131 resultados para Grapevine rust mite


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A crude Sohxlet extract from leaves of Syzygium jambos was sequentially fractionated using a silica gel flash column. A bioassay based on the numbers of urediniospores of Puccinia psidii that germinated in 2% water agar detected an active stimulant of germination when the fraction eluted with 100% n-hexane was used. The active fraction induced up to 88% increase in germination when added to a spore suspension in mineral oil. The active fraction was characterized as a hydrocarbon by ¹H nuclear magnetic resonance, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, and infrared analysis. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis indicated that the fraction was a long-chain 436 MW hydrocarbon with corresponding to C31H64, namely hentriacontane. This is the first time such a compound proved to be involved with stimulation of fungal spore germination. These results may contribute to better understanding the infection process of rusts.


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Em São Paulo, ocorrem quatro isolados do vírus que induz o mosaico das nervuras da videira (Vitis spp.), os quais são diferenciados pelos sintomas que provocam em algumas variedades. Para confirmar a identidade desse vírus e o relacionamento existente entre os quatro isolados, foram aplicados os testes DAS-ELISA e TAS-ELISA usando anti-soros comerciais contra o Grapevine fleckvirus (GFkV). As fontes de antígeno foram tecidos de floema de ramos dormentes e de folhas jovens da brotação de primavera de videiras sabidamente infetadas. As reações nos testes imuno-enzimáticos envolvendo os quatro isolados do vírus foram positivas para o anti-soro contra o GFkV. Os resultados foram também positivos para amostras de 66 plantas infetadas de 26 variedades de videira procedentes de 11 regiões vitícolas de São Paulo e de 24 plantas de 12 variedades provenientes dos estados de Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte e Santa Catarina. Extratos de folhas novas e tenras apresentaram valores de absorbância mais consistentes do que extratos de ramos dormentes. Plantas não infetadas foram empregadas como controle negativo. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram que os quatro isolados virais possuem relacionamento sorológico com o GFkV, sugerindo que os mesmos pertencem ao complexo viral que causa o "grapevine fleck disease".


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Bacterial canker of grapevine (Vitis vinifera), caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola was first detected in Brazil in 1998, affecting grapevines in the São Francisco river basin, state of Pernambuco. The disease was also reported in Juazeiro, Bahia and later in Piauí and Ceará. Due to its limited geographical distribution and relatively recent detection in Brazil, very little is known about the pathogen's biology and diversity. Repetitive DNA based-PCR (rep-PCR) profiles were generated from purified bacterial DNA of 40 field strains of X. campestris pv. viticola, collected between 1998 and 2001 in the states of Pernambuco, Bahia and Piauí. Combined analysis of the PCR patterns obtained with primers REP, ERIC and BOX, showed a high degree of similarity among Brazilian strains and the Indian type strain NCPPB 2475. Similar genomic patterns with several diagnostic bands, present in all strains, could be detected. Fingerprints were distinct from those of strains representing other pathovars and from a yellow non-pathogenic isolate from grape leaves. The polymorphism observed among the Brazilian strains allowed their separation into five subgroups, although with no correlation with cultivar of origin, geographic location or year collected.


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A ferrugem do feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris), incitada pelo fungo Uromyces appendiculatus, é uma das mais importantes doenças que afetam essa cultura. Trabalhos anteriores demonstraram a ampla variabilidade patogênica de U. appendiculatus no Brasil. No entanto, o uso de distintos grupos de cultivares diferenciadoras em tais trabalhos dificulta a análise comparativa e a identificação de fontes de resistência de amplo espectro. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: 1) caracterizar sete isolados de U. appendiculatus, coletados em diferentes regiões do estado de Minas Gerais, frente às 19 cultivares diferenciadoras para ferrugem, adotadas no "The Bean Rust Workshop", realizado em 1983, em Porto Rico, e 2) comparar os padrões de resistência/suscetibilidade obtidos, com aqueles apresentados frente a patótipos isolados nos estados de Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul e Goiás, visando identificar fontes de resistência de amplo espectro. Os sete isolados coletados em Minas Gerais foram classificados com sete patótipos distintos. As cultivares diferenciadoras com os maiores espectros de resistência foram 'Redlands Pioneer', 'California Small White 643', 'Brown Beauty', 'AxS 37' e 'Compuesto Negro Chimaltenango'. Portanto, apesar da exclusão das cultivares California Small White 643, AxS 37 e Brown Beauty da nova série diferenciadora internacional proposta em 2002, na África do Sul, recomenda-se adicionar estas cultivares nas futuras caracterizações de patótipos a serem realizadas no Brasil, como um modo de monitorar a variabilidade patogênica de populações de U. appendiculatus nas regiões produtoras.


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Phoma leaf spot, caused by Phoma costarricensis poses a serious threat to coffee (Coffea arabica) production, especially in the highlands of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Extracts of citric biomass, coffee berry husks and coffee leaves severely affected by rust caused by Hemileia vastatrix, were evaluated against P. costarricensis. In an in vitro assay, aqueous extracts of rusted leaves and berry husks plus the commercial extracts based on citric biomass named Ecolife® and Agromil® were tested at various dilutions on the mycelial growth inhibition of P. costarricensis. In vivo, coffee seedlings maintained in glasshouse, were sprayed with these extracts seven days before inoculation of P. costarricensis. Only extracts from citric biomass had inhibitory effects on the fungus. In vivo, Ecolife® (5 ml/l), Agromil® (5 g/l) and the aqueous extract of rusted coffee leaves (dilution 1:6) reduced Phoma leaf spot. Both, Ecolife® and the extract of rusted coffee leaves were significantly more effective in reducing the area under the lesion progress curve when applied at lower doses, indicating a possible effect on the induction of resistance.


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Viroids, non-protein-coding small (246-401 nt) circular single-stranded RNAs with autonomous replication, are currently classified into two families. Within the family Pospiviroidae, Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) belongs to the genus Pospiviroid while Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) is the single member of the genus Hostuviroid. These pathogens are distributed worldwide and infect a large number of hosts. In Brazil, isolates of CEVd and HSVd have been detected in both citrus and grapevine. To characterize and study the genetic variability of these viroids, total RNA from leaves of grapevine Vitis vinifera 'Cabernet Sauvignon' and V. labrusca 'Niagara Rosada' from Bento Gonçalves, RS, was used as a template for RT-PCR amplification with specific primers for the five viroids described infecting grapevines [HSVd, CEVd, Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 (GYSVd-1), Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 2 (GYSVd-2) and Australian grapevine viroid (AGVd)]. Leaf samples of Citrus medica infected with CEVd from São Paulo were also analyzed. The resulting products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and DNA fragments of the expected size were eluted, cloned and sequenced. The grapevine samples analyzed were doubly infected by CEVd and HSVd. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the Brazilian grapevine HSVd variants clustered with other grapevine HSVd variants, forming a specific group separated from citrus variants, whereas the Brazilian CEVd variants clustered with other citrus and grapevine variants.


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Twelve single-pustule isolates of Uromyces appendiculatus, the etiological agent of common bean rust, were collected in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and classified according to the new international differential series and the binary nomenclature system proposed during the 3rd Bean Rust Workshop. These isolates have been used to select rust-resistant genotypes in a bean breeding program conducted by our group. The twelve isolates were classified into seven different physiological races: 21-3, 29-3, 53-3, 53-19, 61-3, 63-3 and 63-19. Races 61-3 and 63-3 were the most frequent in the area. They were represented by five and two isolates, respectively. The other races were represented by just one isolate. This is the first time the new international classification procedure has been used for U. appendiculatus physiological races in Brazil. The general adoption of this system will facilitate information exchange, allowing the cooperative use of the results obtained by different research groups throughout the world. The differential cultivars Mexico 309, Mexico 235 and PI 181996 showed resistance to all of the isolates that were characterized. It is suggested that these cultivars should be preferentially used as sources for resistance to rust in breeding programs targeting development lines adapted to the state of Minas Gerais.


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No Brasil, prejuízos ocasionados pela ferrugem da folha do trigo (Puccinia triticina) ocorrem anualmente. A incidência generalizada nas diferentes regiões produtoras varia em intensidade, dependendo das condições climáticas, da resistência genética das cultivares e do controle químico, sendo que a utilização de cultivares resistentes é o método mais eficiente de controle. Os genes que conferem resistência à ferrugem da folha em trigo são denominados Lr (leaf rust). Vários desses genes já foram identificados e mapeados. Alguns deles foram mapeados diretamente em genótipos hexaplóides, enquanto outros foram primeiramente encontrados em espécies afins, com menor nível de ploidia e, posteriormente, transferidos para o trigo cultivado. Das espécies afins, destaca-se a espécie diplóide Aegilops tauschii, doadora do genoma D do trigo cultivado, como uma importante fonte de genes de resistência. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a resistência à ferrugem da folha em acessos de Ae. tauschii, oriundos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa Trigo (BAG - Passo Fundo, RS), para utilização das seleções nos programas de melhoramento. Quarenta acessos foram avaliados quanto à reação à raça SPJ-RS de Puccinia triticina e, destes, 25% (10 acessos) apresentaram resistência. Os dados obtidos neste estudo servem como subsídio na escolha de acessos resistentes que poderão ser utilizados como genitores em programas de melhoramento genético a fim de incremento de resistência a esse patógeno.


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Citrus leprosis is considered the main viral disease for the Brazilian citrus production, particularly for the State of São Paulo, due to the high costs spent for the chemical control of its vector, the tenuipalpid mite Brevipalpus phoenicis. In addition, its global importance has significantly increased in the last years, with the dissemination of the virus to new countries in South and Central America. In Brazil, despite its economical importance and occurrence for more than seven decades, the most significant advances towards understanding the pathosystem interactions have been obtained only in the last ten years. This review focuses on various aspects of the disease, beginning with a historical view, its main characteristics, alternatives for its control, its increasing economical importance in Brazil and abroad, and the new data on the search for understanding the interactions amongst the mite vector, the virus, and the plant host.


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In order to develop a molecular method for detection and identification of Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv) the causal agent of grapevine bacterial canker, primers were designed based on the partial sequence of the hrpB gene. Primer pairs Xcv1F/Xcv3R and RST2/Xcv3R, which amplified 243- and 340-bp fragments, respectively, were tested for specificity and sensitivity in detecting DNA from Xcv. Amplification was positive with DNA from 44 Xcv strains and with DNA from four strains of X. campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae and five strains of X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae, with both primer pairs. However, the enzymatic digestion of PCR products could differentiate Xcv strains from the others. None of the primer pairs amplified DNA from grapevine, from 20 strains of nonpathogenic bacteria from grape leaves and 10 strains from six representative genera of plant pathogenic bacteria. Sensitivity of primers Xcv1F/Xcv3R and RST2/Xcv3R was 10 pg and 1 pg of purified Xcv DNA, respectively. Detection limit of primers RST2/Xcv3R was 10(4) CFU/ml, but this limit could be lowered to 10² CFU/ml with a second round of amplification using the internal primer Xcv1F. Presence of Xcv in tissues of grapevine petioles previously inoculated with Xcv could not be detected by PCR using macerated extract added directly in the reaction. However, amplification was positive with the introduction of an agar plating step prior to PCR. Xcv could be detected in 1 µl of the plate wash and from a cell suspension obtained from a single colony. Bacterium identity was confirmed by RFLP analysis of the RST2/Xcv3R amplification products digested with Hae III.


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Risk analysis of climate change on plant diseases has great importance for agriculture since it allows the evaluation of management strategies to minimize future damages. This work aimed to simulate future scenarios of coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix) epidemics by elaborating geographic distribution maps using a model that estimates the pathogen incubation period and the output from three General Circulation Models (CSIRO-Mk3.0, INM-CM3.0, and MIROC3.2.medres). The climatological normal from 1961-1990 was compared with that of the decades 2020s, 2050s and 2080s using scenarios A2 and B1 from the IPCC. Maps were prepared with a spatial resolution of 0.5 × 0.5 degrees of latitude and longitude for ten producing states in Brazil. The climate variables used were maximum and minimum monthly temperatures. The maps obtained in scenario A2 showed a tendency towards a reduction in the incubation period when future scenarios are compared with the climatological normal from 1961-1990. A reduction in the period was also observed in scenario B1, although smaller than that in scenario A2.


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Studies on the genetic variability of Puccinia triticina in inoculum collected in Brazil started in 1941 with Vallega (20). The pioneering work in Brazil dates from 1949 (16) at "Instituto Agronômico do Sul", Ministry of Agriculture (MA), in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State (RS), and continued after 1975 at Embrapa Wheat in Passo Fundo, RS. In 2002, analyses for the identification of P. triticina races continued at OR Seed breeding, simultaneously to Embrapa's program, both in Passo Fundo. The investigators involved in the identification of races in Brazil were Ady Raul da Silva in Pelotas (MA), Eliza Coelho in Pelotas (MA) and in Passo Fundo (Embrapa), Amarilis Labes Barcellos in Pelotas (MA) and in Passo Fundo (Embrapa and OR), Camila Turra in Passo Fundo (OR) and Marcia Chaves in Passo Fundo (Embrapa). From 1979 to 2010 growing season, 59 races were determined, according to the differentiation based on the expression of each Lr resistance gene. On average, one to three new races are detected per year. Research has focused on the use of vertical resistance; however, lately some institutes have searched more durable resistance, of the adult-plant type (horizontal, less race-specific). The uninterrupted monitoring of the wheat rust pathogenic population in Brazil during so many decades allowed the understanding of the evolution and virulence of races. The use of international nomenclature adopted by some programs has allowed the comparison of the fungus variability in Brazil with that in other countries, especially where frontiers are not barriers for spore transportation, confirmed by the occurrence of the same races all over one region.


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Experiments were carried out in a growth chamber to evaluate the effect of spreader and uredospore concentrations on the efficiency of infection by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the causal agent of Asian soybean rust. CD 214 RR soybean cultivar was inoculated with the following polyoxyethylene sorbitane monolaurate concentrations: 0, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480 and 960 µL.L-1 water, as well as a fixed uredospore concentration of 2 x 10(4) spores.mL-1. In a second phase, the inoculum concentrations of 0, 5 x 10³, 1 x 10(4), 2 x 10(4), 4 x 10(4), 8 x 10(4) and 16 x 10(4) uredospores.mL-1 were evaluated, and the spreader concentration of 240 µL.L-1, selected in the previous experiment, was fixed. The spreader concentration of 240 µL.L-1 can be used in artificial inoculation studies, as well as up to 4 x 10(4) uredospores.mL-1. In this work, there was a correlation between uredia and lesion density. Thus, the use of lesion density is recommended to assess disease intensity for its accuracy and less time consuming. There was also a positive correlation between uredia and lesion density.


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The method of preserving detached wheat leaves in Petri dish was used for the inoculation and development of the fungus Puccinia triticina, the causal agent of wheat leaf rust. The reaction of 26 wheat cultivars was compared by using seedlings cultivated in pots (in vivo) and detached leaves (in vitro) inoculated with four physiological races of the pathogen. After inoculation, the material was kept in a growth chamber for 15 days. The reaction was evaluated on the 15th day after inoculation. Results for each race in the evaluated genotypes confirmed the efficiency of the detached leaf method in assessing the reaction of wheat cultivars.


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In in vivoexperiments the sensitivity of 18 isolates of Phakopsora pachyrhizifrom several regions of Brazil to IDM fungicides (cyproconazole, epoxiconazole and tebuconazole and an IQE (pyraclostrobin) were evaluated. The assessments were based on leaflet uredia density. Inhibitory concentration (IC50) and sensitivity reduction factor were determined for all fungicide x strain interactions. Tebuconazole sensitivity reduction was detected for most fungus isolates. In contrast, there was no fungicide shift in sensitivity of the fungus to pyraclostrobin. We conclude that the control failure of soybean rust found in some farms is due to the reduced sensitivity of the fungus to the IDM fungicide and that it remains sensitive to pyraclostrobin.