159 resultados para Mecanismos de proteção


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In this paper a water quality index is developed to subsidize management actions in the Atibaia River for upon protection of aquatic organisms. This index is composed of two measurable environmental parameters normaly, ammonia and dissolved oxygen, the latter representing the contribution of organic matter. Concentrations of these two variables were normalized on a scale from 0 to 100 and translated into statements of quality (excellent, good, regular, bad and very bad). The index was applied to three monitoring points in the Atibaia River and compared to other indices used by the State of São Paulo Environmental Agency (CETESB). The results showed that the degradation in this watershed follows the urban population density. The developed index is more restricted than the other ones routinely used to infer water quality.


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Electrochemical sensors have attracted considerable attention in recent years because they provide data about the chemical state of our surroundings and the dynamics of the chemical transformations in the form a spatially resolved image. Particular interest has been directed to measurements in restricted-volume samples as new technologies enable the fabrication of miniaturized versions of sensors with reproducible characteristics. Taking these aspects into consideration, this review focuses on the use of electrodes of micrometer dimensions to acquire chemical information in microdomains in which concentrations may not be spatially homogeneous. This is possible because microelectrodes allow fast-response measurements with micrometer resolution to be performed. On the other hand, the use of microelectrodes as amperometric sensors presents an inherent drawback owing to the insufficient specificity toward the substrate of interest. Hence, some comments on strategies to enhance the selectivity of amperometric sensors are also made. Finally, recent applications of structurally microscopic electrodes as in vivo sensors are shown, as well as a prospect of the future trend in this field.


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Fundamental aspects of the conception and applications of ecomaterials, in particular porous materials in the perspective of green chemistry are discussed in this paper. General recommendations for description and classification of porous materials are reviewed briefly. By way of illustration, some case studies of materials design and applications in pollution detection and remediation are described. It is shown here how different materials developed by our groups, such as porous glasses, ecomaterials from biomass and anionic clays were programmed to perform specific functions. A discussion of the present and future of ecomaterials in green chemistry is presented along with important key goals.


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In order to ascertain the impact of agricultural activities on water quality of the Ribeira de Iguape River Basin in the state of São Paulo, surface water areas for catchment and drinking water have been characterized. The sampling period covered March/2002 - February/2003 and January/2004 at 10 different catchment points. SPE-LC-UV/Vis was used to monitor various pesticide classes such as carbamates, triazines and nitroanilines. The results revealed that water quality is associated with seasonal variation. Of 152 samples analyzed, only 24% showed the presence of pesticides, particulary during the wet season. High variability in pH, turbidity and color were observed.


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Magnetic soils forming on tuffite of the region of Alto Paranaíba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, usually contain iron-rich spinels exceptionally rich in magnesium and titanium. In this work, samples of the magnetically separated portion from the sand fraction of a Brunizém (Chernossolo) and from its mother-rock material were analyzed with synchrotron X-ray diffraction and 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy. Magnesioferite (MgFe2O4) and maghemite (its pure non-stoichiometric spinel structure, Fe8/3 ⊕ 1/3 O4, where ⊕ = cation vacancy, corresponds to γFe2O3) were the magnetic iron oxides so identified. Basing on these data, a consistent chemical-mineralogical model is proposed for the main transformation steps involving these iron oxides in the pedosystem, starting on magnesioferrite to finally render hematite (αFe2O3), passing through maghemite as an intermediate specie.


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Glass-ceramics are prepared by controlled separation of crystal phases in glasses, leading to uniform and dense grain structures. On the other hand, chemical leaching of soluble crystal phases yields porous glass-ceramics with important applications. Here, glass/ceramic interfaces of niobo-, vanado- and titano-phosphate glasses were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy, whose spatial resolution revealed the multiphase structures. Phase-separation mechanisms were also determined by this technique, revealing that interface composition remained unchanged as the crystallization front advanced for niobo- and vanadophosphate glasses (interface-controlled crystallization). For titanophosphate glasses, phase composition changed continuously with time up to the equilibrium composition, indicating a spinodal-type phase separation.


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The present work provides an overview of patent protection for second medical use of known chemical compounds, in Brazil and other countries, through the approach of the main controversies related to this theme. That issues encompass aspects related to the legality of the protection granted by the patent, the general requirements of patenteability, the ethic and social concepts and the politic and economic factors involved. This work also introduces the diverging views of the two Brazilian government agencies involved in the procedure for granting patent in the pharmaceutical area, INPI and ANVISA.


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The biodegradation of lignocellulosic materials is an important natural process because it is responsible for the carbon recycling. When induced under controlled conditions, this process can be used for technological applications such as biopulping, biobleaching of cellulosic pulps, pre-treatment for subsequent saccharification and cellulosic-ethanol production, and increase of the digestibility in agroindustrial residues used for animal feed. In the present work, the enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms involved in the biodegradation of lignocellulosic materials by fungi were reviewed. Furthermore, the technological applications of these extracellular metabolites are presented and discussed.


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An Nb2O|Cu corrosion-resistant coating was developed and applied onto AISI 1020 steel substrate by Powder Flame Spray. A galvanostatic electrochemical technique was employed, with and without ohmic drop, in four different soils (two corrosively aggressive and two less aggressive). Behavior of coatings in different soils was compared using a cathodic hydrogen reduction reaction (equilibrium potential, overvoltage and exchange current density) focusing on the effect of ohmic drop. Results allow recommendation of Nb2O5|Cu composite for use in buried structure protection.


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Solutions of [hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo]benzene (HTIB or Koser's reagent) in acetonitrile were analyzed using high resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) under different conditions. Several species were characterized in these analyses. Based on these data, mechanisms were proposed for the disproportionation of the iodine(III) compounds in iodine(V) and iodine(I) species.


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Brazilian universities and research institutions still fail to protect the knowledge and technology produced by their community of students, staff and professors while Intellectual Property (IP) issues along with the role of patents and their strategic management in educational and research institutions remain taboo or misunderstood. The focus of this work was to demystify these subjects, including IP, patents and their requirements, the decision to patent as well as tips for successful patenting. Any student, professor or researcher of an educational or research institution can invent and protect their technology. This paper shows how to make such a patent application.


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Os elicitores abióticos são compostos que induzem a síntese de fitoalexinas, como também outras respostas de defesa da planta. Visando a obtenção de uma alternativa de controle para murcha de fusário do tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum) foram avaliados os indutores Acibenzolar-S-Metil (ASM) e Ácido beta-Aminobutírico (BABA), em diferentes doses e épocas de aplicação via foliar. Foram utilizadas as cultivares Viradoro e IPA-6, suscetíveis a raça 1 de Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici. A avaliação de sintomas externos foi realizada semanalmente e a avaliação final realizada aos 43 dias após a inoculação das plantas, através da análise de sintomas externo e interno, utilizando-se duas escalas de notas. Apenas na cv. IPA-6 houve redução no índice de doença no tratamento com BABA na maior dose, aplicado cinco dias antes da inoculação.


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Foram estudadas a incidência e severidade de cancro cítrico (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) em plantas de laranja 'Pêra Rio' (Citrus sinensis) no município de Ourizona, região Noroeste do Estado do Paraná, utilizando controle químico, pela aplicação de bactericida cúprico, e proteção com quebra-vento artificial. Níveis mensais de incidência foram obtidos pela proporção de folhas doentes em relação ao total de folhas avaliadas, enquanto que, níveis mensais de severidade foram determinados por meio de escalas diagramáticas específicas considerando apenas folhas doentes. Os dados foram dispostos em curvas de progresso temporal e analisados com relação à área sob a curva de progresso da doença estandardizada (AUDPC*) e o coeficiente de determinação (R²) obtido entre os níveis de incidência e severidade. A aplicação de cobre apresentou efeito significativo na redução dos níveis de cancro cítrico e o emprego de quebra-vento pouco ou nada contribuiu para o controle da doença. Após 29 meses, plantas submetidas à aplicação freqüente de bactericida cúprico apresentaram valores médios de AUDPC* de incidência 43,5% inferiores aos observados nas plantas não protegidas quimicamente. O mesmo comportamento foi observado para a severidade da doença. Após 18 avaliações mensais, os valores de AUDPC* de severidade para as plantas submetidas à aplicação de produto cúprico foram 37,1% menores do que para as plantas não protegidas quimicamente. Para os dois anos agrícolas estudados, os valores de R² entre os níveis de incidência e severidade de cancro cítrico foram superiores a 0,80 (p<0,01).


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Uma formulação natural (VLAF) obtida da extração aquosa a frio dede tecido necrótico de lobeira (Solanum lycocarpum), infectado por Crinipellis perniciosa (Stahel) Singer, promoveu redução significativa no progresso da mancha foliar bacteriana (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria), quando previamente pulverizado em folhas de tomateiro. Duas frações obtidas por precipitação salina, F0/30 e F30/60, apresentaram a maior parte das proteínas do extrato VLAF e foram submetidas à cromatografia de troca catiônica para separação das proteínas contidas nas frações. Os picos não retidos dessa cromatografia foram então submetidos à cromatografia de troca aniônica. Todos os picos, retidos e não retidos das duas cromatografias, foram amostrados e pulverizados sobre plantas de tomate cv. Santa Cruz Kada. Respostas diferenciais de atividade de peroxidases foram obtidas 14 horas após pulverizações. As amostras que induziram os maiores aumentos na atividade de peroxidases nas plantas foram o pico retido em CM-celulose da F0/30 (F0-30CMR) e o pico retido em DEAE-celulose da F30/60 (F30-60DEAER). Os resultados deste estudo indicaram a viabilidade da purificação e da caracterização de proteínas ou carboidratos eliciadores provenientes de VLAF.


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Perdas significativas ocorrem durante o armazenamento e a comercialização de uvas de mesa devido, principalmente, à ocorrência do mofo cinzento (Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr.) e, para o controle de patógenos emprega-se, geralmente, o dióxido de enxofre (SO2). Diante da restrição crescente ao uso de produtos químicos em pós-colheita, tem ocorrido considerável interesse em métodos alternativos de controle. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo avaliar os efeitos da quitosana, na proteção pós-colheita de uva 'Itália' contra B. cinerea. In vivo, avaliou-se o efeito direto e indireto da quitosana pelo tratamento dos cachos de uva, antes e após a inoculação com o patógeno. Utilizou-se quitosana nas concentrações de 0,00; 0,25; 0,50; 1,00; 1,50 e 2,00 % (v/v). Para inoculação, em 10 bagas de cada cacho de uva foram feitos ferimentos de ±2 mm de profundidade, procedendo-se em seguida, a aspersão da suspensão de conídios (±10(5) conídios.mL-1) de B. cinerea. Após os tratamentos, os cachos foram mantidos a 25±1 &deg;C / 80-90 % UR e avaliados diariamente quanto à incidência e severidade da podridão. Avaliações in vitro do efeito do produto sobre o patógeno também foram realizadas analisando-se o crescimento micelial e a germinação dos conídios de B. cinerea. A solução de quitosana, nas concentrações de 1,5 e 2,0 % (v/v), quando empregada após a inoculação com B cinerea, reduziu significativamente o índice de doença no entanto, quando os cachos foram tratados antes da inoculação, não houve efeito significativo do tratamento sobre o desenvolvimento da doença. Nos ensaios in vitro, a solução de quitosana, nas maiores concentrações, suprimiu o crescimento micelial do patógeno e retardou a germinação dos conídios.