115 resultados para Ordenación de montes


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O estudo foi realizado por meio de simulações, inseridas em seis cenários de níveis de uniformidade de aplicação de água, nas condições de Cristalina-GO, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da aplicação de diferentes lâminas de irrigação na produtividade comercial da cultura do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Carioca. Para tanto, utilizou-se o sistema de irrigação por aspersão convencional, mediante dados de produtividade obtidos por intermédio da função de produtividade desenvolvida para as condições locais. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a maior produtividade de grãos (2.946,52 kg ha-1) foi obtida com o maior coeficiente de uniformidade de aplicação da água do sistema de irrigação por aspersão (90%), que resultou no menor valor de lâmina média coletada (418,16 mm) no ciclo da cultura. Ainda foi possível observar que o modelo e o método adotados se mostraram adequados para gerar cenários de produtividade do feijoeiro para as condições locais do presente estudo.


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Irrigation with domestic sewage effluent (DSE) has been recommended by subsurface dripping, as it can obtain a high rate of irrigation efficiency and faster use of salts in comparison with other irrigation methods. The study aimed at evaluating the area, the length and the effective depth of the root system of sugarcane irrigated with DSE by subsurface drip system and with different irrigation rates at depths of 0.00-0.20, 0.20-0.40, 0.40-0.60 and 0.60-0.80m. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Piracicaba, in the state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, in a sugarcane area irrigated with DSE in a completely randomized blocks set up in furrows, with three replications and four treatments, which are: one area without irrigation (AWI) and three irrigated areas meeting 50% (T50%), 100% (T100%) and 200% (T200%) of the crop's water need between each round of irrigation. T100% and T200% provided smaller areas and lengths of roots in the two deepest layers, as compared to AWI and T50%, which stimulated the development of deeper roots due to the water stress. TWI, T100% and T200% presented 80% of the roots up to a depth of 0.40m and T50% treatment presented 76.43% of roots total.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar as aderências entre dois grupos de ratas Wistar submetidas à colocação intraperitoneal da tela de polipropileno e malha leve de polipropileno revestida com ácido graxo ômega-3. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas 27 ratas Wistar randomizadas em três grupos. No grupo 0 não houve colocação de prótese, no grupo 1 houve implantação da prótese de polipropileno e no grupo 2, implantação de prótese de polipropileno revestida com ácido graxo ômega-3. Foi avaliadas a presença de aderências, grau, força de ruptura, percentual de área recoberta e retração das telas aferidas. RESULTADOS: O grupo 0 não apresentou aderência. Os grupos 1 e 2 apresentaram aderência na superfície da prótese, omento, fígado e alça intestinal. Foram encontradas aderências grau 1 e 2 em 100% do grupo polipropileno revestida com ácido graxo ômega-3 e em 60% do grupo polipropileno. As demais eram aderências grau 3, e diferiram significativamente entre os grupos (p< 0,001). A força de ruptura da aderência na tela polipropileno revestida com ácido graxo ômega-3 foi significativamente maior do que na tela de polipropileno (p= 0,016). Não houve diferença na retração das telas ou superfície acometida pelas telas. A análise da tela revestida com ácido graxo ômega-3 demonstrou distribuição preferencialmente nas bordas em relação ao polipropileno, com predomínio no centro. CONCLUSÃO: O tipo de aderência, percentual de superfície acometida e retração não foram significativamente diferentes entre as telas. A tela de baixo peso apresentou menor grau de aderências, e, estas, necessitaram força maior para ruptura, possivelmente pelo predomínio de sua ocorrência nas bordas da tela.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar fixação cirúrgica de telas de polipropileno (PP) e telas de polipropileno revestido (PCD), usando fio de sutura de polipropileno e cola biológica, quanto à formação de aderências intraperitoneais. MÉTODOS: Amostra de 46 ratas Wistar, randomizadas em seis grupos: dois grupos-controle, com cinco ratas cada, que foram submetidos um à incisão medial (IM) e o outro à uma incisão em forma de U (IU); nenhum desses grupos recebeu tela. Dois grupos com tela de PP, um com dez ratas, fixada com sutura (PPF), e o outro, com seis ratas, fixada com cola biológica (PPC). E Dois grupos com tela de PCD, no primeiro, com dez animais, a tela foi fixada com sutura (PCDF), e no segundo, com dez animais, com cola biológica (PCDC). RESULTADOS: Após o prazo de 21 dias, os grupos-controle não apresentaram aderências significantes. O grupo PPC apresentou menor grau de aderência do que o grupo PPF (p=0,01). Não houve diferença entre as fixações nos grupos com PCD. CONCLUSÃO: A comparação da fixação apresentou diferença estatística significativa apenas à tela de PP, com menor grau de aderência utilizando a cola. As aderências se localizaram predominantemente nas extremidades das telas estudadas.


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The pathogens of the reproductive system in the male can penetrate and establish by ascending route, from to the prepuce to the urethra, accessory glands, epididymis and testicles. The aim of this paper is determine the distribution and number of cells involved in the immune response in prepuce and pelvic urethra of rams, without apparent clinical alterations in testicle, epididymis and prepuce. The distribution of some of the cells involved in the immune response at the level of the prepuce and the pelvic urethra was quantified in four one-year-old rams seronegative for B. ovis and A. seminis and without apparent lesions in the testicles, the epididymis, and the prepuce. At the moment of slaughter, samples were taken from the preputial fornix and the pelvic urethra and placed in 10% formalin and under freezing conditions. CD4, CD8, WC1, CD45RO, CD14 and CD1b cells were demonstrated by immunohistochemistry, and immunoglobulin-containing cells (ICC) of the IgA, IgG and IgM classes were demonstrated by immunofluorescence. The labeled cells present in the mucosa of both organs were counted with an image analyzer. The total number of cells was compared between both tissues and differentially between the epithelium and the connective tissue of the mucosa. Significant differences were found in the total number of CD4, CD45RO, and WC1 lymphocytes, in CD14 macrophages, and CD1b dendritic cells, with mean values being greater in the fornix than in the urethra (p<0.05) in all cases. Only dendritic cells were found in the prepuce. No differences were found in the number of CD8 lymphocytes between both organs. The ratio between each cell type in the connective and the intraepithelial tissues and between organs was 10/1 for CD4 in the fornix (p<0.05), against 7/1 in the urethra (p<0.05), while CD8 had a 1/1 distribution in both mucosae. The WC1 ratio was 5/1 in both mucosae (p<0.05). CD45RO labeling was 19/1 in the prepuce (p<0.05) and 1/1 in the urethra. IgA-containing cells did not show differences in the total number of cells in both tissues. In the urethra, no IgG-containing cells were observed and IgM-containing cells were scarce; in contrast, both cell types were present in the prepuce, in amounts greater than in the urethra (p<0.05). IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-containing cells were located in both organs in the mucosal connective tissue. The presence of antigen-presenting cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, as well as of lymphocytes CD4, CD8 TCR γδ (WC1), IgA-, IgG and IgM positive cells, and CD45RO cells suggests that both mucosae may behave as inductive and effector sites for the mucosal immune response.


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The development of in vitro propagation of cells has been an extraordinary technical advance for several biological studies. The correct identification of the cell line used, however, is crucial, as a mistaken identity or the presence of another contaminating cell may lead to invalid and/or erroneous conclusions. We report here the application of a DNA fingerprinting procedure (directed amplification of minisatellite-region DNA), developed by Heath et al. [Nucleic Acids Research (1993) 21: 5782-5785], to the characterization of cell lines. Genomic DNA of cells in culture was extracted and amplified by PCR in the presence of VNTR core sequences, and the amplicons were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. After image capture with a digital camera, the banding profiles obtained were analyzed using a software (AnaGel) specially developed for the storage and analysis of electrophoretic fingerprints. The fingerprints are useful for construction of a data base for identification of cell lines by comparison to reference profiles as well as comparison of similar lines from different sources and periodic follow-up of cells in culture.


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Se evaluó el efecto del ácido fosfórico en la desodorización de la base proteica de pescado (BPP). La carne de pescado (Macrodon ancylodon) fue homogeneizada en un multiprocesador doméstico y sometida a la extracción de compuestos nitrogenados. Fueron experimentadas las relaciones de solución:disolvente en la proporción 1:3 y 1:2 por tres ciclos de extracciones, por dos minutos. El disolvente experimentado fue H3PO4 0,05% comparativamente a agua destilada. Los parámetros utilizados en la observación fueron nitrógeno total (Kjeldhal), nitrógeno no proteico y nitrógeno proteico, proteinas solubles evaluadas según la reacción del biureto y la evaluación sensorial referida en un test de ordenación. En las condiciones experimentales los resultados permiten concluir que las relaciones solución:disolvente utilizadas presentan diferencia en cuanto a la eficiencia de extracción; el ácido fosfórico en la concentración evaluada demostró mayor eficiencia de extracción en relación al agua destilada y la evaluación sensorial indica que no es necesario más que dos ciclos de lavado para eliminar el olor a pescado.


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Although inflation target regime seeks to serve as a reference for the expectation formation process of the agents, its implementation does not necessarily imply the acquisition or the best result in terms of economic growth. The present article aims the development of a model that explains, by firms' investment decisions, the product path behavior, undertaking monetary authority may present distinct situations associated with the reputation-credibility-transparency trinomial. The article also detaches different kinds of reputation and its degrees.


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This work aims at presenting the challenges that inflation targeting central banks may face since uncertainties represent a harmful element for the effectiveness of monetary policy, and since financial instabilities may disturb the transmission mechanisms - in particular, the expectation channel - and thus the economic stability. Financial stability must not be considered as a simple goal of monetary policy, but a precondition for central banks operate their policies and reach the goals of inflation and output stability. The work identifies different sources of uncertainties that surround central banks' decisions; and approaches the role that inflation targeting central banks should play according to some basic principles that can serve as useful guides for central banks to help them achieve successful outcomes in their conduct of monetary policy.


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Theory of functional finance and the role of fiscal policy: A post-keynesian critique to the new consensus macroeconomics. This paper presents the critical approaches and elaborates the arguments that oppose those of the New Consensus Macroeconomics regarding the conduct of fiscal policy. Those criticisms and arguments are based in the post-Keynesian thought and the theory of Functional Finance. The theory of Functional Finance is an extension of the Keynesian approach, particularly with regard to discussions on public finances. As supports the theory of Functional Finance, the objectives to be pursued by fiscal policy should suggest the improvement of social welfare as a whole, i.e., the performance of inflation, employment and output should be taken into account by policymakers.