109 resultados para Digital earth
The Shadow Moiré fringe patterns are level lines of equal depth generated by interference between a master grid and its shadow projected on the surface. In simplistic approach, the minimum error is about the order of the master grid pitch, that is, always larger than 0,1 mm, resulting in an experimental technique of low precision. The use of a phase shift increases the accuracy of the Shadow Moiré technique. The current work uses the phase shifting method to determine the surfaces three-dimensional shape using isothamic fringe patterns and digital image processing. The current study presents the method and applies it to images obtained by simulation for error evaluation, as well as to a buckled plate, obtaining excellent results. The method hands itself particularly useful to decrease the errors in the interpretation of the Moiré fringes that can adversely affect the calculations of displacements in pieces containing many concave and convex regions in relatively small areas.
Ventricular late potentials are low-amplitude signals originating from damaged myocardium and detected on the body surface by ECG filtering and averaging. Digital filters present in commercial equipment may interfere with the ability of arrhythmia stratification. We compared 40-Hz BiSpec (BI) and classical 40- to 250-Hz band-pass Butterworth bidirectional (BD) filters in terms of impact on time domain variables and diagnostic properties. In a transverse retrospective age-adjusted case-control study, 221 subjects with sinus rhythm without bundle branch block were divided into three groups after signal-averaged ECG acquisition: GI (N = 40), clinically normal controls, GII (N = 158), subjects with coronary heart disease without sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT), and GIII (N = 23), subjects with heart disease and documented SMVT. Conventional variables analyzed from vector magnitude data after averaging to 0.3 µV final noise were obtained by application of each filter to the averaged signal, and evaluated in pairs by numerical comparison and by diagnostic agreement assessment, using conventional and optimized thresholds of normality. Significant differences were found between BI and BD variables in all groups, with diagnostic results showing significant disagreement between both filters [kappa value of 0.61 (P<0.05) for GII and 0.31 for GIII (P = NS)]. Sensitivity for SMVT was lower with BI than with BD (65.2 vs 91.3%, respectively, P<0.05). Filters provided significantly different numerical and diagnostic results and the BI filter showed only limited clinical application to risk stratification of ventricular arrhythmia.
Important biological and clinical features of malignancy are reflected in its transcript pattern. Recent advances in gene expression technology and informatics have provided a powerful new means to obtain and interpret these expression patterns. A comprehensive approach to expression profiling is serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), which provides digital information on transcript levels. SAGE works by counting transcripts and storing these digital values electronically, providing absolute gene expression levels that make historical comparisons possible. SAGE produces a comprehensive profile of gene expression and can be used to search for candidate tumor markers or antigens in a limited number of samples. The Cancer Genome Anatomy Project has created a SAGE database of human gene expression levels for many different tumors and normal reference tissues and provides online tools for viewing, comparing, and downloading expression profiles. Digital expression profiling using SAGE and informatics have been useful for identifying genes that have a role in tumor invasion and other aspects of tumor progression.
INTRODUÇÃO: Um dos maiores desafios no manejo da hipertensão arterial é o adequado controle pressórico. Para se alcançar esse objetivo tem se difundido a medida residencial da pressão arterial (MRPA) com aparelhos automáticos. Entretanto, parte da comunidade médico-científica ainda discute sua validade, acreditando que as medidas pressóricas domiciliares podem ser incorretas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a correspondência entre as medidas simultâneas da pressão arterial (PA) pelo método auscultatório convencional e método digital automático, habitualmente utilizado na MRPA. MÉTODOS: Através de uma conexão em "Y" acoplamos um manguito a um aparelho digital automático validado (ONROM 705IT) e a um esfigmomanômetro de coluna de mercúrio, permitindo aferir simultaneamente a PA pelos dois métodos. Determinamos a PA em 423 indivíduos (normotensos e hipertensos), adequando o tamanho do manguito à circunferência braquial. RESULTADOS: Os valores representam média ± desvio padrão (DP) (valores mínimo-máximo): Idade 40,8 ± 16,3 anos (18-92), circunferência braquial 28,2 ± 3,7 cm (19-42), PA sistólica (PAS) auscultatório 127,6 ± 22,8 mmHg (69-223), PAS automático 129,5 ± 23,0 mmHg (56-226), PA diastólica (PAD) auscultatório 79,5 ± 12,6 mmHg (49-135), PAD automático 79,0 ± 12,6 mmHg (48-123). A diferença média da PAS entre os dois métodos foi de 1,9 mmHg (-15 a +19) e a diferença da PAD de 0,5 mmHg (-19 a +13). Os índices de correlação de Pearson entre os métodos são para a PAS (r = 0,97), e PAD (r = 0,91). A análise de Bland-Altman mostrou concordância clinicamente aceitável entre os métodos. CONCLUSÃO: A PA aferida pelo método digital automático apresenta boa concordância com o método auscultatório convencional, devendo ser usada no auxílio do diagnóstico e controle da hipertensão arterial (HA).