114 resultados para Ciro
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the vitrification of bovine preantral follicles with dimethylsulfoxide (D) and sucrose (S) plus α-tocopherol 5mmol/L (T5) or 10mmol/L (T10) and, evaluate the thawed with minimal essential medium (m) with or without sucrose (s). Ovaries of cows were collected from slaughterhouse for the experiment I (n=66) and II (n=51). In the laboratory ovarian fragments were randomly assigned either to fresh control and 8 vitrification treatments (Controle and Dm; Dms, DSm; DSms; DST5m; DST5ms; DST10m; DST10ms). Ovarian fragments were placed in vitrification solution (5 min) and immersed in liquid nitrogen (-196°C), after a week, the fragments were thawed and analyzed. In the experiments I, preantral follicles were morphologically observed for histological evaluation, (normal; degenerated and developing of stage). In the experiment II, preantral follicles were mechanically isolated from ovarian tissue and examined with trypan blue, where dead and live corresponded to stained or non-stained. The treatments DSm, DSms and DST10m were effective in preserving the morphology in situ. However, the viability of isolated preantral follicles after vitrification remained high only in treatment DST10m. Thus, DST10m preserves survival rates and morphological integrity during vitrification of bovine preantral follicles.
A hundred seventy two stream reaches from six distinct natural regions (parts of biomes or geological areas) in São Paulo State (Atlantic Rainforest, Cerrado, Hard Water regions, Northwest region, Subtropical Rainforest, and Tropical Rainforest) were searched for the most representative macroscopic Cyanophyceae of phytobenthic communities. Selected ecological parameters were analyzed in each stream segment: conductance, current velocity, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, and water temperature. Algal abundance was evaluated as percentage cover. Thirthy four cyanophyte taxa were identified and Phormidium retzii was the most widespread species throughout the State, occurring in all studied regions, except in hard water areas, and was negatively correlated to conductance. The subtropical Rainforest region presented the highest mean species richness per site, whereas the tropical Rainforest region had the highest abundance (percentage cover) of blue-green algae. Correlation tests revealed that conductance was significantly and negatively related to variations in abundance and richness of cyanophyte in streams of São Paulo State. This relationship probably reflects the ability of blue-green algae to grow at medium to low ion content and to take advantage under nutrient stress conditions.
Temporal dynamics of the chaetophoracean green algae Chaetophora elegans (Roth) C.A. Agardh and Stigeoclonium amoenum Kützing populations was investigated biweekly during late autumn trhough early spring (April to October) in two tropical streams from northwestern São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Abundances of one population of each species was evaluated by the quadrat technique in terms of percent cover and frequency. The fluctuations were related to the following stream variables: temperature, turbidity, specific conductance, pH, oxygen saturation, depth, substratum type, current velocity, irradiance and nutrients. Percent cover and frequency of C. elegans had lower values throughout the study period and was positively correlated to rainfall. Other correlations (i.e. positive of percent cover with depth and current velocity and negative with irradiance) were consistently found, reinforcing the strong influence of rainfall. On the other hand, percent cover and frequency of S. amoenum had higher values, with maximum growth from June to September. Percent cover was negatively correlated to rainfall. Results suggest the precipitation regime as the most important driving force to temporal changes in both populations, but playing different roles in each one. The gelatinous thallus of C. elegans seem to be favored by the increment of current velocity, since higher flows can improve the nutrient uptake by means of reduction in diffusion shell without promoting excessive drag force. In contrast, tufts of S. amoenum are, presumably, more exposed to drag force, and, consequently, more susceptible to mechanical damage effects due to higher current velocities.
The succession dynamics of a macroalgal community in a tropical stream (20º58' S and 49º25' W) was investigated after disturbance by a sequence of intensive rains. High precipitation levels caused almost complete loss of the macroalgal community attached to the substratum and provided a strong pressure against its immediate re-establishment. After this disturbance, a weekly sampling program from May 1999 to January 2000 was established to investigate macroalgal recolonization. The community changed greatly throughout the succession process. The number of species varied from one to seven per sampling. Global abundance of macroalgal community did not reveal a consistent temporal pattern of variation. In early succession stages, the morphological form of tufts dominated, followed by unbranched filaments. Latter succession stages showed the almost exclusive occurrence of gelatinous forms, including filaments and colonies. The succession trajectory was mediated by phosphorus availability in which community composition followed a scheme of changes in growth forms. However, we believe that deterministic and stochastic processes occur in lotic ecosystems, but they are dependent on the length of time considered in the succession analyses.
As comunidades de macroalgas de dezenove riachos foram investigadas quanto aos seus aspectos taxonômicos e ecológicos na bacia de drenagem do Rio das Pedras, localizada na região Centro-Sul do Estado do Paraná, Sul do Brasil (25º13'-25º26' S, 51º13'-51º28' W). Dezesseis riachos foram amostrados uma vez e três examinados mensalmente durante o período de abril de 2004 a março de 2005. Trinta e seis táxons foram encontrados e a espécie mais bem distribuída foi Phormidium retzii (C. Agardh) Gomont (Cyanophyta), ocorrendo em nove pontos de amostragem (47%). Por outro lado, foi registrada altíssima proporção de espécies de distribuição restrita (58% das espécies ocorreram em um ponto de amostragem). A riqueza global de espécies encontrada para a bacia do Rio das Pedras foi relativamente alta, no entanto, a riqueza de espécies registradas nos pontos de amostragem individualmente mostrou valores relativamente baixos. A abundância de espécies registrou valores muito baixos, tanto para a bacia como um todo quanto nos pontos de amostragem individualmente. As análises de correlação revelaram apenas poucas correlações entre algumas variáveis ambientais e o padrão de distribuição das comunidades de macroalgas na área de estudo. Neste sentido, os resultados sugerem que as variações das características ambientais de cada local definem uma comunidade de macroalgas típica para cada ponto de amostragem.
Considerando a carência de estudos enfocando comunidades de macroalgas de ambientes lóticos em regiões subtropicais, o presente estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de investigar o padrão de distribuição destas comunidades em uma região de floresta ombrófila densa bem preservada. Oito pontos de amostragem foram amostrados em duas estações contrastantes (inverno e verão) na Serra da Prata (Parque Nacional Saint-Hilaire/Lange), localizada na porção leste do Estado do Paraná, Sul do Brasil. A Análise dos Componentes Principais (PCA) mostrou que as variáveis ambientais dos riachos analisados tiveram um padrão temporal claro, com uma distinção evidente entre inverno e verão. De modo contrário, a Análise de Correspondência Destendenciada (DCA), baseada na presença/ausência de espécies, não revelou nenhum padrão temporal ou diferenças entre a composição florística do inverno e do verão. Um padrão mostrado na DCA foi a separação dos pontos de amostragem pela intensidade do sombreamento da vegetação ripária. De maneira geral, a região estudada apresentou baixos valores de riqueza e abundância, e a maioria dos táxons foi restrita a um único ponto ou época de amostragem. Deste modo, os resultados sugerem que a estruturação das comunidades de macroalgas estudadas parecem responder à combinação das variáveis ambientais que se alteram continuamente no tempo e no espaço, enfatizando, entre outras, a importância das variações em pequena escala (microhabitat). Por outro lado, os resultados também indicaram que, em escala global, a distribuição das macroalgas dos ambientes lóticos da região de estudo, aparentemente, pode ser limitada pelo grau de sombreamento imposto pela vegetação marginal.
We examined the relationships between environmental variations in lotic ecosystems with the seasonal dynamics of macroalgae communities at different spatial scales: drainage basin of two rivers (Rio das Pedras and Rio Marrecas), shading (open and shaded stream segments), mesohabitat (riffles and pools), and microhabitats. Data collections were made on a monthly basis between January and December/2007. A total of 16 taxa were encountered (13 species and 3 vegetative groups). All of the biotic parameters (richness, abundance, diversity, equitability, and dominance) were found to be highly variable at all of the spatial scales evaluated. On the other hand, abiotic variables demonstrated differences only at mesohabitat (in terms of current velocity) and shaded habitat (in terms of irradiance) scales. The seasonality of the macroalgae community structure was strongly influenced by microhabitat variables (current velocity, substrate H', and irradiance), demonstrating their importance over time and at different scales. Regional variables (temperature, oxygen saturation, specific conductance, pH, and turbidity) were found to have little influence on the temporal dynamics of the macroalgae communities evaluated.
We examined the ecological distribution of macroalgal communities in streams using species groups (taxonomic units = algal phyla, and morphological = morphological types) with similar structures and functions instead of the species themselves. The study was conducted from June to July/2007 in two drainage basins located in mid-southern region of Paraná State , Brazil. Evaluations of macroalgal communities took into consideration the following spatial scales: the drainage basin (the Pedras river and Marrecas river basins), shading regime (open and shaded stream segments), mesohabitats (riffles and pools), and microhabitats (sampling units of 0.05m2). A total of 29 taxa (23 subgeneric, one generic, and five vegetative groups) were identified. On these, 12 taxa belong to Chlorophyta, 11 to Cyanobacteria, four to Heterokontophyta, and two to Rhodophyta. The proportions of morphological types were: 24% free filaments, 17.25% mats, tufts, gelatinous colonies, and gelatinous filaments, 7% crusts. In terms of spatial scales, we observed a predominance of Chlorophyta in open stream segments and Cyanobacteria in shaded stream segments, reflecting the loss of competitive advantage of green algae in sites with low energy availability. In the mesohabitats, the morphological types recorded in pools were predominantly poorly adapted to fast currents (free filaments), while those found in riffles (mats, tufts and gelatinous filaments) were highly resistant to fast water flows. As such, the use of species groupings based on algal taxonomy associated with morphological characteristics proved to be useful to understanding the distributions of these organisms in lotic environments.
ABSTRACTWe discuss historic trends in large metropolitan areas in Brazil showing that manufacturing has decreased its share in the country but the movement was, in general, more intense in large metropolitan areas and particularly in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA). This movement was more intense in the 1980s and in the first half of the 1990s. From mid 1990s up to the end of the 2000s, the manufacturing share trend became flat. We speculate that the first period reflects the exhaustion of the process of import substitution that took place in the previous three decades (1950 to 1980). The second period, from 1993 to 2009, is representative of a new model of growth and the evidence that manufacturing share became flat is reinforcing the idea of a new period in terms of manufacturing employment. While concentration has risen from 1996 to 2005, it decreased again in the second half of the first decade of the 2000s. The SPMA reinvented itself very quickly from late 1970s to mid-2000s.