137 resultados para Rangel curve


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O sucesso da produção de palma de óleo (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) em sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) na Amazônia está condicionado ao manejo sustentável do solo, em especial dos atributos químicos e microbiológicos. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o impacto de SAFs com palma de óleo sobre os teores de nitrogênio (N) mineral e microbiano do solo, em função da sazonalidade pluviométrica. Avaliamos diferentes formas de N do solo (N microbiano, nitrato, amônio), além da concentração de carbono (C) do solo, em SAFs com baixa e alta diversidade de espécies cultivadas, os quais foram comparados com uma floresta secundária adjacente de 13 anos de idade. Para a maioria das variáveis analisadas (N total, relação C:N, N microbiano, relação N microbiano:N total, amônio) houve diferença significativa somente entre as épocas de amostragem. A concentração média de C no solo sob o SAF com alta diversidade (15,6 mg g-1) foi maior do que na floresta (13 mg g-1). Na época chuvosa a concentração de nitrato no SAF com alta diversidade foi 5,1 mg (N) kg-1 (solo), maior do que nos demais tipos de vegetação, resultando em menor concentração média de amônio no solo sob esse SAF, cujo valor foi 9,6 mg (N) kg-1 (solo). A mineralização do N no SAF com baixa diversidade, na época seca, foi 0,1 mg (N) kg-1 (solo) dia-1, menor do que nos demais tipos de vegetação. As variáveis analisadas foram mais sensíveis à sazonalidade da precipitação pluviométrica do que à conversão de floresta secundária em SAFs com palma de óleo.


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Isoprene emission from plants accounts for about one third of annual global volatile organic compound emissions. The largest source of isoprene for the global atmosphere is the Amazon Basin. This study aimed to identify and quantify the isoprene emission and photosynthesis at different levels of light intensity and leaf temperature, in three phenological phases (young mature leaf, old mature leaf and senescent leaf) of Eschweilera coriacea (Matamatá verdadeira), the species with the widest distribution in the central Amazon. In situ photosynthesis and isoprene emission measurements showed that young mature leaf had the highest rates at all light intensities and leaf temperatures. Additionally, it was observed that isoprene emission capacity (Es) changed considerably over different leaf ages. This suggests that aging leads to a reduction of both leaf photosynthetic activity and isoprene production and emission. The algorithm of Guenther et al. (1999) provided good fits to the data when incident light was varied, however differences among E S of all leaf ages influenced on quantic yield predicted by model. When leaf temperature was varied, algorithm prediction was not satisfactory for temperature higher than ~40 °C; this could be because our data did not show isoprene temperature optimum up to 45 °C. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis of the isoprene functional role in protecting plants from high temperatures and highlight the need to include leaf phenology effects in isoprene emission models.


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OBJETIVO: Valvulopatias cardíacas, causadas por febre reumática e outras etiologias, podem levar ao implante de prótese valvar mecânica e anticoagulação oral obrigatória. Comorbidade psiquiátrica pode reduzir a adesão à anticoagulação. Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos em pacientes com prótese valvar mecânica. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 193 portadores de prótese valvar mecânica, sendo 135 com cardiopatia reumática, tendo sido utilizada a Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, versão 5.0.0, para investigação quanto à presença de transtornos psiquiátricos. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados os seguintes transtornos psiquiátricos nos pacientes avaliados: transtornos de ansiedade generalizada (16,6%), agorafobia (11,9%), fobia social (10,4%), depressão (9,8%), distimia (4,1% atual e 1% no passado), transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (3,6%), pânico - vida inteira (1,6%), dependência ou abuso de substâncias (2%), dependência ou abuso de álcool (1%), episódio hipomaníaco (0,5% atual e 0,5% no passado), bulimia (0,5%). O risco de suicídio detectado foi de 13,4%. Ao ser comparada a prevalência dos transtornos no grupo com e sem cardiopatia reumática, não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Foi encontrada elevada comorbidade de transtornos psiquiátricos, principalmente transtornos ansiosos e depressão, sendo também elevado o risco de suicídio nessa população.


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OBJETIVO: Em ausência de alterações estruturais miocárdicas (AEM), avaliar se o bloqueio de ramo direito (BRD) gera potenciais fragmentados (PF) e turbulência espectral (TE) no eletrocardiograma de alta resolução (ECGAR). MÉTODOS: Doze crianças com comunicação inter-atrial (CIA) e bloqueio incompleto do ramo direito (BIRD) sem AEM (Grupo I), foram comparadas com 17 crianças com tetralogia de Fallot (TF) operada, BCRD e AEM, 5 com extra sístoles ventriculares e 2 com taquicardia ventricular sustentada (Grupo II). Todas fizeram ECGAR nos domínios do tempo (DT) e da freqüência (DF), com cinco variáveis analisadas. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes do grupo I tiveram as variáveis normais apesar do BIRD. No grupo II, 4 das cinco variáveis foram anormais, sugerindo a presença de PF e TE atribuíveis a AEM inerentes à malformação e ao ato cirúrgico. CONCLUSÃO: Na CIA o BIRD não complicado de AEM não gera PF e TE, não constituindo fator de risco para taquicardia ventricular sustentada.


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OBJECTIVE - To analyze the immediate and late results of mitral valve repair with quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet without the use of a prosthetic ring annuloplasty. METHODS - Using this technique, 118 patients with mitral valve prolapse who underwent mitral repair from January '84 through December '96 were studied. Age ranged from 30 to 86 (mean = 59.1±11.8) years and 62.7% were males. An associated surgery was performed in 22% of the patients, and coronary artery bypass graft was the most frequently performed surgery (15 patients - 12.7%). In 20 (16.9%) patients other associated techniques of mitral valve repair were used and shortening of elongated chordae tendineae was the most frequent one (6 patients). RESULTS - Immediate mortality was 0.9% (one patient). Long-term rates for thromboembolism, endocarditis, re-operation and death in the late postoperative period were 0.4%, 0.4%, 1.7% and 2.2% patients/year, respectively. The actuarial curve of survival was 83.8±8.6% over 12 years; survival free from re-operation was 91.8±4.3%, free from endocarditis was 99.2±0.8% and free from thromboembolism was 99.2±0.8%. In the late postoperative period, 93.8% of the patients were in functional class 1 (NYHA), with a complete follow-up in 89.7% of the patients. CONCLUSION - Patients with mitral valve prolapse who undergo mitral valve repair using this technique have a satisfactory prognosis over 12 years.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess intermediate-term outcome in children who have undergone orthotopic heart transplantation. METHODS: We carried out a longitudinal and prospective study between October '92 and June '99 comprising 20 patients with ages ranging from 12 days to 7 years (mean of 2.8 years). We employed a double immunosuppression protocol with cyclosporine and azathioprine and induction therapy with polyclonal antithymocyte serum. Survival and complications resulting from the immunosuppression protocol were analyzed. RESULTS:The double immunosuppression protocol and the induction therapy with polyclonal antithymocyte serum resulted in an actuarial survival curve of 90% and 78.2% at 1 and 6 years, respectively, with a mean follow-up period of 3.6 years. One patient died due to acute rejection 40 days after transplantation; another patient died 2 years after transplantation due to lymphoproliferative disorder; a third patient died because of primary failure of the graft; and a fourth patient died due to bronchopneumonia. The major complications were as follows: acute rejection, infection, nephrotoxicity, and systemic hypertension. The means of rejection and infection episodes per patient were 2.9 and 3.4, respectively. After one year of transplantation, a slight reduction in the creatinine clearance and systemic hypertension were observed in 7 (38.9%) patients. CONCLUSION: Heart transplantation made life possible for those patients with complex congenital heart diseases and cardiomyopathies in refractory congestive heart failure constituting a therapeutical option for this group of patients in the terminal phase.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the incidence of problems requiring reprogramming of atrioventricular pacemakers in a long-term follow-up, and also the causes for this procedure. METHODS: During the period from May '98 to December '99, 657 patients were retrospectively studied, An actuarial curve for the event reprogramming of the stimulation mode was drawn. RESULTS: The follow-up period ranged from 12 to 178 months (mean = 81 months). Eighty-two (12.4%) patients underwent reprogramming of the stimulation mode as follows: 63 (9.5%) changed to VVI,(R/C); 10 (1.5%) changed to DVI,C; 6 (0.9%) changed to VDD,C; and 3 (0.5%) changed to DOO. The causes for the reprogramming were as follows: arrhythmia conducted by the pacemaker in 39 (37.6%) patients; loss of atrial sensitivity or capture, or both, in 39 (38.6%) patients; and microfracture of atrial electrode in 5 (4.9%) patients. The stimulation mode reprogramming free probability after 15 years was 58%. CONCLUSION: In a long-term follow-up, the atrioventricular pacemaker provided a low incidence of complications, a high probability of permanence in the DDD,C mode, and the most common cause of reprogramming was arrhythmia conducted by the pacemaker.


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This is a case report of a double-outlet left ventricle associated with tricuspid atresia and hypoplasia of the right ventricle, diagnosed during echocardiography with color-flow imaging, in a three-month-old child who presented with fatigue and cyanosis. The child underwent palliative pulmonary arterial banding without an invasive procedure, and showed sustained improvement during follow-up.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of different types of lipid diets on the lipid metabolism of aging rats. METHODS: Fifty male Wistar rats were studied from the time of weaning to 12 and 18 months of age. Their diets were supplemented as follows: with soybean oil (S), canola oil (CA), lard and egg yolk (LE), and canola oil + lard and egg yolk (CA + LE). Blood pressure (BP) was measured every month, and the heart/body ratio (H/BR) was determined. The rats were euthanized at the age of 12 and 18 months, and blood samples were collected for lipid analysis as follows: total cholesterol (TC), LDL-C, VLDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides (TG), and glucose. RESULTS: The type of oil ingested by the animals significantly altered BP, H/BR, and serum lipid levels in rats at 12 and 18 months. No difference was observed in the survival curve of the animals in the different groups. The LE group had the highest BP, and the CA group was the only one in which BP did not change with aging. A reduction in the H/BR was observed in the LE and CA+LE animals. At the age of 12 months, differences in TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C, TG, and glucose were observed. At the age of 18 months, a significant difference in TC, HDL-C, and glucose was observed. The highest TC value was found in the CA group and the lowest in the S group. CONCLUSION: No increase in BP occurred, and an improvement was evident in the lipid profile of rats fed a diet supplemented with CA, in which an elevation in HDL-C levels was observed, as compared with levels with the other types of diet.


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OBJECTIVE - To assess mortality and the psychological repercussions of the prolonged waiting time for candidates for heart surgery. METHODS - From July 1999 to May 2000, using a standardized questionnaire, we carried out standardized interviews and semi-structured psychological interviews with 484 patients with coronary heart disease, 121 patients with valvular heart diseases, and 100 patients with congenital heart diseases. RESULTS - The coefficients of mortality (deaths per 100 patients/year) were as follows: patients with coronary heart disease, 5.6; patients with valvular heart diseases, 12.8; and patients with congenital heart diseases, 3.1 (p<0.0001). The survival curve was lower in patients with valvular heart diseases than in patients with coronary heart disease and congenital heart diseases (p<0.001). The accumulated probability of not undergoing surgery was higher in patients with valvular heart diseases than in the other patients (p<0.001), and, among the patients with valvular heart diseases, this probability was higher in females than in males (p<0.01). Several patients experienced intense anxiety and attributed their adaptive problems in the scope of love, professional, and social lives, to not undergoing surgery. CONCLUSION - Mortality was high, and even higher among the patients with valvular heart diseases, with negative psychological and social repercussions.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the value of the radiological study of the thorax for diagnosing left ventricular dilation and left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with Chagas' disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 166 consecutive patients with Chagas' disease and no other associated diseases. The patients underwent cardiac assessment with chest radiography and Doppler echocardiography. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of chest radiography were calculated to detect left ventricular dysfunction and the accuracy of the cardiothoracic ratio in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction with the area below the ROC curve. The cardiothoracic ratio was correlated with the left ventricular ejection fraction and the left ventricular diastolic diameter. RESULTS: The abnormal chest radiogram had a sensitivity of 50%, specificity of 80.5%, and positive and negative predictive values of 51.2% and 79.8%, respectively, in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction. The cardiothoracic ratio showed a weak correlation with left ventricular ejection fraction (r=-0.23) and left ventricular diastolic diameter (r=0.30). The area calculated under the ROC curve was 0.734. CONCLUSION: The radiological study of the thorax is not an accurate indicator of left ventricular dysfunction; its use as a screening method to initially approach the patient with Chagas' disease should be reevaluated.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the initial clinical experience with the Helex septal occluder for percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects. METHODS: Ten patients underwent the procedure, 7 patients with ostium secundum atrial septal defects (ASD) with hemodynamic repercussions and 3 patients with pervious foramen ovale (PFO) and a history of stroke. Mean age was 33.8 years and mean weight was 55.4 kg. Mean diameter by transesophageal echocardiography and mean stretched ASD diameter were 11.33 ± 3.3mm, and 15.2 ± 3.8mm, respectively. The Qp/Qs ratio was 1.9 ± 0.3 in patients with ASD. RESULTS: Eleven occluders were placed because a patient with 2 holes needed 2 devices. It was necessary to retrieve and replace 4 devices in 3 patients. We observed immediate residual shunt (< 2mm) in 4 patients with ASD, and in those with patent foramen ovale total occlusion of the defect occurred. No complications were noted, and all patients were discharged on the following day. After 1 month, 2 patients with ASD experienced trivial residual shunts (1mm). In 1 patient, we observed mild prolapse in the proximal disk in the right atrium, without consequences. CONCLUSION: The Helex septal occluder was safe and effective for occluding small to moderate atrial septal defects. Because the implantation technique is demanding, it requires specific training of the operator. Even so, small technical failures may occur in the beginning of the learning curve, but they do not involve patient safety.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre a evolução do desempenho cognitivo e o prognóstico de idosos após compensação de insuficiência cardíaca avançada. MÉTODOS: Selecionados, consecutivamente, 31 pacientes internados com insuficiência cardíaca classe IV da New York Heart Association, com idade > 64 anos (68 ±7) e fração de ejeção < 0,45 (0,38 ± 0,06). Submetidos a testes cognitivos (digit span, digit symbol, letter cancellation, trail making A e B) e teste de caminhada de 6min, 4 dias antes da alta (T1) e 6 semanas após (T2), cujos desempenhos foram comparados pelo teste T. O valor prognóstico dos escores dos testes cognitivos foram analisados pela regressão logística e o valor de maior acurácia dos testes associado com o prognóstico determinado pela ROC curve. RESULTADOS: Após 24,7 meses, 17 (55%) pacientes faleceram. Os desempenhos ao teste de caminhada e maioria dos testes cognitivos melhoraram entre T1 e T2. O escore do digit span entre os sobreviventes variou de 3,9 para 5,2 (p=0,003), permanecendo inalterado entre os que faleceram (4,1para 3,9; p=0,496). Melhora < 0,75 pontos no escore foi associada à mortalidade (risco relativo de 8,1; p=0,011). CONCLUSÃO: Em idosos, após a compensação de insuficiência cardíaca avançada, a ausência de melhora evolutiva do desempenho cognitivo foi associada a pior prognóstico.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar os fatores preditores ecocardiográficos de morte em crianças com cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 148 crianças com cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática diagnosticadas entre setembro/1979 a março/2003. Critérios para inclusão: insuficiência cardíaca e redução da contratilidade no ecocardiograma, na ausência de cardiopatia congênita ou secundária. Foram analisados 470 exames, durante 244,8 meses de evolução. Parâmetros analisados: dimensão do átrio esquerdo (DAE), relação átrio esquerdo/aorta (DAE/Ao), dimensão sistólica (DSVE) e diastólica (DDVE) do VE, massa do VE (massa), dimensão do ventrículo direito (DVD), fração de ejeção do VE (FE), percentagem de encurtamento do VE (%EC), gravidade da insuficiência das valvas atrioventriculares e da valva pulmonar e medida da pressão sistólica (PsVD) e diastólica (PdVD) do VD. Foi considerado significativo erro alfa <0,05. RESULTADOS: Idade média de 2,37 anos, ocorridos 35 óbitos (23,7% - IC95=17,1% a 31,2%). ANOVA demonstrou: DAE (p<0,0001), DAE/Ao (p<0,0001), DSVE (p=0,0061), DDVE (p=0,0086), massa (p<0,0001), FE (p=0,0074), %EC (p=0,0072) e DVD (p<0,0001). O agravamento da insuficiência mitral (IM) (p=0,0113) e tricúspide (IT) (p=0,0044) foram marcadores de óbito e a presença de IM, IT e insuficiência pulmonar moderada/grave foram deletérias à sobrevida. A análise de Cox demonstrou como preditores independentes da morte: DAE/Ao (p=0,0487), FE (<0,0001) e presença de IM moderada/grave (p=0,0419). CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes com aumento progressivo da DAE/Ao, redução da FE e agravamento progressivo da IM, a despeito do tratamento clínico, devem ser considerados precocemente em programa de transplante cardíaco.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a tendência temporal de letalidade atribuída ao infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) e se a mudança de conduta interferiu diretamente nesta letalidade. MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se 1055 pacientes não selecionados internados em unidade coronariana de 1994-2003. Foram analisadas variáveis relacionadas ao perfil clínico e terapêutico. A análise estatística utilizou o amortecimento exponencial de séries temporais e outras técnicas como a regressão linear logística. RESULTADOS: A letalidade média foi de 10,8%, sendo 12% em 1994 e 7% em 2002 (p=0,000), uma redução relativa de 58%. Não houve variação significativa do perfil de risco dos pacientes. Eram 67,4% homens e 32,4% mulheres, com idade média de 60,93 e 64,84 anos, respectivamente e observou-se aumento significativo no percentual de cateterismos cardíacos (de 14% para 51%), na angioplastia realizada após 24 horas do infarto (de 2% para 33%), na cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (de 4% para 7%) e na angioplastia primária (de 4% para 11%) com p=0,000, p=0,021, p=0,000 e p=0,000, respectivamente, para tendência linear. Nas primeiras 24 horas houve aumento do uso de aspirina e betabloqueadores, de 78% para 100% e, de 33% para 76% (p=0,003 e p=0,004, respectivamente) ao longo dos anos. Após a análise, persistiram como determinantes de letalidade a terapia de reperfusão miocárdica, a utilização de aspirina e de betabloqueador nas primeiras 24 horas do IAM (p=0,010, p=0,024 e p=0,035, respectivamente). CONCLUSÃO: Houve queda da letalidade e a mudança de conduta no tratamento do IAM ao longo dos anos foi responsável pela redução da letalidade nesta série temporal.