384 resultados para Neonatologia veterinária - cordeiro


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer critérios adequados à triagem de doadores de sangue de regiões com características epidemiológicas distintas, para malária. Foram estudados 3 locais com critérios de seleção diferentes: São Paulo, SP (sem transmissão vetorial), Belém (baixa transmissão ativa), Matupá, Belém, PA e Peixoto de Azevedo, MT (alta transmissão ativa). A pesquisa de plasmódios foi realizada por gota espessa, QBC Test® e imunofluorescência para pesquisa de antígenos, tendo sido todas as amostras negativas. Houve grande variação na positividade para anticorpos antiplasmodiais por IFI-IgG anti P. vivax e P. falciparum entre doadores aptos nos 3 locais de estudo e entre doadores aptos e inaptos em São Paulo (aptos 1,98%, inaptos 22,3%, p < 0.01) e Belém (aptos 17,2%, inaptos 58,3%, p < 0.01), o que atesta a validade da triagem clínico-epidemiológica realizada. Em Matupá e Peixoto de Azevedo não houve doadores inaptos e a positividade foi de 80,6%. Consideramos que em bancos de sangue a triagem deve seguir critérios clínico-epidemiológicos adequados à situação de cada região. Os métodos laboratoriais de triagem, devem ser para detecção de plasmódios (gota espessa/QBC Test® ou detecção de antígenos parasitários.


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Genetic diversity and differentiation, inferred by typing the polymorphic genes coding for the merozoite surface proteins 1 (Msp-1) and 2 (Msp-2), were compared for 345 isolates belonging to seven Plasmodium falciparum populations from three continents. Both loci yielded similar estimates of genetic diversity for each population, but rather different patterns of between-population differentiation, suggesting that natural selection on these loci, rather than the transmission dynamics of P. falciparum, determines the variation in allele frequencies among populations.


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Há poucos dados sistematizados sobre eventos adversos da vacina contra influenza no Brasil. Este trabalho visou identificar estes eventos em população acima de 60 anos que compareceu à Campanha Nacional de Vacinação do Idoso, em Distrito de Campinas, SP, em 2000. Foi realizada entrevista para relato de sintomas gerais e locais, com nexo temporal após a aplicação do imunobiológico, em amostra aleatória sistemática da população (n=206). Registraram-se 20,38% (IC 14,87-25,88) dos indivíduos com um ou mais sintomas, sendo a dor no local da vacina, a mais freqüente 12,6% (IC 8,09-17,15). Ajustou-se um modelo de regressão logística múltipla, tendo como variável dependente, a ocorrência de pelo menos um evento adverso. A variável independente que se mostrou associada às reações adversas foi o sexo (feminino) (OR=5,89 e IC 2,08-16,68). Os achados deste estudo reafirmam a pequena reatogenicidade da vacina contra a influenza.


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A manutenção de culturas de Malassezia pachydermatis em micotecas é importante para estudos retrospectivos e prospectivos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de Malassezia pachydermatis frente a diferentes métodos de conservação de culturas. Para tanto, após o processo de identificação, essa levedura foi estocada, por seis e nove meses, em salina e salina com óleo mineral a 28°C, bem como, em ágar Dixon, ágar Dixon acrescido de glicerol e ágar Dixon acrescido de dimetil-sulfóxido (DMSO) a -20°C. Os meios de Dixon e Dixon acrescido de glicerol foram os métodos mais adequados (p< 0,05) para manter a viabilidade das cepas, em seis e nove meses de estoque. Qualquer dos métodos utilizados foi conveniente para manutenção da positividade na prova da urease em seis meses de estocagem, sendo o ágar Dixon e o ágar Dixon acrescido de glicerol, os melhores (p< 0,05) para nove meses. Portanto, para a recuperação e manutenção das características de Malassezia pachydermatis, recomenda-se o emprego do meio de Dixon ou do meio de Dixon acrescido de glicerol.


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Neurological manifestation is uncommon in dengue infection. The pathogenesis of central nervous system involvement is controversial. We report a rare case of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in classic dengue, with isolation of serotype 3 in liquor. This condition was associated with significant structural damage detected by magnetic resonance.


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In Pernambuco, the first dengue cases occurred in 1987. After a seven-year interval without autochthonous cases, a new epidemic occurred in 1995. Important aspects of the dengue epidemics during the period 1995-2006 have been analyzed here, using epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data. A total of 378,374 cases were notified, with 612 confirmed cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever and 33 deaths. The mortality rate was 5.4%. The incidence rate increased from 134 to 1,438/100,000 inhabitants, corresponding to the epidemics due to serotypes 2 and 3, in 1995 and 2002, respectively. Dengue mainly affected adults (20-49 years); 40.7% were male and 59.3% were female. From 2003 onwards, the number of cases among individuals younger than 15 years old increased. Out of 225 dengue hemorrhagic fever cases, 42.7% primary and 57.3% secondary infections were identified (p = 0.0279). Neurological manifestations were also observed. From 2002 onwards, serotypes 1, 2 and 3 were circulating; serotype 3 was predominant.


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Há controvérsias sobre indicação do exame do liquor de controle em pacientes recuperados clinicamente de meningite bacteriana como critério de cura. Alguns autores defendem alta hospitalar após normalização clínica e liqüórica, outros que a análise do liquor não se justifica em todos os pacientes. Esta série de casos com comparação de grupos investiga alterações no exame liqüórico de controle e avalia a importância do exame na decisão da alta. De 297 pacientes estudados, em 89,9%, o liquor de controle não mudou a intenção de alta (liquor resolutivo), já em 10,1% a alta foi suspensa (liquor não-resolutivo). Destes, o esquema antibiótico foi trocado em 30%. Entre as variáveis que pudessem ser preditivas de liquor não-resolutivo, à admissão, proteinorraquia maior que 100mg/dL (p=0,04) e glicorraquia menor ou igual a 20mg/dL (p=0,03) associaram-se a chance 2,5 vezes maior, podendo ser úteis como critérios para indicar exame do liquor como controle de cura para alta.


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O estudo teve como objetivo verificar a freqüência de sarampo, rubéola, dengue e eritema infeccioso entre casos suspeitos de sarampo e rubéola, no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram testadas 1.161 amostras de soro coletadas no período de 2001 a 2004, para as quatro viroses, utilizando-se ensaios imunoenzimáticos para detecção de anticorpos IgM. Desse total, 276 (23,8%) amostras foram positivas para uma das quatro viroses analisadas. Foram detectados 196 (16,9%) casos positivos para dengue, 38 (3,3%) para eritema infeccioso (parvovírus B19), 32 (2,8%) para rubéola e 10 (0,9%) para sarampo. Entre os casos suspeitos de sarampo e rubéola, a infecção pelo vírus dengue foi a mais freqüente, seguida pelo parvovírus B19. A semelhança de manifestações clínicas entre as doenças exantemáticas contribui para dificultar o diagnóstico de sarampo, rubéola, dengue e eritema infeccioso, quando observados apenas os critérios clínicos. Deve-se salientar que os quatro testes utilizados foram insuficientes para diagnosticar 76,2% das doenças febris exantemáticas notificadas. Este é o primeiro estudo que evidencia a circulação de parvovírus B19 humano em Pernambuco.


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The present study had the aim of testing the hexane and methanol extracts of avocado seeds, in order to determine their toxicity towards Artemia salina, evaluate their larvicidal activity towards Aedes aegypti and investigate their in vitro antifungal potential against strains of Candida spp, Cryptococcus neoformans and Malassezia pachydermatis through the microdilution technique. In toxicity tests on Artemia salina, the hexane and methanol extracts from avocado seeds showed LC50 values of 2.37 and 24.13mg mL-1 respectively. Against Aedes aegypti larvae, the LC50 results obtained were 16.7mg mL-1 for hexane extract and 8.87mg mL-1 for methanol extract from avocado seeds. The extracts tested were also active against all the yeast strains tested in vitro, with differing results such that the minimum inhibitory concentration of the hexane extract ranged from 0.625 to 1.25mg L-¹, from 0.312 to 0.625mg mL-1 and from 0.031 to 0.625mg mL-1, for the strains of Candida spp, Cryptococcus neoformans and Malassezia pachydermatis, respectively. The minimal inhibitory concentration for the methanol extract ranged from 0.125 to 0.625mg mL-1, from 0.08 to 0.156mg mL-1 and from 0.312 to 0.625mg mL-1, for the strains of Candida spp., Cryptococcus neoformans and Malassezia pachydermatis, respectively.


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Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, que apresentou quadro de febre hemorrágica da dengue, evoluindo com icterícia e importantes alterações da coagulação. O diagnóstico de dengue foi realizado pela presença de anticorpos IgM antidengue (MAC-ELISA). Esta doença deveria ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial das icterícias febris agudas.


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INTRODUCTION: To evaluate physical capacity as determined by the six-minute walk test (6MWT) in patients with chronic heart failure due to Chagas' disease associated with systemic arterial hypertension (Chagas-SAH). METHODS: A total of 98 patients routinely followed at the Cardiomyopathy Outpatient Service were recruited. Of these, 60 (61%) were diagnosed with Chagas disease and 38 (39%) with Chagas-SAH. RESULTS: The distance walked during 6 min was 357.9 ±98 m for Chagas-SAH patients and 395.8 ± 121m for Chagas cardiomyopathy patients (p >0.05). In patients with Chagas-SAH, a negative correlation occurred between the 6MWT and the total score of the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (r= -0.51; p=0.001). No other correlations were determined between 6MWT values and continuous variables in patients with Chagas-SAH. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the 6MWT in Chagas-SAH patients are similar to those verified in Chagas cardiomyopathy patients with chronic heart failure. Coexistence of SAH does not seem to affect the functional capacity of Chagas cardiomyopathy patients with chronic heart failure.


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INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to establish the late onset sepsis (LOS) rate of our service, characterize the intestinal microbiota and evaluate a possible association between gut flora and sepsis in surgical infants who were receiving parenteral nutrition (PN). METHODS: Surveillance cultures of the gut were taken at the start of PN and thereafter once a week. Specimens for blood culture were collected based on clinical criteria established by the medical staff. The central venous catheter (CVC) tip was removed under aseptic conditions. Standard laboratory methods were used to identify the microorganisms that grew on cultures of gut, blood and CVC tip. RESULTS: 74 very low birth weight infants were analyzed. All the infants were receiving PN and antibiotics when the gut culture was started. In total, 21 (28.4%) infants experienced 28 episodes of LOS with no identified source. Coagulase negative staphylococci were the most common bacteria identified, both in the intestine (74.2%) and blood (67.8%). All infections occurred in patients who received PN through a central venous catheter. Six infants experienced episodes of microbial translocation. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, LOS was the most frequent episode in neonates receiving parenteral nutrition who had been submitted to surgery; 28.6% of this infection was probably a gut-derived phenomenon and requires novel strategies for prevention.


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INTRODUCTION: Rabies is one of the most known lethal zoonosis, responsible for 55,000 human deaths per year. It is transmitted to humans mainly by the bite of domestic or wild animals infected with the virus. This paper shows the circulation of this virus in non-hematophagous bats in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: A survey was performed on the number of bats that had been sent for diagnosis by the Seção de Virologia of the Instituto Municipal de Medicina Veterinária Jorge Vaitsman and were positive for rabies. The positive animals were identified, and the isolated viruses were sent for antigenic typification with indirect immunofluorescence. The results were compared with the antigenic panel of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. RESULTS: During 2001-2010, the laboratory received 555 non-hematophagous bats for rabies diagnosis, with 198 (35.7%) from Rio de Janeiro City. A total of 11 (5.5%) animals were positive for this disease. Antigenic typification revealed the predominance of variant 3 in 9 (81.8%) of the isolated viruses; 1 virus was classified as variant 4 and 1 variant was identified that segregated with the viruses in insectivorous bats. CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained in this study showed the presence of the rabies virus in synanthropic populations of non-hematophagous bats in the City of Rio de Janeiro. The circulation of this agent in these animals represents a serious risk to human and animal health and requires attention and control measures by the authorities.


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Introduction A sero-epidemiological survey was undertaken to detect the circulation of arboviruses in free-living non-human primates. Methods Blood samples were obtained from 16 non-human primates (13 Sapajus spp. and three Alouatta caraya) that were captured using terrestrial traps and anesthetic darts in woodland regions in the municipalities of Campo Grande, Aquidauana, Jardim, Miranda and Corumbá in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The samples were sent to the Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC) in Ananindeua, Pará, Brazil, to detect antibodies against 19 species of arboviruses using a hemagglutination inhibition test (HI). Results Of the 16 primates investigated in the present study, five (31.2%) were serologically positive for an arbovirus. Of these five, two (12.5%) exhibited antibodies to the Flavivirus genus, one (6.2%) exhibited a monotypic reaction to Cacipacoré virus, one (6.2%) was associated with Mayaro virus, and one (6.2%) was positive for Oropouche virus. Conclusions Based on the positive serology observed in the present study, it was possible to conclude that arboviruses circulate among free-living primates. The viruses in the areas studied might have been introduced by infected humans or by primates from endemic or enzootic areas. Studies of this nature, as well as efficient and continuous surveillance programs, are needed to monitor viral activities in endemic and enzootic regions.


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INTRODUCTION: Schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease, is an important public health issue in Brazil, particularly Northern Brazil. Since the first recorded occurrence of Biomphalaria glabrata in the States of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, it has spread to South Brazil. METHODS: Using the Information System for Notifiable Diseases (SINAN), we assessed the disease spread in Southern Brazil. RESULTS: In Rio Grande do Sul, nine localities had confirmed cases (n = 95, 2001-2013). CONCLUSIONS: We confirmed disease expansion to Southern Brazil. We demonstrated the effectiveness of SINAN to monitor notifiable diseases. Our results are useful to develop preventive actions for schistosomiasis control.