161 resultados para Programes de televisió de ciència-ficció


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Este estudo, realizado em 2009, objetiva aplicar análises bibliométricas ao periódico Arquivo & Administração, da área de Arquivologia. Elaboraram-se planilhas com os seguintes dados coletados em 21 trabalhos publicados entre 2004 e 2006: autoria, vinculação dos autores, vinculação dos trabalhos às correntes teóricas da Ciência da Informação, caracterização das referências quanto aos autores citados, idioma e ano. Os dados foram analisados à luz de seis correntes teóricas da Ciência da Informação, buscando-se identificar a relação do conhecimento produzido na área de Arquivologia com o da área da Ciência da Informação. A análise dos dados indicou a existência de uma estreita relação do conhecimento produzido na área de Arquivologia com o conhecimento gerado pela área da Ciência da Informação. Tal afirmação apoia-se, primeiro, na categorização das correntes teóricas da Ciência da Informação que puderam ser identificadas nos trabalhos selecionados; e, segundo, na identificação dos autores citados na Ciência da Informação e que também foram identificados nos fascículos do periódico analisado.


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A história dos conceitos, embora ainda pouco explorada pela ciência da informação, pode fornecer importantes contribuições para o estudo de conceitos-chave que constituem o quadro teórico-conceitual num contexto científico. Nessa direção, a história dos conceitos é apresentada como uma ferramenta para o estudo da diacronia e da sincronia do conceito científico na ciência da informação. Para tanto, foi mister compreender a intersecção das dimensões categórico-abstratas e analítico-causais, ambas relevantes por serem constitutivas da própria proposição da história dos conceitos elaborada por Reinhart Koselleck.


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Parte considerável dos estudos epistemológicos no campo da ciência da informação, no Brasil, tem como vetor a interdisciplinaridade. Contudo, alguns denunciam a dificuldade nos processos de integração disciplinar e de consolidação epistemológica. Eles têm por fundamento a construção de indicadores bibliométricos, excluindo o funcionamento discursivo que evidencia os efeitos de sentido dele decorrentes. Este trabalho visa a compreender esses efeitos, a partir dos implícitos e silenciamentos na constituição desse discurso e nos possíveis entraves à consolidação epistemológica da ciência da informação. Para tanto, tem como corpus analítico 12 (doze) artigos selecionados na produção científica brasileira que discutem a integração disciplinar na ciência da informação. A seleção dos artigos foi realizada a partir de análises desenvolvidas em fase anterior da pesquisa, buscando a construção do objeto e do processo discursivos. As análises e discussões foram realizadas com base na Análise do Discurso da linha francesa. Considera que o discurso da interdisciplinaridade, na ciência da informação, é permeado por mais de uma formação discursiva, mas se encontra ancorado no discurso dominante, que tem como vetor as determinações do modo de desenvolvimento informacional. Esse discurso utiliza de estratégias naturalizantes e generalizantes para mascarar seu posicionamento ideológico. A fragilidade nos processos de integração disciplinar se traduz em dificuldade na constituição e consolidação epistemológica da ciência da informação.


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xThe aim of this article is to present a contribution of the school knowledge research to Chemistry Teaching. The object of research is school knowledge on physical sciences, considering the existence of a rupture between scientific knowledge and everyday knowledge. The differences between analogies and metaphors and the process of didactic mediation were thoroughly examined. The conclusion is that the process of didactic mediation is built on their own cognitive configurations, which not always make public the private scientific knowledge to certain social groups.


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The Brazilian industrialisation process, which occurred from World War II up to the early eighties, was almost totally based on imported technology and has thus not demanded local S&T capability. National S&T expenditures were limited to 0.7 % of the GNP, covering mainly expenses with basic research and training of scientists and engineers. Federal Government was then responsible for 90% of the national S&T expenditures. The globalisation of the economy, associated with the reduction of tariff barriers, has, since the early nineties, exposed Brazilian industries to international competition and, thus, forced them to invest in research and development. S&T policy fosters research activities, provides research infrastructure and human resources training. The goal is to raise national expenditures to 1.5% of GDP by 1999, with a share of the private sector of about 40%. In 1996, national S&T expenditures have already attained 1.1% of the GDP and private sector investments in this area reached a share of 30%.


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In the past decade several articles have been published in this journal and elsewhere by different authors, dealing with the institutionalization of science in Brazil, its origins and subsequent history. The emphasis has often been directed to the work of Brazilian scientists working abroad, to foreigners in Brazil, or to a few private individuals within the country, as well as to cultural, social, economic and political considerations. Much of the attention has also been focused on "academic" science, rather than on empirical or technical developments. The present article presents some of these situations, particularly in the mining district, where the application of technology, sometimes quite up-to-date for the time, tended to blur somewhat the distinction between science and its applications. It is hoped that this may start a debate which will enrich our historiography in this field and be of interest to those who want to assess Brazil's position in the history of science.


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The structural characteristics of foams are responsible for a broad range of applications of this system. Foams produced by aqueous solutions of surfactant concentrates are used in fire-fighting due to their special properties as extinguishing agents. In the present paper we discuss the main aspects involved in fire-fighting, based on some properties of foams. Thermal and chemical stability, good wetting of surfaces, cooling effect by water drained from the bubbles, isolation of the air from the burning surface and suppression of flammable vapors are some of the factors involved in the extinguishment of fire by foams.


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In contemporary times, women can choose freely to enter any professional field. Along the way they come across stumbling blocks that make their progress difficult. Most of these difficulties are not gender-specific, yet women encounter them more consistently than do men. It is remarkably true for the areas of Science and Technology. However, it is not straightforward to evaluate and to obtain an accurate measure of the effects of gender bias. The factors and consequences associated with the phenomena are multiple, with many shades of regionalism as we look at different countries. Despite of the absence of detailed studies regarding the situation in Brazil, it seems unlikely we would be an exception to a world pattern. In this article, some causes as well as current actions around the world to fight gender bias are presented.


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Irving Langmuir received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1932 "...for his outstanding discoveries and investigations within the field of surface chemistry", according to the Swedish Academy. However, few people know that his work comprises other very important contributions, and not only for chemistry, such as the discovery of plasma, the atomic hydrogen, the pure thermoionic phenomenon, the development of the cloud seeding technique for weather modification, among many others. This paper summarizes Langmuir's most important discoveries and theories, with an especial mention for his practical inventions and his work on the atomic theory.


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The historiography of science has undergone a profound change from the traditional perspective of a few decades ago, according to which only mainstream science was worth pursuing as a research field. Such a restricted outlook was not conducive to a thorough understanding of the whole process of the construction of science. New approaches have breathed new life into the discipline, taking into account not only scientific endeavours from so-called peripheral societies, but also from different quarters within or close to the central groups. From this a new and far more interesting view has emerged, showing a complex and richer texture.


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The concept of research and the controversy among classical models for C, T & I, outdated by the development of knowledge and Post-modern society needs were revisited through the (3) Quadrants advanced by Donald Stokes in the mid-nineties. The scientific community to fit into these Quadrants was faced with many difficulties and reacted by issuing pseudo-facts, accepted by under-prepared technocrats as viable justifications for conducting research in face of these new paradigms. In a poor country full of contrast and needs such as Brazil, this attitude satisfies the bureaucracy and academic elite, but frustrates government and society, that do not get, in the expected measure, the benefits of their commitment with the Teaching, Research and Extension Sectors mainly embedded in the Public University system. An extension, in fact a contradictory approach, to Pasteur's Quadrant, is proposed to characterize this situation: The Syndrome of Ruetsap's Quadrant.


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Given that innovation is fundamental for competitiveness, and that it is intrinsically linked to knowledge, it has become essential to foster effective interaction between the Brazilian productive sector and universities and R&D centers. This interface should be created by means of the model used in developed countries: Observatory of Industrial Activities and Trends in Science, Technology and Innovation. The present work describes its main functions, using examples of activities undertaken by the Chemical Industry Information System of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro related to production systems of primary and high-tech industries, examining the diffusion of knowledge to decision-makers.


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