132 resultados para Brightman, Edgar S.
The synthesis of layered double hydroxides (LDHs) by hydrothermal-LDH reconstruction and coprecipitation methods is reviewed using a thermodynamic approach. A mixture model was used for the estimation of the thermodynamics of formation of LDHs. The synthesis and solubility of LDHs are discussed in terms of standard molar Gibbs free energy change of reaction. Data for numerous divalent and trivalent metals as well as for some monovalent and tetravalent metals that may be part of the LDH structure have been compiled. Good agreement is found between theoretical and experimental data. Diagrams and tables for the prediction of possible new LDH materials are provided.
The deviations observed in the solubility of ibuprofen (IBP) and naproxen (NAP) in propylene glycol (PG) + water (W) cosolvent mixtures with respect to the logarithmic-linear model proposed by Yalkowsky have been analyzed at 25.00 ± 0.05 ºC. Negative deviations were obtained in all cosolvent compositions for both drugs; they were greater for IBP. Another treatment, based on Gibbs free energy relationships, was also employed showing an apparent hydrophobicity chameleonic effect, because at low PG proportions NAP is more hydrophobic, whereas at high PG proportions IBP is more hydrophobic. The results are discussed in terms of solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions.
The electrochemical oxidation of glyphosate on an electrode of nickel and on one of copper was studied. With both electrodes electrochemical signals related to the glyphosate concentration were observed. However, the behaviour of the copper electrode was much better than that of the nickel electrode. A calibration curve was obtained of the electrical signal of this electrode as a function of the glyphosate concentration. The detection limit was 30 µM. In the case of nickel, an increase in the oxidation signal, which is related to the glyphosate concentration, was obtained. However, the results were less reproducible and additional information is necessary to propose an interaction mechanism between glyphosate and the electrode.
The dissolution enthalpy (ΔH0soln) of sodium sulfacetamide in water was determined by means of isoperibolic solution calorimetry. It was found that ΔH0soln diminishes as the drug concentration increases. Otherwise, the calorimetric values obtained as a function of the drug concentration were significantly different than those predicted by the van't Hoff method. It was demonstrated that the later is not a fully reliable method for the determination of ΔH0soln values in the specific case of highly soluble sodium salts. The observed phenomenon could be explained by the presence of strong solute-solute interactions at high salt concentrations, in addition to solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions.
An apparatus which allows the direct measurement of the antioxidant capacity of volatiles compounds emitted from some herbs and culinary spices is described. The device comprises: a sample chamber, a mixing chamber, a pump and, a detection system. Volatiles from Clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry) were purged and captured into a DPPH-containing solution and changes in the absorbance were recorded on-line. Linear response was observed when temperature was set between 30-53 ºC; nitrogen flow was 15 mL min-1 during 60 min; DPPH concentration was 20 µmol L-1 and a sample size (powdered Clove) ranged between 200-1000 mg.
This paper presents a historical of the Biosilicate®, a bioactive glass-ceramic developed at the Vitreous Materials Laboratory of the Federal University of So Carlos, Brazil. After decades of study accomplished with bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics, Biosilicate® results from a natural evolution and has similar bioactivity index, but far superior mechanical properties than of all bioactive glasses. Biosilicate® is almost fully crystalline and also exhibits much higher bioactivity than all the currently commercially available bioactive glass-ceramics. Due to its special characteristics, Biosilicate® has been successfully tested for several medical and dental applications as we thoroughly discuss in this review paper.
Significant functions in the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) rely on Gas Diffusion Layers (GDLs), such as control the water balance in the membrane electrode assembly (MEA), allow suitable gas permeability and porosity, etc. Aware of the GDL importance in the cell performance and its great demand in scale-up projects, the fuel cell research group at Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) has developed a Sieve Printing method (innovative in Brazil) as a strategic solution for producing GDL and electrodes used in high power PEMFC stacks. The method has shown to be adequate to fabricate low cost electrodes, GDLs of different dimensions and to produce any amount of MEAs for power stacks.
A hydrogel comprised of chitosan crosslinked using the low-toxicity crosslinker genipin was prepared, and the absorption of glibenclamide by the hydrogel was investigated. Optimized structures and their molecular electrostatic potentials were calculated using the AM1 method, and the results were used to evaluate the molecular interactions between the three compounds. The quantitative structure-property relationship model was also used to estimate the activity of the chemicals on the basis their molecular structures. In addition, theoretical Fourier transform infrared spectra were calculated to analyze the intermolecular interactions in the proposed system. Finally, the hydrophilicity of the hydrogel and its influence on the absorption process were also estimated.
Este artigo apresenta, em primeiro lugar, uma reconstrução conceitual das razões que levam Leibniz, em sua correspondência com Arnauld, a introduzir o conceito de decretos divinos possíveis. Em um segundo momento, o artigo desenvolve alguns argumentos para demonstrar que a introdução desse conceito torna inconsistente a arquitetônica global da metafísica leibniziana.
O presente artigo tem por objetivo tornar claro que há um problema referente à origem da incompossibilidade na metafísica de Leibniz, fornecendo, em um segundo momento, uma resposta ao problema.
Defendo neste artigo, contra a interpretação de Robert Adams, a tese de que, na discussão com Fardella (1690), Leibniz adota uma ontologia realista, segundo a qual seres vivos, e não almas, so substâncias.
In this paper I examine Crispin Wright's modal anti-realism as based on the availability of a certain attitude of Caution towards judgements of necessity. I think that Wright's account should be attractive in several ways for modal theorists with an anti-realist bend. However, the attitude of Caution to which it appeals has attracted some controversy. Wright himself has later come to doubt whether Caution is ultimately coherent. Here I first address Wright's worries concerning the coherence of Caution and show that they are unfounded. But then I argue that although the attitude of Caution is coherent, it cannot provide a suitable basis for a non-eliminativist account of necessity. I offer two different objections against Caution. (1) I argue that Wright's appeal to Caution, if successful, would show not only that modal judgement is non-objective but also that it is dispensable. Thus, I claim that appeal to Caution would seem to serve more as a threat against a non-eliminativist account of necessity, rather than as a potential adequate basis for it. However, (2) I argue that Wright's appeal to Caution is unsuccessful, for there is no genuine Caution: Caution is a mere verbal attitude.
A presente pesquisa foi realizada em uma área de implantação de um povoamento florestal de eucalipto da Fazenda Água Limpa, da Universidade de Braslia, com o objetivo de avaliar os custos de produção e os tempos gastos nas etapas de produção de mudas, preparo do solo, plantio e tratos culturais. Todos os custos de produção das diversas etapas foram analisados, sendo os tempos cronometrados com o uso do método de tempos individuais. De acordo com os resultados, o custo médio para a implantação de 1 ha de eucalipto foi de R$ 703,02. Os maiores custos foram os da aquisição das bandejas e tubetes (28,3%), combate a formigas (16,7%), preparo do solo (14,1%) e mão-de-obra (11,1%). Os maiores tempos consumidos foram durante a capina do povoamento (27,0%), o plantio (22,0%), os tratos culturais no viveiro (19,0%) e a adubação (13,0%).
O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma metodologia para o cálculo da incerteza de medição do resultado do ensaio de resistência à compressão paralela às fibras. Pretendeu-se reunir subsdios que justifiquem a adoção do Procedimento de Cálculo de Incerteza de Medição como exigência normativa e parte integrante do relatório de ensaios de caracterização de madeiras. A motivação para a apresentação dessa proposta surgiu devido à dificuldade observada no atendimento a alguns requisitos técnicos da norma ABNT 2005 - NBR ISO/IEC 17025, em especial o requisito 5.9 sobre a "Garantia da Qualidade de Resultados de Ensaio e Calibração". A metodologia proposta consolida os procedimentos necessários para a obtenção da incerteza de medida individual da tenso de ruptura e o resultado da incerteza da média das tenses de ruptura. Essa metodologia atende aos requisitos de um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade. Os valores de incerteza obtidos dos resultados individuais da tenso de ruptura foram pouco significativos, indicando elevada qualidade dos equipamentos e boa calibração dos mesmos. Já a incerteza de medição da média da tenso de ruptura foi considerável, indicando a importância de sua consideração na segurança das estruturas de madeira.
Seis sistemas de tratamento, compostos por três filtros anaeróbios com escoamento descendente, seguidos por seis Sistemas Alagados Construídos (SACs), tiveram suas condições operacionais avaliadas quando utilizados no tratamento da água residuária do processamento dos frutos do cafeeiro (ARC). Os filtros foram confeccionados em PVC (1,5 m de altura e 0,35 m de diâmetro) e preenchidos com brita nº 2. Os SACs foram constituídos por caixas de madeira (1,5 m de comprimento, 0,4 m de altura e 0,5 m de largura), sendo impermeabilizados e preenchidos com brita "zero". A ARC teve o pH corrigido com cal até valores próximos a 7,0, e a concentração de nutrientes alterada, de forma a se obter uma relação DBO/N/P de 100/5/1. Em metade dos SACs foi plantado o azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), e na outra metade, aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb). Como resultado, observou-se que as espécies vegetais cultivadas nos SACs não influenciaram nas eficiências globais de remoção de poluentes pelos sistemas. Os sistemas que receberam as menores cargas orgânicas apresentaram as maiores eficiências de remoção de matéria orgânica, alcançando 78% para DQO e 70% para DBO. A remoção de SST foi superior a 70% em todos os sistemas avaliados, indicando a viabilidade da aplicação de filtro anaeróbio seguido por SACs no tratamento da ARC.