111 resultados para 146-892E
PURPOSE:To compare the prognostic and predictive features between in situ and invasive components of ductal breast carcinomas. METHODS:We selected 146 consecutive breast samples with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) associated with adjacent invasive breast carcinoma (IBC). We evaluated nuclear grade and immunohistochemical expression of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), cytokeratin 5/6 (CK5/6), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in both components, in situ and invasive, and the Ki-67 percentage of cells in the invasive part. The DCIS and IBC were classified in molecular surrogate types determined by the immunohistochemical profile as luminal (RE/PR-positive/ HER2-negative), triple-positive (RE/RP/HER2-positive), HER2-enriched (ER/PR-negative/HER2-positive), and triple-negative (RE/RP/HER2-negative). Discrimination between luminal A and luminal B was not performed due to statistical purposes. Correlations between the categories in the two groups were made using the Spearman correlation method. RESULTS:There was a significant correlation between nuclear grade (p<0.0001), expression of RE/RP (p<0.0001), overexpression of HER2 (p<0.0001), expression of EGFR (p<0.0001), and molecular profile (p<0.0001) between components in situ and IBC. CK 5/6 showed different distribution in DCIS and IBC, presenting a significant association with the triple-negative phenotype in IBC, but a negative association among DCIS. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that classical prognostic and predictive features of IBC are already determined in the preinvasive stage of the disease. However the role of CK5/6 in invasive carcinoma may be different from the precursor lesions.
Objective The objective of this study is to assess the performance of cytopathology laboratories providing services to the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods This descriptive study uses data obtained from the Cervical Cancer Information System from January to December 2012. Three quality indicators were analyzed to assess the quality of cervical cytopathology tests: positivity index, percentage of atypical squamous cells (ASCs) in abnormal tests, and percentage of tests compatiblewith high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs). Laboratories were classified according to their production scale in tests per year≤5,000; from 5,001 to 10,000; from 10,001 to 15,000; and 15,001. Based on the collection of variables and the classification of laboratories according to production scale, we created and analyzed a database using Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003. Results In the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, 146 laboratories provided services to the SUS in 2012 by performing a total of 1,277,018 cervical cytopathology tests. Half of these laboratories had production scales≤5,000 tests/year and accounted for 13.1% of all tests performed in the entire state; in turn, 13.7% of these laboratories presented production scales of > 15,001 tests/year and accounted for 49.2% of the total of tests performed in the entire state. The positivity indexes of most laboratories providing services to the SUS in 2012, regardless of production scale, were below or well below recommended limits. Of the 20 laboratories that performed more than 15,001 tests per year, only three presented percentages of tests compatible with HSILs above the lower limit recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Conclusion The majority of laboratories providing services to the SUS in Minas Gerais presented quality indicators outside the range recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health.
A doença de Aujeszky (DA), ou pseudo-raiva, é uma enfermidade infecto-contagiosa de etiologia viral de grande importância para a suinocultura comercial em todo o mundo. A infecção causa perdas econômicas diretas e indiretas, pela restrição ao comércio internacional de produtos suínos. Embora a DA venha sendo notificada em várias regiões do Brasil desde o início do século XX, o Rio Grande do Sul (RS) permanecia "provisoriamente livre" com base em critérios da Organização Internacional de Epizootias (OIE). Em 2003 ocorreram dois focos da enfermidade em municípios do norte do RS, limítrofes com Santa Catarina, Estado que tem registrado vários focos nos últimos anos. Como estratégia de combate foram determinados o rastreamento da movimentação de suínos, a interdição da área e a erradicação dos focos através de abate sanitário em matadouros sob Inspeção Federal. No evento 1 (Pinheirinho do Vale, janeiro de 2003) cinco unidades produtoras de leitões (UPLs) foram afetadas, sendo que uma apresentou animais com sinais clínicos. A partir desse foco foram rastreados 42.399 suínos em 146 rebanhos, sendo eliminados seis rebanhos - o foco índice e cinco outras com sorologia positiva - num total de 7.822 animais. No evento 2 (Aratiba, setembro de 2003), a disseminação da infecção foi maior, atingindo outros três municípios e 77 granjas (nove com sinais clínicos, 68 com sorologia positiva). Foram rastreados 109.316 suínos em 630 rebanhos, com a erradicação de 28.443 animais das granjas que apresentaram sinais clínicos ou sorologia positiva. No total foram rastreados 151.715 animais em 776 rebanhos, sendo detectados 71 rebanhos com sorologia positiva. Essas medidas foram eficazes na erradicação dos focos e impediram a disseminação da enfermidade para outras regiões, permitindo ao RS readquirir o status sanitário anterior aos surtos.
In the state Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, outbreaks of meningoencephalitis by BoHV-5 and polioencephalomalacia (PEM) display similar epidemiological features, suggesting that meningoencephalitis may be associated with reactivation of a latent BoHV-5 infection, during the development of PEM. To test this hypothesis, four 7-8 months old steers negative for BoHV-5 antibodies were inoculated intranasally with BoHV-5 and received amprolium from day 35 to day 105 after inoculation. Because PEM was not produced during this period, ammonium sulphate was given from day 114 to day 180 after inoculation. Two uninfected control steers received amprolium and ammonium sulphate for the same periods. All inoculated cattle developed antibodies against BoHV-5 after inoculation and the virus was isolated from nasal swabs, indicating that they were infected. Two inoculated steers had clinical signs of PEM after 118 and 146 days after virus inoculation. One was euthanized after a clinical manifestation period of seven days and had severe lesions of PEM and meningoencephalitis. BoHV-5 was isolated from the central nervous system of this animal. The other animal recovered but continued to manifest chronic signs of PEM and was euthanatized. On histological examination, the cerebral cortex, caudate nucleus and thalamus had multifocal areas of malacia and mild meningoencephalitis of the cortex. BoHV-5 was not isolated from the brain. One uninfected control steer had signs of neurological disease on day 158 and had lesions of PEM without meningoencephalitis at necropsy. The simultaneous production of PEM and diffuse meningoencephalitis, with isolation of BoHV-5, in one steer treated with ammonium sulphate, 118 days after BoHV-5 inoculation, suggests that latent BoHV-5 was reactivated in this animal submitted to experimental induction of PEM.
A particularidade da secreção láctea caprina, do tipo apócrina, diferente da secreção merócrina da vaca, leva a erros de interpretação durante a realização de técnicas de avaliação da celularidade do leite de fêmeas desta espécie. Portanto, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar a contagem de células somáticas pelo método indireto California Mastitis Test (CMT), e por métodos diretos, incluindo a contagem por citometria de fluxo e a contagem microscópica direta, através da coloração de verde de metil e pironina-Y, além de comparar os métodos de contagem celular. Foram analisadas 102 amostras de 51 fêmeas caprinas, das raças Saanen, Parda Alpina e Toggenburg, criadas no Estado de São Paulo. Os animais foram categorizados segundo a fase da lactação, exame físico da glândula mamária e exame do leite. As amostras foram colhidas, após a realização do exame Califórnia Mastitis Test, em duas alíquotas, uma destinada à contagem celular automática e a outra, a contagem microscópica direta, utilizando-se o corante verde de metil e pironina- Y. De acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, observou- se 74,5% de amostras negativas, 8,8% de amostras com escore traços, 8,8% de amostras ligeiramente positivas (+), 6,8% de amostras fracamente positivas (++) e 0,9% de amostras fortemente positivas (+++). Os valores medianos das contagens de células somáticas presentes no leite de cabras, avaliadas através de contador automático e microscopia direta, e analisadas de acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, foram, respectivamente, 181.000, 578.000, 628.000, 1.421.500 e 5.542.000 células/mL de leite e 74.991, 271.396, 71.420, 640.995 e 5.049.394 células/ mL de leite, nos escores negativo, traços, +, ++ e +++. Os valores medianos obtidos através da contagem de células somáticas pelo método automático e microscópico direto, de acordo com as fases de lactação foram de 159.500, 508.000 e 277.500 células/mL de leite, e 62.493, 89.275 e 146.411. A correlação obtida entre a contagem celular automática e microscópica direta foi de 88%. A partir dos resultados observados pode-se concluir que existe diferença na contagem celular determinada através do método automático e microscópico sendo este último o mais adequado para a determinação da celularidade no leite de cabras.
Over the last decades, the emphasis on the health of dairy cows has changed from an individual to a herd level. In this scenario, the role played by the recording system and its interpretation by veterinarians has gained primordial importance. The records of productive and reproductive performance and of sanitary status from a southern Brazilian dairy cattle herd have been presented and discussed. The period of study was 2000-2009. Mean values per lactation period were 349D 8436M 290F 275P 201SCS (D: days in lactation, M: kg of milk yield, F: kg of fat, P: kg of protein and SCS: somatic cell score in 1000 cells/ml of milk). Major indexes of reproductive efficiency included age at first calving (31 months), services per conception (2.1), intercalving interval (428 days), calving to conception interval (146 days), mean annual rates of parturitions (76.2%), fetal losses (9.8-19.0%), and stillbirths (3.6%), apart of voluntary waiting period (94 days). Main information on sanitary status of the herd was associated with the mean prevalence of common disorders of dairy cattle such as anaplasmosis (29.8%), mastitis (27.8%), digital diseases (26.3%), ovarian cysts (21.3%), placental retention (19.7%), postpartum uterine infections (10.6%), and calf diarrhea (23.7%) and pneumonia (16.8%), among others. In addition, culling reasons (low reproductive performance [56.3%] and udder/mastitis problems [33.6%]), causes of cattle deaths (anaplasmosis [16.4%] and leukosis [11.4]), and the impact of cattle diseases such as tuberculosis, leukosis, and neosporosis on the herd have also been presented and succinctly discussed. Numbers between brackets represent rates accumulated in the 10-year period.