114 resultados para Granular skeleton
Our aim was to determine if anatomical abnormalities of the upper airway (UA) and facial skeleton of class III severely obese patients are related to the presence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Forty-five patients (69% females, mean age 46.5 ± 10.8 years) with a body mass index (BMI) over 40 kg/m² underwent UA and facial skeletal examinations as well as polysomnography. Mean BMI was 49 ± 7 kg/m² and mean neck circumference was 43.4 ± 5.1 cm. Polysomnographic findings showed that 22% had a normal apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and 78% had an AHI over 5. The presence of OSAS was associated with younger age (P = 0.02), larger neck circumference (P = 0.004), presence of a voluminous lateral wall (P = 0.0002), posteriorized soft palate (P = 0.0053), thick soft palate (P = 0.0014), long uvula (P = 0.04), thick uvula (P = 0.0052), and inferior turbinate hypertrophy (P = 0.04). A larger neck circumference (P = 0.02), presence of a voluminous lateral wall (P = 0.04), posteriorized soft palate (P = 0.03), and thick soft palate (P = 0.04) were all associated with OSAS severity. The prevalence of OSAS in this group was high. A larger neck circumference and soft tissue abnormalities of the UA were markers for both the presence and severity of OSAS. Conversely, no abnormalities in the facial skeleton were associated with OSAS in patients with morbid obesity.
The pancreatic acinar cell is a classical model for studies of secretion and signal transduction mechanisms. Because of the extensive endoplasmic reticulum and the large granular compartment, it has been possible - by direct measurements - to obtain considerable insights into intracellular Ca2+ handling under both normal and pathological conditions. Recent studies have also revealed important characteristics of stimulus-secretion coupling mechanisms in isolated human pancreatic acinar cells. The acinar cells are potentially dangerous because of the high intra-granular concentration of proteases, which become inappropriately activated in the human disease acute pancreatitis. This disease is due to toxic Ca2+ signals generated by excessive liberation of Ca2+ from both the endoplasmic reticulum and the secretory granules.
Myosin Va functions as a processive, actin-based motor molecule highly enriched in the nervous system, which transports and/or tethers organelles, vesicles, and mRNA and protein translation machinery. Mutation of myosin Va leads to Griscelli disease that is associated with severe neurological deficits and a short life span. Despite playing a critical role in development, the expression of myosin Va in the central nervous system throughout the human life span has not been reported. To address this issue, the cerebellar expression of myosin Va from newborns to elderly humans was studied by immunohistochemistry using an affinity-purified anti-myosin Va antibody. Myosin Va was expressed at all ages from the 10th postnatal day to the 98th year of life, in molecular, Purkinje and granular cerebellar layers. Cerebellar myosin Va expression did not differ essentially in localization or intensity from childhood to old age, except during the postnatal developmental period. Structures resembling granules and climbing fibers in Purkinje cells were deeply stained. In dentate neurons, long processes were deeply stained by anti-myosin Va, as were punctate nuclear structures. During the first postnatal year, myosin Va was differentially expressed in the external granular layer (EGL). In the EGL, proliferating prospective granule cells were not stained by anti-myosin Va antibody. In contrast, premigratory granule cells in the EGL stained moderately. Granule cells exhibiting a migratory profile in the molecular layer were also moderately stained. In conclusion, neuronal myosin Va is developmentally regulated, and appears to be required for cerebellar function from early postnatal life to senescence.
Chronic ethanol consumption can produce learning and memory deficits. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptors affect the pathogenesis of alcoholism. In this study, we examined the expression of BDNF, tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) and p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) in the hippocampus of a dog model of chronic alcoholism and abstinence. Twenty domestic dogs (9-10 months old, 15-20 kg; 10 males and 10 females) were obtained from Harbin Medical University. A stable alcoholism model was established through ad libitum feeding, and anti-alcohol drug treatment (Zhong Yao Jie Jiu Ling, the main ingredient was the stems of watermelon; developed in our laboratory), at low- and high-doses, was carried out. The Zhong Yao Jie Jiu Ling was effective for the alcoholism in dogs. The morphology of hippocampal neurons was evaluated using hematoxylin-eosin staining. The number and morphological features of BDNF, TrkB and p75NTR-positive neurons in the dentate gyrus (DG), and the CA1, CA3 and CA4 regions of the hippocampus were observed using immunohistochemistry. One-way ANOVA was used to determine differences in BDNF, TrkB and p75NTR expression. BDNF, TrkB and p75NTR-positive cells were mainly localized in the granular cell layer of the DG and in the pyramidal cell layer of the CA1, CA3 and CA4 regions (DG>CA1>CA3>CA4). Expression levels of both BDNF and TrkB were decreased in chronic alcoholism, and increased after abstinence. The CA4 region appeared to show the greatest differences. Changes in p75NTR expression were the opposite of those of BDNF and TrkB, with the greatest differences observed in the DG and CA4 regions.
Misturas de amido de milho e água nas proporções 70:30, 80:20 e 90:10% (p/p) foram submetidas a processamento a 90°C, sob diferentes velocidades de rotação (20, 40, 80 e 100rpm), em câmara de mistura Rheomix 600 equipada com rotores do tipo "roller". A influência do teor de água e da velocidade de rotação dos rotores no processamento do amido de milho foi investigada por meio de curvas de torque e de temperatura fornecidas pelo reômetro de torque Rheocord 9000. Análises em Analisador Rápido de Viscosidade e por microscopia óptica de luz polarizada foram realizadas, a fim de complementar as informações registradas pelas curvas de torque e de temperatura. Os resultados mostraram que o teor de água e a rotação empregada no processamento exercem influência significativa nas características do amido processado. Os menores teores de água (10 e 20% p/p) e as velocidades de rotação mais elevadas (80 e 100rpm) contribuíram para a maior degradação do amido. Nas misturas com teor de água de 30% (p/p), sob as velocidades de rotação empregadas, a função plastificante da água contribuiu para minimizar o efeito do cisalhamento, já que a degradação do amido não foi observada. Nesses casos, a estrutura granular do amido foi preservada em grande parte durante o processamento.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento térmico sob baixa umidade (TTBU) aplicado por forno micro-ondas sobre as propriedades estruturais e funcionais do amido de batata-doce e compará-las com as propriedades de amido tratado pelo método convencional. O amido extraído dessa raiz foi submetido à modificação física, nas umidades de 25 e 35%, em forno convencional (90 °C/16 horas) e em microondas (35 a 90 °C/1 hora). O tratamento térmico sob baixa umidade resultou em alterações significativas no teor de amilose e em características como a cristalinidade, suscetibilidade enzimática, fator de expansão e propriedades de pasta. Tais variações evidenciam modificações na estrutura granular interna dos amidos, tanto em áreas cristalinas como amorfas do grânulo. As alterações conferidas pelo TTBU foram variáveis com o tipo de tratamento térmico e com o teor de umidade. A umidade das amostras também foi determinante na modificação da maioria das características do amido, como maior digestibilidade enzimática e redução da expansão, menores picos de viscosidade e quebras de viscosidade, independentemente do tipo de tratamento térmico aplicado. Considerando-se o tipo e a intensidade da modificação física do amido tratado pelo método convencional como referência, a utilização da energia de micro-ondas para esse mesmo fim precisa ser melhor estudada.
The Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsea H. B. K.) is noteworthy for its high content of lipids and proteins of elevated biological value and these factors justify the need for further research and incentives for the manufacturing of new trade products. In the present study we sought new forms of technological use of these nuts by the food industry, through their processing as flour, with no alteration in its energy content. The results after its elaboration showed a product with high energy value (431.48 kcal.100 g-1), protein content of 45.92 g.100 g-1, and fiber of 17.14%. The thermal analyses indicate that the introduction of another protein component, such as soy protein isolate, does not alter the reactions or thermal behavior. On the other hand, morphological analyses revealed granular structures similar to the structure of globular proteins. It was observed that after processing to obtain the flour, the product maintains its protein-energy content, as well as its characteristics when subjected to high temperatures.
In this study, the morphological characteristics of cocoa beverage powder granules under minimal, average, and maximal process conditions of a steam agglomerator were studied. a stereoscopic microscope coupled to a digital camera was used for the morphological analysis. The images were analyzed to obtain shape and size descriptors. aiming to evaluate the descriptors, 150 particles were analyzed. The results showed that there was no difference between the shape descriptors - compacity, circularity, roughness, and aspect ratio - in the operating conditions evaluated. It was observed that the cocoa beverage powder granules are elongated in shape. The size descriptors, area, perimeter, perimeter of convex bounding polygon, minimal and maximal Feret diameter, were different in the process conditions for the granules of size above 600 μm. as for the minimal process conditions, especially due to low solid feed rates, there is an increase in the size descriptor values. In addition, under the minimum process conditions, in which there is low solid feed rate (400g/min) for a steam pressure of 1.0 bar, it was obtained a good granular condition with retention of 81.1% of granules on sieves with aperture size between 300 and 1190 μm.
INTRODUÇÃO: Nefroma Mesoblástico Con-gênito é uma rara neoplasia renal pediátrica. Apresenta dois subtipos histológicos, clássico e celular, sendo o último de pior prognóstico e responsável por aproximadamente dois terços dos casos. Esse tumor ainda é um desafio diagnóstico aos patologistas devido à similaridade com outras neoplasias pediátricas renais mais frequentes. RELATO DO CASO: Criança do gênero feminino, 2 anos e 9 meses de idade, foi encaminhada a serviço médico com referência em oncologia apresentando massa renal à esquerda. Após nefrectomia, o estudo do espécime mostrou, macroscopicamente, extensa área tumoral granular, brancoacinzentada, ocupando aproximadamente todo o rim, invadindo seio renal, cápsula e gordura perirrenal, com áreas de hemorragia e necrose. Histologicamente, caracterizava-se pela presença de células fusiformes e mitoses, sem atipias celulares. O diagnóstico foi de Nefroma Mesoblástico Congênito subtipo celular e a paciente foi submetida a quimioterapia. Durante o primeiro ano de tratamento, houve recidiva do tumor, apresentando-se irressecável e sem resposta a nova quimioterapia. A paciente foi a óbito aos 4 anos de idade. DISCUSSÃO: O subtipo celular do nefroma mesoblástico tende a ser mais agressivo, apresentando uma taxa de sobrevivência de 85%, comparada com 100% para a variante clássica. Geralmente, a recorrência ocorre no primeiro ano de tratamento, principalmente quando o subtipo é o celular.