155 resultados para Medicamentos - Interações


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da interação entre fungos micorrízicos arbusculares e a comunidade microbiana do solo, sobre a disponibilidade, a absorção e a atenuação da toxidez de Mn em soja. As plantas foram micorrizadas com Glomus etunicatum ou G. macrocarpum, com e sem o restabelecimento da comunidade microbiana do solo autoclavado. Um tratamento não micorrizado teve a comunidade microbiana restabelecida, enquanto outro foi mantido como controle absoluto. As plantas micorrizadas apresentaram maior crescimento e atenuação da toxidez de Mn, principalmente quando se restabeleceu a comunidade microbiana. Nesse caso, houve aumento da disponibilidade de Fe e diminuição da disponibilidade de Mn no substrato. O teor de P foi maior nas plantas micorrizadas. Houve menor concentração de Fe e Mn na parte aérea das plantas micorrizadas, mais evidente quando a comunidade microbiana foi restabelecida. Nas raízes, esse comportamento foi o mesmo quanto ao Mn e inverso quanto ao ferro. A diminuição da concentração de Mn na parte aérea das plantas micorrizadas foi atribuída à diminuição de sua disponibilidade no substrato, enquanto em relação ao Fe foi atribuída à sua retenção nas raízes.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de voláteis de soja, induzidos pela herbivoria dos percevejos Euschistus heros e Nezara viridula, no comportamento de busca de hospedeiros dos parasitoides Telenomus podisi e Trissolcus basalis. Plantas injuriadas pela alimentação dos percevejos foram utilizadas como estímulos em bioensaios com fêmeas dos parasitoides, em olfatômetro de dupla escolha tipo Y. Telenomus podisi respondeu somente a voláteis liberados pela soja após a herbivoria de E. heros, seu hospedeiro preferencial. Trissolcus basalis não foi influenciado pelas plantas injuriadas pelos percevejos. Os resultados obtidos indicam existência de interações espécie-específicas no sistema tritrófico soja-percevejos-parasitoides de ovos.


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Neste trabalho são apresentados os achados observados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de um paciente com talcose pulmonar, com a doença adquirida pelo uso de drogas orais injetadas por via venosa. O principal aspecto observado na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução foi o de nódulos centrolobulares, associados a massas conglomeradas. Havia também enfisema e áreas de atenuação em vidro fosco. Estes achados são bastante sugestivos de talcose pulmonar.


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Adsorption of cationic dyes on clays can be used as a model for the interactions between organic compounds and these minerals. Cationic dyes like methylene blue are used to study these interactions because of the spectroscopic changes observed when their molecules are adsorbed on clay surfaces. Depending on the structure and layer charge of the clay particles several processes may occur, like adsorption of dye monomers and aggregates on the external and internal surfaces of the clay tactoids, migration towards internal surfaces, protonation, etc. Under certain conditions the deaggregation-aggregation of the clay particles are accelerated trapping dye species during these processes. A general scheme is proposed for the processes occurring between clays and dyes in aqueous suspensions, which can be used to explain the behaviour of specific systems.


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Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a clinical procedure, which utilize a photosensitive compound and light. This is a new modality of treatment for cancer, aged related macular degenerescence (AMD), psoriasis, arthritis, arterial restenosis, etc which exhibits efficiency, less traumatic effects, low recovery time and few co-lateral effects. The first officially approved drug for PDT by the Food and Drug Administration (EUA) is Photofrinâ, which is applied for cancer. A new generation drug for PDT, Visudyneâ was recently approved to treat AMD; its photoactive compound is BPDMA, a benzoporphyrin mono-acid derivative (chlorin-type molecule). A concise history, technical information and some drugs for PDT are reported.


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This paper discusses fundamental concepts for the characterization of Langmuir monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films, with emphasis on investigations of material properties at the molecular level. By way of illustration, results for phospholipid monolayers interacting with the drug dipyridamole are highlighted. These results were obtained with several techniques, including in situ grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, in addition to surface pressure and surface potential isotherms. Also mentioned are the difficulties in producing Langmuir and LB films from macromolecules, and how molecular-level interactions in mixed polymer LB films can be exploited in sensors.


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Heterogeneous catalysts are of fundamental importance in several modern chemical processes. The characterization of catalysts is an issue of very present interest as it can provide a better understanding of the fundamental aspects of the catalytic phenomena, thus helping in the development of more efficient catalysts. In order to extend and improve the characterization of catalysts, new and less conventional methods are being applied, such as nuclear spectroscopies. In this paper we focus on the application of angular correlation, with can be used to resolve different local environments of probe atoms in solids and can be applied, as shown here, in the characterization of heterogeneous catalysts. A brief theoretical introduction is given and experimental results related to catalytic systems of alumina and niobia-supported Pt-In and Pd-In catalysts are presented.


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Hydrogen-bonded complexes formed by the interaction of the heterocyclic molecules C2H4O and C2H5N with HF, HCN, HNC and C2H2 have been studied using density functional theory. The hydrogen bond strength has been analyzed through electron density charge transfer from the proton acceptor to the proton donor. The density charge transfer has been estimated using different methods such as Mulliken population analysis, CHELPG, GAPT and AIM. It has been shown that AIM-estimated charge transfer correlates very well with the hydrogen bond energy and the infrared bathochromic effect of the proton donor stretching frequencies.


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We report herein the synthesis of some beta-D-galactopyranosylamine and beta-lactosylamine amides and sulfonamides. The interactions of these compounds with lectins from the seeds of Erythrina cristagalli (LEC) and Ricinus communis (RCA120) were evaluated in a hemagglutination inhibitory activity assay. D-Galactose and lactose were used as reference compounds. The beta-lactosylamine amides and sulfonamides were nearly as active as lactose in inhibiting LEC mediated hemagglutination and were less active against RCA120 agglutinin. The beta-D-galactopyranosylamine amides and sulfonamides were, with one exception, considerably less active than D-galactose in the assay with both lectins.


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NMR is a valuable screening tool for the binding of ligands to proteins providing structural information on both protein and ligands and is thus largely applied to drug-discovery. Among the recent NMR techniques to probe weak binding protein-ligand complexes we have critically evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of STD (Saturation Transfer Difference), WaterLOGSY (Water Ligand Observation with Gradient Spectroscopy), NOE pumping and DOSY-NOESY (Diffusion-Ordered NOESY) using a mixture of BSA (bovine serum albumin) plus salicylic acid, caffeine, citric acid, adipic acid and D-glucose.


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The objective of this work was to determine the influence of hyperconjugative interactions on the ¹J CH coupling constant for hexamethylenetetramine (1) and adamantane (2). For this end, theoretical and experimental ¹J CH were obtained and hyperconjugative interactions were investigated using NBO. It was observed, theoretically and experimentally, that ¹J CH in 1 is 20 Hz larger than in 2, mainly due to the nN®s*C-H hyperconjugative interaction. This interaction occurs only in 1, with an energy of 9.30 kcal mol-1. It increases the s-character of the carbon atom in the C-H bond and the occupancy of the sigma*C-H orbital in (1).


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Different agencies that supply validation guidelines worldwide establish almost the same parameters to be evaluated in the validation process of bioanalytical methods. However, they recommend different procedures, as well as establish different acceptance criteria. The present review delineates and discusses the stages involved in the validation procedures of bioanalytical methods designed for determining veterinary residues in food, explaining the main differences in the guidelines established for this purpose by the main regulatory agencies in the world.


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The importance of natural products as a source of new high value-added drugs has, no doubt, transformed Brazilian megadiversity into one of the country's most valuable and strategic assets. Thus the rational exploration of the Brazilian flora on an economic basis should be considered as part of a national development strategy. In this respect, governmental mechanisms to stimulate regulation on the access, bioprospection and industrial use of natural products represent a crucial issue. The aim of this paper is to show how the incentives and institutional arrangements that led to one of the greatest breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical industry, the development and commercialization of the anti-cancer agent Taxol, could be applied to the Brazilian case.


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Ultraviolet radiation is the major exogenous mediators of skin damage. To prevent such damage, sunscreen products are used. New research aims at both the elucidation of new sunscreen compounds, as well as new assets for supporting and synergistic action. In this article it is presented a systematic data of innovation for sunscreen and a discussion on prospects for partnership between universities and enterprises, where it is believed that the innovations in cosmetics, driven by the constant demand of the market in new products, may be a stimulus for the interactions between university and company in Brazil.


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The polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) resulting from the reaction of sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and N,N,N-trimethylchitosan hydrochloride (TMQ) was prepared and then characterized by infrared spectroscopy and energy dispersive X rays analysis. The interactions involving the PEC and Cu2+ ions, humic acid and atrazine in aqueous medium were studied. From the adsorption isotherms the maximum amount adsorbed (Xmax) was determined as 61 mg Cu2+/g PEC, 171 mg humic acid/g PEC and 5 mg atrazine/g PEC. The results show that the CMC/TMQ complex has a high affinity for the studied species, indicating its potential application to remove them from aqueous media.