215 resultados para Estádio serial


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OBJETIVO: Estudar o potencial de produtividade de criadouros artificiais, permanentes e naturais de Aedes albopictus, espécie considerada vetor potencial de dengue. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi desenvolvido nos municípios de Tremembé e Pindamonhangaba, Estado de São Paulo, em três locais selecionados: a) imóvel com atividades comerciais de compra e venda de materiais e recipientes descartáveis, em área urbana; b) chácara de lazer; c) mata de caráter residual. Realizou-se levantamento dos criadouros existentes em cada local, classificados quanto ao seu tamanho (volume de água) - pequeno (até um litro), médio (acima de um até 10 litros) e grande (acima de 10 litros) - e quanto ao tipo: artificial, natural e permanente. Foram executadas coletas em intervalos quinzenais por um período de 12 meses, retirando-se larvas de quarto estádio e pupas em cada tipo de criadouro existente. Para análise dos resultados, foram usados os testes de Kriskal-Wallis, t de Student e o cálculo de emergência. RESULTADOS: Segundo as análises estatísticas e o cálculo de emergência (E), os criadouros artificiais grande e o permanente médio foram, em média, mais produtivos para Aedes albopictus, contribuindo com 2,8 fêmeas por dia, cada. E os criadouros naturais pequenos e médios tiveram produção média diária de 0,5 e 0,6 fêmeas, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam a necessidade de se realizarem estudos sobre o potencial de produtividade de criadouros não somente de Ae. albopictus, mas sobretudo de Aedes aegypti, principal vetor de dengue, o que poderia contribuir para o aprimoramento das avaliações das densidades populacionais, nos programas de vigilância e controle.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a sobrevida e os principais fatores prognósticos entre os pacientes com tumor de Wilms unilateral. MÉTODOS: A coorte de estudo incluiu 132 casos de tumor de Wilms unilateral em menores de 15 anos de idade matriculados em serviço de oncologia pediátrica, de janeiro de 1990 a dezembro de 2000. Curvas de sobrevida foram confeccionadas utilizando-se o método de Kaplan-Meier e fatores prognósticos foram analisados pelo modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox. RESULTADOS: A estimativa de sobrevida global em cinco anos foi 84,6%. As probabilidades de sobrevida para os estádios I, II, III e IV foram de 100%; 94,2%; 83,2% e 31,3%, respectivamente. A taxa de sobrevida para os pacientes com: histologia favorável foi de 89,4%, para aqueles com anaplasia focal 66,7 % e com anaplasia difusa 40%. Todos os pacientes com doença em estádio IV e anaplasia difusa foram a óbito (n=4). Todos os pacientes com doença em estádio I, independente da histologia, permaneceram vivos até o final do período de seguimento. CONCLUSÕES: Entre as variáveis escolhidas para o modelo final apenas o estadiamento e a histologia permaneceram associados ao elevado risco de óbito enquanto que os casos na faixa etária entre 24 e 47 meses apresentaram melhor prognóstico que os demais. Esses resultados mostram a importância do diagnóstico em fases iniciais da doença e que a histologia é fundamental para orientar a terapia adequada.


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OBJETIVO: Conhecer a paridade e desenvolvimento ovariano da espécie Anopheles cruzii, durante os períodos estacionais. MÉTODOS: As capturas foram realizadas quinzenalmente, no período matutino, de abril/2004 a abril/2005, no Parque Estadual do Palmito, município de Paranaguá litoral do Estado do Paraná. Mosquitos adultos foram capturados usando a técnica pouso homem. As dissecções foram feitas utilizando-se a técnica de Detinova e de Polovodova e a avaliação do desenvolvimento folicular, segundo os critérios de Christophers e Mer. RESULTADOS: Foram dissecadas 208 fêmeas de Anopheles cruzii. A maioria das fêmeas dissecadas nas estações eram nulíparas. Sendo que 14,4% eram nulíparas com folículo além do estádio II de Christophers & Mer, o que evidencia o exercício da hematofagia previamente à primeira oviposição. Observou-se que as populações de Anopheles cruzii são constituídas de indivíduos jovens, talvez em razão da alta mortalidade de fêmeas paridas. CONCLUSÕES: A provável discordância gonotrófica das fêmeas dissecadas é importante do ponto de vista epidemiológico, considerando que a fêmea pode procurar mais de um hospedeiro para completar a maturação dos seus ovos.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a sobrevida e os fatores prognósticos clínicos (pré-tratamento) de pacientes com adenocarcinoma de próstata localizado. MÉTODOS: Coorte hospitalar composta por 258 pacientes do Instituto Nacional de Câncer, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, de 1990 a 1999. As funções de sobrevida em cinco e dez anos foram calculadas empregando-se o estimador de Kaplan-Meier, tomando-se como início da observação a data do diagnóstico histológico e como eventos os óbitos por câncer de próstata. Para avaliação dos fatores prognósticos pré-tratamento foram calculadas hazard ratios (HR) e intervalos com 95% de confiança, seguindo-se o modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox. O pressuposto desses riscos foi avaliado pela análise dos resíduos de Schoenfeld e a influência de valores aberrantes pelos resíduos martingale e escore. RESULTADOS: Dos 258 pacientes estudados, 46 foram a óbito durante o período de seguimento.A sobrevida específica por câncer de próstata foi de 88% em cinco anos e de 71% em dez. A classificação de Gleason maior que 6, PSA maior que 40ng/ml, estádio B2 e cor da pele branca foram marcadores independentes de pior prognóstico. CONCLUSÕES: A classificação de Gleason, o toque retal e o valor do PSA possuem grande poder preditivo e devem ser utilizados na estratificação de risco pré-tratamento dos pacientes com câncer de próstata localizado.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever o custo do tratamento dos cânceres de pulmão, laringe e esôfago de pacientes com histórico de tabagismo. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal não-concorrente de três coortes com histórico de tabagismo em um hospital especializado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, entre 2000 e 2006. A amostra foi composta por 127 casos de câncer de pulmão, 80 de câncer de laringe e 35 de câncer de esôfago. A seleção dos cânceres foi realizada por meio da análise da freqüência e do valor monetário das hospitalizações, ponderados pela fração atribuível ao fumo na população. Os dados foram coletados dos prontuários. Os pacientes foram classificados conforme o perfil de tabagismo, o diagnóstico principal, o estádio e as comorbidades. A análise estatística incluiu a distribuição log-normal para ajustar os valores do custo e a correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes eram fumantes pesados e foram diagnosticados em estádios avançados. A carga tabágica foi elevada e 92% dos pacientes com câncer de pulmão, 72% com câncer de laringe e 94% com câncer de esôfago foram diagnosticados em estádios avançados. As comorbidades mais freqüentes foram as doenças cardíacas e as respiratórias. O custo médio foi de R$ 28.901, R$ 37.529 e R$ 33.164 para câncer de pulmão, laringe e esôfago, respectivamente. Os principais direcionadores do custo foram a radioterapia e a hospitalização. Observou-se associação entre estádios avançados e menor custo para câncer de pulmão e de esôfago. CONCLUSÕES: Sendo radioterapia e hospitalização os principais direcionadores do custo total, pacientes em estádios mais graves apresentaram custos menores provavelmente pela redução das opções terapêuticas.


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Twenty adult patients presenting dermal cysticercosis without cerebral or ocular involvement were treated with praziquantel. The first eleven cases received 60 mg/kg/day and the last nine cases 30 mg/kg/day. In both groups the daily dose was split into three oral intakes 4 to 6 hours apart and the drug administration lasted for 6 consecutive days. The latter group of patients also got dexamethasone, 3 mg daily, from one day before until four days after the treatment period with praziquantel. The drug proved to be 100% efficacious as demonstrated histopathologically by the death of the cysticerci of Taenia solium (Cysticercus cellulosae) in serial biopsies taken from the 2nd week on after the end of treatment, as well as clinically by the steady disappearence of the dermal nodules during the 6 months following the therapy. Tolerance of praziquantel was good as the incidence and severity of side-effects were not relevant. The drug safety was confirmed through laboratory tests which failed to detect any abnormal findings related to the hematopoietic, liver and kidney functions.


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A review of the tissular parasitism of Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain in Swiss mice was carried out. This strain parasitized preferentially smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers, with low transitory spleen and liver parasitism, as previously found by some Authors, although differing from other reports. These results can be related to the host genetical constitution and/or the degree of the strain virulence at the time of this study. Furthermore, we discuss that the high macrophagotropism reported for this strain in some instances could be an artificially induced condition resulting from its serial maintenance in mice, either for a longer time and/or by using young animals. The heavy parasitism and inflammation observed in the bladder, pancreas and spermatic duct of some inoculated mice, as well as the testis parasitization, were also noteworthy findings.


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Se estandarizó un enzimoinmunoensayo (EIE) en fase sólida en el que se empleó un antígeno soluble total de T. spiralis y una dilución única de suero, y se evaluó la capacidad del sistema para detectar anticuerpos totales antitriquina con fines diagnósticos y seroepidemiológicos. Las curvas dosis respuesta mostraron que trabajando con una dilución de suero de 1:100 se obtenía una buena diferenciación entre sueros de indivíduos no infectados y pacientes de triquinosis con baja concentración de anticuerpos circulantes y la respuesta fue lineal entre valores de 0.15 y 0.64 unidades de densidad óptica (DO). El estúdio de 720 sueros de población general no infectada revelo una X k = 0.07 y una S = 0.03 unidades de DO. El 98,61% de esta población presentó valores de DO < X k + 3S; el 1,25% valores de DO entre > X k + 3S y < X k + 4S; y el 0.14% restante valores entre > X k + 4S y < X k + 5S. Se empleó un valor de DO = X k + 5S como nivel diagnóstico para estudiar 4 brotes de triquinosis humana, 80 sueros de pacientes de triquinosis con diferentes títulos en inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI) y 20 sueros de pacientes de hidatidosis. El EIE propuesto permitió diferenciar en forma confiable y eficiente población infectada de no infectada y tuvo una buena correlación con la IFI. Todos los sueros de pacientes hidatídicos presentaron valores de DO < X k + 4S.


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Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis(MHOM/BR/75/M2903) was grown in Schneider's Drosophila medium. In one set of experiments promastigotes were already adapted to the medium by means of serial passages whereas in the second cells were grown in a biphasic medium and transfered to the liquid. Growth was more abundant for culture medium adapted cells; degenerate cells in small numbers as well as dead ones were present from day 5 for promastigotes adapted to liquid medium and from day 3 for newly adapted cells. Synthesis of surface antigens differed according to length of cell culture as assessed by the titer of five mucocutaneous leishmaniasis sera on subsequent days. Five days of culture for cells already adapted to the culture medium and 3 days for newly adapted ones were judged to be the best for the preparation of immunofluorescence antigens.


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Several cases of primary HIV-1 infection are not identified, either because the diagnosis is not suspected or because they test negative for HIV-1 antibody. This work presents an uncommon case of primary HIV-1 infection in an young parenteral drug abuser man, who presented symptoms of acute hepatitis. During the initial acute phase the serum sample of the patient tested negative for the presence of antibodies against several viruses, including HIV-1. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of primary HIV-1 infection was suspected by using an alternative method for"in vitro" induced antibody production (IVIAP), and confirmed by p24 antigen serum positivity and seroconversion in serial plasma samples of the patient. The authors suggest the use of the IVIAP and others complementary assays to help the diagnosis of acute HIV-1 infection in persons at high risk conditions.


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The MN strain of HIV-1 is known to be more prevalent in Brazil, the BRU strain is more prevalent in Europe, and the NDK strain in Africa. It has been suggested in the literature to include different strains in the same vaccine against HIV-1. To contribute to the studies for the development of a universal vaccine, the occurrence of antibodies (Ab) against three HIV-1 strains (MN, BRU and NDK) was determined in serum samples from 85 HIV-1-positive patients, adult volunteers seen at the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto-USP. One-hundred tissue culture infective unit (TCIU) of the viruses reacted with serial dilutions of the sera (2x) and with MT4 cells added at a final concentration of 0.3 × 106 cells/ml, and a cytopathic effect was observed on the 7th and 11th days of incubation. Titres of less than 1/50 were considered to be negative. In 129 tests, the sera were negative for one of the three strains: 40 for MN, 29 for BRU and 60 for NDK. There was a predominance of strains MN and BRU, most of them presenting titres from 1/50 to 1/200. Titres for NDK were detected in 25 sera. We conclude that there seems to be a predominance of strains MN and BRU among the individuals from the region tested; however, the detection of sera with positive NKD titres indicates the need for further studies of this strain in other populations and regions of Brazil


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We report the observation of acid-fast Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts in a sputum sample. The patient, a 60 year-old, HIV negative man, was successfully treated for pulmonary tuberculosis during 1997. On February 1998, he was admitted to our center due to loss of weight, cough with purulent expectoration, dysphonia and a radiological picture of pulmonary fibrosis. Bacilloscopic study of sputum (negative for acid-fast bacilli) stained with Ziehl-Neelsen technique showed large (8-10 µm) spherical, acid-fast Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts. No other pathogens were isolated on cultures from this sample or from laryngeal biopsy. Serial parasitologic studies showed C. cayetanensis and also eggs of Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides and Hymenolepis nana and of Entamoeba coli cysts. The patient lives in the outskirts of Buenos Aires in a brick-made house with potable water and works as builder of sewers. He travelled in several occasions to the rural area of province of Tucumán which has poor sanitary conditions. C. cayetanensis is an emergent agent of diarrhea and as far as we know this is the first time the parasite is observed in respiratory samples.


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The determination of the rabies neutralizing antibody (VNA) response after immunization against rabies is an acceptable index of the efficacy of a vaccine and a successful treatment. Several tests have been developed in attempt to improve the assessment of VNA, from mice inoculation to cell-culture fluorescence inhibition tests. All of them, however, present special difficulties in terms of reading or accuracy. The present study describes a neutralization test performed in cell-culture appraised by flow cytometry (FC). Serial dilutions of the serum samples were mixed in vitro with rabies virus before the addition of BHK-21 cells. After 24h-incubation, cells were released by trypsin treatment, fixed and permeabilized with a p-formaldehyde solution and stained with a rabies virus nucleocapsid protein-specific antibody conjugate. The percentage of virus infection inhibition caused by specific antibodies present in the serum were evaluated in a Beckton & Dickinson FACSCalibur® flow cytometer. A correlation curve between the IU/ml content and the percentage of infective inhibition was built with a reference serum and the VNA titers of serum samples were obtained by extrapolation. Titers obtained by FC and standard test showed an effective pairing results (p < 0.01), with a correlation coefficient (r) = 0.7. These results permit to envisage the FC as a suitable technique to evaluate VNA in sera from immunized animals and likely in human serum samples. Nevertheless, new studies comparing FC to gold-standard techniques are required for determining the FC values of Sensibility and Specificity .


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HHV-6 is the etiological agent of Exanthem subitum which is considered the sixth most frequent disease in infancy. In immuno-compromised hosts, reactivation of latent HHV-6 infection may cause severe acute disease. We developed a Sybr Green Real Time PCR for HHV-6 and compared the results with nested conventional PCR. A 214 pb PCR derived fragment was cloned using pGEM-T easy from Promega system. Subsequently, serial dilutions were made in a pool of negative leucocytes from 10-6 ng/µL (equivalent to 2465.8 molecules/µL) to 10-9 (equivalent to 2.46 molecules/µL). Dilutions of the plasmid were amplified by Sybr Green Real Time PCR, using primers HHV3 (5' TTG TGC GGG TCC GTT CCC ATC ATA 3)'and HHV4 (5' TCG GGA TAG AAA AAC CTA ATC CCT 3') and by conventional nested PCR using primers HHV1 (outer): 5'CAA TGC TTT TCT AGC CGC CTC TTC 3'; HHV2 (outer): 5' ACA TCT ATA ATT TTA GAC GAT CCC 3'; HHV3 (inner) and HHV4 (inner) 3'. The detection threshold was determined by plasmid serial dilutions. Threshold for Sybr Green real time PCR was 24.6 molecules/µL and for the nested PCR was 2.46 molecules/µL. We chose the Real Time PCR for diagnosing and quantifying HHV-6 DNA from samples using the new Sybr Green chemistry due to its sensitivity and lower risk of contamination.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of variables in a flotation technique for the recovery of Toxocara canis eggs from soil. The trials were done under standardized conditions on one gram of previously sterilized soil samples contaminated with 200 eggs of T. canis. The following variables were evaluated in serial steps: sieving; type of wash; time of stirring; resuspension of sediment; solution flotation. Centrifuge-flotation in sodium nitrate (d = 1.20 g/cm³) was adopted as an initial technique, using Tween 80 (0.2%) and decinormal sodium hydroxide as solutions for washing the samples. Ten tests were done to compare the variables, using counting in triplicate. The sieving of the material reduced significantly the recovery of eggs (p < 0.001) and the number of eggs recovered was higher when the sediment was resuspended (p < 0.05). After standardization, flotation solutions sodium chloride, zinc sulfate, sodium dichromate, magnesium sulfate, and sodium nitrate (d = 1.20g/cm³) were compared. The best results were obtained by using zinc sulfate solution. In conclusion, the chances of recovering T. canis eggs from samples using flotation solutions can be increased by washing of soil twice using distilled water, and resuspension of sediment. On the other hand, the sieving procedure can drastically reduce the number of eggs.