281 resultados para Cassava genotypes


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Heterodera glycines and Helicotylenchus dihystera were the two most abundant plant-parasitic nematodes found in two H. glycines race 3-infested fields, Chapadão do Céu, MS and Campo Alegre, MG. These fields had been planted with resistant (R) and susceptible (S) plants to cyst nematodes. In the first field, soybean (Glycine max) FT-Cristalina (S) was susceptible to H. glycines but resistant to H. dihystera, while GOBR93 122243 (R) was just the opposite. In the second field, M-Soy 8400 (R) was more resistant to the spiral nematode than M-Soy8411 (S), but the resistance to the cyst nematode was not different between the two genotypes. The total abundance of nematodes was not different between the susceptible and resistant plants in the two fields, suggesting that H. dihystera and/or bacterial feeders and other trophic groups replaced the reduced abundance of the cyst nematodes in resistant plants. Bacterial feeders acted as a compensatory factor to plant-parasitic nematodes in ecological function. The populations of fungal feeders were higher in GOBR93 122243 (R) than in susceptible FT-Cristalina (S) in Chapadão do Céu, but lower in M-Soy 8400 (R) than in M-Soy 8411 (S) in Campo Alegre. This is being attributed to the different periods of soil samplings that were made at the florescent period in the first field, and at the final growing cycle in the second field. Only four nematodes, H. glycines, H. dihystera, Acrobeles sp. and Panagrolaimus sp. dominated the nematode resistant community GOBR93 122243 (R) in Chapadão do Céu, but dominance was shared by ten genera in Campo Alegre, which explains why the five diversity indexes (S, d, Ds, H' and T) were higher in resistant plants than in susceptible plants in field two.


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The damage and the resistance levels of cultivars and accessions of common beans rescued in the South and mountain regions of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, to M. incognita race 3 and M. javanica parasitism were evaluated under a greenhouse. Four rescued bean genotypes ("FORT-10", "FORT-13", "FORT-16" and "FORT-19") and 2 commercial cultivars: "Pérola", and "Aporé", were tested. The cultivar "Rico-23" was included as standard of susceptibility to nematodes and non-inoculated plants constituted the control. Thus, the experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in 3 (treatments considering nematodes) x 7 (genotypes and bean cultivars) factorial arrangement, with 7 replicates. Data were measured at 50 days after plant inoculation. For damage quantification, the following variables were evaluated: plant height (PHE), number of nodes (NNO), number of trifoliate leaves (NRT), fresh matter weight (FWE) and dry matter weight (DWE) of shoots, root weight (RWE), number of root nodules (NRO) and final population (FPO) of nematodes per root system. There were no significant differences between the effects caused by M. incognita and M. javanica, but both species showed inferior values of PHE, NNO, NRT, RWE, FWE and DWE compared to controls. Concerning the levels of resistance of bean plants to M. incognita, the genotypes "FORT-10", "FORT-13", "Aporé" and "FORT-16" behaved as moderately resistant, the cultivars "Rico 23" and "Pérola" low resistant, and the genotype "FORT-19" as highly susceptible. When parasitized by M. javanica, the beans "FORT-19", "Rico-23", "FORT-16" and "FORT-13" were low resistant, "Pérola" and "Aporé" susceptible and "FORT-10" highly susceptible.


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Aqueous extracts of several plant species have shown promising in controlling root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White), one of the most limiting agents for carrot cultivation. The current study evaluated the effect of aqueous extracts from seven botanical species applied to 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 days after sowing 'Nantes' carrots in soil infested with root-knot nematode. Three other treatments included cassava wastewater, distilled water (control), which were applied in the same periods of the extracts application, in addition to carbofuran 50G (80Kg/ha), which was applied once at 60 days after carrot sowing. Evaluations were performed at 90 days after inoculation to determine shoot and root fresh weight, as well as the diameter and the length of principal roots and the number of galls on primary and secondary roots. Plants treated with cassava wastewater, extracts of Ricinus communis L. seeds, Crotalaria juncea L. seeds, R. communis leaves + branches + fruits, Chenopodium ambrosioides L. leaves + branches + inflorescences and Azadirachta indica A. Juss. seeds showed the highest rates of total weight (root + shoot) and shoot weight. The extract of R. communis leaves + branches + fruits provides the highest total root weight and principal root diameter. Cassava wastewater and extracts of R. communis seeds provided the highest principal root weight. The extract of R. communis seeds and cassava wastewater can be considered promising for the alternative control of M. incognita.


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The rice grain is frequently infected by a series of pathogens (fungi) during its storage, producing damages to the economy and health of humans. The aim of this study was to identify the fungal genera present in different rice genotypes and to quantify their variation during storage. Paddy, brown and milled rice fractions of Nutriar, (N) H329-5(H329) and Don Ignacio genotypes were analyzed at 4, 8 and 12 months of storage. Fungi were identified based on their micromorphological characteristics and colonies. The observed genera according to their frequency were: Alternaria, Nigrospora, Epicoccum, Bipolaris, Curvularia, Cladosporium and Fusarium (field fungi) and Penicillium and Aspergillus (storage fungi). The mycobiota composition was different depending on the grain fraction and the period of storage: field fungi were located in the hulls and bran layers, while storage fungi were mainly in the endosperm. The different genotypes showed different susceptibility to contamination.


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ABSTRACT This study estimates the repeatability coefficients of two production traits in two native populations of Brazil nut trees. It determines the number of years of suitable evaluations for an efficient selection process, determines the permanent phenotypic correlation between production traits and also the selection of promising trees in these populations. Populations, located in the Itã region (ITA) and in the in the Cujubim region (CUJ), are both belonging to the municipality of Caracaraí, state of Roraima - Brazil, and consist of 85 and 51 adult trees, respectively. Each tree was evaluated regarding the number of fruits per plant (NFP) and fresh seed weight per plant (SWP), for eight (ITA) and five consecutive years (CUJ). Statistical analyses were performed according to the mixed model methodology, using Software Selegen-REML/BLUP (RESENDE, 2007). The repeatability coefficients were low for NFP (0.3145 and 0.3269 for ITA and CUJ, respectively) and also for SWP (0.2957 and 0.3436 for ITA and CUJ, respectively). It on average takes nine evaluation years to reach coefficients of determination higher than 80%. Permanent phenotypic correlation values higher than 0.95 were obtained for NFP and SWP in both populations. Although trees with a high number of fruits and seed weight were identified, more evaluation years are needed to perform the selection process more efficiently.


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The use of anaerobic reactors with media support in the treatment of wastewater from the cassava starch industry has emerged as a viable option because it allows the application of high organic loads and a significant reduction of the HDT needed for the treatment. This research aimed at studying the process of biodigestion in two anaerobic reactors with bamboo support, in the treatment of effluent of cassava starch, by evaluating their performance. The two reactors used present the following diameter: length ratio, 1:6 and 1:3. The organic loads applied to the systems were 0.519, 1.156, 1.471, 3.049, 4.347, 4.708 and 5.601g.L-1.d-1. Regarding the efficiency of removal of COD, TS and TVS, no statistically significant differences were obtained between the reactors. The two systems evaluated showed a stable behavior with respect to the VA/TA (volatile acidity/total alkalinity) for all submitted loads. The reactors tended to the maintenance of biogas production as a function of consumed COD for the last three organic loads applied, indicating an ability to withstand higher organic loads.


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The cassava leaf, waste generated in the harvest of the roots, is characterized by high content of protein, vitamins and minerals; however, its use is limited due to the high fiber content and antinutritional substances, which can be removed by obtaining protein concentrates. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate protein extraction processes, aiming the use of cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crantz) as an alternative protein. Four methods were tested: 1) Coagulation of Proteins by Lowering the Temperature, 2) Extraction by Isoelectric Precipitation, 3) Solubilization of Proteins and 4) Fermentation of Filter Leaf Juice. To obtain the concentrates, the use of fresh or dried leaves and extraction in one or two steps were also evaluated. The solubilization of proteins (method 3) showed a higher extraction yield; however, with concentrate of low quality. The fermentation of the juice (method 4) produced concentrates with higher quality and lower costs and the isoelectric precipitation (method 2) promoted the obtention of concentrates in less time, both with good prospects for use. The use of two extraction steps was not advantageous to the process and there was no difference between the use of fresh or dried leaf, and the use of fresh leaves is presented as a good option for the simplicity of the method.


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Based on experimental tests, it was obtained the equations for drying, equilibrium moisture content, latent heat of vaporization of water contained in the product and the equation of specific heat of cassava starch pellets, essential parameters for realizing modeling and mathematical simulation of mechanical drying of cassava starch for a new technique proposed, consisting of preformed by pelleting and subsequent artificial drying of starch pellets. Drying tests were conducted in an experimental chamber by varying the air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and product load. The specific heat of starch was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. The generated equations were validated through regression analysis, finding an appropriate correlation of the data, which indicates that by using these equations, can accurately model and simulate the drying process of cassava starch pellets.


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The cassava starch industries generate a large volume of wastewater effluent that, stabilized in ponds, wastes its biogas energy and pollutes the atmosphere. To contribute with the reversion of this reality, this manipueira treatment research was developed in one phase anaerobic horizontal pilot reactor with support medium in bamboo pieces. The reactor was excavated into the ground and sealed with geomembrane in HDPE, having a volume equal to 33.6 m³ and continuous feeding by gravity. The stability indicators were pH, volatile acidity/total alkalinity ratio and biogas production. The statistical analyses were performed by a completely randomized design, with answers submitted to multivariate analysis. The organical loads in COD were 0.556; 0.670; 0.678 and 0.770 g L-1 and in volatile solids (VS) of 0.659; 0.608; 0.570 and 0.761 g L-1 for the hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 13.0; 11.5; 10.0 and 7.0 days, respectively. The reductions in COD were 88; 80; 88 and 67% and for VS of 76; 77; 65 and 61%. The biogas productions relatively to the consumed COD were 0.368; 0.795; 0.891 and 0.907 Lg-1, for the consumed VS of 0.524; 0.930; 1.757 and 0.952 Lg-1 and volumetric of 0.131; 0.330; 0.430 and 0.374 L L-1 d-1. The reactor remained stable and the bamboo pieces, in visual examination at the end of the experiment, showed to be in good physical conditions.


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A fuzzy ruled-based system was developed in this study and resulted in an index indicating the level of uncertainty related to commercial transactions between cassava growers and their dealers. The fuzzy system was developed based on Transaction Cost Economics approach. The fuzzy system was developed from input variables regarding information sharing between grower and dealer on “Demand/purchase Forecasting”, “Production Forecasting” and “Production Innovation”. The output variable is the level of uncertainty regarding the transaction between seller and buyer agent, which may serve as a system for detecting inefficiencies. Evidences from 27 cassava growers registered in the Regional Development Offices of Tupa and Assis, São Paulo, Brazil, and 48 of their dealers supported the development of the system. The mathematical model indicated that 55% of the growers present a Very High level of uncertainty, 33% present Medium or High. The others present Low or Very Low level of uncertainty. From the model, simulations of external interferences can be implemented in order to improve the degree of uncertainty and, thus, lower transaction costs.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate chemical attributes alterations of a clay-loam textured soil and dry mass accumulation of maize submitted to application of cassava wastewater doses in three assessment periods. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse using a completely randomized experimental design in a factorial 5 × 3, with four replicates. The analyzed factors of research were doses of cassava wastewater (0; 12.6; 25.2; 50.4; 75.6 m3 ha-1) andassessment periods (20, 40 and 52 days after germination). The following parameters were determined: electric conductivity of soil saturation extract, pH in water, content of available P, content of exchangeable K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+of soil, dry mass of leaves and stem. The application of cassava wastewater on soil enables increase of pH, electric conductivity of saturation extract, contents of available P, contents of exchangeable K+ and Na+ and dry mass of leaves and stem. However, only pH and content of exchangeable K+ of soil, the electric conductivity of saturation extract and dry mass of leaves and stem are influenced by assessment period.


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Attempting to associate waste treatment to the production of clean and renewable energy, this research sought to evaluate the biological production of hydrogen using wastewater from the cassava starch treatment industry, generated during the processes of extraction and purification of starch. This experiment was carried out in a continuous anaerobic reactor with a working volume of 3L, with bamboo stems as the support medium. The system was operated at a temperature of 36°C, an initial pH of 6.0 and under variations of organic load. The highest rate of hydrogen production, of 1.1 L.d-1.L-1, was obtained with application of an organic loading rate of 35 g.L-1.d-1, in terms of total sugar content and hydraulic retention time of 3h, with a prevalence of butyric and acetic acids as final products of the fermentation process. Low C/N ratios contributed to the excessive growth of the biomass, causing a reduction of up to 35% in hydrogen production, low percentages of H2 and high concentrations of CO2in the biogas.


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ABSTRACT2-Phenylethanol (PE) is an aromatic alcohol with a characteristic odor of roses, widely used in food industry to modify certain aroma compositions in formulations with fruit, jam, pudding, and chewing gums, and also in cosmetic and fragrance industry. This compound occurs naturally in low concentrations in some essential oils from flowers and plants. An alternative to plants extraction are biotechnological processes. This study evaluated 2-phenylethanol’s production in cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in cassava wastewater originated from starch industry. The substrate was supplemented with glucose and L-phenylalanine in order to obtain higher 2-phenylethanol concentrations and better efficiency in glucose/2-phenylethanol conversion. It was performed using Rotatable Center Composite Design and response surface analysis. Cultures were performed under aerobic conditions in a batch system in Erlenmeyer flasks containing 50 mL of medium in shaker at 150 rpm and 24 ± 1 ºC. The highest PE values ​​were obtained with supplementation of 20.0 g.L-1 of glucose and 5.5 g.L-1 of L-phenylalanine, which has been experimentally validated, obtaining a PE production of 1.33 g.L-1 and PE/glucose yield factor of 0.070 g.g-1, equivalent to 74.3 and 89.7% ​​of desirability values according to the validated model.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate characteristics associated with the photosynthetic activity of cassava plants in competition with weeds or not. The trial was performed on open environment conditions, with experimental units consisting of fiber glass vases with 150 dm³ filled with Red Yellow Latosol, previously fertilized. Treatments consisted in the cultivation of cassava plants isolated and associated to three weed species (Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis and Brachiaria plantaginea). After cassava shooting, 15 days after planting, a removal of the weeds excess was performed, sown at the time of cassava planting, leaving six plants m-2 of B. pilosa and four plants m-2 of C. benghalensis and B. plantaginea. At 60 days after emergence (DAE), stomatal conductance (Gs), vapor pressure in the substomatal cavity (Ean), temperature gradient between leaf and air (ΔT), transpiration rate (E) and water use efficiency (WUE) were evaluated. B. pilosa showed greater capacity to affect growth of cassava plants. B. plantaginea is very efficient in using water, especially by presenting C4 metabolism, and remains competitive with cassava even under temporarily low water status. C. benghalensis, in turn, is not a good competitor for light and apparently is not the primary cause of water depletion in the soil. The effects of weeds, in this case, were more associated with the competition. However, they were found between moderate to low. This implies that the competition established at experimental level was low.