin red staining for osteogenic characteristics, MTT test for cell proliferation, enzyme dynamics for ALP contents, radio-immunoassay for bone gla protein (BGP) concentration, and ELISA for the concentration of type I collagen (COL-I) in the supernatant. Furthermore, we detected the adhesion ability of two types of cells from titanium slices using non-specific immunofluorescence staining and cell count. The two cell forms showed no significant difference in morphology under the same culture conditions. However, the alveolar bone osteoblasts received from type 2 diabetic patients had slower growth, lower cell activity and calcium nodule formation than the normal ones. The concentration of ALP, BGP and COL-I was lower in the supernatant of alveolar bone osteoblasts received from type 2 diabetic patients than in that received from normal subjects (P < 0.05). The alveolar bone osteoblasts obtained from type 2 diabetic patients can be successfully cultured in vitro with the same morphology and biological characteristics as those from normal patients, but with slower growth and lower concentration of specific secretion and lower combining ability with titanium than normal ones.


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Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) is considered to be mediated mainly by Th1 cells, but it is not known whether Graves’ disease (GD) is associated with Th1 or Th2 predominance. Th17 cells, a novel subset of Th cells, play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of various autoimmune disorders. In the present study, the expression of IL-17A and IFN-γ was investigated in patients with HT or GD. mRNA expression of IL-17A and IFN-γ in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 43 patients with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) and in thyroid tissues from 40 AITD patients were measured by real-time qRT-PCR. The protein expression of IL-17A and IL-23p19 was examined by immunohistochemistry in thyroid tissues from 28 AITD patients. The mRNA levels of IL-17A and IFN-γ were higher in both PBMC and thyroid tissues of HT patients than in controls (mRNA levels are reported as the cytokine/β-actin ratio: IL-17 = 13.58- and 2.88-fold change and IFN-γ = 16.54- and 2.74-fold change, respectively, P < 0.05). Also, the mRNA levels of IL-17A and IFN-γ did not differ significantly in GD patients (P > 0.05). The high protein expression of IL-17A (IOD = 15.17 ± 4.8) and IL-23p19 (IOD = 16.84 ± 7.87) in HT was confirmed by immunohistochemistry (P < 0.05). The similar high levels of IL-17A and IFN-γ suggest a mixed response of Th17 and Th1 in HT, where both cells may play important roles in the destruction procedure by cell-mediated cytotoxicity.


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The single photon emission microscope (SPEM) is an instrument developed to obtain high spatial resolution single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images of small structures inside the mouse brain. SPEM consists of two independent imaging devices, which combine a multipinhole collimator, a high-resolution, thallium-doped cesium iodide [CsI(Tl)] columnar scintillator, a demagnifying/intensifier tube, and an electron-multiplying charge-coupling device (CCD). Collimators have 300- and 450-µm diameter pinholes on tungsten slabs, in hexagonal arrays of 19 and 7 holes. Projection data are acquired in a photon-counting strategy, where CCD frames are stored at 50 frames per second, with a radius of rotation of 35 mm and magnification factor of one. The image reconstruction software tool is based on the maximum likelihood algorithm. Our aim was to evaluate the spatial resolution and sensitivity attainable with the seven-pinhole imaging device, together with the linearity for quantification on the tomographic images, and to test the instrument in obtaining tomographic images of different mouse organs. A spatial resolution better than 500 µm and a sensitivity of 21.6 counts·s-1·MBq-1 were reached, as well as a correlation coefficient between activity and intensity better than 0.99, when imaging 99mTc sources. Images of the thyroid, heart, lungs, and bones of mice were registered using 99mTc-labeled radiopharmaceuticals in times appropriate for routine preclinical experimentation of <1 h per projection data set. Detailed experimental protocols and images of the aforementioned organs are shown. We plan to extend the instrument's field of view to fix larger animals and to combine data from both detectors to reduce the acquisition time or applied activity.


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Myoglobin acts as an oxygen store and a reactive oxygen species acceptor in muscles. We examined myoglobin mRNA in rat cardiac ventricle and skeletal muscles during the first 42 days of life and the impact of transient neonatal hypo- and hyperthyroidism on the myoglobin gene expression pattern. Cardiac ventricle and skeletal muscles of Wistar rats at 7-42 days of life were quickly removed, and myoglobin mRNA was determined by Northern blot analysis. Rats were treated with propylthiouracil (5-10 mg/100 g) and triiodothyronine (0.5-50 µg/100 g) for 5, 15, or 30 days after birth to induce hypo- and hyperthyroidism and euthanized either just after treatment or at 90 days. During postnatal (P) days 7-28, the ventricle myoglobin mRNA remained unchanged, but it gradually increased in skeletal muscle (12-fold). Triiodothyronine treatment, from days P0-P5, increased the skeletal muscle myoglobin mRNA 1.5- to 4.5-fold; a 2.5-fold increase was observed in ventricle muscle, but only when triiodothyronine treatment was extended to day P15. Conversely, hypothyroidism at P5 markedly decreased (60%) ventricular myoglobin mRNA. Moreover, transient hyperthyroidism in the neonatal period increased ventricle myoglobin mRNA (2-fold), and decreased heart rate (5%), fast muscle myoglobin mRNA (30%) and body weight (20%) in adulthood. Transient hypothyroidism in the neonatal period also permanently decreased fast muscle myoglobin mRNA (30%) and body weight (14%). These results indicated that changes in triiodothyronine supply in the neonatal period alter the myoglobin expression program in ventricle and skeletal muscle, leading to specific physiological repercussions and alterations in other parameters in adulthood.