324 resultados para Saldanha, João Carlos de Saldanha de Oliveira e Daun, Duque de, 1790-1876.


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Six cases of a cavitary pulmonary ball formed by Actinomycetes are reported. They were observed in the state of Bahia, Brazil. All patients complained of cough and hemoptysis and the pathological study showed bronchiectasis and small cavities in the lungs. The lesions contained micro-colonies of Actinomyces, identified by morphology, staining properties and culture in two cases (thioglycolate media). In the six patients the disease was limited to the lungs. In one patient grains were found, within micro-abscesses in the surrounding parenchyma. Probably the invasion occurred due to ulceration of bronchial mucosa that was covered by granulation tissue. The author suggests that as in nocardiosis actinomycosys may have an invasive form, a saprophytic one may and colonize pulmonary cavities.


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A infecção experimental pelo Trypanosoma cruzi foi estudada em nove caprinos jovens. Os animais foram inoculados via intraperitoneal com 10³ tripomastigotas sangüíneos/Kg de peso com as cepas 147 (Grupo 1) e 229 (Grupo 2), isoladas de pacientes chagásicos crônicos de Bambuí, MG. Realizaram-se exames de sangue a fresco, xenodiagnóstico, hemocultura e sorologia (RIFI e ELISA). O período de acompanhamento da infecção variou de 7 a 30 meses. Pôde-se observar uma acentuada diferença no curso da infecção entre os dois grupos. Demonstrou-se pela primeira vez em caprinos experimentalmente inoculados com T. cruzi, o parasita através de exames de sangue a fresco e xenodiagnóstico no período agudo e pela hemocultura e xenodiagnóstico no período crônico da infecção chagásica. Os resultados sugerem que caprinos, em determinadas condições epidemiológicas, podem ser importantes no ciclo de transmissão silvestre e peridoméstico do T. cruzi, especialmente aqueles animais mais jovens.


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The objective of this study was to compare the histopathological changes and expression of CR3 and CR4 in the liver and spleen of dogs naturally and experimentally infected with L. chagasi. The basic histopathological lesions observed mainly in naturally infected dogs were: epithelioid hepatic granulomas, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of Kupffer cells, Malpigui follicles and mononucleated cells of the red pulp of the spleen. Sections from the liver and spleen by immunocytochemistry technique showed the presence of CD11b,c\CD 18 antigens in the control and infected animals and no qualitative or quantitative differences in the liver. Nevertheless, CD18 was always increased in the spleen of naturally and experimentally infected dogs. These results indicate that there is a difference in the activaton of CD 18 in both experimental and natural cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis that should play an important role in the immunological response to Leishmania chagasi infection.


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Eleven cases of involvement of the genital tract in paracoccidioidomycosis were collected in a retrospective study of the clinical records of 683 patients seen in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. These cases are herein summarily reported. Eighteen similar cases were gathered in review of the Brazilian literature. Obtained data are discussed.


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Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, or Kikuchi's lymphadenitis (KL), is an unusual form of lymphadenitis, generally with self-limited clinical course. KL has been reported in rare patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Pathogenesis of the lesion is probably related to an impaired immune function. The purpose of the present article is to report on one case in which KL was diagnosed in an HIV-infected patient. Histomorphology and immunophenotype were similar to previous reports, but a focus of activated CD30+ macrophages was seen, what might be due to the immunological status of the patient. EBV was not detected on the sections using the in situ hybridization technique. Although rare, the occurrence of KL in HIV-infected subjects must be emphasized, because of the potential misdiagnosis of malignancy, especially in the presence of CD30+ cells.


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The prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection was evaluated in Berilo, Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil, from January to July 1997. A serological survey using the indirect immunofluorescence test (IFT) in dried blood collected on filter-paper was performed in a sample of 2,261 individuals. The overall prevalence rate of T. cruzi infection was 18%, and reached 50% in individuals older than 30 years from rural areas. The percentage of seropositivity was 0.17% among individuals younger than 10 years old, suggesting that vectorial transmission is controlled in the area. A decrease in prevalence rates among people born after 1960 and 1970 was observed and this appears to be correlated with the beginning of control programs. A reduction in T. cruzi infection rates was observed when comparing our results with the rates estimated in a serologic study carried out in Berilo in 1983(11).


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a common disease in Latin America but it is rare in organ transplant recipient patients. We report on a case of such mycosis in a renal transplant recipient. The patient presented with a large lung cavity on the left lower lobe, a rare radiological presentation of paracoccidioidomycosis. Unusual clinical and radiological manifestations of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection can occur in immunocompromised patients.


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Six years after the beginning of the epidemiological surveillance of Chagas disease in Berilo and José Gonçalves de Minas, Jequitinhonha Valley, MG, Brazil, a serological inquiry was performed to observe whether the transmission of this endemy was occurring in this area. A randomized sample of 1,412 children seven to 14 years old, was screened. Six asymptomatic children were found to be positive, leading to 0.4% of prevalence. Hemoculture confirmed infection in five out of the six positive cases. Additional epidemiological investigation revealed important antecedents, such as disease reports in relatives and predisposing ecological and housing conditions. Our results demonstrated similar seroprevalence (0.4%) in schoolchildren, ranging from seven to 14 years old, and that were observed six years ago (0.2%) for children 0-9 year-old. Thus, considering the constant presence of Panstrogylus megistus in the peridomicile these findings emphasize the need of continuous improved epidemiological surveillance of Chagas disease in this region.


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Introduction: Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria which infects half the world population and is an important cause of gastric cancer. The eradication therapy is not always effective because resistance to antimicrobials may occur. The aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility profile of H. pylori to amoxicillin, clarithromycin and ciprofloxacin in the population of Southern Brazil. Material and methods: Fifty four samples of H. pylori were evaluated. The antibiotics susceptibility was determined according to the guidelines of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and the Comité de l'Antibiogramme de la Société Française de Microbiologie. Results: Six (11.1%) H. pylori isolates were resistant to clarithromycin, one (1.9%) to amoxicillin and three (5.5%) to ciprofloxacin. These indices of resistance are considered satisfactory and show that all of these antibiotics can be used in the empirical therapy. Conclusion: The antibiotics amoxicillin and clarithromycin are still a good option for first line anti-H. pylori treatment in the population of Southern Brazil.


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The identification of predictors for the progression of chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) is essential to ensure adequate patient management. This study looked into a non-concurrent cohort of 165 CCC patients between 1985 and 2010 for independent predictors for CCC progression. The outcomes were worsening of the CCC scores and the onset of left ventricular dysfunction assessed by means of echo-Doppler cardiography. Patients were analyzed for social, demographic, epidemiologic, clinical and workup-related variables. A descriptive analysis was conducted, followed by survival curves based on univariate (Kaplan-Meier and Cox’s univariate model) and multivariate (Cox regression model) analysis. Patients were followed from two to 20 years (mean: 8.2). Their mean age was 44.8 years (20-77). Comparing both iterations of the study, in the second there was a statistically significant increase in the PR interval and in the QRS duration, despite a reduction in heart rates (Wilcoxon < 0.01). The predictors for CCC progression in the final regression model were male gender (HR = 2.81), Holter monitoring showing pauses equal to or greater than two seconds (HR = 3.02) increased cardiothoracic ratio (HR = 7.87) and time of use of digitalis (HR = 1.41). Patients with multiple predictive factors require stricter follow-up and treatment.


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Em hansenianos internados num sanatório em Bambui, Minas Gerais, área endêmica de doença de Chagas, encotrou-se 38.63% de positividade da reação de Guerreiro & Machado, realizando-se exames clínicos, radiològicos e eletrocardiográficos em pacientes do grupo positivo e negativo. Os resultados são comparados a outros dados da região, sugerindo que o tratamento sulfônico. nestes casos, não interferiu na positividade daquela reação. Não parece ter havido influência do processo leprótico sobre a evolução da doença de Chagas e nem desta sóbre a lepra. Os estudos realizados sôbre o grupo não chagásico deixam entrever a possibilidade da existência de conseqüências cardiovasculares da hanseniase, aparentemente mal delimitadas e pouco estudadas na literatura.


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Foram realizadas hemoculturas pela técnica de Mourão & Mello em 16 pacientes na fase crônica da Doença de Chagas comprovando-se a infecção em 7 (43.7). A positividade por tubos de meio LIT semeados foi de 8,3%. Estes resultados confirmam os obtidos por Mourão & Mello durante a padronização da referida técnica e recomendam o seu emprego como método diagnóstico.


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Foi avaliado o emprego de metanosulfonato de hycanthone em dose única via intramuscular em pacientes esquistossomóticos crônicos, nas condições de ambulatório da Seção de Parasitoses da Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Horizonte. Estudaram-se 790 pacientes submetidos ao tratamento com 2,5 mg/k peso corporal, quantificando-se as reações colaterais referidas em função da forma clínica da esquistossomose, ao sexo e à idade dos pacientes, bem como em relação ao tempo de surgimento e à duração de cada reação. Os pacientes foram tratados após exame clínico e, em alguns casos, provas laboratoriais, sendo vetados ao tratamento ambulatorial cerca de 4% dos pacientes que buscaram o tratamento. De modo geral esta rotina tem-se mostrado bastante simples e destituída de maiores riscos, com mais de 12.000 tratamentos realizados sem uma única reação grave evidenciada. Dos 790 pacientes avaliados, 37,8% não referiram nenhuma reação colateral. Dentre as reações detectadas, as mais freqüentes foram as náuseas, os vômitos e as tonturas, geralmente surgindo no mesmo dia da injeção e com desaparecimento espontâneo nas 24 ou 48 horas subseqüentes. Relativamente às formas clínicas, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o grupo hépato-esplênico e os demais, talvez por problemas de ordem amostra. Foi significativamente maior a freqüência de reações colaterais entre o sexo feminino, acima dos 15 anos de idade. Com relação aos grupos etários, verificou-se a ocorrência significativamente maior de vômitos entre os pacientes de 5 a 14 anos, contrastando com a predominância de tonturas e anorexia nas faixas superiores.


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São estudados clínica e radiologicamente 566 chagásicos crônicos não selecionados, da área endêmica de Bambuí, Minas Gerais. Utilizou-se o método do tempo de trânsito esofágico, em abreugrafias de 70 mm, incidência perfil esquerdo ou oblíqua anterior direita. Verificou-se uma prevalência global de 8,83% de disperistalse esofágica, especialmente a partir da terceira década de vida sem diferença quanto aos sexos. Observou-se 72% de esofagopatias no grau I, 18% no grau II e 10% no grau III. Para 80 indivíduos soro-negativos verificou-se apenas um caso de disperistalse, no grau I. Para 115 pacientes com a fase aguda da tripanossomíase detectada há 27 anos, em média, a prevalência global da esofagopatia foi de 18,3%, sendo crescente a proporção de alterações com o tempo de evolução da doença. Verificou-se diferença significativa entre estes números e a prevalência encontrada nos pacientes sem forma aguda detectada, discutindo-se se a maior proporção de esofagopatias nos indivíduos com fase aguda mais intensa não se deveria à maior desnervação ocorrida nestes casos. Verificou-se a concomitância de cardiopatia crônica chagásica em pelo menos 50% dos casos de disperistalse de esôfago, em acordo com outros Autores. Aparentemente esta associação é mais evidente naqueles casos de esofagopatias de graus mais avançados. Ressalta-se a simplicidade do método empregado e seu baixo custo operacional quando utilizada a abreugrafia postal, adequado portanto à realidade social das áreas endêmicas de doença de Chagas no Brasil.