109 resultados para Self-marketing strategic
OBJECTIVES: To investigate feasibility and easiness of administration of a brief and simple instrument addressing impairment associated with adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and if ADHD subtypes were correlated to specific profiles of self-reported impairment. METHODS: Thirty-five adults (19 men and 16 women; mean age of 31.74 years) diagnosed with ADHD according to DSM-IV with a semi-structured interview (K-SADS PL) were asked to fill out a Likert scale covering six different functional areas (academic, professional, marital, familiar, social and daily activities). Clinicians questioned patients about their understanding of the questionnaire and investigated their answers in more details to check consistency of their answers. RESULTS: No patient reported difficulties in understanding the questionnaire. Further questioning of patients' answers confirmed their choices in the six areas. Academic burden had the highest average score in the whole sample, followed by professional burden. Social area had the lowest average score in this sample.
Objetivo Avaliar a prevalência de prováveis transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) e os fatores associados em um grupo de prostitutas de Minas Gerais. Métodos Estudo transversal utilizando o Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) em mulheres cadastradas na Associação de Prostitutas de Minas Gerais (Aprosmig). Avaliaram-se características sociodemográficas e aspectos do trabalho na prostituição. Teste do qui-quadrado foi empregado na análise de associação entre variáveis categóricas sociodemográficas e a presença de prováveis TMC. A análise dos fatores associados à presença de prováveis TMC foi realizada por meio de modelo de regressão logística. Resultados Foram entrevistadas 216 prostitutas. A prevalência global de prováveis TMC foi de 57,9%, mais observada em mulheres com baixa escolaridade, história de violência física e ingresso precoce na prostituição. Conclusão Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que a prevalência de prováveis TMC entre prostitutas foi superior à observada na população geral, indicando a necessidade de melhorar os cuidados com a saúde dessas mulheres.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the level of satisfaction with body weight and the self-perception of the weight/height ratio and to verify the influence of the frequency of present and past physical activity on these variables. METHODS: Using questionnaires or interviews, we obtained height data, reported and desired weight, self-perception of the weight/height ratio, and the frequency of current physical activity in 844 adults (489 women). Of these, evaluated the frequency of physical activity during high school of 193 individuals,and we measured their height and weight. RESULTS: Less than 2/3 of the individuals had body mass index between 20 and 24.9 kg/m2. A tendency existed to overestimate height by less than 1 cm and to underestimate weight by less than 1kg. Desired weight was less than that reported (p<0.001), and only 20% were satisfied with their current weight. Only 42% of men and 25% of women exercised regularly. No association was found between the frequency of physical activity and the variables height, weight, and body mass index, and the level of satisfaction with current weight. CONCLUSION: Height and weight reported seem to be valid for epidemological studies, and great dissatisfaction with body weight and a distorted self-perception of height/weight ratio exists, especially in women, regardless of the frequency of physical activity.