352 resultados para PCR-AMPLIFICATION


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A etiologia da otite média com efusão (OME) não é completamente conhecida, mas agentes infecciosos podem contribuir para sua patogênese. O conhecimento sobre a epidemiologia bacteriana da OME em áreas geográficas distintas é essencial para a implementação de tratamentos racionais, quando indicados. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência do Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis e Alloiococcus otitidis nas efusões da orelha média de crianças com otite média recorrente (OMR) e otite média com efusão crônica (OMEC) que foram submetidas à miringotomia e comparar os resultados obtidos por cultura e PCR. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo clínico com coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 128 efusões obtidas por timpanocentese de 75 crianças entre 11 meses e 10 anos de idade foram analisadas por cultura e PCR simultânea. RESULTADOS: Cultivaram-se bactérias em 25,1% das amostras e os patógenos principais foram encontrados em 19,6%. O A.otitidis não foi isolado em cultura. A PCR identificou bactérias em 85,9%, com os seguintes resultados individuais: A.otitidis, 52,3%; H.influenzae, 39,1%; S.pneumoniae, 12,5% e M.catarrhalis, 10,2%. A PCR foi significativamente mais sensível que a cultura (P<0,01). O S.pneumoniae foi mais encontrado em OMR do que em OMEC (P=0,038). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência das bactérias na OME em um grupo de crianças brasileiras é semelhante àquelas relatadas em outros países, sendo o H.influenzae o mais encontrado dentre os patógenos principais da orelha média. O S.pneumoniae foi mais freqüente em OMR do que em OMEC. A PCR é mais sensível na detecção de bactérias na efusão da orelha média, comparada com cultura, e é essencial para a identificação do A.otitidis. O elevado percentual de detecção do A.otitidis sugere mais investigações sobre sua atuação no início e no prolongamento de doenças da orelha média.


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A polipose nasossinusal eosinofílica (PNS) é manifestação de uma doença inflamatória crônica na mucosa do nariz e nos seios paranasais caracterizada por infiltração de granulócitos eosinófilos. O fator responsável pela eosinofilia e manutenção dessas células com a perpetuação do processo inflamatório e formação polipóide é objeto constante de estudos. As citocinas como IL5 (interleucina 5) e GM-CSF (fator estimulador de colônia granulócito macrófago) aumentam a sobrevida dos eosinófilos e prolongam a sua presença no tecido polipóide, diminuindo o índice de apoptose eosinofílica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da mitomicina C - MMC - por meio de aplicação tópica em pacientes portadores de PNS eosinofílica quanto à presença de IL5 e GM-CSF. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Quinze pacientes portadores de PNS eosinofílica foram submetidos à aplicação tópica de MMC na concentração de 0,5mg/ml, 1ml, durante cinco minutos, na cavidade nasal direita, e submetidos à biópsia para RT-PCR 24hs após. O grupo-controle foi a cavidade nasal esquerda. O perfil de citocinas foi analisado para IL5 e GM-CSF. RESULTADOS: A comparação dos resultados de GM-CSF pré e pós-uso de MMC quando usamos o teste t pareado apresenta p=0,041. A comparação para IL5 resulta em p < 0,001. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de MMC em pacientes com PNS mostra redução com significância estatística par GM-CSF e importante significância para IL5.


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Rinite alérgica é uma doença que decorre de um processo inflamatório da mucosa nasal conseqüente à reação de hipersensibilidade a alérgenos inalatórios e, eventualmente, alimentares. É mediada por IgE, envolvendo diferentes células, mediadores e citocinas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as transcrições para as seguintes citocinas: IL-4, IL-5, IL-8 e IFN-gama, particularmente importantes no processo alérgico nasal, principalmente IL-4 e IL-5. Neste estudo, optou-se por avaliar os pacientes atópicos fora das crises alérgicas, com a finalidade de se conhecer as expressões das citocinas neste período. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Realizou-se um estudo transversal e prospectivo, selecionando-se 30 pacientes, sendo 13 pacientes portadores de rinite alérgica paucissintomáticos e 17 pacientes não-atópicos. Os grupos foram selecionados através da história, do exame clínico otorrinolaringológico e do teste alérgico cutâneo - Prick Test. O perfil das citocinas foi pesquisado nos fragmentos de mucosa nasal, através da RT-PCR semiquantitativa, escolhida por apresentar boa reprodutibilidade e especificidade, utilizando-se como referência o gene da Beta-actina. RESULTADOS: Os valores de IL-5, IL-8, IFN-gama mantiveram-se homogêneos em relação ao grupo controle. A IL-4 apresentou diferença com significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes alérgicos paucissintomáticos apresentaram normalização da expressão das citocinas na mucosa nasal à exceção de IL-4.


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A infecção do papilomavírus humano (HPV) é uma das mais freqüentes doenças sexualmente transmissíveis em todo o mundo. A relação entre o HPV genital e oral permanece incerta, assim como o seu papel na carcinogênese oral. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a presença do DNA do HPV na mucosa oral e genital de mulheres com infecção genital por HPV, pela técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR). FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo piloto, prospectivo, com 30 mulheres, idade de 14 a 51 anos, portadoras de infecção genital por HPV confirmada pelo exame de histopatológico. Todas as pacientes foram submetidas a exame e coleta por raspagem da cavidade oral e genital para pesquisa do DNA do HPV pela técnica PCR. RESULTADOS: Nenhuma das amostras da cavidade oral foi positiva para HPV, enquanto no genital, o HPV foi detectado em 17 (57%) das 30 pacientes, principalmente o HPV 6b e 16. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostraram maior porcentagem do HPV genital em relação à cavidade oral, e sugerem que o HPV genital não parece ser fator predisponente para a infecção oral no mesmo paciente.


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We have evaluated the sensitivity of the classical blood subinoculation method, modified through cyclophosphamide treatment of transferred mice, for the detection of occult parasitaemias in Trypanosoma cruzi chronically infected mice. Besides its simplicity, the method was shown to be highly sensitive for both the "chronic" phase parasites (99% of chronic cases were shown to harbour occult parasitaemias) and for the acute phase parasites (T. cruzi could be detected in 53.8% of animals transferred with one Y strain parasite and in 20% of animals transferred with one CL strain parasite). Using acute phase bloodforms, the assay proved to be more sensitive than conventional subinoculation when dealing with the CL, but not the Y strain of the parasite. With the help of this parasite detection tool, we have studied during a one year period, the evolution of subpatent parasitaemias in a group of mice which survived through chemotherapy from lethal acute phase of T. cruzi infection. Cyclophosphamide transfer assay revealed occult parasitaemias in 100% of the chronic animals, nevertheless, continuous and discontinuous patterns of positivity were observed.


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Data concerning HCV infection in Central Brazil are rare. Upon testing 2,350 voluntary blood donors from this region, we found anti-HCV prevalence rates of 2.2% by a second generation ELISA and 1.4% after confirmation by a line immunoassay. Antibodies against core, NS4, and NS5 antigens of HCV were detected in 81.8%, 72.7%, and 57.5%, respectively, of the positive samples in the line immunoassay. HCV viremia was present in 76.6% of the anti-HCV-positive blood donors. A relation was observed between PCR positivity and serum reactivity in recognizing different HCV antigens in the line immunoassay. The majority of the positive donors had history of previous parenteral exposure. While the combination of ALT>50 IU/l and anti-HBc positivity do not appear to be good surrogate markers for HCV infection, the use of both ALT anti-HCV tests is indicated in the screening of Brazilian blood donors.


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We present a case of prenatal diagnosis of congenital rubella. After birth, in addition to traditional serologic and clinical examinations to confirm the infection, we could identify the virus in the "first fluid aspirated from the oropharynx of the newborn", using polimerase chain reaction (PCR). We propose that this first oropharynx fluid (collected routinely immediately after birth) could be used as a source for identification of various congenital infection agents, which may not always be easily identified by current methods


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We have developed a procedure for the rapid diagnosis of plague that also allows the identification of prominent virulence markers of Y. pestis strains. This procedure is based upon the use of a single polymerase chain reaction with multiple pairs of primers directed at genes present in the three virulence plasmids as well as in the chromosomal pathogenicity island of the bacterium. The technique allowed the discrimination of strains which lacked one or more of the known pathogenic loci, using as template total DNA obtained from bacterial cultures and from simulated blood cultures containing diluted concentration of bacteria. It also proved effective in confirming the disease in a blood culture from a plague suspected patient. As the results are obtained in a few hours this technique will be useful in the methodology of the Plague Control Program.


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is the most common congenital infection, affecting 0.4% to 2.3% newborns. Most of them are asymptomatic at birth, but later 10% develop handicaps, mainly neurological disturbances. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of CMV shed in urine of newborns from a neonatal intensive care unit using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and correlate positive cases to some perinatal aspects. Urine samples obtained at first week of life were processed according to a PCR protocol. Perinatal data were collected retrospectively from medical records. Twenty of the 292 cases (6.8%) were CMV-DNA positive. There was no statistical difference between newborns with and without CMV congenital infection concerning birth weight (p=0.11), gestational age (p=0.11), Apgar scores in the first and fifth minutes of life (p=0.99 and 0.16), mother's age (p=0.67) and gestational history. Moreover, CMV congenital infection was neither related to gender (p=0.55) nor to low weight (<2,500g) at birth (p=0.13). This high prevalence of CMV congenital infection (6.8%) could be due to the high sensitivity of PCR technique, the low socioeconomic level of studied population or the severe clinical status of these newborns.


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Differences were detected in the gene expression of strains of E. histolytica using RNA (RAP-PCR) and DNA fingerprinting (RAPD). Analysis of the electrophoretic profiles of the gels revealed some polymorphic markers that could be used in the individual characterization of the strains. The 260 bands generated by using five different primers for RAP-PCR, as well as RAPD, were employed in the construction of dendograms. The dendogram obtained based on the RAPD products permitted the distinction of symptomatic and asymptomatic isolates, as well the correlation between the polymorphism exhibited and the virulence of the strains. The dendogram obtained for the RAP-PCR products did not show a correlation with the virulence of the strains but revealed a high degree of intraspecific transcriptional variability that could be related to other biological features, whether or not these are involved in the pathogenesis of amebiasis.


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A total of 730 children aged less than 7 years, attending 8 day-care centers (DCCs) in Belém, Brazil were followed-up from January to December 1997 to investigate the occurrence of human-herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) infection in these institutional settings. Between October and December 1997 there have been outbreaks of a febrile- and -exanthematous disease, affecting at least 15-20% of children in each of the DCCs. Both serum- and- plasma samples were obtained from 401 (55%) of the 730 participating children for the detection of HHV-6 antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and viral DNA amplification through the nested-PCR. Recent HHV-6 infection was diagnosed in 63.8% (256/401) of them, as defined by the presence of both IgM and IgG-specific antibodies (IgM+/IgG+); of these, 114 (44.5%) were symptomatic and 142 (55.5%) had no symptoms (p = 0.03). A subgroup of 123 (30.7%) children were found to be IgM-/IgG+, whereas the remaining 22 (5.5%) children had neither IgM nor IgG HHV-6- antibodies (IgM-/IgG-). Of the 118 children reacting strongly IgM-positive ( > or = 30 PANBIO units), 26 (22.0%) were found to harbour the HHV-6 DNA, as demonstrated by nested-PCR. Taken the ELISA-IgM- and- nested PCR-positive results together, HHV-6 infection was shown to have occurred in 5 of the 8 DCCs under follow-up. Serological evidence of recent infections by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and parvovirus B19 were identified in 2.0% (8/401) and 1.5% (6/401) of the children, respectively. Our data provide strong evidence that HHV-6 is a common cause of outbreaks of febrile/exanthematous diseases among children attending DCCs in the Belém area.


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More than 70 species of mycobacteria have been defined, and some can cause disease in humans, especially in immunocompromised patients. Species identification in most clinical laboratories is based on phenotypic characteristics and biochemical tests and final results are obtained only after two to four weeks. Quick identification methods, by reducing time for diagnosis, could expedite institution of specific treatment, increasing chances of success. PCR restriction-enzyme analysis (PRA) of the hsp65 gene was used as a rapid method for identification of 103 clinical isolates. Band patterns were interpreted by comparison with published tables and patterns available at an Internet site (http://www.hospvd.ch:8005). Concordant results of PRA and biochemical identification were obtained in 76 out of 83 isolates (91.5%). Results from 20 isolates could not be compared due to inconclusive PRA or biochemical identification. The results of this work showed that PRA could improve identification of mycobacteria in a routine setting because it is accurate, fast, and cheaper than conventional phenotypic identification.


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The aim of this study was to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol for the detection of Salmonella in artificially contaminated chicken meat. Tests were performed with different dilutions of Salmonella Typhimurium or Salmonella Enteritidis cells (10-7, 10-8 or 10-9 CFU/mL) inoculated in chicken meat samples, in order to establish the limits of detection, incubation times (0, 6, 8 and 24 hours of pre-enrichment in PBW 1%) and three DNA extraction protocols (phenol-chloroform, thermal treatment and thermal treatment and Sephaglass). The assay was able to detect until 10-9 CFU/mL of initial dilution of Salmonella cells inoculated in chicken meat, which allows detection of Salmonella within 48 hours, including 24 hours of pre-enrichment and using the phenol-chloroform DNA extraction protocol. As the results are obtained in a shorter time period than that of microbiological culture, this procedure will be useful in the methodology for detection of Salmonella in chicken.


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A high incidence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections is observed in Brazil. These viruses are causatives of significant morbidity and mortality among patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. This work, shows the application of a PCR on determination of CMV load in the buffy coat and plasma. We analyzed the samples of 247 HIV infected patients in order to diagnose CMV infection and disease. We developed a semi-quantitative PCR that amplifies part of the glycoprotein B (gB) gene of CMV. The semi-quantitative PCR was carried out only in positive clinical samples in a qualitative PCR confirmed by a nested-PCR. CD4 lymphocyte count, HIV viral load and CMV disease symptom were correlated with CMV load. CMV genome was detected in the buffy coat of 82 of 237 (34.6%) patients, in 10 of these the CMV load was determined varying between 928 and 332 880 viral copies/mug DNA. None of these 237 patients developed any suggestive manifestation of CMV disease. For the other 10 HIV infected patients selected based on the suspicion of CMV disease, CMV genome was detected in only one case. This patient presented a high CMV load, 8 000 000 copies/mug DNA, and developed a disseminated form of CMV disease including hepatitis and retinitis. Our results were greatly influenced by the impact of the highly active antiretroviral therapy that reduced incidence of CMV viremia and occurrence of CMV disease in the HIV infected patients.