155 resultados para APOPTOTIC MARKERS
The purpose of this research was to study the genetic diversity and genetic relatedness of 60 genotypes of grapevines derived from the Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Semiárido, Juazeiro, BA, Brazil. Seven previously characterized microsatellite markers were used: VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD27, VVMD3, ssrVrZAG79 and ssrVrZAG62. The expected heterozygosity (He) and polymorphic information content (PIC) were calculated, and the cluster analysis were processed to generate a dendrogram using the algorithm UPGMA. The He ranged from 81.8% to 88.1%, with a mean of 84.8%. The loci VrZAG79 and VVMD7 were the most informative, with a PIC of 87 and 86%, respectively, while VrZAG62 was the least informative, with a PIC value of 80%. Cluster analysis by UPGMA method allowed separation of the genotypes according to their genealogy and identification of possible parentage for the cultivars 'Dominga', 'Isaura', 'CG 26916', 'CG28467' and 'Roni Redi'.
Ilex paraguariensis (yerba-mate) is used as a beverage, and its extract requires adequate quality control methods in order to guarantee quality and safe use. Strategies to develop and optimize a chromatographic method to quantify theobromine, caffeine, and chlorogenic acid in I. paraguariensis extracts were evaluated by applying a quality by design (QbD) model and ultra high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC). The presence of these three phytochemical markers in the extracts was evaluated using UHPLC-MS and was confirmed by the chromatographic bands in the total ion current traces (m/z of 181.1 [M+H]+, 195.0 [M+H]+, and 353.0 [M−H]−, respectively). The developed method was then transferred to a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) platform, and the three phytochemical markers were used as external standards in the validation of a method for analyses of these compounds in extracts using a diode array detector (DAD). The validated method was applied to quantify the chlorogenic acid, caffeine, and theobromine in the samples. HPLC-DAD chromatographic fingerprinting was also used in a multivariate approach to process the entire data and to separate the I. paraguariensis extracts into two groups. The developed method is very useful for qualifying and quantifying I. paraguariensis extracts.
Fungal diseases in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), such as anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gossypii and ramulose caused by C. gossypii var. cephalosporioides, are responsible for large yield losses. These pathogens are seed borne and morphologically similar although they induce different symptoms, which can lead to misdiagnosis using the blotter testing method. The present study was carried out to assess the viability of using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers to differentiate these pathogens. Five isolates, for each pathogen, were classified according to pathogenicity on cotton plants, and mycelial growth morphology. Conidial suspensions were sprayed on 30-day-old cotton plants and the symptoms assessed ten and 40 days after inoculation. For growth morphology 200 cottonseeds were inoculated with seven-day-old pure cultures, and the mycelial traits observed under a stereoscopic microscope seven days after inoculation. The DNA for AFLP analysis was obtained from seven-day-old fungal mycelia grown in liquid medium, using the Dneasy Qiagen protocol. Using the AFLP technique 318 polymorphic bands were selected to estimate similarities using Dice's Coefficient. The results clearly distinguished between ramulose and anthracnose isolates, which agreed with morphological and pathogenicity testing.
Lasiodiplodia theobromae is an important fungal pathogen of higher plants from tropical and sub-tropical regions. The fungus infects divergent hosts in a wide range of environmental conditions, suggesting that it is highly variable. The aim of this study was to develop new polymorphic microsatellite markers from a Brazilian isolate of L. theobromae that can be used in population studies of this and related fungi. The nine microsatellite markers developed included six that revealed allelic polymorphisms among nine isolates of the disease collected from infected plants in Brazil. Preliminary evaluation of the markers suggested substantial genetic variability among Brazilian L. theobromae populations. These markers have potential utility for evolutionary and epidemiologic studies of this fungus.
Teak (Tectona grandis) is one of the main timber species in the world with high economic value, famous for its beauty, strength and durability. The objective of this work was to characterize the genetic diversity of teak genotypes used in Brazilian plantations. Nine microsatellite primers were used to assess 60 teak genotypes, including 33 genotypes from seeds of plantations and 14 clones from Cáceres municipality, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, and 13 clones from Honduras, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast and Solomon Islands. Two groups of genotypes were detected using the Bayesian Structure analysis: 80% were placed in group 1, represented by genotypes from Cáceres and one from Malaysia, and 20% allocated in group 2, composed of clones from India, Solomon Islands, Malaysia and Honduras and the clones from the Ivory Coast. Most of the genetic variability (73%) was concentrated within groups according to AMOVA analysis. Genetic parameters were estimated for the two groups obtained in the analysis of Structure. Moderate genetic diversity was found, with 4.1 alleles per locus, on average, and an average heterozygosity of 0.329, which was lower than the expected heterozygosity (He = 0.492). Group 1 showed the lowest values for these parameters. Suggestions were made concerning the identification of contrasting genotypes to be used as parents in breeding programs.
The Barrett's esophagus (BE) is defined as endoscopically visible columnar mucosa at the distal esophagus, of any extension, proved to harbor intestinal metaplasia on biopsy, highlighted by the presence of goblet cells. BE denotes long-standing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and is an important risk factor for the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). Therefore, these patients must be on follow-up, in order to diagnose cancer early. BE patients have frequent alterations in esophageal physiologyc studies. Alkaline duodenogastroesophageal reflux seems to have important role. The development BE occurs in steps, initially with formation of cardiac type mucosa subsequent intestinalization. Futher progression can follow a sequence, from low grade dysplasia, to high grade dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Current follow-up is based on the presence of dysplasia. It has limitations, grouping patients heterogeneously. Different steps of carcinogenesis have been studied looking for an ideal prognostic marker. Uncontrolled proliferative activity, apoptosis inhibition, angiogenesis, tissue invasion and metastases formation are all implicated in cancer origin. Some cycle cell molecules have been studied in BE, such as retinoblastoma protein, ciclins, kinase dependent ciclins and cell cycle inhibitors. The P53 protein is one of the most investigated in the metaplasia-adenocarcinoma progression. Growth Factors, apoptotic proteins, telomers and DNA ploidy have also been searched. Increased proliferative activity has been implicated in Barrett's carcinogenesis and the Ki-67 antigen, through imunohistochemical analysis, has become the the method of choice. Present in the nucleus, it is found in proliferative cells only. Some studies suport association between Ki-67 activity and the metaplasia-dysplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence.The results, however, are inconclusive and research should follow this way.
OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of radiographic signs of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in asymptomatic adults and correlate them with data from physical examinations. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study with 82 asymptomatic volunteers, 164 hips, between 40 and 60 years of age, selected by convenience. They were submitted to anamnesis and clinical examination of the hip, anteroposterior (AP) pelvis radiographs with three incidences, Dunn 45° and Lequesne false profile of each hip, to measure the variables. We measured the alpha angle, anterior offset of the femoral neck, cervical diaphyseal angle, CE angle of Wiberg, acetabular index, Sharp angle, and the crossing, ischial spine and posterior wall signs. RESULTS: our sample consisted of 66% women, mean age of 50.4 years. The average alpha angle was 45.10°, SD=8.6. One quarter of the hips showed alpha angle greater than or equal to 50°; among men the prevalence was 34%, and among women, 11%. We found indicative radiographic signs of femoroacetabular impingement in 42.6% of hips, whether femoral or acetabular, and the increased alpha angle was related to the decrease in hip internal rotation (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: the radiographic findings of femoroacetabular impingement in asymptomatic patients were frequent in the studied sample. The increase in alpha angle was associated with decreased internal rotation.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate serum levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (INOS), myeloperoxidase (MPO), total antioxidant status (TAS), and total oxidative status (TOS) in women with primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) and to compare them with healthy fertile women. We also examined the possible risk factors associated with POI.METHODS: This cross-sectional case control study was conducted in Zekai Tahir Burak Women's Health Education and Research Hospital. The study population consisted of 44 women with POI (study group) and 36 healthy fertile women (control group). In all patients, serum levels of INOS, MPO, TAS, and TOS were determined. INOS and MPO levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay whereas colorimetric method was used for evaluating TAS and TOS levels. Age, body mass index (BMI), obstetric history, smoking status, family history, comorbidities, sonographic findings, complete blood count values, C-reactive protein and baseline hormone levels were also analyzed. Student's t-test or Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare continuous variables between the groups; categorical data were evaluated by using Pearson χ2 or Fisher exact test, when appropriate. Binary logistic regression method was used to identify risk factors for POI.RESULTS: We found significantly elevated levels of INOS (234.1±749.5 versus133.8±143.0; p=0.005), MPO (3,438.7±1,228.6 versus 2,481.9±1,230.1; p=0.001), and TOS (4.3±1.4 versus 3.6±1.4; p=0.02) in the sera of the study group when compared to the BMI-age matched control group. However, difference in serum levels of TAS were not significant between the 2 groups (1.7±0.2 versus 1.6±0.2; p=0.15). Logistic regression method demonstrated that BMI <25 kg/m2, nulliparity, family history of POI, smoking, and elevated serum levels of INOS, MPO, and TOS were independent risk factors for POI.CONCLUSION: We found an increase in INOS, MPO, and TOS in women with POI. These serum markers may be promising in early diagnosis of POI. Further large-scale studies are required to determine whether oxidative stress markers have a role in diagnosing POI.
Objective The aim of this study was to determine the expression of the immunohistochemical markers p16 and Ki-67 in cervical intraepithelial neoplasms and their influence on the level of agreement among different observers and for the same observer. Methods The study included 184 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasms previously confirmed through biopsies performed between 2005 and 2006. Three pathologists reviewed the biopsies by using hematoxylin-eosin staining to reach a consensus on the diagnosis. Subsequently, an immunohistochemical study analyzed the expression of p16 and Ki-67 in such cases. Results The comparison among the reviewing pathologists revealed only moderate agreement (kappa = 0.44). The agreement improved when the differentiation of highgrade lesions (cervical intraepithelial neoplasm - CIN - 3) was analyzed (kappa = 0.59). p16 staining exhibited a high negative predictive value and sensitivity; however, the specificity was low. Overall, both qualitative and quantitative analyses of p16 and a quantitative analysis Ki-67 exhibited low accuracy. The agreement among diagnoses before immunohistochemistry was 0.47. The use of immunohistochemistry increased the agreement to 0.68. Conclusion Our study showed that the agreement among observers using traditional diagnostic criteria of cervical intraepithelial lesions can improve with the use of immunohistochemistry.
The immunodetection of diverse cell markers was evaluated in prostatic samples from bullocks, and bullocks showing epithelial hyperplasia-metaplasia, with oestrogen-induced changes, and in experimental samples from bullocks inoculated with dietylstilbestrol (DES). Antigen-retrieval procedures allowed the use of tissues that had been fixed in formalin for long periods. Three tissue markers were chosen for the study: cytokeratins 13 and 16, vimentin and desmin. Monoclonal antibody K8.12 (specific for cytokeratins 13 and 16) stained basal cells and hyperplastic-metaplastic epithelium; monoclonal antivimentin, and desmin, allowed the definition of fibromuscular changes.
Several characteristics are important in a traceability system of animal products, such as age at slaughter, breed composition, besides information of the productive chain. In general, the certification agent records information about the animals and the system which it came from, although cannot guarantee that the slaughtering, meat processing and distribution are error proof. Besides, there is a differential price, at least at the international market, based on sex and breed composition of the animals. Genetic markers allow identification of characteristics controlled in the beef cattle traceability program, as sex and breed composition, in order to correctly identify and appraise the final product for the consumer. The hypothesis of this study was that the majority beef samples retailed in the local market originate from female with a great participation of zebu breeds. Therefore, the objective of this work was to characterize retail beef samples with DNA markers that identify cattle sex and breed composition. Within 10 beef shops localized in Pirassununga, SP, Brazil, 61 samples were collected, all were genotyped as harboring Bos taurus mitochondrial DNA and 18 were positive for the Y chromosome amplification (male). For the marker sat1711b-Msp I the frequency of the allele A was 0.278 and for the marker Lhr-Hha I the frequency of the allele T was 0.417. The results of sat1711b-Msp I and Lhr-Hha I allelic frequencies are suggestive that the proportion of indicus genome compared with the taurine genome in the market meat is smaller than the observed in the Nellore breed. The procedure described in this study identified sex and subspecies characteristics of beef meat samples, with potential application in meat products certification in special as an auxiliary tool in beef cattle traceability programs.
Morphological and immunohistochemical characterization of angiogenic and apoptotic factors and the expression of thyroid receptors in the ovary of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in captivity were studied. The morphological evaluation of the ovaries was performed by histological paraffin embedded and stained with HE. The immunohistochemical expressions of CDC47, VEGF, Flk-1, angiopoietin, Tie-2 and thyroid receptor (TRα) were performed by the technique of streptavidein-biotin-peroxidase. Apoptosis was assessed using the TUNEL kit. The relative expression of thyroid hormone receptors (TRα and TRβ) was assessed by RT-PCR real time. The nuclear expression of CDC47 increased with the stage of maturation of the oocyte and was observed in the follicle cells. Apoptotic bodies were observed in the follicular cells of atretic follicles and postovulatory follicles from the ovaries of 150g and 350g fish. Expression of VEGF and its receptor Flk-1 was also observed in the follicular cells, and the expression of both increased with the maturity of the oocyte, with a higher intensity observed in the full-grown follicle. The expression of angiopoietin and of its receptor (Tie 2) was discrete and moderate respectively. TRα expression was independent of follicular development. However, the 350 g tilapia exhibited higher expression of TRβ compared with the 50 g tilapia. We conclude that the proliferative activity and the expression of VEGF and its receptor increase with follicular maturation and that the TRs expression increases with ovarian maturity in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
Hybridization between B. involutum and B. weddellii (Orchidaceae) has been first observed in the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, the hybrid being described as B. ×cipoense Borba & Semir. In this study, allozime electrophoresis was used to test the hypothesis of occurrence of hybridization between these two species, as suggested by morphological characters, in the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia State, Brazil. The lack of a diagnostic locus does not allow definite confirmation of the natural hybridization, although this hypotheses is reinforced by the absence of exclusive alleles in the putative hybrid individuals. The existence of several different genotypes points out to either population derived from multiple hybridization events or the hybrids produced offspring. Homozigosity in some morphologically intermediate individuals of alelles which are exclusive to B. involutum and high genetic similarity between them reinforce the hypotheses of introgression in B. involutum, but not in B. weddellii. Genetic variability observed in B. weddellii (He = 0.21) and B. involutum (He = 0.35) is high. Bulbophyllum weddellii and B. involutum presented very high genetic similarity values (0.94). These species, although vegetatively similar, have been placed in different sections based on floral morphology. The results suggest that these species may be more related than previously supposed.
Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) is a serious weed in North America. A high number of wild proso millet biotypes are known but the genetic basis of its phenotypic variation is poorly understood. In the present study, a non-radioactive silver staining method for PCR-Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) was evaluated for studying genetic polymorphism in American proso millet biotypes. Twelve biotypes and eight primer combinations with two/three and three/three selective nucleotides were used. Pair of primers with two/three selective nucleotides produced the highest number of amplified DNA fragments, while pair of primers with three/three selective nucleotides were more effective for revealing more polymorphic DNA fragments. The two better primer combinations were EcoR-AAC/Mse-CTT and EcoR-ACT/Mse-CAA with seven and eleven polymorphic DNA fragments, respectively. In a total of 450 amplified fragments, at least 339 appeared well separated in a silver stained acrylamide gel and 39 polymorphic DNA bands were scored. The level of polymorphic DNA (11.5%) using only eight pairs of primers were effective for grouping proso millet biotypes in two clusters but insufficient for separating hybrid biotypes from wild and crop. Nevertheless, the present result indicates that silver stained AFLP markers could be a cheap and important tool for studying genetic relationships in proso millet.
Reading the human Y chromosome: the emerging DNA markers and human genetic history.