203 resultados para Haiti História 1937
Examination of 267.107 liver specimens obtained in Brazil by viscerotomy during from 1937 to 1946 inclusive revealed 5,953 Schistosoma mansoni infe¬ctions. This represents 2.23% ± 0.019 of the total number of livers studied. Data on the incidence of the disease is tabulated by states and municipios. Infected livers were found in all of the states and territories except the Territory of Amapá. Schistosomiasis is widespread in Brazil with highest incidence in the states of the Northeast. The disease is quite common in EspÃrito Santo and Minas Gerais as well. A study of the age distribution of cases of intestinal schistosomiasis observed among liver specimens obtained in the year 1938 showed a low inci¬dence on young children with a peak of prevalence in the 10 to 19 year age group. The purpose of this contribution is to call attention of the health autho¬rities to the extent and gravity of the problem of intestinal schistosomiasis in Brazil.
Anocentor columbianus Schulze, 1937 is a synonym of Otocentor nitens (Neumann, 1897). Otocentor Cooley, 1938 becomes a synonym of Anocentor Schulze 1937. The correct name of the species is now Anocentor nitens (Neumann, 1897). In Brazil this species was first recorderd by ARAGÃO (in FLOCH and ABONNENC, 1945) in Belém do Pará and by FONSECA (1948) in Goyaz. New records from Minas Gerais and Matto Grosso are presented and a new host, the jaguar, Panthera onca, is added.
Two samples of Sparganum, the larval form of Lueheella Baer, 1924 (= Spirometra Mueller, 1937) were recovered from Philander opossum (L. 1758) captured in Salobra, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, by Dr. Lauro Travassos in may, 1942. This is the first report of the presence of this larval form in P. opossum. Dealing with helminths recovered from Brazilian Marsupialia, deposited in Oswaldo Cruz Institute Helminthological Collection, we examined in two samples of the preserved material collected in Salobra. Mato Grosso State, nine larval forms (Sparganum) of Lueheella sp. One of the samples, with six specimens, tissue. It is the first report of philander opossum harbouring this larval stage. The studied preserved wet material was stained and whole mounts were deposited in the Oswaldo Cruz institute Helminthological collection ns. 31.470 and 31.471. Measurements are in mm.
Aedes albopictus was found in six of the 10 departments of Haiti and in 14 of the 35 communes surveyed. The survey found the larvae of Ae. albopictus in 13 different types of containers. Used tires and tins were by far the most common breeding sites used by this mosquito species. At the breeding sites, Ae. albopictus was associated with other mosquito species, such as Aedes aegypti, Culex nigripalpus and Aedes mediovittatus. The highest proportion of association was with Ae. aegypti. This study represents the first report of Ae. albopictus in Haiti.
Reported in Haiti as early as 1923, Mansonella ozzardi is still a neglected disease ignored by the health authorities of the country. This review is an update on the geographic distribution of the coastal foci of mansonelliasis in Haiti, the epidemiological profile and prevalence rates of microfilariae in people living in endemic areas, the clinical impact of the parasite on health and the efficiency of the transmission of the parasite among three Culicoides biting-midge species identified as vectors in Haiti. Additionally, interest in establishing a treatment programme to combat this parasite using a single dose of ivermectin is emphasised.
Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar a utilização da história oral de vida como referencial metodológico para obtenção de dados qualitativos, buscando compreender o significado da hemodiálise e o impacto desta modalidade terapêutica na vida de pacientes do serviço de Hemodiálise do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo.
O presente estudo busca compreender os motivos que levam pessoas a optar pela queimadura como forma de autodestruição. Baseados nos depoimentos de duas pacientes, que apesar de apresentarem caracterÃsticas distintas, têm em suas histórias de vida, pontos comuns, que podem ter influenciado na sua decisão. A identificação de perturbações emocionais ou psÃquicas nessas pacientes, assinala a importância da presença de um profissional especializado em Saúde Mental na Unidade de Queimados, o qual, proporcione suporte à equipe multiprofissional para que esta dispense uma assistência mais adequada e proporcione ao paciente queimado o apoio necessário para sua recuperação fÃsica e mental.
Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, cuja autora relata a sua experiência na realização da tese de Doutorado pelo método de História de Vida. Descreve a abordagem metodológica, explicitando a técnica para a coleta e a análise dos relatos bem como as eventuais dificuldades que possam surgir durante a realização da pesquisa. Argumenta que esse método possibilita a aproximação entre o pesquisador e os sujeitos. Destaca a necessidade de se incluir a dimensão subjetiva do cuidado na prestação de assistência à clientela.